Stun guns and cops.

Should cops use stun guns?

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The woman was giving birth in the car when she was dragged out and it was lucky the baby did not come out and hit the ground as she was pulled out of the car.
you never mentioned this in the first post. i would like some links to the story.

besides, what is "giving birth"? hard labor is "giving birth", cervix begining to dilate is "giving birth".
The security guard who was in the waiting room of the emergency department and had seen the man drive up, bolt out of the car and into the emergency room screaming for help for his wife had noticed what the police were too blind to see.
trying to emulate sam? was the security gaurd a sworn officer? how do you know he was trying to help? was you there? did you ask him?
He had already run outside to help her and had pushed the police officer off her as he tried to arrest her.
links to the story bells.
Two doctors and 3 nurses were already running out and literally helped her deliver the child then and there. The woman had apparently lowered the back of her seat and had both legs on the dash board and was pushing when she was dragged out. Now for anyone to say "he could not have known she was pregnant" would mean that the police officer in question was a total moron as even a deaf, blind and dumb individual would have recognised that she was in fact giving birth.
links to the story bells.

Had the woman or the man been tasered, then she could have lost the child as I can't even begin to imagine what it could do to a woman who's in the process of child birth, which puts a hell of a lot of stress on her body and heart in the first place. Had he been tasered for trying to get his wife the medical help she so desperately needed, then I'd imagine it would have gone public and the officers would have had to face more than a reprimand.

Yes there are occasions when tasers might be useful. But to taser a child or someone who is mentally retarded, well it's kind of idiotic. What kind of police officer can you be if you cannot control a small child? Or someone you see is mentally retarded? And pregnant women? Sure you might say that she should not have placed her child in the position to be tasered in the first place but what the hell kind of police officer tasers her and uses that excuse as a justification for possibly injuring or killing her unborn child? Are police officers that weak that they are unable to not use violence against others who are weaker than they when other means could be used to resolve the situation where no one gets hurt?
i cannot comment on this any further without links to the original story.
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It would be interesting to see how many people are killed each year by children and/or mentally retarded people. I mean, like say the two children who were also mentally disturbed who walked into the Columbine school, for example? Or the mentally deranged killer at the Amish school?

I've also recently read about the number of underage kids in California who are recruited by older gang members to do the killing for them ...because the laws are so lenient that an underage kid can kill (police, too) and be let out without even a record when they become legal adults.

So a cop walks up to a mentally deranged child with a smile on his face ....and finds himself shot dead on the street! But we can all rest easier because that cop didn't hurt the little kid, huh?

Baron Max
Interesting. So the police should indiscriminantly taser all mentally disabled individuals or small children "just in case"?

The 'mentally deranged killers' in both Columbine and the Amish school were thought to be sane individuals before they committed their crimes.

Do you honestly think that a police officer with a taser would have been able to stop their rampage or even know in advance what they were planning? Their own families weren't aware of what they were about to do, yet you think a police officer with a taser or even a gun would have figured it out and stopped them? No one in Columbine knew they were carrying the weapons under their coats. Does that mean they should ban all long trench coats or taser anyone wearing them "just in case"?

leopold99 said:
i cannot comment on this any further without links to the original story.
Having been in hospital myself for this past week and will be going back in for further tests, treatment and observation tomorrow, I have not really been paying attention to whether they went to the general media with their complaint and frankly can't be stuffed doing a search to find if they have. I was visited by some former work friends, a few of whom are police officers and I asked a few questions and all I know so far is what I have been told on the matter and I was told they had filed a complaint with the police department and it's apparently provided much amusement and some disgust from the other officers when they consider how stupid some of their own members are. Ignore it if you wish, I honestly do not care one bit. If you think it's fine to taser a pregnant woman, a child or someone who is mentally disabled, then taser them you shall. Just hope that you are never in the position where you actually cause permanent harm or death to any of the individuals you do taser as I'd imagine no amount of self justification could absolve you of guilt.

And Leo, when you go into labour and find yourself needing to and starting push, then anyone with even half a brain cell can basically recognise and say you are in the process of giving birth. Until you experience it, I'd suggest you don't question what exactly giving birth is.
Interesting. So the police should...

Oh, my god, Bells, you really are an attorney, ain't ya'. You can twist people's word and meanings into a giant pile of over-done pasta! Fuck you!

Their own families weren't aware of what they were about to do, yet you think a police officer...

In another post topic, you were ready to hang the parents of one child because they didn't know what was going on, yet here you're makiing excuses for them not knowing?!

You really are a fuckin' attorney, ain't ya'. Twisting words, twisting meanings, and dragging out the court cases so you can make more money from the client? Why are you even on a forum about "Ethics and Morality"???

Baron Max
Oh, my god, Bells, you really are an attorney, ain't ya'. You can twist people's word and meanings into a giant pile of over-done pasta! Fuck you!
Hello to you too Baron.

