Teenager Mutilates 24+ Pets

He's not mentally ill. He's a sociopath. No doubt about it. Sociopathology is not a mental illness. Mental illness implies that there is something wrong with the person that can be fixed, that the person wants relief from. When sociopaths are educated about what it is like to have a conscience, the cant comprehend why someone would want that. They don't want help, they don't see themselves as sick, they don't want to change. This kid should be executed! I'm not even kidding, I really think this calls for death penalty.
Gosh! I am incredibly impressed and let me tell you it takes a great deal to impress me.

I never imagined that anyone could have the intellect and training to conduct a detailed, probing psychological study and make a clear diagnosis, all on the basis of a couple of news reports, a photograph and an internet discussion. You have quite taken my breath away with this almost magical display of intelligence, perception and forensic guile.

You don't think there is an outside chance that PieAreSquared has a point?
Don't you think he needs to be convicted first?
I think he has a great jump on taxidermy school...maybe some of these bleeding who want to take it easy on him will contribute to his education. I say waterboard the little shit every time he wants to do a kitten. Or, raise him like that and send him out into the world overseas somewhere...
They should implant a transmitter into his body. Somewhere he can't take it out of.

Many people here are jumping to the conclusion that this kid is totally whacked, and a psychopath, odd yes but totally nuts, no. As I mentioned I only read that he killed the cats, and then mutilated some, but maybe he only gutted them. The media loves to sensationalize stories like this, but if you read between the lines on the article all it said was that he mutilated cats, but mentioned nothing of the actual torturing of them. The article may lead some to think he skinned them alive but there is no evidence of this and who is to say this mutilation wasn’t postmortem, thus not being torture to the cats. Also I read others might be charged indicating he didn’t act alone.

To give him prison time or want him executed over the top and this is stupid IMHO.

BTW has anyone seen my little black and white kitty?
I don’t know about prison, maybe he can use the same argument Debbie Lafave used, that being sent to prison would be like throwing raw meat to the lions. Maybe he will get probation just like she did.
I continue to be fascinated by the majority of posters who believe in the concept "Guilty until proven innocent'. Please pm me your real names so I can have you removed from the jury should I find myself on trial for any reason.
You don't think there is an outside chance that PieAreSquared has a point?

I continue to be fascinated by the majority of posters who believe in the concept "Guilty until proven innocent'. Please pm me your real names so I can have you removed from the jury should I find myself on trial for any reason.

I thought it was a given that I meant everything I said should he be proven guilty. I guess I need to realize that some people tend to jump to conclusions.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I have done extensive personal studies into mental health and mental disorders, especially personality disorders such as antisocial personality disorder (sociopathology). Not that that qualifies me to make psychological diagnoses, but I'm not pulling shit out of my ass here.
I continue to be fascinated by the majority of posters who believe in the concept "Guilty until proven innocent'. Please pm me your real names so I can have you removed from the jury should I find myself on trial for any reason.

I agree with you, and as I have been pointing out there are holes in the article and I don’t think this kid is guilty of the heinous nature of the cat crimes as is suggested. He is like you said innocent until proven guilty.

I also agree there are way too many people in the world that are so quick to judge and condemn without the true facts.
I agree with you, and as I have been pointing out there are holes in the article .
Indeed. Your points about the timing of the gutting are spot on.
The media appear to be going for maximum shock value (what a surprise!:rolleyes:) rather than accuracy. Most of the posters on the thread appear to be going for maximum outrage, rather than objective assessment. Why am I not surprised?
Many people here are jumping to the conclusion that this kid is totally whacked, and a psychopath, odd yes but totally nuts, no. As I mentioned I only read that he killed the cats, and then mutilated some, but maybe he only gutted them. The media loves to sensationalize stories like this, but if you read between the lines on the article all it said was that he mutilated cats, but mentioned nothing of the actual torturing of them. The article may lead some to think he skinned them alive but there is no evidence of this and who is to say this mutilation wasn’t postmortem, thus not being torture to the cats. Also I read others might be charged indicating he didn’t act alone.

To give him prison time or want him executed over the top and this is stupid IMHO.

BTW has anyone seen my little black and white kitty?

Mutilating a body, alive or dead, is wrong. For someone to do that just for fun is really screwed up.
Why would the kid just mutilate cat corpses for no reason, though? Most his age don't exactly spend their time looking for dead cats to gut, you know.
Why would the kid just mutilate cat corpses for no reason, though? Most his age don't exactly spend their time looking for dead cats to gut, you know.

This is true, hence the indication that there is something wrong with him.

Its not unnatural for adolescent boys to go through a phase where they kill things. Most grow out of it. But the "normal" adolescent boy who goes through this phase rarely if ever kills and mutilates. Most boys get a gun or slingshot and practice on wild animals such as birds or squirrels, or something of the like. Whats indicative of a problem is if the killing escalates into mutilation, or if the killing is peoples pets. I don't condone young boys shooting wild animals with their bb guns, but it is considered a natural part of development.
And just so you know, Enmos believes that homeless people are not real people, therefore he kills and mutilates them as a form of stress relief :p