(split) Cryogenically freezing Michael Jackson

Well, X-man2
I actually do not have a web site, dedicated to Cryogenics. However you could send a question to me at my listed e-mail address, or by the forum message boards about cryogenics. If you search my posts you would find a list of atomic polarity sensitivity which would be a great help in understanding cryogenic reactions, limits or oreintations of atoms (one refference to the list is posted in the topic regarding Comprehending the Cytoskelton).http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2296297&postcount=27

Nasor, electrolites are not necessarily neutral they have a changing ion charge, hence we the sodium-potassium pump cycle of the cell. But a neutral soultion would still be favorable as it would reduce intermolecular pressure, as i understand it, it is the H concentration (hydrogen) and phosphate compounds that serve to act as a negative charge causing osmotic pressure variation. For Gatorade the negative polar charge and H ions in cycle render the sodium and poatssium ions as neutral in soultion.

Today is the 32 nd day,

To set a scheduale For the City of Los Angels, California
Located at 118 degrees West Long by 34 degrees West Lat.
Calcium ,water washes and electrolyte should be applied at about 1:00 pm, and be complete by 5:30 pm, in the positive electrolytes after 7:30 pm drainage is done to decrease molecular pressure on the membrane structure of cells.
Positive electrolytes can also be applied in the morning at 6:00 am and be complete by 8:30 am , drainage is done at 1:00 pm. (calcium wash is not applied in the morning cycle for Los Angeles)

In the application of electrolytes the body must be rotated every four minutes, and must be continually rotated the entrie time from the first application and throughout the treatment, even in the body is stored in cold storage the body must be rotated every four minutes. Rotation means the body is truned 45 degrees every 4 minutes (back, side, front, side). Four positions in one complete rotation of the body, taking 16 minutes total).
During cold storage of the body rotation of the body may occur once per second, (1 Hertz) or one cycle per second, when not handling the body or appling electrolytes this is a good cycle of rotation to maintain, but when applying electrolites slowing rotation 4 minutes is required.
Maintaining a rotation prevents settling of cellular materials at cold tempitures, and allows circulation and seepage of electrolytes through the body.

How to rotate the body, the first requirement is to have a rotating table, if you do not have one you have to build one. So quickly then, you would find a solid door and take it off its hinges, then on both ends of the top and bottom make a hole in the edge. This hole is to place the pivot on which the table will rotate. After the holes are made you then have to make to square braces, so you will get some wood boards, nail them together similar to a crate, placing two boards on the bottom equally spaced apart and two boards on top of those joining the corners, nail the corners together. (Make two such supports) once the supports are made you get two more boards of the same size and nail them in the middle of the supports. Having completed placing the third board in the middle, you will need to find several small pieces of wood that are the same size as the pivot holes, they should be square. Screw (or nail) these pieces to the middle board of the support, in a manner which will match up with the holes in the door top. Next get four boards as long as the door, these will be the boards that hold the two end supports together. Nail these to the side of the bottom of each support, simply place the door on the ground, and fit the two side supports into the pivot hole of the door, appling grease (Vegtable oil, ect) to the pivot, once fitted nail two of the long side boards in to the bottom sides, and two of the long boards into the middle board of the side support. If you used a square pivot you will have better support and control over the table in rotations cycles of 4 minutes. (Clean the table)
None the less if you have to actually build the table you must first get the body into a cold storage or area as a priority.

Once treatment has has reached a stable balance for cells, gestation and growth could occur in different areas, such as blood and Plasma production, how far to go with growth, verse revival or cold storage remains a question. But once a balance has been gained preservation in cold storage could take place.

Michael Jacksom was 50 years old , so Cold storage and presevation of his body would allow him to be revived at a time in the future when life might be more interesting to a person that has had 50 years of life exsperince. It also provides a base means of establishing longterm life beyond 50 years for Michael Jackson. Cold Storage itself is not a ticket to enternal life, more will be required of human society to Physically achieve enternal life for the human Physcial body. Some advancements have been made Recently the Chinese have dicovered a means by which to develop stem cells without the use of fetus, which is major news!!! , Russian have developed healing and treatment with the use of sound so advancements are being made.

