Stuck (primarily for theists)

You really think it is a good idea to try to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Source of All, the Creator, Maintainer and Controller of the Universe

Do you ever prostrate yourself before God, Lori?

yeah i've been there.

and yeah it's a damn good idea when communion is the whole point. what do you think the holy spirit is for?

you should revisit the bible, seriously. you obviously don't understand it at all.
Someone who professes to know God is nominally (but potentially also factually) on a level of spiritual attainment that is beyond the comprehension of the person who professes not to know God. As such, they are like people from different Universes, they have nothing in common, they cannot communicate, they cannot have meaningful exchanges each being as they currently are.
So one would need to change for the other, in order to have a meaningful exchange.
The one who professes to know God is in the position where they see no need to change for the other; and if the other wants to know about God, and hear about God from the one who professes to know God, then he himself needs to change, which, in this case means to unquestioningly submit to the other.
The Misery thing . You have not been doing Me thing have you ? Shit why why why , something about this guy. Every morning look in the mirror and say I love you ! I am Great ! I will do great things today , When I greet a person I will greet them with love in my heart . OK now when you greet someone say to your self about them " I Love you . Do it , and stop f--cking off . Your misery will be gone for good and people will love you . Your community will change just by you changing . You f--ckers out there that think this is bull shit F---ck you in your ass. You don't know ! Only by doing it will you know . Come back after doing it then make your comments

I do feel awe. Like a few years ago, we had a hailstorm and the hail broke the window while I was about a meter away. It was thick, strong, double glass.

One of Me customers last year had 2 windows blow out for no reason . It happened at different times . One window one week and the other the following week . I I built the house original and the house was about 10 years old . I checked the Clarence to the frame and all fine and dandy . The glass company says it just happens some times . Some hocas pocus about the surface tension on the glass. I think it was the tension from there divorce my self

Nothing really. Kind of numb and blank.

Misery, and not wanting to be miserable.

I can feel your frustration! :eek:

It happens.

Go do something wild and crazy . Get some pussy from some horny willing women . That always cheers Me up
i think i've supported it just fine, proof being that you don't think i'm dishonest.
No, you've made repeated claims. Which you have not shown to be true. Therefore: unsupported.
And wrong: I don't question your honesty so much as your, er, perspicacity (and sanity). See my comment on post #123.
No, you've made repeated claims. Which you have not shown to be true. Therefore: unsupported.
And wrong: I don't question your honesty so much as your, er, perspicacity (and sanity). See my comment on post #123.

i don't think you question my sanity either. i think you just say that because you can't some up with anything else.

i've never been diagnosed with any mental illness, mr. scientific foundation. :bugeye:
You really think it is a good idea to try to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Source of All, the Creator, Maintainer and Controller of the Universe

Do you ever prostrate yourself before God, Lori?

I do . You kicking dogs got know idea . When you do you will fall to your knees and cry like baby's . You will see what you been doing to fuck it all up . Follow the leader is for the majority . The brave pioneer new waters . People can be lazy butts in there meditative states of false grace all they want . It don't make it so. I work to achieve a state of grace . You gots to go threw the motions in real life and not just in your head . O.K. I talk a lot about thoughts controlling you and what you think is what you become . That is only part of the equation. The other part is getting off the old ass hoolio and doing the job. Theory and Practice. There are plenty of people forced to there knees . Me being one . When you are forced to your knees and the heavy hand of creation touches you you will know what I am talking about here. Couple bites from a mountain lion or better yet . Do you remember the guy that cut his own arm off to save him self . That my friends is the spark of life
The last time I cut my arm off, it just hurt like hell.

Such is the loneliness of the long-distance approach to the eternal godhead. Ah well.
i don't think you question my sanity either.
Oops, wrong again.

i think you just say that because you can't some up with anything else.
Nope. Like I said, I think you believe absolutely what you say. But I very much doubt it has any foundation in fact.

i've never been diagnosed with any mental illness, mr. scientific foundation. :bugeye:
Your point being?
Oops, wrong again.

