spoon bending

Light said:
Here it comes, get ready...

Can you show ANY evidence for those claims? Any at all?

Well, DUH! With anywhere between what... 720 million to over 960 million people, there are a lot of families where psi abilitities run. There have been studies where EEGs have been done on psis; charting their brainwave activity when "doing their things."

There's a lot of convincing evidence to any reasonable, open-minded individuals. My barber (and so is my physician) is quick enough to accept the evidence that's available, yet there are some really stubborn dumb-asses who refuse to accept any evidence whatsoever. But that's not my problem and not something I intend to argue to anyone, again, ever. :D

The Doctor
The Doctor said:
Well, DUH! With anywhere between what... 720 million to over 960 million people, there are a lot of families where psi abilitities run. There have been studies where EEGs have been done on psis; charting their brainwave activity when "doing their things."

There's a lot of convincing evidence to any reasonable, open-minded individuals. My barber (and so is my physician) is quick enough to accept the evidence that's available, yet there are some really stubborn dumb-asses who refuse to accept any evidence whatsoever. But that's not my problem and not something I intend to argue to anyone, again, ever. :D

The Doctor

I never asked for an argument. I was asking for reliable sources to back the numbers you are claiming. Can you provide them or not????
The Doctor said:
The folks who do this kind of research estimate that anywhere from 12 to 15 per cent of the world's population has some sort of ESP or psi abilities which out of over six billion people world wide that's a hefty sum of people, innit?

What "folks" are these and where are their peer-reviewed studies for these estimates? Or are the "folks" you're citing simply just a bunch of woo-woo's who believe this sort of shit?

The Doctor said:
But there's a physics or mechanics to remote viewing like all other aspects of psionics. Get your brain to produce deep alpha waves at 8.3 Hz and you can do remote viewing; no great trick.

Really...? Cite a source to this very specific type of "physics" please.

Otherwise, its all just a bunch of charlatan nonsense. A so-called "psychic" was just jailed in San Antonio for stealing money from believers who paid her. No pyschic has yet been able to produce the where abouts of the teenager missing in Aruba or a thousand other missing persons. It's bullshit.
Light said:
Hmmm... Then why do you present them as "fact?"

I answered your question the way you phrased it. No, I don't keep thrty year old research with annotations and sources in my head just in case somebody who is too lazy to do their own research wants to check it's veracity.

If you don't accept those figures-- who gives a fig? I didn't come up with then and don't know who did, now, some thirty years later. I didn't care who came up with those figures when I first saw them all those years ago. Like an intelligent young man I asked was that information reasonable, and at that time-- and it still does-- seem to be a reasonable figure. Only the numbers change over the years while the percentages remain the same: 12 to 15
per cent of the world's population has some psi abilities. So what?

Only somebody who's growing up in this head-up-their-ass society would
make a judgement based up some old research instead of using their own
brain to decide if it's real or not. If you don't agree with it, again, who cares? What you believe and what really goes on in the world is often two very different things.

Now, get a brain, or use whatever little bit that you have. I'm not wasting my life playing this pathetic game of trying to backup to everybody's satisfaction everything I ever heard or read over the last 49 years of my life to people I don't really care about.

I'll be glad to discuss psi anytime, but once you start questioning everything I say, the conversation's over. :eek:

The Doctor
The Doctor said:
Now, get a brain, or use whatever little bit that you have. I'm not wasting my life playing this pathetic game of trying to backup to everybody's satisfaction everything I ever heard or read over the last 49 years of my life to people I don't really care about.

I'll be glad to discuss psi anytime, but once you start questioning everything I say, the conversation's over. :eek:

The Doctor

Interesting. I've also read a great deal about the subject in my 60+ years and I've never once come across anything like the numbers you "quoted."

As to people you don't really care about, I'm sure there are many here, including myself, that care nothing for you either. So that puts us on even ground on that facet.

And so you pull the typical stunt: "I read it somewhere long ago, don't remember where, couldn't find it if I tried, but it is true - because I say so."

Right! Makes you no different from any other nutcase who does that when asked for evidence. Just another pathetic "believer" with no proof whatsoever.

"They" are a marketing arm for a series of fringe books like Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope.
Light said:
Interesting. I've also read a great deal about the subject in my 60+ years and I've never once come across anything like the numbers you "quoted."

So? Have you read every book and article in the world over the last thirty years or more? Have you read every book and article that only I have read? Just becuase you haven't read it, that doesn't mean it wasn't printed.

Now that we have that piece of silliness out of the way, what makes you think it's my duty in life to convince you of anything? You seem to miss
my point: If you don't believe what I say-- don't then! Don't come
whining to me about proof of this or that. Are you retarded? Is that so
hard for you to do, or are you mentally deranged that you have to have a total stranger provide you hand and foot with evidence of something that
has been around for ages?

If I am so worthless, stop posting to me. I quit this forum a while ago because of head-blind people like you and I only came back because I seemed to have a message in my mailbox. But I'm not here to hold your hand and give you every little precious thing you need to believe in ESP. I've met people who believed in it on a whole lot less.

If it makes you happy, let's say there's only two per cent who are psychic and they all have talk shows. Are you satisfied now? No? Okay would it please you to think that nobody has any wild talents? If so, go right ahead. What you personally believe doesn't matter to me.

Unless somebody has a real interest in psi, I'll go back to ignoring people like you; it's easier on my blood pressure. :D

The Doctor
SkinWalker said:
"They" are a marketing arm for a series of fringe books like Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope.

Apparently a Dr Vernon M Neppe is the founder and director of the institute, and the author of that book. From the few websearches I've done he seems to be a highly respected figure in the psychiatric community who makes money on the side as an expert witness...

