spoon bending

He could be serious, or lying. I just want everyone to know, that both are "possible."

Personally, I believe him. Only because I have witnessed things that are not explainable by current science standards. Not even possible to some.
Oh, God!!! I wish I could bend spoons! I have such a use for broken, useless spoons.

Don't know about you, though!
spoon bending thing is so easy to do...cause the spoon is very thin in that region so rubbing it with fingers heats up the metal and it becomes very flaccid.
draqon said:
spoon bending thing is so easy to do...cause the spoon is very thin in that region so rubbing it with fingers heats up the metal and it becomes very flaccid.
Absolute 100% pure Kentucky double malt Balderdash!!
Why don't you put your theory to the test yourself (I'm sure you can find a spoon and a file) before 'exposing' yourself in public like this.

A short internet search will find the trick all spelled out for you.
Amaze your friends.. perhaps get laid!

(And, damn! Superman, if you can move your hand that fast, ...uh... beware late night 'brush-fires'!)
Yes, I have sat at a table with a friend and watched him bend a knife by staring at it :) - It scared the life out of the both of us, and he refused to dabble in any more of these sort of things again. I carried on messing around with these sort of things for a while, but all that seemed to happen for me was that all my mechanical watches always seemed to stop. To this day I have to wear a digital watch. I don't know what causes these things to happen, but for me the experiences were real :)

You can't win the prize from Randi because the prize doesn't exist except in the minds of gullible people who actually think Randi would honestly give money away-- ever. The way his prize is worded, he doesn't *have* to pay anyone. Jesus could turn water into wine in front of him and Randi could call it nothing but a stage trick and send Jesus away without a thin nickel. An honest person with true psi abilities wouldn't win anything either.

And for those who think I'm wrong, just consider the fact that the prize offer has been around for over eighteen years now and no one has won it. While it could be because there really is no psi (neither true nor likely) OR because Randi is also a fraud (much more true and very, very, likely). It's a shame that the great Wolf Messing died before Randi came up with that fake offer; he would have gotten the money from him in a way that would have convinced the most block-headed skeptic. :)

The Doctor
I always thought that bending spoons was done the same way a thermostat works, with two metals fused so that heat bends them. I could make one that would bend from heat with a spoon, thermostat and some soft solder I think!
You can't win the prize from Randi because the prize doesn't exist except in the minds of gullible people who actually think Randi would honestly give money away-- ever. The way his prize is worded, he doesn't *have* to pay anyone. Jesus could turn water into wine in front of him and Randi could call it nothing but a stage trick and send Jesus away without a thin nickel. An honest person with true psi abilities wouldn't win anything either.

And for those who think I'm wrong, just consider the fact that the prize offer has been around for over eighteen years now and no one has won it. While it could be because there really is no psi (neither true nor likely) OR because Randi is also a fraud (much more true and very, very, likely). It's a shame that the great Wolf Messing died before Randi came up with that fake offer; he would have gotten the money from him in a way that would have convinced the most block-headed skeptic. :)

The Doctor
Doc these are just the same lame excuses you made at the beginning of this thread a couple of years ago. You even mentioned Wolf Messing then as well.
There is something that I want to know. If someone picks up a spoon, just like anyone else, and about half the time it develops a kink, without doing anything at all to bend it, is there any "natural" explanation for this? I can't see how anything that I do when I pick up a spoon can put a sharp kink in it right in the middle, with a bend of about ten degrees. Since paranormal stuff doesn't exist, there must be some physical cause for it that we don't understand. I don't see how it's possible myself.
There is something that I want to know. If someone picks up a spoon, just like anyone else, and about half the time it develops a kink, without doing anything at all to bend it, is there any "natural" explanation for this? I can't see how anything that I do when I pick up a spoon can put a sharp kink in it right in the middle, with a bend of about ten degrees. Since paranormal stuff doesn't exist, there must be some physical cause for it that we don't understand. I don't see how it's possible myself.
There is nothing mystical about it. It is just a simple magic trick.
There is nothing mystical about it. It is just a simple magic trick.

When I do it, all I do is pick it up with one hand. I do not do anything whatsoever to try to bend it. Can there be a known physical cause for the bending?
One day I was getting pissed off because people kept calling me while I was trying to cook dinner. After what turned out to be the last call, I went back to the kitchen to check on the steak I was cooking and found that the fork I was using was all bent and twisted out of shape-- like the way I felt. :)

If you can do the same thing with a snow shovel, then I'll really be impressed.
When I do it, all I do is pick it up with one hand. I do not do anything whatsoever to try to bend it. Can there be a known physical cause for the bending?

The contraction of your hand, followed by cannabis-induced short term memory loss?
Spoon bending is a cheap trick, availiable for your amuzement at:


and many many others.

I can also split a coin in half using my uber powers it only cost me 20 dollars.


Wait no, even better:

Direct link to video

You can get the awesome powers for just $29.95... they will throw in the water into wine trick, and a pirate costume!

Doc your a crank.
When I do it, all I do is pick it up with one hand. I do not do anything whatsoever to try to bend it. Can there be a known physical cause for the bending?

Yes, If it's a cheap alloy of say tin and steel, one axis will expand faster than the other due to the difference in thermal conductivity, i have a 1 inch thick bar of the sort wihich twists from the simple heat of my hand... its nothing new, I recon you would have done it in elementary physics.

another cause , or atleast that which I showed above can be made with memory metals.

I can also simply bend a spoon by holding it at the thinest neck and rubbing my fingers in opposite directions, why? because of friction, its quite easy.
And if I were performing like some wanks on the internet do, I would do it quietly. I could also fry the peice of crap with a butane torch and skip touching it at all.

I actually wanted to show you guys Penn and Tellers show on telekenisis, but its not on google :( They show a spoon bending workshop, which made me laugh so hard; I dislocated my jaw.
Oh incase anyone comes up with mentioning stainless steel as an example, it's also an alloy hence it dos'nt rust , due to sacrificial conductivity.

If someone mentions a plain steel spoon, or a silver spoon..or a gold spoon...or anything else of that sort. A simple fact, metals (excludes turbine blades and such) are poly-crystaline, which meens htey are composed of many crystals...since most people buy their spoons in Ikea or chinese alternatives in wal-mart, they are made economically, hence the steel quality is CHEAP, which tells us that the crystals are small, as it's the easiest way to manufacture, this meens the metal is very MALIABLE, and also that there is a high likelyhood of random expansion under heat, as the crystals vary in size and shape, on expands one way, the other another way..and so forth because crystals are anisotropic.

Im, done with my rant excuse spelling mistakes, ask questions if I explained it badly.

sleepy time.
If this cause is so credible and so certain to be the cause of spoon-bending, how is it that you guys didn't think of it first and simply resorted to allegations of fraud on the part of the people who bent the spoons?