Stuck (primarily for theists)

observations of you, and my qualified opinion.
Qualified opinion? :eek:

Oh, sorry, I just realised you meant it in the sense of "limited or restricted" as opposed to "meeting the proper standards and requirements".
My bad, just ignore this.
Dwyddyr said
It's quite simple: if someone professes to know god so well (but can't actually show that they do) then one is left with the choice of either taking them at their word, and subsequently following that word (after all, they are privy to god) or you decide that they're talking bullshit and stay away from them (as far as advice/ learning goes).

Basically, I follow advice if it feels like something I need to do.
The way I can tell if I need to follow said advice is that it acts like a brainworm...gets in there and BUGS me until I do it.

So far there's only been a few people I saw who, as I put it, "had the light on them," and the one guy I was sporadic friends with wasn't taking any disciples.

When I say someone "has the light on them," what I mean is that the very first time I set eyes on them I see them surrounded by a white nimbus of light. When I see that, I know I'm looking at someone special...and I've confirmed this by talking to the person in question-they're always something very good and special.:)

While I'm not christian, Lori seems to be on the level.

How would somebody show you they know a god anyway? Not just a rhetorical question...I'm really trying to see how that could conceivably be done.
While I'm not christian, Lori seems to be on the level.
Depends what you mean by "on the level". I accept that Lori believes she talks directly to god (and he talks to her), but I don't accept that she actually does so.

How would somebody show you they know a god anyway? Not just a rhetorical question...I'm really trying to see how that could conceivably be done.
First of all you'd have to eliminate all other possible explanations for what they've experienced (or claim to have experienced).

Belief plays a big part in interpretation...
Percy: Look, look, I just can't take the pressure of all these omens any more!
Edmund: Percy...
Percy: No, no, really, I'm serious! Only this morning in the courtyard I saw a horse with two heads and two bodies!
Edmund: Two horses standing next to each other?
Percy: Yes, I suppose it could have been.

Black Adder, the Witchsmeller Pursuivant episode.
First of all you'd have to eliminate all other possible explanations for what they've experienced (or claim to have experienced).
Unless you were there, they could be lying. Or more likely, delusive.
Your own inner sense of truth still has to be the test.

I accept that Lori believes she talks directly to god (and he talks to her), but I don't accept that she actually does so.

I accept that Lori has a connection to something. :shrug: But I don't know what it is.
You certainly don't have to...I mean, after all, aren't you an atheist anyway?

My wife asked me about something I did, if it had a magickal purpose. I said yes. She was really surprised when I didn't tell her what that she asked. And I said,
"You're an atheist now. You don't believe in any of that nonsense anyway."

I mostly like atheists, but when it comes to my own practice, I generally think I'm being judged negatively by them as well, as with most other religions.

Except Sikhs. As far as I know, Sikhs are pretty chill.
Qualified opinion? :eek:

Oh, sorry, I just realised you meant it in the sense of "limited or restricted" as opposed to "meeting the proper standards and requirements".
My bad, just ignore this.

i meant the latter in regards to signal's standards and requirements.
Unless you were there, they could be lying. Or more likely, delusive.
Or mistaken. Or not aware of/ not considering other options.

Your own inner sense of truth still has to be the test.
Hardly, er, objective, is it? :p

I accept that Lori has a connection to something. :shrug: But I don't know what it is.
The inside of her own head?

My wife asked me about something I did, if it had a magickal purpose. I said yes. She was really surprised when I didn't tell her what that she asked. And I said,
"You're an atheist now. You don't believe in any of that nonsense anyway."
Pfft, category error. Atheists don't believe in god.
Loony magical practices are something else altogether. :p

Could you please make I-statements, instead of you-statements?
What exactly are you trying to communicate?
observations of you, and my qualified opinion.

I have asked you for I-statements, though.

From what you are saying, I have no idea what you want from me, or otherwise, but I have the impression that you do want something.

When you said -

Lori said:
that's horrible, and that's the way YOU make it. it's a problem (the topic of this thread), and it's one that you're apparently not willing to solve, so why keep complaining about it?


you don't want to know god. you don't want a damn thing to do with god. this is an exercise in ego for you, and for whomever is wicked enough to feed and enable your codependency, and to lie to you.

and might i add that while some others are blowing sunshine up your butt about your path, your path is a circle.

I had the impression that you wanted me to stop talking about this topic (of the OP) at the forums.
I also had the impression that you expect me to feel ashamed for my apparent slowness and lack of understanding.
I have asked you for I-statements, though.

From what you are saying, I have no idea what you want from me, or otherwise, but I have the impression that you do want something.

