Stuck (primarily for theists)

Lori said:
to signal or anyone,

have you ever tried to look at yourself through someone else's eyes?

I find that an absolutely terrifying idea, Lori. I expect other people to find my flaws and be disgusted at me for them.
Last edited: do I explain this?
I worship nature because I feel awe for it, love for it, a very deep joy when I am in it and looking at it.
Define worship...

Not that I have any problems with it. I am in awe of nature/the universe too. I just don't see any evidence that it desires to be worshipped.
I just don't see any evidence that it desires to be worshipped.
Meh, no, but I desire to do it, and it makes me feel what I believe to be a highly spiritual experience to do so.

Observe with wonder, meditate in, work energy in, leave offerings to occasionally, work with.

I'm not asking you to believe in it, you's whatever greases your personal gears...quite frankly, the atheist position is the most logical one.

But when I adopted it I felt very sad and lonely.
So if I'm deluding myself (highly possible) I'm okay with that. Life's hard.
It's quite simple: if someone professes to know god so well (but can't actually show that they do) then one is left with the choice of either taking them at their word, and subsequently following that word (after all, they are privy to god) or you decide that they're talking bullshit and stay away from them (as far as advice/ learning goes).
how bout the choice of 'i still don't believe,you haven't convinced me, but i can respect your opinion of God..'
taking them at their word, and subsequently following
are not mutually inclusive.
so you are saying that if you were to believe someone when they say they speak for God,you would do as he told you? i find that very hard to believe for you Dyw..
i believe if that were the case, you would contemplate seriously what he told you to do, then do things you own way well it should, if God wanted to tell you to do something, he will tell you himself, not through some other person.

Other ppl can only try to show you were to look, God has his own ideas for you, if he wants you to be the 'christian' he will put it into your heart to be that..till then he likes you right where you are.

Hmm, I wonder which option I'd go for if I ever came across such a person. ;)

have you ever tried to look at yourself through someone else's eyes?
an attempt in futility..
unless the other person is there telling you what he see's,it is all supposition.

i know both, and reality is god, but surely you're aware that we're covered in lies.
This is Reality,God?
if God wanted to tell you to do something, he will tell you himself, not through some other person.

Or she will, or they...just had to add the other pronouns, yanno...:D

Apropos of nothing in particular...

When I bought my first car...I sat in it with a giant grin on my face... and I heard a female voice in my mind, older, and a little sarcastic, say " You're gonna wreck it." With this I got a feeling of presence,, the color blue.

I asked "Is there any way I can stop that?"
She said "No."
"Will I be hurt?" I asked
She said "Yep," and then stopped answering my questions.

Ten months later I totalled that car in a ditch, and I still have hardware in my arm from that...
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how bout the choice of 'i still don't believe,you haven't convinced me, but i can respect your opinion of God..'
There's a difference between having a belief in god and claiming that he talks directly to you, so much so that you feel you can make absolute declarations of what god is and is not.

so you are saying that if you were to believe someone when they say they speak for God,you would do as he told you? i find that very hard to believe for you Dyw..
i believe if that were the case, you would contemplate seriously what he told you to do, then do things you own way well it should, if God wanted to tell you to do something, he will tell you himself, not through some other person.
Yeah? Why so? If I truly believed that this person did, in fact, speak for god then surely I'd follow them.

Other ppl can only try to show you were to look
No, other people can claim they know where I should look, or, possibly, say where they looked and found.
Meh, no, but I desire to do it, and it makes me feel what I believe to be a highly spiritual experience to do so.

Observe with wonder, meditate in, work energy in, leave offerings to occasionally, work with.

I'm not asking you to believe in it, you's whatever greases your personal gears...quite frankly, the atheist position is the most logical one.

But when I adopted it I felt very sad and lonely.
So if I'm deluding myself (highly possible) I'm okay with that. Life's hard.
I was just curious. The pantheist concept of god makes sense to me. Not that I "believe" the universe is "conscious". Although I leave room for the idea - after all, I'm conscious and I am a small part of the universe...