The futrue may hold a world emergency, in such a event it is about moving the physical body of human beings and safeguarding those bodies, not about those things of the sprit or sole, when the sprit and and soul helps us in our effort it is a Blessing.

Michael Jackson was a singer, not of the order of the Opera, but a singer by trade and form of Constitution, so it stands that from the sole of his spirt he should be able to speak to the living under the order of Ghosts. I might continue to exsplain but right now we still have until September 5th.

So consider the event of fact that as you approach to prepare the body, the body is aware of your presence in approach from 30 feet.

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Wow, one more post of pure nonsense, but I must admit to being especially fond of these two pieces of utter rubbish.

so it stands that from the sole of his spirt he should be able to speak to the living under the order of Ghosts.

So consider the event of fact that as you approach to prepare the body, the body is aware of your presence in approach from 30 feet.

If only you could write actually English you may have a future as a purveyor of fiction, but there's some things that are just too ridiculous...
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Here are the lock out times for Los Angeles , California.

6:58 PM and AM (July 28th)
7:48 PM and AM (July 29th)
8:38 PM and AM (July 30th)
9:28 PM and AM (July 31st)
10:18 PM and AM (Aug 1st)
11:58 PM and AM (Aug 2nd)

A lock out time, means a period of which there is no handling of the body,and no application of chemistry. (non contact with the BODY).

12:00 pm (noon) is also a lock out time for the day.

Each day you can exspect to start work on the body 50 minutes later.

Non contact should be about a hour to two hours long, having one intreval before the listed time 6:58 and one after that time. (5:58 Start and 7:58 End of lock out time.

may be michael jackson would be a aerobics instructure in the future

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Here are the lock out times for Los Angeles , California.
- snip -
may be michael jackson would be a aerobics instructure in the future

Please, either stop posting total nonsense or at least try to give some scientific explanation for it.

Betcha can't...
Well, Dywyddyr

The Lock out times are self exsplaining within the post, they are times in which those people which are attendants of the body are not allowed to touch it.
I assume you are looking for the reason why lock out times exist with in the schedule, it is because at these times, endema (swelling) and because most reactions would just cause imbalance, and increased molecular pressure that just tear and the structure of the body (tissue membranes) causing deformation.

other events occur but require a non tampering.

would you like a longer description.

Well, Dywyddyr
The Lock out times are self exsplaining within the post, they are times in which those people which are attendants of the body are not allowed to touch it.
The "lock out" times are there but no explanation what they actually mean or how they're "derived".
Note that I put the word "derived" in quotes since there's no actual scientific basis for them, only your delusions that you know something.

I assume you are looking for the reason why lock out times exist with in the schedule, it is because at these times, endema (swelling) and because most reactions would just cause imbalance, and increased molecular pressure that just tear and the structure of the body (tissue membranes) causing deformation.
Total and utter nonsense.
What on Earth makes you "think" (also in quote marks since it's obvious that you don't genuinely think) that a specific time of day/ date has any effect on "endema" (presumably you mean oedema/ edema)?
This is more of your bullshit.

would you like a longer description.
Only if you want me to keep pointing out that you're a crackpot with no grounding in reality.
Well, Dywyddrr

It is your limited understanding of chemistry,that bars you form understanding the the schedule. I am willing to give you a few points, and to make disccusion about the preperation of the body of Micheal Jackson for Cold storage. But you would need to be a PHD or even better to understand the basis of the schedule. Most MDs in the mecdical feild still do not have enough education to understand the basis of defining, and calculating a schedule. Most rely on schedules that have been predetermined by a speciallist. (For example Surgens). even then the types of schedules remain limited because the chemistry on our planet is still exsperimental, and by trial and error. None the less there are people who really enjoy the study and are probally the most advance, but do not work in the medical feild, if they right a book for public understanding it still would take several years a minium to make it into the feild, and most MDs do not have the dedication and time to undersatnd that level of advancement, hence the implied term mentioned earlier above called a PHD.

