Stun guns and cops.

Should cops use stun guns?

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I have a friend in Detroit. From what I hear, everyone in Michigan needs a taser.

From what I've read, they could use a whole lot of 'em in India, too!!

Or do you just prefer to denigrate the USA, without ever making mention of such horrendous things that happen in India?

Your hatred of Americans and America is so freakin' obvious, Sam, that you should change your avatar to reflect it.

Baron Max
a link to what?

The air force study

did she kick the officer in the nuts?
did she swing at him?
you see sam you nor i was there we have no idea what happened.

i'm surprised she didn't scream rape, oops i forgot, she was already pregnant.

Yes I'm sure 8 month pregnant women can be extremely dangerous to trained cops.:rolleyes:
From what I've read, they could use a whole lot of 'em in India, too!!

Or do you just prefer to denigrate the USA, without ever making mention of such horrendous things that happen in India?

Your hatred of Americans and America is so freakin' obvious, Sam, that you should change your avatar to reflect it.

Baron Max

...directing offensive comments towards another member, is an offense in SciForums... offense that is to be dealt with, in accordance to the rules...
From what I've read, they could use a whole lot of 'em in India, too!!

Or do you just prefer to denigrate the USA, without ever making mention of such horrendous things that happen in India?

Your hatred of Americans and America is so freakin' obvious, Sam, that you should change your avatar to reflect it.

Baron Max

This brings to mind something I just read:

Are you implying/saying that whatever I post here is what I'm required to believe or do or be????? That I can't ask a question or make a comment without it being precisely how I feel or think?

Sam, I used to have several Indian friends/acquaintances who I thought were pretty nice guys. But, ya' know, since i've met you here, I'm beginning to change my mind. I think I'm gonna' start a "Hate Indians" website!

Baron Max

Hmm Pot Kettle Black?
...if she has her nails sharp, and uses them in area X of a male body...the results will be devastating.

What are they teaching these cops at the academy nowadays?

We have great cops on my campus btw. No tasers.
bullshit oniw17 i've worked in a mental hospital some of these vegetables are so violent they must be restrained at all times, that's right we have to feed them and clean up after them.
thanks to organizations like the ACLU and amnesty int. euthanizing them is inhumane. these retards live their entire life restrained so who is being inhumane?

Are you even disagreeing with me? I said "Do you know what they do when someone gets probated to go to a mental hospital? You know, when they come pick the person up. When they freak out, it's hardly non-violent." As in, when they came to get my dad when he was probated for the firs time in my life, it wasn't even close to a something I would call non-violent. I mean, I was only 9 years old, but I don't think my meory's faded that much in 7 years.
you weren't there sam, you have no idea what happened.

How do we know we are anywhere...if we dont know if we are even here...were we are now? matrix system perhaps.

Perhaps the woman was doing streptease...
Perhaps she was just smiling
Perhaps she was an alien
Perhaps...perhaps not...

Perhaps she held a gun to his head, ready to kill him...bc she was afraid he was going to hurt her baby
Are you even disagreeing with me?
sorry oniw17 but sam the ho is getting under my skin with her 2 tenths of 1 percent of taser victims die, bringing up 14 year olds, wheelchair victims and pregnant women. makes me want to god damn gag.

go home sam the untouchables are calling you.
"Officer Donald Jones joined Ornelas in trying to persuade Brooks to sign the ticket. They then called on their supervisor, Sgt. Steve Daman.
He authorized them to arrest her when she continued to refuse.
The officers testified they struggled to get Brooks out of her car but could not because she kept a grip on her steering wheel.
And that's when Jones brought out the Taser.
Brooks testified she didn't even know what it was when Jones showed it to her and pulled the trigger, allowing her to hear the crackle of 50,000 volts of electricity.
The officers testified that was meant as a final warning, as a way to demonstrate the device was painful and that Brooks should comply with their orders.
When she still did not exit her car, Jones applied the Taser.
In his testimony, the Taser officer said he pressed the prongs of the muzzle against Brooks' thigh to no effect. So he applied it twice to her exposed neck."

Guess what? Just found out it was justified.

She was black. :rolleyes:

When deputies pulled her over, Valinda Otis told them she was pregnant and needed to use the bathroom.

When they wouldn't let her go to a nearby restroom, she walked toward it, anyway, she said, and was quickly handcuffed and placed in a patrol car. She screamed and kicked the car door.

That's when a deputy with the King County Sheriff's Office pulled out a Taser, pressed it against her thigh and jolted her with 50,000 volts of electricity.

"It was a sharp pain," said Otis, 24, who was three months pregnant at the time of the September incident. "I kept asking, 'Is it gonna mess up my baby?' "

Tasers have been used locally to end violent standoffs and subdue suicidal people, but a Seattle Post-Intelligencer review found they're also being used routinely in far less threatening situations -- including against juveniles, pregnant women and people who have already been handcuffed.

King County sheriff's deputies have fired Tasers at a teenager who ran after not paying a $1.25 bus fare, a 71-year-old man who was arrested for drunken driving and refused to get into a patrol car, and a partially deaf man who couldn't hear deputies ordering him to stop, reports show.