Teenager Mutilates 24+ Pets

I always get creeped out by these arguments that animals don't have the rights of humans because they're not as intelligent or they don't talk or whatever, I just don't see how any of these things in any way make them more deserving of cruelty, or that it's less of an attrocity to torture and murder them. In my mind it seems obviously quite the opposite.
I can't think of any human as innocent or undeserving of poor treatment as an animal like a dog or cat, regardless of intelligence or ability to speak or wear pants or whatever, I fail to see how those things are even mildly relavent.
The ability of a human to understand makes it all the less cruel, there's something especially wrong about torture/cruelty/etc directed towards animals BECAUSE they are less intelligent and unable to communicate their feelings etc. In precisely the same way crimes against children are all the more unpalatable.
The logic of the general public's perception is inconsistent, with humans it gets more and more attrocious and awful the more innocent and naive and unaware the victim, then with animals it's no big deal because they're too innocent and naive and unaware.
In my mind, and heart, cruelty to humans is quite trivial in relation to cruelty to animals. It's how I naturally feel and also it seems to logically make sense.
Oh I think poisoning neighbourhood cats would indicate severe mental issues quite clearly as well, as does being neutral when it comes to killing cats and dogs. You fucking psycho (in the literal sense, not in a cool or tough way). .

Are you “Trolling” to flame or instigate trouble by using profanity to insult other members who you either want to incite or because you disagree with?

Poisoning animals might actually be more telling, in my experience people inclined to poison anything, even plants or insects, tend to have strangely destructive tendencies and lack a conscience in general. It's only more cowardly and perverse, no less cruel than slaughtering with a knife or club.

Here is where you and I will disagree, and just because someone poisons an animal doesn’t mean they don’t have a conscience. There might be other factors involved that necessitate poisoning dogs and cats and because I understand both sides is the reason why I say I am neutral.

I think this little faggot's face should be plastered everywhere, hopefully someone rapes his twink ass with shards of glass.

And while you are quick to call others psychotic at the same time you clearly wish harm onto others with the hope he is raped with shards of glass.

The more you talk like this the more you indicate to others you have your own issues.
That guy should be assigned to a mental institution and never let out.

I think locking him up is way too extreme. Yes he should get some treatment and evaluations and then regular continual psychological treatment based on the evaluations, and monitoring but I don’t think he needs jail time at all at this stage.
No, I wasn't being sarcastic. I would beat him to a pulp, ill or not.

Well if you think violence is alright then you should be prepared to face it yourself when someone else thinks they are justified to use violence on or against you.

:D :p

What would you do to a person that is killing and mutilating your kids one by one ? Would you say "Aww poor guy, he's mentally ill" ?

Yes, I would actually try to understand his mental illness, and then make sure he wasn’t able to ever do it again.

So if he kills cats he just needs mental help, but if he kills your kids..

I KNOW you would kick his ass..

I wouldn’t and I would actually try getting him the proper help he needed to prevent this from ever happening again. The loss of my child would be huge and difficult, but hate and vengeance isn’t any good and wouldnt solve anything. (been in this same situation)

Parrots, Miner birds and parakeets can talk.

Oh so it’s not ok to kill these birds because they talk, but it’s ok to have Turkey dinner every Thanksgiving because they only gobble?
There used to be many different types of birds that once visited my yard in the past however now a days there's fewer and fewer but many more cats abound here!
I always get creeped out by these arguments that animals don't have the rights of humans because they're not as intelligent or they don't talk or whatever, I just don't see how any of these things in any way make them more deserving of cruelty, or that it's less of an attrocity to torture and murder them. In my mind it seems obviously quite the opposite.
I can't think of any human as innocent or undeserving of poor treatment as an animal like a dog or cat, regardless of intelligence or ability to speak or wear pants or whatever, I fail to see how those things are even mildly relavent.
The ability of a human to understand makes it all the less cruel, there's something especially wrong about torture/cruelty/etc directed towards animals BECAUSE they are less intelligent and unable to communicate their feelings etc. In precisely the same way crimes against children are all the more unpalatable.
The logic of the general public's perception is inconsistent, with humans it gets more and more attrocious and awful the more innocent and naive and unaware the victim, then with animals it's no big deal because they're too innocent and naive and unaware.
In my mind, and heart, cruelty to humans is quite trivial in relation to cruelty to animals. It's how I naturally feel and also it seems to logically make sense.
Well said Lou !
Well if you think violence is alright then you should be prepared to face it yourself when someone else thinks they are justified to use violence on or against you.
And you don't see how absurd your statement is in this context ? :rolleyes:

