spoon bending

WTF does "cleary" mean? And you body has no light visible to the iris, it only reflects it unless you also believe you experience Spontaneous Combustion from time to time. Next, you'll suggest that your B.O. causes our noses to wrinkle, which is a form of telekinesis.

It sounds like your PSI abilities are involuntary and I have seen no effort
or intent on your part to provide any evidence they exist. What can we
do to turn the situation around?

It is not. You didn't use you "mind" to affect the iris. Indeed, you didn't use anything. It was an automatic response of the iris to the light, which doesn't even emanate from you but is reflected by you.

So all this time you were trolling instead of discussing. Interesting.

Still, what does "cleary" mean?
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Well Crunchy cat
The reason that i even take the time to talk to you, is because i understand what you appearnlty do not understand given your words post in thisa topic. like i said before you should search your self for the awnsers, given the persistance to deni, the events even when exsplain.
for example the sentance that i have writ," As cleary the light of my body alone causes the iris of his eye to dialate".
is it or is not telekinesis, if so why do you need some else to prove that it exist.

just as you say you can not prove it with out proof, if you can not recongize proof then how do you prove in the first place. in end result what you are really asking is for some one to satisfy your desires of life that you define as telekenisis, right.
if not please exspalin, as before i asked you about your exsperince with dejuve and you did not awnser. it see that you have been elusive, is this because you have been argueing with people, and are defensive.

just anwser the question, is it telekenisis or not.



The fact we are having this conversation is evidence that I am searching
for answers. The fact that I have committed to 3 independent experiements
with SciForums members (I flew to Seattle for one) demonstrates I am
searching. Cleary the light of my body has caused retinal detachment.

Why would I even care about your light-pupil sentence? It's a metaphor
for truth at best and absurd fantasy at worst. It provides neither truth
nor knowledge and therefore has no value. Is it telekensis? No! It's a

Let me outline an example of what I am looking for. If someone can levitate a
ping pong ball into the air and then throw it to me with pure thought then
I would consider that a very compelling piece of evidence.

You are correct, I didn't answer the deja vu question. I wasn't avoiding it.
I just forgot about it (sorry my bad). To answer the question yes, I have
been a part of events that were very similar to what I had experienced
in dreams (REM or daydreams). I have even been part of events that were
very familiar yet I could not recall any specific detail in my memory about
a comparison. A 'believer' is likely to conclude its PSI phenomenoa. A non-
believer is likely to ask 'well what the heck was that' and then use evidence
to build a model.

Anyhow, I am not really interested in Deja Vu or Future Prediction. I am
interested in telekenesis (or alternatively telepathy). Again, no evidence
has been provided nor has there been any intention to do so.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Well Chrunchy cat
since in your preception, the act of light emitted from the body of a person causeing the iris of another person to dialate is not a event of telekenesis, light can not be consideridered to be a act of telekenesis for you. it is clear then that to you what ever telekenesis is, it is other than light, for me this sees a little far fetched as the emmission of light is the base of all reaction living. so then clearly you eliminate the existance of finding telekeneisis, and your research is done/ complete. would this be true?

As cleary the light of my body alone causes the iris of his eye to dialate



Photons bounce of matter and their gravitational fields are not strong enough
to displace matter in earth's gravity (heck I am not even sure if measurable
displacement can happen in 0 gravity). The only light (and I use the word
loosly) that the human body eminates is low intensity electromagnetic
radiation at best. It's not a wavelength and intensity that a pupil can register.

This knowledge which is testable and verifyable contradicts the idea that
photons can be directed by thought to move matter; however, in the spirit
of theory, what evidence exists to support this notion?


P.S. Why the heck couldn't this idea but laid out on the table from the get
go? Seriously...
Good god. I can't stand it any longer. What is it about the fact that LIGHT DOES NOT EMANATE FROM YOUR BODY do you not understand!?

Do you honestly believe that it does? You you honestly believe that you control the light that is reflected by your body with your mind!?
I should think that Crunchy Cat will be insulted by your statement. He has explained time and time again what would be a conclusive demonstrable proof of psi power as expressed through telekinesis, and has stated that he is still looking, still searching and still interested in investigating the evidence. That light is not a cause of telekinesis is a reasonable presumption to make. Psi proponents do not believe that the psi phenomenon is electromagnetically based anyway (the limits to energy transfer by electromagnetic means are very well understood scientifically.
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DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
So then for you, as light is not cause of telekenisis your serach and study are complete, is that correct?

As cleary the light of my body alone causes the iris of his eye to dialate



How could I possibly declare light the cause when the effect has clearly
never been demonstrated? Anyhow you're just wasting everyones time
with your nonsense. Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out.