And you were the one supporting tasering mentally disabled people, children and pregnant women for a start. You really wish to get into this discussion? Read what you wrote again:

Baron Max said:
So a cop walks up to a mentally deranged child with a smile on his face ....and finds himself shot dead on the street! But we can all rest easier because that cop didn't hurt the little kid, huh?
How do you think that 'cop' should approach any disabled child Baron? After all, you just literally made the statement that mentally disabled children are somehow "deranged" and shoot police officers in the head.

In another post topic, you were ready to hang the parents of one child because they didn't know what was going on, yet here you're makiing excuses for them not knowing?!
I'd suggest you read your own statements and see for yourself:

Baron Max said:
It would be interesting to see how many people are killed each year by children and/or mentally retarded people. I mean, like say the two children who were also mentally disturbed who walked into the Columbine school, for example? Or the mentally deranged killer at the Amish school?

I've also recently read about the number of underage kids in California who are recruited by older gang members to do the killing for them ...because the laws are so lenient that an underage kid can kill (police, too) and be let out without even a record when they become legal adults.
Did the police know either of these criminals were about to do what they did? How about their families? The parents in question in another thread suspected that their child was being molested by the teacher they allowed to sleep in their child's bed on a weekly basis, a bit different don't you think? After all, they saw for themselves with their own eyes and provided evidence against the teacher that said teacher was molesting their child and they did nothing about it.. a bit different, don't you think?

After all, did the kids in Columbine start indicating to their parents or the police that they were about to slaughter their fellow classmates and teachers? From all reports, there were no indicators to point that they were about to act as they did. The same with the guy who shot the girls in the Amish school.

You are claiming that the police should use tasers to prevent massacres such as Columbine and the Amish school from happening again. My point to you is that no one knew they were out to commit those massacres, so how in the hell can police officers prevent them from happening with a taser? Oh, one thing they could have done was to ensure those peons were not able to legally access guns, but that's another topic altogether and one I am sure you will not want to go into seeing how you think it is the right of every American to own a gun.

So how should police officers approach mentally disabled children and children in general Baron? With tasers first? I didn't need to twist your words. You did that all on your very own you god damn gormless twit.

You really are a fuckin' attorney, ain't ya'. Twisting words, twisting meanings, and dragging out the court cases so you can make more money from the client? Why are you even on a forum about "Ethics and Morality"???
You really do not know the difference between the prosecution and the defence do you?

And you are asking me what I am doing on this forum? I think it begs to ask you the same question. After all, you support the notion of tasering disabled people, children and pregnant women. You also support the wholesale notion of gun ownership in the US. You always defend paedophiles as though your very life depended on it. You frequently comment on shooting kids on your property with a salt loaded shot gun. You also boast about your fucking your own farm animals. So why are you on the "Ethics and Morality" forums Baron?
More twisting of words, Bells? You're pretty good at it, I have to admit. But regardless, it's nothing but twisting what someone says ...apparently in some misguided attempt to make a point. But the length of your posts cause most to miss that point anyway.

Words, words, words ......but in your case, it's Twisted words, Twisted words, Twisted words!!! :D

Baron Max
More twisting of words, Bells? You're pretty good at it, I have to admit. But regardless, it's nothing but twisting what someone says ...apparently in some misguided attempt to make a point. But the length of your posts cause most to miss that point anyway.

Words, words, words ......but in your case, it's Twisted words, Twisted words, Twisted words!!! :D

Baron Max
Ya. You hide behind that when you are proven wrong. You always do.

You make stupid statements and when those comments are pointed out to you, you accuse others of twisting words. You always do it. You are nothing but a coward. Always have been and always will be.
Having been in hospital myself for this past week and will be going back in for further tests, treatment and observation tomorrow, I have not really been paying attention to whether they went to the general media with their complaint and frankly can't be stuffed doing a search to find if they have. I was visited by some former work friends, a few of whom are police officers and I asked a few questions and all I know so far is what I have been told on the matter and I was told they had filed a complaint with the police department and it's apparently provided much amusement and some disgust from the other officers when they consider how stupid some of their own members are.
you know how the grapevine is.
Ignore it if you wish, I honestly do not care one bit.
yes, you do, or you wouldn't voice your opinion.
If you think it's fine to taser a pregnant woman, a child or someone who is mentally disabled, then taser them you shall.
the questions are what did the cop know and when did he know it.
Just hope that you are never in the position where you actually cause permanent harm or death to any of the individuals you do taser as I'd imagine no amount of self justification could absolve you of guilt.
appealing to emotions.
And Leo, when you go into labour and find yourself needing to and starting push, then anyone with even half a brain cell can basically recognise and say you are in the process of giving birth. Until you experience it, I'd suggest you don't question what exactly giving birth is.
i wouldn't insult your intelligence by doing so.
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