I personally can and do set schedules, relvant to chemistry, and have been defining the basis fo chemistry for our planet for more than a year. and still it will take two more year for me to define all chemistry within our solar sytem under format. it is not easy and i am sure you do not have even the ground work to define even the simplest reaction as a state on earth. so you just make insults.

Listen just leave the body alone during the lock out times. in your personal life dont wear your self out physically just take a break (like lunch).

The object of the game is to prepare the body by gaining a balanced electrolite, and cleaning the body. so that either cold storage can take place or other treatments.

if you had nothing to prepare the body with you would have a hard time you must be inventive, (for example if you live in a third world country what resources could you use)

So does any body know what happened to Michael Jacksons Body

It is your limited understanding of chemistry,that bars you form understanding the the schedule.
No, it's your limited understanding of reality that bars you from realising you're talking nonsense.

I am willing to give you a few points, and to make disccusion about the preperation of the body of Micheal Jackson for Cold storage. But you would need to be a PHD or even better to understand the basis of the schedule. Most MDs in the mecdical feild still do not have enough education to understand the basis of defining, and calculating a schedule.
A Ph.D.?
And I suppose you are?
Oh wait, this is more of your crap about you being a genius...

because the chemistry on our planet is still exsperimental, and by trial and error.
And chemistry elsewhere isn't?
Do tell. :rolleyes:

None the less there are people who really enjoy the study and are probally the most advance, but do not work in the medical feild, if they right a book for public understanding it still would take several years a minium to make it into the feild, and most MDs do not have the dedication and time to undersatnd that level of advancement, hence the implied term mentioned earlier above called a PHD.
In other words you're talking even more nonsense in a (failed) effort to make yourself appear knowledgeable.

I personally can and do set schedules, relvant to chemistry, and have been defining the basis fo chemistry for our planet for more than a year
Sheer fantasy.

and still it will take two more year for me to define all chemistry within our solar sytem under format.
More fantasy.
Any "defining" you do will have no basis whatsoever in reality, only in your head.

it is not easy and i am sure you do not have even the ground work to define even the simplest reaction as a state on earth. so you just make insults.
I have the "ground work" to recognise delusional nonsense when I see it, and having seen most your 800+ posts I really have seen nonsense.
The vast majority of your posts are based on delusion and wishful thinking.

Listen just leave the body alone during the lock out times. in your personal life dont wear your self out physically just take a break (like lunch).
Is that supposed to mean anything?
Maybe it translated badly from your native language.

The object of the game is to prepare the body by gaining a balanced electrolite, and cleaning the body. so that either cold storage can take place or other treatments.
Wrong again: give up the delusion, get professional help.
Well, Dywyddyr

Look your just running a Slander post campaign. and since no one really reads this forum, you can run off at the mouth.

Now you say it all a bag of wind, that in itself shows that you lack the understanding of the issues and can not carry the conversation.

Since you make such a object to the suggestions that i have put forth on the subject of preparing the body of Michael Jackson, lets see you actually join the conversation and bring about some of your meathods, and procceedures that you think could be used in the preparation of the body.

You see i covered all of the main points,something you could not find any where,

1.) Electrolite balance
2.) Rotation
3.) proper Cold tempiture.

From your conversation dywyddyr, you are at failure in caring for your dead, like so many others. they could just tell you that you relative died and get away with it. next thing you buried your relative alive in the grave. you know perdoically bodies are exhumed, of the grave is excavted and they find that the body has turned over on its side and curled up in a fetal postion. which is the number one indicator that the person woke from death after being buried.
you fall in the same catagory of ignorance of death, it seems.

But please do tell us how you plan to treat the body.

Generally, the death toll of the world is about 45,000,000 people per year so there are some bodies to be taken care of.

