spoon bending

Sounds like a clear case of confusion to me. Allow me to clarify:

* Brandon (The Devil Inside) agreed to participate in an experiment where his
claim of 70% accuracy in guessing the exact card in a 52 playing card deck
would be tested.

* The agreed upon time, date, place was a weekend in November in California.
Brandon requested a modification to another date in Novermber that
conflicted with my schedule. I have been trying to reschedule since and
have not received a response on the subject.

* Brandon's email account is non functional at the moment and SciForums is
our only means to communicate. There is evidence that SciForums is not
a stable choice for this type of communication and Brandon doesn't seem to
be receiving or understanding where to read my PM. He has not been
responsive to this matter.

* Additionally, Brandon has raised a concern about recording the experiment
on video and I have asked for more detail regarding this. I am still awaiting
a response.

In summary it's T minus 2 months to a committed event and obsticles are
arising faster than resolutions.

- Cleary the right of my rituation rauses his brain to runction.
It's a normal playing card deck bud. Card counting is not a possibility as
Brandon won't visibly see the faces of the cards (the camera will of course).

I can't say if it's intended to be mental association or something different. I
don't even think the 'how' can be answered until the event is observed.
Personally, I feel there is alot of cool things to learn from someone whom can
do this. It's quite fascinating in concept.
It ain't gonna happen Crunchy. I think the point has been proved that all these ESP types are deluded and full of crap. 10 out of 10 for effort on your part Crunchy.
I once bent a spoon using my face.
Of course the other guy pushing my head into the table helped in my achievement.

I thanked him afterwards and called him uncle.
Have any of you ever heard of Straightline Remote Viewing?

Personally, i'm an Atheist. I don't buy all this "Pyschic" ability stuff because there are too many people out there who want so badly to feel special that they'd believe something they convince themselves to the point where they actually 'believe' it to be true. I don't believe in fairies. I think people who say "God spoke to me" can kiss my ass because they suffer the same thing as those "Psychic" fanatics out there, which is known as Dilusion. But I have watched something on the Discovery channel (or was it National Geographic Channel, doesn't matter) that was quite interesting. The show was about Remote Viewing, basically how people can identify objects far away without ever having seeing it. Anyway, it was interesting enough to look up on the internet, and I found some pretty interesting information.

I also have great interest and respect for Carl Jung, and his theory of the Collective Consciousness (NO i'm not another psychology student-intellectual wannabe), and I believe that the subject of Remote Viewing, "Deja Vu", and (so called) reincarnation, are closely linked to Jung's theory. Well, that's my opinion anyway, just thought this Remote Viewing thing might be interesting for you guys to read about.

I need a response by the 24th or this will have to be cancelled due to non-responsiveness.

I am cancelling the engagement due to non-responsiveness. Please let me know if you would like to reschedule for another time.

Ellimist said:
"psychopyresis" is supernatural. A boy scout can start a fire in the woods without matches.

Yes, anyone who is strong enough can stop someone's heart or crush a trachea. Usually one leads to the other. heh.

the human mind alone (meaning without appendages/body) cannot affect anything, especially fires, hearts, and throats.

If a "teek" thinks he is moving a pencil using only his mind, he is hallucinating or lying to himself. His delusions may get stronger and he may end up in a psychiatric institution.

since you are a none beliver I will give u a site to go look a thttp://www.mysteriouspeople.com/index.htm this site is all factual u might learn somthing and if you dont then your beyond help
thanks for you time
Joyi Brand said:
Have any of you ever heard of Straightline Remote Viewing?

Personally, i'm an Atheist. I don't buy all this "Pyschic" ability stuff because there are too many people out there who want so badly to feel special that they'd believe something they convince themselves to the point where they actually 'believe' it to be true. I don't believe in fairies. I think people who say "God spoke to me" can kiss my ass because they suffer the same thing as those "Psychic" fanatics out there, which is known as Dilusion. But I have watched something on the Discovery channel (or was it National Geographic Channel, doesn't matter) that was quite interesting. The show was about Remote Viewing, basically how people can identify objects far away without ever having seeing it. Anyway, it was interesting enough to look up on the internet, and I found some pretty interesting information.

I also have great interest and respect for Carl Jung, and his theory of the Collective Consciousness (NO i'm not another psychology student-intellectual wannabe), and I believe that the subject of Remote Viewing, "Deja Vu", and (so called) reincarnation, are closely linked to Jung's theory. Well, that's my opinion anyway, just thought this Remote Viewing thing might be interesting for you guys to read about.

You are also ather ignorant as well. Psi abilities has nothing to do with whether you believe in God, Deva, Satan, or fat-ass Cartman from South Park. Most psi abilities are genetic, running in families from generation to generation. The folks who do this kind of research estimate that anywhere from 12 to 15 per cent of the world's population has some sort of ESP or psi abilities which out of over six billion people world wide that's a hefty sum of people, innit?

But there's a physics or mechanics to remote viewing like all other aspects of psionics. Get your brain to produce deep alpha waves at 8.3 Hz and you can do remote viewing; no great trick.

The Doctor
The Doctor said:
You are also ather ignorant as well. Psi abilities has nothing to do with whether you believe in God, Deva, Satan, or fat-ass Cartman from South Park. Most psi abilities are genetic, running in families from generation to generation. The folks who do this kind of research estimate that anywhere from 12 to 15 per cent of the world's population has some sort of ESP or psi abilities which out of over six billion people world wide that's a hefty sum of people, innit?

But there's a physics or mechanics to remote viewing like all other aspects of psionics. Get your brain to produce deep alpha waves at 8.3 Hz and you can do remote viewing; no great trick.

The Doctor

Here it comes, get ready...

Can you show ANY evidence for those claims? Any at all?