Teenager Mutilates 24+ Pets

Most boys get a gun or slingshot and practice on wild animals such as birds or squirrels, or something of the like.

..shooting wild animals with their bb guns.. ..is considered a natural part of development.
Really ? Not over here..
I thought it was a given that I meant everything I said should he be proven guilty. I guess I need to realize that some people tend to jump to conclusions.
Fascinating. Here was your first post in this thread.

He's not mentally ill. He's a sociopath. No doubt about it. Sociopathology is not a mental illness. Mental illness implies that there is something wrong with the person that can be fixed, that the person wants relief from. When sociopaths are educated about what it is like to have a conscience, the cant comprehend why someone would want that. They don't want help, they don't see themselves as sick, they don't want to change. This kid should be executed! I'm not even kidding, I really think this calls for death penalty.

Can you point me to where the notion of his possible innocence is implied in the above passage? Do you honestly think that after an outburst like that we were meant to realise that this only applied if he were found guilty? I guess you do think that. In which case a word of advice: don't adopt a career where communications skills are an important core competency.
Thats actually pretty interesting! May be a cultural thing. Over here, especially in MN where there are tons of animals, its common place.

No, honestly, it isn't. My ex grew up in the midwest and I was born in MN over by Burnsville.
No, honestly, it isn't. My ex grew up in the midwest and I was born in MN over by Burnsville.

I grew up out in the country. I don't think I have ever met anybody who hasn't killed animals at some point in their lives. I guess maybe people in the city may have a different experience. But I've only been in the city for about a year now.
The point I am trying to make, as I feel this discussion is getting off the point I was originally trying to make, is that there is a difference between shooting a couple of birds with a bb gun when you are 12 or 13, and mutilating peoples pets and leaving them on their lawns when you are 18 (if indeed this 18 year old man is guilty of this crime). I forgot who's post made me want to point this out... I'll have to look back.
I grew up out in the country. I don't think I have ever met anybody who hasn't killed animals at some point in their lives. I guess maybe people in the city may have a different experience. But I've only been in the city for about a year now.
The point I am trying to make, as I feel this discussion is getting off the point I was originally trying to make, is that there is a difference between shooting a couple of birds with a bb gun when you are 12 or 13, and mutilating peoples pets and leaving them on their lawns when you are 18 (if indeed this 18 year old man is guilty of this crime). I forgot who's post made me want to point this out... I'll have to look back.

It depends though. If the 12 or 13 year old is making a point of it I don't see how it's that different.
I grew up out in the country. I don't think I have ever met anybody who hasn't killed animals at some point in their lives. I guess maybe people in the city may have a different experience. But I've only been in the city for about a year now.
The point I am trying to make, as I feel this discussion is getting off the point I was originally trying to make, is that there is a difference between shooting a couple of birds with a bb gun when you are 12 or 13, and mutilating peoples pets and leaving them on their lawns when you are 18 (if indeed this 18 year old man is guilty of this crime). I forgot who's post made me want to point this out... I'll have to look back.

I grew up out in the country. :shrug:

I honestly think killing little animals for fun is fucked up. I would punish any child of mine for doing that; it's an ugly and intolerable behavior that shows the makings of a sociopath.
Thats actually pretty interesting! May be a cultural thing. Over here, especially in MN where there are tons of animals, its common place.

same here. My brothers even set traps along the creek for muskrat. And coyote hunting was a huge deal. Some kids even considered coyote hunting date worthy
When I was a teenager I was fascinated with dissecting humans and often practiced my skill late at night. I removed a human brain for the first time when I was 17 and was elated by the experience. I cannot tell you how many times I cut open a human body, removed organs including hearts, lungs and intestines then packaged them in bags and put them in an ice chest for a few day only to discard the organs later by burning them.

Now reading this above you would think what a sick person, but read the context below and although the same actions they are presented differently and are more acceptable but nonetheless they are the same actions.

“Young medical student who got his career assisting his father who was chief forensic pathologist began assisting in autopsies when he was sixteen. By the age seventeen he had advanced to the point of being able to complete a cranial autopsy all on his own with only supervision. Today after graduating medical school years before his peers and with one of the highest ever grade point averages he is on his way to becoming a medical examiner just like his father".