In the U.S.A. the death toll is about 2,058,000

China 9,129,400
India 7,458,500
Indonesia 1,539,300
Brazil 1,249,500
Pakistan 1,075,200
Bangledesh 1,026,900
Russia Federation 1,002,400
Japan 893,900
Nigeria 868,900
Eurpean Union 4,188,100

Most of these nations take about 50% of a person laborer effort in taxes, so when will they actually care for the people that give them substance for their social order.
What we see is that people give 50% to goverment and inturn the goverment in the end burns their bodies like they where trash, burned in a trash pile. cremation, and even burial are out of date exspecially when such meathods as cold storage exist.

humans have been studying the treatment and the preparation of the dead for more than 2,000 years with the hope of reviving the dead, hence medical treatment exist. so then why does the goverments neglect the desires of the people to preserve life,when the technologies exist not only to store the dead, but to restore life as well to the deceased. Certainly rulers must think of the public as cattle, slaves which deserve no restoration or comfort. the exspendable to their whims.

When is the goverments going to start to Care.

No message could have been more Clear, and if they wanted Michael Jackson would be properly stored and in the future restored with out doubt of that event.

Look your just running a Slander post campaign. and since no one really reads this forum, you can run off at the mouth.
I have some bad news for you: it's not slander if it's true.
You're a fantasist and a deluded crackpot, who's convinced himself that he's doing science when in fact he isn't even close to it.

Now you say it all a bag of wind, that in itself shows that you lack the understanding of the issues and can not carry the conversation.
Correction, you have a history of fantasy and unsubstantiated posts.
It's not my understanding that's lacking, it's your rubbish posing as science.

Since you make such a object to the suggestions that i have put forth on the subject of preparing the body of Michael Jackson, lets see you actually join the conversation and bring about some of your meathods, and procceedures that you think could be used in the preparation of the body.
Why should I?
I and others have pointed where you are wrong and also mentioned that there are professional firms that actually do this service.
Anyone can Google them.

You see i covered all of the main points,something you could not find any where,
1.) Electrolite balance
You got that wrong.

2.) Rotation
And you wrote nonsense about that too.

3.) proper Cold tempiture.
Proper cold temperature?
Above zero Celsius?
Oh yes, we covered that.

From your conversation dywyddyr, you are at failure in caring for your dead, like so many others. they could just tell you that you relative died and get away with it. next thing you buried your relative alive in the grave. you know perdoically bodies are exhumed, of the grave is excavted and they find that the body has turned over on its side and curled up in a fetal postion.
Nah, my relatives get cremated.

which is the number one indicator that the person woke from death after being buried.

Generally, the death toll of the world is about 45,000,000 people per year so there are some bodies to be taken care of. etc etc

All nothing to do with the topic.

humans have been studying the treatment and the preparation of the dead for more than 2,000 years with the hope of reviving the dead
And have signally failed to come a reliable method.

hence medical treatment exist. so then why does the goverments neglect the desires of the people to preserve life,when the technologies exist not only to store the dead
Government should dictate what happens to the dead and not individual choice?
If you can afford freezing you can get it.
Where's the problem?

but to restore life as well to the deceased

Still can't actually provide any science?
As usual.
Still avoiding giving specific answers to ANY of my questions?
As usual.
Well Dywyddrr
A lot of what you say is a matter of opinion, and it seems that you exspect that such is a deterent from point of fact, or even the discussion that is at hand. your opinion is that you have the ablity to make a correction but you provide no fruits.

Its is clear that you do not have a intrest or you would address the meathod of treatment for the body.

Please do exsplain the part about the poffessional firms that do prepare the body, that say the fundementals mentioned by me in this topic are no consistance with treating the deceased.

Dywyddrr it is you who do not know waht you are talking about, to cover your ignorance you make slanders.

Since your last post you said that Electrolite was not required to treat the body, and that rotation was not required as well, and the most absurd comment of low temptiure not being required just makes you look stupid.

you should ask questions when you do not know something, it yeilds better results than the color of your ego.