But I usually refer to myself as an atheist or agnostic, simply because it's easier than trying to explain to most people how my idea of god is not their idea of god.
Not that I "believe" the universe is "conscious". Although I leave room for the idea - after all, I'm conscious and I am a small part of the universe...
That your "point" means nothing:

So what?
I've never had a speeding ticket. It doesn't mean I've never broken the speed limit, simply that I haven't been caught doing so.
Get the picture?

yes i get the picture, it's the same one you present to me when i say i've interacted with god. (dumbass)

Have you ever been examined for mental illness?
Have you ever mentioned your delusion talks with god to anyone qualified to do such a diagnosis?

yes, and yes, and yet, no diagnosis has been made. therefore your assumptions or suppositions or assertions regarding my sanity are unfounded in science, and therefore by your own standards are invalid.
I find that an absolutely terrifying idea, Lori. I expect other people to find my flaws and be disgusted at me for them.

an attempt in futility..
unless the other person is there telling you what he see's,it is all supposition.

it's still extremely educational. you'll find that no one knows more about yourself than you do (until you introduce god into the picture). something signal should consider i think.

This is Reality,God?

yes. you can see the lies. i know you can. the only reason they are lies is because truth exists.
yes i get the picture, it's the same one you present to me when i say i've interacted with god. (dumbass)
So you're still missing the point... Never mind.

yes, and yes, and yet, no diagnosis has been made. therefore your assumptions or suppositions or assertions regarding my sanity are unfounded in science, and therefore by your own standards are invalid.
Um, wrong again.
I haven't made any assertions or suppositions about your sanity.
Define worship...

Not that I have any problems with it. I am in awe of nature/the universe too. I just don't see any evidence that it desires to be worshipped.

That is funny Ha Ha . You need to live with wolves for a while . You might change your mind . Maybe not . I worship all of nature on earth and Moon . I run away when I see a tornado burning down on me too . Like the animals of the forest we run away from the fire , Well smoke jumpers don't . My Navy seal buddy Tim the smoke jumper now he just dives right in from the air like fucking super man and puts the shit out .
Wow is that real . It looks like path ways . Like city lights of human development. Strange indeed

Squirrel's image looks distinctly like a representation of the gravitational clumping together of matter in the early universe, much like you see in this video about black holes (skip to the 9min mark if the link doesn't do it automagically).
On the offhand chance this quote will help?:
Believe nothing.
No matter where you read it,
Or who said it,
Even if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense.

-sakyamuni buddha (from, but I have read it elsewhere.)

Yes, this is a popular rendition of the Kalama Sutta, but it is not what the Buddha said.

Translator's note: Although this discourse is often cited as the Buddha's carte blanche for following one's own sense of right and wrong, it actually says something much more rigorous than that. Traditions are not to be followed simply because they are traditions. Reports (such as historical accounts or news) are not to be followed simply because the source seems reliable. One's own preferences are not to be followed simply because they seem logical or resonate with one's feelings. Instead, any view or belief must be tested by the results it yields when put into practice; and — to guard against the possibility of any bias or limitations in one's understanding of those results — they must further be checked against the experience of people who are wise. The ability to question and test one's beliefs in an appropriate way is called appropriate attention. The ability to recognize and choose wise people as mentors is called having admirable friends. According to Iti 16-17, these are, respectively, the most important internal and external factors for attaining the goal of the practice. For further thoughts on how to test a belief in practice, see MN 61, MN 95, AN 7.79, and AN 8.53. For thoughts on how to judge whether another person is wise, see MN 110, AN 4.192, and AN 8.54.
Actually, one presumes that the one who is in contact with God or spirit or whatever is more advanced and flexible than the one who doesn't know yet, and therefore more effectively able to adapt to the needs of the person requesting information.

That is interesting. But it is not my experience of people who claim to know God.