When you said -

I had the impression that you wanted me to stop talking about this topic (of the OP) at the forums.
I also had the impression that you expect me to feel ashamed for my apparent slowness and lack of understanding.

i'm sorry, but i don't really care if you would prefer "i" statements, that's not what i wanted to say.

i don't want anything from you necessarily, but to be honest, i'm beginning to think you're trolling with this ongoing desperate dilemma of yours, just so you can stick it to people who say they know god.

and this has nothing to do with "slowness and lack of understanding". it has to do with a catch 22; an illogical and an impossible request. i think it's a set up.
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With people who profess to know God (such as those who say things like "but that is the language god speaks"), there is no middle way and no friendship.
Signal, would you mind explaining that in more detail?

Someone who professes to know God is nominally (but potentially also factually) on a level of spiritual attainment that is beyond the comprehension of the person who professes not to know God. As such, they are like people from different Universes, they have nothing in common, they cannot communicate, they cannot have meaningful exchanges each being as they currently are.
So one would need to change for the other, in order to have a meaningful exchange.
The one who professes to know God is in the position where they see no need to change for the other; and if the other wants to know about God, and hear about God from the one who professes to know God, then he himself needs to change, which, in this case means to unquestioningly submit to the other.

Second...I've asked you what makes you feel awe, and you indicated you do not.

I do feel awe. Like a few years ago, we had a hailstorm and the hail broke the window while I was about a meter away. It was thick, strong, double glass.

So I have a question...when you think about God, what feelings does this thought bring up for you?

Nothing really. Kind of numb and blank.

Third question...what is the emotional driving force behind your spiritual quest? is there one?

Misery, and not wanting to be miserable.

See, I find myself frustrated because I'm not currently able to offer you something you find useful.

I can feel your frustration! :eek:

I gather I'm not understanding the problem correctly,

It happens.
i'm sorry, but i don't really care if you would prefer "i" statements

That is too bad.

i don't want anything from you necessarily, but to be honest, i'm beginning to think you're trolling with this ongoing desperate dilemma of yours, just so you can stick it to people who say they know god.

and this has nothing to do with "slowness and lack of understanding". it has to do with a catch 22; an illogical and an impossible request. i think it's a set up.

I don't think you understand my plea.
Theists are often placing before us double binds, catch 22 situations. And when we ask for clarification/resolution, we don't receive it. And then those same theists are blaiming us for insisting in those double binds ...
That is too bad.

I don't think you understand my plea.
Theists are often placing before us double binds, catch 22 situations. And when we ask for clarification/resolution, we don't receive it. And then those same theists are blaiming us for insisting in those double binds ...

i do think i understand your plea, and as i said, and as you seem to have gone on to clarify here, i think your plea is trolling.

what catch 22 situation am i and others in this thread putting you in by advising you (in our knowledge of god) to go directly to god with your plea?

i don't believe you're that "slow". focus on what i'm saying to you...

those of us who know god, have sought god. you are not seeking god, you are seeking us. you're not accepting our answer because it's not what you want to hear, but the truth is that no one who knows god is going to advise you to seek a guru instead of god. you'd be a perfect candidate for a cult.
i do think i understand your plea, and as i said, and as you seem to have gone on to clarify here, i think your plea is trolling.

what catch 22 situation am i and others in this thread putting you in by advising you (in our knowledge of god) to go directly to god with your plea?

i don't believe you're that "slow". focus on what i'm saying to you...

those of us who know god, have sought god. you are not seeking god, you are seeking us. you're not accepting our answer because it's not what you want to hear, but the truth is that no one who knows god is going to advise you to seek a guru instead of god. you'd be a perfect candidate for a cult.


you may know G-d.

But I know reality. And reality is greater then G-d.
The only problem here is that LG either doesn't have the time or the desire to have this conversation, while he is currently the only one here who has the philosophical means to do so ...

And I really do not think God is like that


so that one could approach Him directly.
i do think i understand your plea, and as i said, and as you seem to have gone on to clarify here, i think your plea is trolling.
If, as you have claimed more than once, you do understand Signal's plea why do you insist on posting replies that make it abundantly evident that you don't?

Exempli gratia:
those of us who know god, have sought god. you are not seeking god, you are seeking us. you're not accepting our answer because it's not what you want to hear, but the truth is that no one who knows god is going to advise you to seek a guru instead of god. you'd be a perfect candidate for a cult.
The only problem here is that LG either doesn't have the time or the desire to have this conversation, while he is currently the only one here who has the philosophical means to do so ...

And I really do not think God is like that


so that one could approach Him directly.

well then how in the hell do you think anyone knows god?

and no, he's not like that. he's no joke.
If, as you have claimed more than once, you do understand Signal's plea why do you insist on posting replies that make it abundantly evident that you don't?

Exempli gratia:

i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, just in case.
well then how in the hell do you think anyone knows god?

You really think it is a good idea to try to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Source of All, the Creator, Maintainer and Controller of the Universe

Do you ever prostrate yourself before God, Lori?