Teenager Mutilates 24+ Pets

I agree. Let's not get out of hand here, beautiful.... I'm just saying that this "mental condition" needs some sort of attention, which doesn't include "tar and feathering", nor locking him up for life. Rather, I am asking you, what is your rational answer? How do we balance society's right to avoid serial killers with the individual's rights to be who he / she is?

i dont know to be honest, i dont think him killing pets makes him a sereal killer, i think he needs mental help, with whatever he has wrong with him, i think perhaps he needs to be off the streets for a while, and they need to look at his home enviroment
i dont know to be honest, i dont think him killing pets makes him a sereal killer, i think he needs mental help, with whatever he has wrong with him, i think perhaps he needs to be off the streets for a while, and they need to look at his home enviroment

So if he kills cats he just needs mental help, but if he kills your kids..
I KNOW you would kick his ass..
So you wouldn't kick his ass if you could get your hands on him ?

You know, some people are just assholes.

Nope, that's not to say I wouldn't be angry, really fucking angry. But I wouldn't use violence against him. Asshole or not. My son was robbed at knife point a few weeks ago and I wanted to, but I wouldn't. I just phoned the police and reported it. Although, my sister called me a dickhead last year so I punched her in the face and when she fell down I kicked her. But she's a turd at times. I was bad. I understand why people do it. Who knows, maybe if I came face to face with him and I thought I could take him I might, depending how messed up I felt. But in general I don't think violence solves anything.
EmmZ said:
Nope, that's not to say I wouldn't be angry, really fucking angry. But I wouldn't use violence against him. Asshole or not. My son was robbed at knife point a few weeks ago and I wanted to, but I wouldn't. I just phoned the police and reported it. Although, my sister called me a dickhead last year so I punched her in the face and when she fell down I kicked her. But she's a turd at times. I was bad. I understand why people do it. Who knows, maybe if I came face to face with him and I thought I could take him I might, depending how messed up I felt. But in general I don't think violence solves anything.
Well, that's all good and well now that your calm and rational. But if it really happened I think you'd respond differently.
Well, that's all good and well now that your calm and rational. But if it really happened I think you'd respond differently.

Who knows, but I'd feel it wasn't the best course of action and I'd regret doing it.
So if he kills cats he just needs mental help, but if he kills your kids..
I KNOW you would kick his ass..

thats a little bit differant, actually, animals do not have the same rights has human beings (right or wrong its a fact)
And some primates can use sign language, communication doesn't seem a valid argument for rights.
Lucy asked why and i told her why.

"Originally Posted by lucifers angel
thats a little bit differant, actually, animals do not have the same rights has human beings (right or wrong its a fact)"

Originally Posted by John99
thats because we dont hold them to high standards and they cant talk.
Ah, so you weren't saying because they can't talk they don't afford the standards given to humans? Sorry, my misunderstanding.
i doubt you give your pets the same standards as say you would your wife\husband or children. you dont put your dog at the dinner table with the family. i love animals but i can by honest enough to admit that they are different than humans. now if they could speak you can be sure things would change real fast.
If you mean talking then some pets talk. If you mean communicate then that's a different matter altogether. Communication between animals is another matter. I'd say some people do treat their pets as humans (particularly dogs) and that can bring some confusion because dogs communicate differently to humans. When humans encounter one another they say hello, when dogs communicate if they say hello they reorder the pack. If you ignore a dog in the way the alpha dog communicates you will give a dog security, to us it's just rude. So we communicate to a dog differently because they require a different form of communication, not because they can't, or we don't understand them. It's inappropriate to let a dog at the table for many reasons, hygiene being one, but allowing a dog at the table will only tell a dog where it is in the pack, and cause instability in the dog. I can find sources on canine communication if you like, this is not just my opinion, this is expert canine behaviourist opinion.