spoon bending

login2login said:
Just read some of the posting here. You guys have too much of arrogance. Keep your self open for learning...don't limit your mind by the past set rules.... If something is not proved by any scientific laws till today...there is an opportunity for discovery. read this web site ...:
http://www.fmbr.org/activities.htm <= something you guys would like to attend in future.

Don't forget to read who are the key players of this organisation.

I don't think any of the 'target audience' of this message cares if something
hasn't been proven by scientific law. They are just fine if something exists
and no answers are available. The problem is when someone makes a claim of
existence and provides zero evidence for it. DwayneD.L.Rabon is a prime
example of this.
login2login said:
Just read some of the posting here. You guys have too much of arrogance. Keep your self open for learning...don't limit your mind by the past set rules.... If something is not proved by any scientific laws till today...there is an opportunity for discovery. read this web site ...:
http://www.fmbr.org/activities.htm <= something you guys would like to attend in future.

Don't forget to read who are the key players of this organisation.
Facilitator: Edie Fischer, M.S.
Date: Saturday, May 28, 7-10 P.m.
Location: The Great Sophia Room, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
1069 East Meadow Circle, Palo Alto, CA
Cost: $30 in advance, $40 at the door, students, with ID, half price. For reservation please call
Edie at (831) 722-6021, or Tiffany at (415) 350-5015.
Send check or money order to FMBR, PO Box 449, Los Altos, CA 94023.

Looks like these people have at least succeeded in using the power of their minds to levitate dollar bills out of peoples' wallets.....
Here's some video demostratioins of psychokinetic powers: http://www.gipnoz.ru/video.html

http://www.psi-world.narod.ru/video.htm (these videos didn't work for me)


The concentrative effort required to move objects by PK accelerated her pulse to 200 beats per minute, dangerously raised her blood pressure and upset her EEG wave pattern, which are the type of physical changes that normally only occur when a person is suffering great stress. They left the Leningrad housewife exhausted, dizzy, and depressed, and blurred her eyesight. They were eventually to result in a heart attack; this stopped her from taking part in further experiments.

'I think only of the object and that it must move,' she told Henry Gris and William Dick, the authors of The New Soviet Psychic Dicoveries. 'I concentrate on it. I must tune myself into the object. I feel as if some kind of energy is pouring from the sides of my fingertips, and from the sides of my hands.'

The way she moves the objects seem as if there was a magnet under them. Biomagnetism is of course similar to ordinary magnetism. I don't know if these videos demostrate real psychokinetic powers but I am determined that such powers exist.

Metaphysical powers are possible because there is no physical universe. The limits are in our mind (or consciousness), not in the outer world itself. There is only one self, which exists within all things. If we realize that we are not a person, but we are the entire universe, telekinetic powers will awaken. There was another human race on earth which possessed powers like this. This kind of powers are completely "natural" (spiritual). We have inherited their powers, and many prophets were born in the beginning who had strong powers (they could see in to the future and they possessed divine omniscience). However, humans don't possess these powers anymore. We are yet too primitive. There are still exceptions, people who have these abilities, but they are not as strong as the ancient people's. The ancient people could lift their vehicles from the ground and control them as if it was their own body.

There is truth in the movie, the Matrix: "there is no spoon, only your mind. Link yourself to the spoon, become the spoon and bend yourself."

Controlling objects, people and animals with our mind is one and the same thing. When we can do one thing, we can do all the other things. Levitating our own body becomes possible, but for us, probably not in thousands of years.

Humans consider it as a natural thing to move their own body, but this is actually basic "psychokinesis". When humans see someone lift a stone with his mind, he shouts that it is a miracle. It is not a miracle. It is the very same willpower which he uses when he controls his body, it's just much stronger. Humans have already gotten used to the "everyday things" so they no longer understand that they are as great "miracles" as everything else. Everything is a miracle or nothing is.

Since there is only one mind, it is possible to control other living things. But how about inanimate things? There is no such thing. Everything lives. Even a stone is in motion (atoms) and it has a life (though very primitive). This way, if we can become the atoms, the stone, it is possible to link our mind to a stone, then levitate it, by "jumping". Magnetism is the life of the universe. It is what makes the satellites move around the nucleus of an atom, and it makes planets and galaxies move and spin. In humans, magnetism is manifested as a sexual attractive power. This is not ordinary magnetism, but it exists for the same reason as ordinary magnetism. Magnets have a north and a south pole. So do humans. The positive side is on the head and goes down along the spine. "Magnetism" (the stream of energy which connects the two poles together) constitutes "life".

Simplified, the basics of telekinesis are: 1. Think about the stone (or whatever object) 2. feel the stone 3. be the stone. As stated earlier, humans will not be able to do this in a long time. Many more things becomes possible when telepathy and other similar abilities are perfected.

The ancient people didn't use horses, they controlled lions with their mind. For bad people, it is not good to control human beings. The ancient people still used humans sometimes, if it was needed. Some of these things are written down in some way. They had bigger heads (or brains) than we. That is why telepathy and such things were possible. Thoughts are also physical. They are energy. But we can not perceive them with our ordinary senses, only with higher organs in the brain.

When we lift an object with our mind... we might see a kind of energy (in apperance similar to white smoke) coming from our body... from our stomach.... this is a manifestation of our subconscious will... some people call this power a "spirit"... it is not a spirit. A spirit is an external entity. It is not a spirit which moves the objects... it is we... it's just that we move it with our subconscious mind. Ordinary people cannot see the human will power... but we can feel it... when we are with people... they emit this energy and we detect it subconsciously... this is why we are uncomfortable with some people and other people give us energy and make us happy.

