Teenager Mutilates 24+ Pets

bull. You can fill your freezer for the price of a license and bullets. Hunting is huge here in Michigan, same as fishing. It costs a whole lot less to get fish than to buy.
I grew up on venison, pheasant, pronghorn, dove, elk, fish, grouse, etc. my family liked hunting, but it was also cheaper than the store. A LOT cheaper

I agree with you regarding hunting depending on where you live, and yes you can fill freezers full of food, but the majority of people no longer hunt to fill their freezers with food. The cost of permits, weapons, bullets, and the time and gas not to mention a good vehicle to get to the areas, the time it takes to gut, prep and store such large animals is no simple or inexpensive task. So you cannot tell me that you simply hunt for food and don’t enjoy the thrill of hunting and the sport of bagging 22 point stud.
I agree with you regarding hunting depending on where you live, and yes you can fill freezers full of food, but the majority of people no longer hunt to fill their freezers with food. The cost of permits, weapons, bullets, and the time and gas not to mention a good vehicle to get to the areas, the time it takes to gut, prep and store such large animals is no simple or inexpensive task. So you cannot tell me that you simply hunt for food and don’t enjoy the thrill of hunting and the sport of bagging 22 point stud.

My family hunted for food. You don't buy a gun every year. You buy 1. You don't need a lot of bullets. The cost of permits. You use the same vehicle and less gas to drive to a hunt than to a store time and time again.
And it doesn't take that long to dress a deer. Takes a lot longer to dress a hog or cow. And the more you do it, the faster you get.
I was unable to hunt, so I was the one who did most of the butchering.

and fishing is extremely economical. (I never could do catfish though.) <shudder>
My family hunted for food. You don't buy a gun every year. You buy 1. You don't need a lot of bullets. The cost of permits. You use the same vehicle and less gas to drive to a hunt than to a store time and time again.
And it doesn't take that long to dress a deer. Takes a lot longer to dress a hog or cow. And the more you do it, the faster you get.
I was unable to hunt, so I was the one who did most of the butchering.

and fishing is extremely economical. (I never could do catfish though.) <shudder>

Again I am not arguing with you but rather agreeing with you on this if you are accustomed to hunting and have everything you need, but I am referring to the majority of people out there who are not close to rural areas where good hunting is available or have the items they need to do everything to dress animals. I live in a rural area and we have hogs and cows and do a lot of the dressing of animals here but even I enjoy Wal-Mart’s selection of food and ease of shopping for steaks and pork.

As for fishing, I have never enjoyed it and most water sources that contain fish are so polluted today that it’s just sick for me to think of eating fish unless they come from a secure stock point on private property where there is no run off from even agricultural fertilizers or other animal waste such as cows or horses.

(I might eat fish one a year if that)
Indeed. Your points about the timing of the gutting are spot on.
The media appear to be going for maximum shock value (what a surprise!:rolleyes:) rather than accuracy. Most of the posters on the thread appear to be going for maximum outrage, rather than objective assessment. Why am I not surprised?


finally SOMEONE got through to some of them at least
Skaught, I'm sending that to Mike. LOL

UPDATE: A judge in Miami allowed the supervised release of a man charged with 19 counts of animal cruelty Wednesday, saying a psychiatric evaluation showed he is competent and not a danger to himself or others...
Skaught, I'm sending that to Mike. LOL

UPDATE: A judge in Miami allowed the supervised release of a man charged with 19 counts of animal cruelty Wednesday, saying a psychiatric evaluation showed he is competent and not a danger to himself or others...

Whos mike???
And if he is proved innocent will you go back and make clear that he was innocent and you were mistaken?...

Nope. Three years down the road when this finally gets done with the court system, I will have forgotten all about it.
Do you really think he finds it upsetting that people on this forum talk about it?
Forget it guys. We're dealing with people on this board who believe killing needlessly is perfectly acceptable because "it fulfills a need for ego" (ACTUAL quotation from a person in this thread). In other words, we've got people here whose sense of self-worth is rooted in their status as compared to living being that are much less intelligent than them...LOL.
Nope. Three years down the road when this finally gets done with the court system, I will have forgotten all about it.
Do you really think he finds it upsetting that people on this forum talk about it?

Isn't that callus disregard for others what you dislike about him?
Isn't that callus disregard for others what you dislike about him?

It would be if I showed up at his house, skinned and gutted him, and then left his body on his parents front lawn.

Otherwise, no, not even close.
hmmm, yeah I could. I couldn't do it while he was alive though. He did

What if I hold him down while you skin and gut him? :D

He would soon be unconscious though, and I suspect the cats didn't experience it from beginning to end either.