Thus I'm a little sceptical of the (under the circumstances extraordinary) claim that Cry the Beloved Mind is a fringe book. Since extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, can you provide any references that label Dr Neppe as a sham, fraud, huckster or someone who otherwise would write fringe books? ;)

As an aside, if the name of the book seems odd to you, it appears Dr Neppe was born in South Africa and, of course, there is the famous South African book Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. Presumably this inspired Neppe's choice.
The Doctor said:
So? Have you read every book and article in the world over the last thirty years or more? Have you read every book and article that only I have read? Just becuase you haven't read it, that doesn't mean it wasn't printed.

Now that we have that piece of silliness out of the way, what makes you think it's my duty in life to convince you of anything? You seem to miss
my point: If you don't believe what I say-- don't then! Don't come
whining to me about proof of this or that. Are you retarded? Is that so
hard for you to do, or are you mentally deranged that you have to have a total stranger provide you hand and foot with evidence of something that
has been around for ages?

If I am so worthless, stop posting to me. I quit this forum a while ago because of head-blind people like you and I only came back because I seemed to have a message in my mailbox. But I'm not here to hold your hand and give you every little precious thing you need to believe in ESP. I've met people who believed in it on a whole lot less.

If it makes you happy, let's say there's only two per cent who are psychic and they all have talk shows. Are you satisfied now? No? Okay would it please you to think that nobody has any wild talents? If so, go right ahead. What you personally believe doesn't matter to me.

Unless somebody has a real interest in psi, I'll go back to ignoring people like you; it's easier on my blood pressure. :D

The Doctor

It's clear that you are the one whining, not me. Because it's not a matter of belief, it's a simple matter of proof.

You might as well return to your self-imposed exile because someone will ALWAYS be asking you substantiate things you claim. Talk is cheap, anyone can say anything and make wild claims as you've done. Providing proof, however, is a completely different matter - and apparently something that you cannot do.

Perhaps is IS true that you don't care if anyone believes what you say, though I doubt it from your reaction and personal attack. If you don't care, why bother to present such garbage in the first place?
I call it a fringe book because Neppe uses a style he calls "sciction," that is to say, fictionalized science -not to be confused with science fiction (so he says).

But I also call it fringe because there are certain aspects of the book that are quite unproven (but then, it is sciction), such as a patient with epileptic siezures who can predict earthquakes (my wife has epilepsy, so I've looked at many sources on the subject, Neppe being one of them).

But the main justification for calling it a "fringe" book is that, because of the format, one cannot use it as a text for citation. It is interesting (as science fiction), but useless (as a source of information) becuase the reader cannot be sure what he's reading is factual nor is it useful in making diagnoses or medical opinions (even lay versions) for the same reasons.
The Doctor said:
Ha ha ha ha! Apparently you're not using much of your mind as there are a
lot of people with telekinetic abilities as well as other psi abilities beyond
your feeble comprehension. If you choose to be ignorant, go right ahead; there are a lot of stupid people in the world and you'll have a lot of
company. :D

Hmm. I've been hearing these supernatural stories alot in my life, but I never witnessed them. Did you actually see anyone bend spoons with his/her mind or move anything at all?

If it is possible one would have to question what organ has this capability and how does it work?
No one walks on water. (Feels like I could sometimes!)
No one bends spoons with 'mind', like in the movies.
No one actually 'levitates'.
And no one has actually, sober, seen these things other than as stage tricks and movie tripe. 'Belief and gullibility' are factors here.
These are metaphores.

There IS that which CAN be accomplished. The real thing is just not as spectacular or sensational as the 'metaphor'. Why? Because you have to 'know' the magic before it can be recognised. For instance, a 'knowing person' knows that 'consciousness must touch a 'possibility/probability wave' for it to collapse into one of many possible 'futures'. That 'future' might be a 'photon'. If you see a photon, you therefor 'know' the current thinking of whence it came. Someone who might not 'know' this, might posit that the 'Sun God' created that photon...

The only time that it seems to make a difference which you wish to 'believe' is if you want to do some 'photon work'. One way, you just have to pray to 'Ra' and hope for the best; the other way, one can deliberately focus Consciousness on some 'waves' and have some 'influence' on the outcome. There are various techniques that produce the best results. But basically, one has the most 'influence' when all the 'possibilities/probabilities' are in the greatest state of equilibrium, the most 'balanced', where the slightest 'breeze of consciousness' will tip it one way or the other. Could be a lepton, a graviton or a quark. Just the slightest 'push'.. That is how it works. A 'twitch' here might be 'connected' to the novaing of a star there. There are too many variables to tell exactly how or exactly what or exactly (more importantly) when the outcome will be from that initial 'push'.

Thats why one cannot go up to Randi and do some 'trick' and win the prize.
That is not how it works. More than that, actually 'doing' this sort of thing is more of an 'internal discipline', like meditation and various forms of yoga, a 'personal practice' for personal evolution, a 'spiritual (for those who deal with words like this) path'. The Dalai Lama would as well whore his 'Truth and Understanding'' for cash as would a 'magician'. Besides, a 'magician' already has all the money that he needs.. A 'perk' of the 'craft'! One can literally make money fall from the sky!
This is my experience, anyway, for what it is worth...
The Devil Inside said:
last night i had a dream that i was bending spoons with my mind. of course, i have been heavily influenced by previous research on PK and such....
i was just wondering if anyone else had seen this phenomena/hoax/whatever.....in person i mean.

Yes, I have sat at a table with a friend and watched him bend a knife by staring at it :) - It scared the life out of the both of us, and he refused to dabble in any more of these sort of things again. I carried on messing around with these sort of things for a while, but all that seemed to happen for me was that all my mechanical watches always seemed to stop. To this day I have to wear a digital watch. I don't know what causes these things to happen, but for me the experiences were real :)