This site explains how to perform several metaphysical things: http://home.xtra.co.nz/hosts/Wingmakers/Telekinesis.html

I don't know if it really works, I only read few lines, but from what I read it sounds true.
Congratulations Yorda,

You just produced what DwayneD.L.Rabon couldn't... evidence!!!! Evidence
of what? I don't know. Looks like a bunch of old videos where views are
obstructed, location and timelines jump, and steps in larger processes are
missing. Considering that charletons tend to use these tricks, the videos
appear 'questionalbe'; however, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and call it

Thanks for sharing bud. I appreciate it.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Chrunchy cat you are out of your mind,

For continuing this conversation... likely so.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
like i said before you should do it for your self, since your doubts are so clear.

Apparently the post where this was tried was unread.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
how much money are you going to pay me for even matha matical proof, nothing, why would some one waste more time with you, being more that converstation.

It's spelled 'mathematical'. I never offered money for math (and I use
that word very loosly in this case). I offered money for a demo.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
really if you are so dense that you do not even understnd the events of your own life in association with the public, you should look at your self ask your self whats wrong with me why can't i do it.

You're right! All this time I've been so blind. Glory hallelujah! I found Jeebus,
telekenesis, and I stand elightened!!!

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
I am somebody that can tell you how to do it for self, but you fail to be able to even read with understanding, this to me means that you have poor reading copremhension or are just plain dense, having a low IQ, thats not a insult. it just means that some else has to hold your hand and work with you for longer periods of time untill you can put the pieces togeather, many people have low IQs.

How does the master teach Grasshopper the art of Kung Fooey when master
cannot do Kung Fooey? But I digress as it is apparent you can lead me to the
force AND measure my reading comprehension and IQ! Truly you are a blessed
soul dear sir.

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
you should try for your self appreanlty enough people have taken the time to converese with on the subject to be helpful rather than misguiding, me for one was one of them. As you where able to define what was and what was not telekenisis as a source of energy, you should prove it for your self, in other world give your self several years of practice, take the concerns about safty that i have written in other post and use your own life exsperince and find out if it is real or not, prove it for your self.

Sure, why not spend years trying to do something that cannot be done?
Sounds like a great investment by jimminy!

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
does that make sense.

You know what they say... 'yeshli chatool gadol benichmosiam'.
All living and non-living creatures radiate light. Look up black-body radiation if you're interested. The frequencies emitted depend on the absolute temperature of the object and are generally out of the visible-light range. Interestingly enough, it was the attempt to explain these emitted frequencies that led to quantum mechanics.

For these photons to exert a noticeable force, however, I think you'd have to be glowing like a nova...

Sunlight is ultimately the energy source for all life on earth, certainly, but I'm not sure what this has to do with telekinesis.

And if telekinesis can only move very small objects, it can still be tested. Push something around under a microscope.
Please, people, why make up such complicated theories just because you don't know how a magic trick works?
Crunchy Cat said:
He *might* be thinking of electromagnetic radiation. Technically it's light and
I think most (if not all) mammals produce it. It's not light in the visible
spectrum and it is extremely low intensity.

Of course, I could just be fueling his insanity.

*falls over laughing* awesome!!

sorry for the lapse, crunchy cat...i had alot going on, and *drumroll* it looks like im going to have a child! that took up most of my time the last few months, but im back now.

i just read through this entire thread, and i would like to move to the other side of the discussion now. the reason being: that dwayne guy made me want to kill myself every time i tried to mentally fix his grammar and spelling.

besides his masterful knowledge of the english language, he seems to be an absolute maniac, and i hope that whoever his caretaker is knows that he is running loose.

shall we resume, mr. cat?
by the cleary spoon of the airplane rattle do i bring forth the majestic bounty of christmas snowshoes!!!

the devil inside
The Devil Inside said:
*falls over laughing* awesome!!

sorry for the lapse, crunchy cat...i had alot going on, and *drumroll* it looks like im going to have a child! that took up most of my time the last few months, but im back now.

i just read through this entire thread, and i would like to move to the other side of the discussion now. the reason being: that dwayne guy made me want to kill myself every time i tried to mentally fix his grammar and spelling.

besides his masterful knowledge of the english language, he seems to be an absolute maniac, and i hope that whoever his caretaker is knows that he is running loose.

shall we resume, mr. cat?
by the cleary spoon of the airplane rattle do i bring forth the majestic bounty of christmas snowshoes!!!

the devil inside

Devil, you're back and congratulations on the kid!! As you have seen, a
number of lunatics flew over the cockoo's nest while you were gone :).

Lets resume bud. I think we tentatively chose Sunday Nov. 27th 2005 as the
day of experimentation and I will provide the office space and optionally
the transportation. I think we had some electronic communication problems
and I will PM you my personal email address so we can chat and exchange

Good to have you back!
I gotta' be worried. The date approaches, SciForums is our only means
of communication, and it's unstable... check your PM bud.

um..i dont have any new pm's...ill send YOU one. :D

i am actually kind of getting excited about all of this. if anything, i get the chance to debunk a debunker!!

I'll await your PM. Here is the last one I sent on 7/21 for which I was awaiting response:

Sorry to hear 'bout the spyware. I'm sure you'll figure
it out in time. We can use PM for now (I'm just
concerned that Sci Forums is too unstable). My cell
number is xxxxxxxxxxx.

I can reschedule but not for early november as I will
be in France for xxxxxxxx. If we can do it oct. 29/30
then that would work for me.

Your behavior doesn't show indications of craziness
and I'm thusly not concerned. Of course, no cash
or prizes (as requested). Just dinner.

The video taping is meant to record the results and
act as a proof that the experiment was conducted
properly. let me know what the concerns are about
making the tape?


My god its been over a year since I've been to sciforums (I think). I've done alot of thinking since then and my views have greatly changed.

What's going on between Devil and Crunchy Cat?