Nope. Like I said, I think you believe absolutely what you say. But I very much doubt it has any foundation in fact.

Your point being?

point being, that according to your own standards, your assumption and/or supposition regarding my sanity is invalid.

my dear, you have just been served. you're welcome. :)
Dwy said:
I stated the facts: you cannot support this claim.

I have yet to meet a religious person that can.
Unless I start producing miracles out of my ass like flying monkeys, neither can I.
And nah, I'm just not that good.

The one big sign that I got? You-all weren't there...and looking back on it I view it as more ambiguous than I did when I was a 12-year-old and observed that I had a prayer answered instantly.

As far as my sanity? I think I lost that a long time ago.

Signal said:
You really think it is a good idea to try to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Source of All, the Creator, Maintainer and Controller of the Universe directly?

Why not? The worst that could happen is some form or fashion.
Death of the body, death of the personhood too-a very painful experience. Guess what? none of us get out of here alive anyway.You could have your personality shattered, your mind broken, and your life turned upside down.

Think of it as an adventure.
After all...
If where you are sucks, and what you're doing isn't working...

Someone who professes to know God is nominally (but potentially also factually) on a level of spiritual attainment that is beyond the comprehension of the person who professes not to know God. As such, they are like people from different Universes, they have nothing in common, they cannot communicate, they cannot have meaningful exchanges each being as they currently are.

I would not put it as quite so different...more like people who speak a very different language. Very hard to talk. Not totally impossible.

So one would need to change for the other, in order to have a meaningful exchange.

Actually, one presumes that the one who is in contact with God or spirit or whatever is more advanced and flexible than the one who doesn't know yet, and therefore more effectively able to adapt to the needs of the person requesting information.

The one who professes to know God is in the position where they see no need to change for the other; and if the other wants to know about God, and hear about God from the one who professes to know God, then he himself needs to change, which, in this case means to unquestioningly submit to the other.
Firstly, see above.
Second...I thought we all changed for our own sake anyway, least inspired mostly by internal impulse.
I mean, people only change when they are ready, and in the way they are ready to change. Sometimes they need an external tap, but if they weren't already ready to shift, they are not shifting...
It's the part about unquestioning submission that I find very disturbing and baffling. That does not feel necessary to me.

That whole thing about a teacher is a guide and helper, but you still get to do all the work yourself?

On the offhand chance this quote will help?:

Believe nothing.
No matter where you read it,
Or who said it,
Even if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense.
-sakyamuni buddha (from, but I have read it elsewhere.)
point being, that according to your own standards, your assumption and/or supposition regarding my sanity is invalid.

my dear, you have just been served. you're welcome. :)
Yet another failure of comprehension on your part I see.
At least you're consistent.
Signal said:
I do feel awe. Like a few years ago, we had a hailstorm and the hail broke the window while I was about a meter away. It was thick, strong, double glass. do I explain this?
I worship nature because I feel awe for it, love for it, a very deep joy when I am in it and looking at it.
Since this is the same feeling I got in church as a child, only far seemed very natural and logical to start doing so.

See...I guess it's rather a bootstrap issue, isn't it?
The reason I looked for spiritual things is because I felt them...and I wanted more than just the very occasional random punctuation of the general gloom. I wanted to induce that sort of ecstasy consciously...but I already knew the scent and track of it.

So, again with the questions:rolleyes::
What makes you feel wonder?
What makes you feel delight?
What gives you contentment?
What do you love?
Dwy said:
Pfft, category error. Atheists don't believe in god.
Loony magical practices are something else altogether.

Do not make me turn you into a newt again...
(He got better)
you are so full of crap. what specifically did i not comprehend?
That your "point" means nothing:
i've never been diagnosed with any mental illness
So what?
I've never had a speeding ticket. It doesn't mean I've never broken the speed limit, simply that I haven't been caught doing so.
Get the picture?

Have you ever been examined for mental illness?
Have you ever mentioned your delusion talks with god to anyone qualified to do such a diagnosis?