When asked how he handled such gruesome exposure it in the beginning he said; “At first I didn’t like the ideas of autopsies where removing the internal organs and keeping them out of a body only to later incinerate them, but finally accepted it had to be done for a reason to check for potential causes of death, and eliminate factors. I was proud of myself the first time I was able to actually perform a cranial autopsy all by myself with only the supervision but no assistance, and as sick as it might sound I was elated by that achievement of advancing with my medical skills".

Is this guy sick because he “mutilated” dead human bodies? Even though he didn’t kill them he still cut them up and enjoyed doing it? What makes it different than mutilating a cat or any other animal?
Know any animal that hunts and mutilates then returns the remains for the familys viewing pleasure?

Why would you defend a psychopath like that?
I grew up out in the country. :shrug:

I honestly think killing little animals for fun is fucked up. I would punish any child of mine for doing that; it's an ugly and intolerable behavior that shows the makings of a sociopath.

That’s what hunting is all about, the fun of the sport. People don’t hunt these days for food (we have grocery stores for food) but rather for the sport and are taught that if you kill you must eat what you kill to justify the killing.

I was taught as a child that hunting is for the sport and fun, and it’s actually hard to bag a wild turkey or other animals without having skill, but I too was taught to eat what we killed. Ever had to eat quail laden with buckshot?

So for you to say killing animals for fun is fucked up is your persepctive.

(I am debating a little here, not trolling)
That’s what hunting is all about, the fun of the sport. People don’t hunt these days for food (we have grocery stores for food)...

bull. You can fill your freezer for the price of a license and bullets. Hunting is huge here in Michigan, same as fishing. It costs a whole lot less to get fish than to buy.
I grew up on venison, pheasant, pronghorn, dove, elk, fish, grouse, etc. my family liked hunting, but it was also cheaper than the store. A LOT cheaper
.... I would punish any child of mine for doing that; it's an ugly and intolerable behavior that shows the makings of a sociopath.

My son killed his hamster when he was 3. I was mortified :bawl:

He was holding it while eating a bowl of ice cream. It bit him and he thunked it in the head with his spoon. dead. He kept on eating his ice cream.
Know any animal that hunts and mutilates then returns the remains for the familys viewing pleasure?

Why would you defend a psychopath like that?

I assume you were directing this to me, and if so let me respond.

I never was defending his actions just defining them in my own opinion.

I can understand his actions to a point, and therefore I can remove my emotions for the situation to see it more clearly. Does this mean I am a psychopath too? What if I am a psychologist who specializes in such matters of animal abuse and I say I am understand this and am nuteral, does that make me any more or less a psychopath than the kid?

Let me even take it a step further, where I live we sleep with our doors open at night, I don’t mean unlocked I mean wide open with only thin almost transparent sheer curtain to keep insects out.

At night a neighbor’s cat comes into our house looking for food because the neighbor doesn’t properly feed it, the cat has even defecated in a pile of dirty clothes in the laundry room on several occasions. I tried to talk to the neighbor about this but the neighbor told me to fuck off. The cat also goes into heat and has sex on our property at times moaning really loud at night to the point I have to get up and run them off.

To solve this problem would I be wrong if I strategically placed poison in my house so the next time the cat comes into my home and eats it, the cat would die? I mean what I do in my homes is my business, and I am not out looking for trouble but it’s still killing the cat.

Why should I be forced to close my doors at night to keep a neighbor’s cat out of my house, they should be held responsible for keeping their pets secured. I have even seen this cat bring field mice and dead birds over the fence to our house to eat, then leaving the discarded carcasses for me to clean up.

We don’t have local police to call that deal with animal issues and there is no animal control where I live so I have little options so would that help justify my actions of killing the cat to help maintain my private home? (This is a real scenario I live with and not a made up situation or example)

At times I have wanted to kill the damn cat and toss the dead cats body over onto the neighbor’s yard, but mutilating the dead cat would be taking it too far for me but i could understand someone else if they were as upset. (If I did kill the cat I would probably just dump it out in a field)

How would you handle this situation?