Stuck (primarily for theists)

God as authority?

Lori are you saying if God tells you to do something you will obey without question?

this is why i say if God were to be undeniable ppl would lose there sense of free will, they would think they will have no choice but to obey..

God made us with the ability to choose,why would he take that away from us?

God will give advice, he will advise us where to go, what to do,(specially if we ask) but we can ignore his advice, he doesn't punish, the perceived punishment is a result of our action/inaction.. usually what God asks is beneficial to someone you may not even know.

changes what it means to 'believe or goto hell', its not a threat,the punishment we do to ourselves if we don't listen to God..

so Lori Why is God Authority?
God as authority?

Lori are you saying if God tells you to do something you will obey without question?

this is why i say if God were to be undeniable ppl would lose there sense of free will, they would think they will have no choice but to obey..

God made us with the ability to choose,why would he take that away from us?

God will give advice, he will advise us where to go, what to do,(specially if we ask) but we can ignore his advice, he doesn't punish, the perceived punishment is a result of our action/inaction.. usually what God asks is beneficial to someone you may not even know.

changes what it means to 'believe or goto hell', its not a threat,the punishment we do to ourselves if we don't listen to God..

so Lori Why is God Authority?

because it's god. it's inherent in what god is. i can still choose, but i know that i don't determine the consequences of my actions. it's not as if god's bossing me around like some drill sergeant. but i've come to trust god from experience. he's proven to me that he's right, and that he's on my side. i believe that god is good.
but i know that i don't determine the consequences of my actions.
determine = choose?
wouldn't that be nice..(if we could choose the consequences)

it's not as if god's bossing me around like some drill sergeant. but i've come to trust god from experience. he's proven to me that he's right, and that he's on my side. i believe that god is good.

me too also..
Some people seem to think it is impossible to be two opposing things at the same time; enjoy science and religion. Most often, arguments falls down the dividing lines. But some people are wired to induce the polarization within themselves.

An analogy might be jocks and knerds. These may appear to be two very distinct groups at school, but some people can do both at the same time. Sweating will not hurt the brain nor reading make you weak. What such people bring to the table is the best and worse of each world, into the other world. The knerd-jock may bring extra technical analysis to the skills of his sport, which could make the pure jock feel a power wedgie is needed to snap him out the knerd trance. The jock-knerd may bring his loud aggressive team spirit to the soft spoken knerds, who think they are about to be lockered. But in the final analysis, the inner polarization brings something new that can benefit both of the monopoles.

If one could handle an inner polarization of accepting both science and religion, what appears to be mutually exclusive to most and needs to remain separared, will not stay isolated as poles within the brain. What will appear will be an overlap to form religious-scientist and the scientitific-religious and things in the middle. Getting stuck that way is not in the cards, since within the polarization is electricity as the poles try to merge.

Someone who is monopole needs to maintain separation. The talking points of each group helps this, But if you are a dipole, you need to figure how to merge. There is no group hug for this, so you need to be creative. The polarization supplies the energy.
no, i don't think that would be a good idea. i'm quite satisfied with god's ability to determine consequence.

i can still argue with the word determine..

sure i can believe God had set the universe up with all its laws,
but i also can believe that God has no desire to mess with those laws, (why spoil a good thing.)
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
(ALL translations say 'good' most say 'very good')

so the consequences are already predetermined, if you touch a flame your finger will always get burnt.(unless you stick something else in the flame)

as far as the human nature, if you wrong someone(perceived),prepare to be hurt(Mental/Emotional/Physically and/or Spiritually.)

as far as scripture;
They will bear the consequences of their sin.
they will bear the consequences of their sin and will die.
that they must bear the consequences of their sin.
(all from this page.)

it doesn't say they will bear the consequences of Gods wrath..
it says it is their own fault..just cause they choose not to listen to God when he told them they would get burnt, does not mean it is Gods fault that they got burnt.

(If you lost my point, then we are on the same page..:bugeye:)
i can still argue with the word determine..

sure i can believe God had set the universe up with all its laws,
but i also can believe that God has no desire to mess with those laws, (why spoil a good thing.)
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
(ALL translations say 'good' most say 'very good')

so the consequences are already predetermined, if you touch a flame your finger will always get burnt.(unless you stick something else in the flame)

as far as the human nature, if you wrong someone(perceived),prepare to be hurt(Mental/Emotional/Physically and/or Spiritually.)

as far as scripture;
They will bear the consequences of their sin.
they will bear the consequences of their sin and will die.
that they must bear the consequences of their sin.
(all from this page.)

it doesn't say they will bear the consequences of Gods wrath..
it says it is their own fault..just cause they choose not to listen to God when he told them they would get burnt, does not mean it is Gods fault that they got burnt.

(If you lost my point, then we are on the same page..:bugeye:)

That's what I meant. I definitely don't think he's making this up as he goes along. After all, he's not constrained by time.