I wouldn’t and I would actually try getting him the proper help he needed to prevent this from ever happening again. The loss of my child would be huge and difficult, but hate and vengeance isn’t any good and wouldnt solve anything. (been in this same situation)
I have a hard time believing that.
What would you do if you caught the killer/mutilator in the act ?
Just call the police and then watch how he mutilates and kills your kids until the police arrive ? I can tell you this, the police will put a bullet in his head.
I always get creeped out by these arguments that animals don't have the rights of humans because they're not as intelligent or they don't talk or whatever, I just don't see how any of these things in any way make them more deserving of cruelty, or that it's less of an attrocity to torture and murder them. In my mind it seems obviously quite the opposite.
I can't think of any human as innocent or undeserving of poor treatment as an animal like a dog or cat, regardless of intelligence or ability to speak or wear pants or whatever, I fail to see how those things are even mildly relavent.
The ability of a human to understand makes it all the less cruel, there's something especially wrong about torture/cruelty/etc directed towards animals BECAUSE they are less intelligent and unable to communicate their feelings etc. In precisely the same way crimes against children are all the more unpalatable.
The logic of the general public's perception is inconsistent, with humans it gets more and more attrocious and awful the more innocent and naive and unaware the victim, then with animals it's no big deal because they're too innocent and naive and unaware.
In my mind, and heart, cruelty to humans is quite trivial in relation to cruelty to animals. It's how I naturally feel and also it seems to logically make sense.

So you think animals should have the same “life” rights as humans?

Torture and murder are two different things, and I agree that torturing animals is cruel, but not killing them. After all society allows the killing of animal’s everyday for people to eat.

That being said murder is acceptable if that animal’s death is a fast painless, but any torture isn’t.
Very good point Lou. So, you're a vegetarian?
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And you don't see how absurd your statement is in this context ? :rolleyes:.

Why is that statement absurd, and no I do not see how absurd it is, please explain.

I have a hard time believing that.
What would you do if you caught the killer/mutilator in the act ?
Just call the police and then watch how he mutilates and kills your kids until the police arrive ? I can tell you this, the police will put a bullet in his head.

You are bringing up two very different issues, but let me address this different issue. “IF” I caught someone in the actual act of killing a person I would use whatever force I could to stop them and help the victim even if that force was deadly.
However if it was after the fact and I learned the person had killed someone my behavior would be different but I still wouldn’t use violence to try to solve it or provide “Justice”.
Not all people who kill animals cross over to kill people, so to assume this guy will is wrong IMO. Some might argue that evidence and statistics prove all serial killers stared killing animals when they were younger but this still doesn’t mean this guy will. My neighbors have some pesky cats and I wish this guy had lived in my neighborhood before he was caught.

Its not so much that he killed animals, its the fact that he gutted and skinned pets while they were alive.

We have a feral cat problem here and people kill them. They don't wait for people's pets to come outside, mutilate them and them leave them at the homes for the kids to find.
I can't imagine how those people must have suffered when they found their pets like that. That guy should be assigned to a mental institution and never let out.

That would accomplish nothing. He'd simply waste resources. It'd be best to simply execute him, and save the trouble.

Of course he'd have to be proven to be the one.
Don't you think he needs to be convicted first?

nice to see SOMEONE else sees my point. Orleander you dont think this:

he looks guilty. like the cat who ate the canary. he should be more upset and frowning.

and this:

Good thing they found him now, though. People like this could end up evolving to killing and mutilating people.

are concerning?

Lets just say for instance he is found not guilty. You dont think that all these people (not to mention those who actually live near him and have seen all the reports) are going to say "ops, sorry we were wrong, no hard feelings"?

I think its more likly that he will turn up dead if he is found not guilty sadly because the concept of "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" has disapeared and i dont know about you but it certainly concerns ME
they say?
who says?
where is the tapes?
how reliable are they?

Cosmic im sick and tired of the "trial by media", if it only takes one news artical to determine someones guilt or innocence so effectivly why is it we have murder trials which run for MONTHS or YEARS

what are they doing?
playing the stock market *sarcasium*
So, say for example, a kid has Downs syndrome and hurts a number of cats...?

I know this kid doesn't. I'm stretching the scenario because I'm trying to find out where the limitations on beating up a mentally ill child goes.

He's not mentally ill. He's a sociopath. No doubt about it. Sociopathology is not a mental illness. Mental illness implies that there is something wrong with the person that can be fixed, that the person wants relief from. When sociopaths are educated about what it is like to have a conscience, the cant comprehend why someone would want that. They don't want help, they don't see themselves as sick, they don't want to change. This kid should be executed! I'm not even kidding, I really think this calls for death penalty.
I agree. Let's not get out of hand here, beautiful.... I'm just saying that this "mental condition" needs some sort of attention, which doesn't include "tar and feathering", nor locking him up for life. Rather, I am asking you, what is your rational answer? How do we balance society's right to avoid serial killers with the individual's rights to be who he / she is?

Ahhh... tell people that if they kill and torture animals for fun then we are going to execute them :shrug: