Stuck (primarily for theists) I said, I have an extreme distrust of authority...or really anybody for that matter. Or rather I trust perforce to keep from going insane(r), but I expect them to take a pound of flesh or two for the service.

That's kind of why I don't mind talking about personal stuff on the 'net, I suppose. It hurts less to be stabbed by complete strangers than by those whom I care about deeply, and since I expect it to be a natural consequence of trusting anyone...and without trusting anyone I go insane(r)...

Another really good reason I'm uncomfortable being an authority...I've just had glimpses. I have too many problems to be that advanced...although the problems have driven me in on myself... which probably led to me being much more spiritual.

Thanks for the corrected translation... and as I said, good luck with things.

I wish I could have been of help, but either I'm sucky at explaining, or we don't think enough alike.:(
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And so LG again puts me in a double bind and leaves ...

He could have ate, shot, and left. Could be worse.:D

I dunno, I think the whole point of Zen Koans is that they aren't solvable by the conscious you just sort of whap your head on them until something gives...:shrug:




That is the question.
why don't you stop judging others and focus on yourself for a while?

oh right, that would defeat the whole point. :rolleyes:

What are you talking about?
You are saved, you are superior, you know.

So why would you fret and complain?
What are you talking about?
You are saved, you are superior, you know.

So why would you fret and complain?

i'm not superior. that's just excuse #388! i'm not buying it and neither is god.
no, you're supposed to find out for yourself, implying that i am not superior.

Even if a person is promoting "you can be your own religious authority" it still establishes them as a person whose advice on religious matters is valid.

Kind of like persons who write several books about how one doesn't need a guru.

hence offering potentially is what places one in the position of (attempted) spiritual authority

the test of authority is in the mind of the speaker (although how many persons consider it valid and for what reasons is another question ...)

If someone is offering a context for the comprehension (or even rejection) of spiritual texts, they are operating out of an authority (or at least an ideological continuum, since our ideas tends to be the consequence of a long history of thesis and antithesis documented through social discourse)

Whether an individual considers one valid or invalid in no way takes away from the act of another's attempt to contextualize spiritual teachings

god is the authority.

Even if a person is promoting "you can be your own religious authority" it still establishes them as a person whose advice on religious matters is valid.

Kind of like persons who write several books about how one doesn't need a guru.

hence offering potentially is what places one in the position of (attempted) spiritual authority

the test of authority is in the mind of the speaker (although how many persons consider it valid and for what reasons is another question ...)

If someone is offering a context for the comprehension (or even rejection) of spiritual texts, they are operating out of an authority (or at least an ideological continuum, since our ideas tends to be the consequence of a long history of thesis and antithesis documented through social discourse)

Whether an individual considers one valid or invalid in no way takes away from the act of another's attempt to contextualize spiritual teachings

signal ffs, snap out of it!

how much more obvious can this be?

if god isn't the authority, then it's not god!!

No, Lori, one more time:

Even if a person is promoting "you can be your own religious authority" it still establishes them as a person whose advice on religious matters is valid.

Kind of like persons who write several books about how one doesn't need a guru.

hence offering potentially is what places one in the position of (attempted) spiritual authority

the test of authority is in the mind of the speaker (although how many persons consider it valid and for what reasons is another question ...)

If someone is offering a context for the comprehension (or even rejection) of spiritual texts, they are operating out of an authority (or at least an ideological continuum, since our ideas tends to be the consequence of a long history of thesis and antithesis documented through social discourse)

Whether an individual considers one valid or invalid in no way takes away from the act of another's attempt to contextualize spiritual teachings
No, Lori, one more time:


i see a lot of intelligent, enlightened people here trying to give you some good advice, and you don't want good advice.

you want to be spoonfed. you don't want to take any responsibility for yourself.

You are incapable of philosophical discussion.
You just twist my topic around in an effort to "help", which changes the interpersonal dynamics from equal/on cooperative terms to superior vs. inferior.
Which then makes it easy for you to criticize me and dismiss me (you do it to others too).
You are incapable of philosophical discussion.
You just twist my topic around in an effort to "help", which changes the interpersonal dynamics from equal/on cooperative terms to superior vs. inferior.
Which then makes it easy for you to criticize me and dismiss me (you do it to others too).

there is no philosophical discussion to be had here signal. get off your ass and do what it takes to know god yourself or shut up.

you're never going to philosophize your way to god.