Plently of science was provided, it appears that you would like to gain a education on things you do not understand by running your slander campagin. do you think that will work with your father or mother, even your boss. your going to have to work for the anwsers Dywyddrr, enough has been given within my post for you to find your way through difficult times.
(I am not sure you know waht science is)

Today is the 37 day after the announcement of Michael Jacksons death, the body of Michael Jackson will be alive untill September 5th. There still remains 35 days in which to recover and treat the body for cold storage. So even today there remains time.
The event of just keeping the body at low tempiture greatly increases the time form 35 days to a exstended time frame, wherein then the condition of the body can be considered as well the course of treatment. in Michael Jacksons case the cause of death was a Heart Attack which suugest that the body is in good condition and much easier to prepare and treat.
The main problem for this case and gaining exstended time frames, is one actually getting the body to cold placement and two eleminating germs and bacteria.
The major bacteria are anaerobic germs, those that live with oxygen. most will having a presence in the lower guts, (Intestines, kidneys,stomach, including the liver) once the bacteria have been elminated you will have reached the platform of exstend time in the treatment of the Michael Jackson body.

Degasing the body can be difficult task, it must be done in cold temptiures, but generally occurs by itself. it is the pockets of gase that form with certain parts of the body that need treatment, and work. i would suggest doing this before taking on the task of cleaning the body. Massaging the body forces the trapped gases to other places where it may be release.

A lot of what you say is a matter of opinion
Unfortunately for you no, it's not an opinion, your posts do not contain any actual science.

and it seems that you exspect that such is a deterent from point of fact, or even the discussion that is at hand. your opinion is that you have the ablity to make a correction but you provide no fruits.
How can you "correct" nonsense other than point out that it IS nonsense?
There's nothing to correct since it's ALL rubbish.

Its is clear that you do not have a intrest or you would address the meathod of treatment for the body.
And as I have told you: there are professional firms to do, it's not MY job.
I'm simply pointing out that your "method" is specious, false and based on nothing other than your personal delusions.

Please do exsplain the part about the poffessional firms that do prepare the body, that say the fundementals mentioned by me in this topic are no consistance with treating the deceased.
Could you rephrase in English?

Dywyddrr it is you who do not know waht you are talking about, to cover your ignorance you make slanders.
One more time: it's not slander if it's true.
There is no actual science behind your posts.

Since your last post you said that Electrolite was not required to treat the body
No I didn't.
Learn to read.

and that rotation was not required as well
No I didn't (again).
Learn to read.

and the most absurd comment of low temptiure not being required just makes you look stupid.
That's an indication of your delusion and stupidity: by definition cryogenic refers to temperature well below freezing.
Temperatures above zero Celsius won't even preserve a damned cheese sandwich, let alone a body.

you should ask questions when you do not know something, it yeilds better results than the color of your ego.
Colour of my ego?
It's nothing to do with me not knowing.
As I have stated - I know perfectly well that you're posting utter drivel.

Plently of science was provided
Wrong; what you gave was your "invented" interpretation, nothing factual, nothing genuine, nothing real.
No science.

it appears that you would like to gain a education on things you do not understand by running your slander campagin
Keep missing the point don't you?
There's nothing to understand and it isn't slander.

do you think that will work with your father or mother, even your boss.
What the hell are you talking about now?

your going to have to work for the anwsers Dywyddrr, enough has been given within my post for you to find your way through difficult times.
Only if I'm as deluded as you.
Which I'm not.

(I am not sure you know waht science is)
Ah, there's your problem.
I know what science is, you're not sure... :rolleyes:

Today is the 37 day after the announcement of Michael Jacksons death, the body of Michael Jackson will be alive untill September 5th.
Wrong. He's dead.

There still remains 35 days in which to recover and treat the body for cold storage. So even today there remains time.
No time left. He's dead.

The event of just keeping the body blah blah specious unfounded crap blah blah Massaging the body forces the trapped gases to other places where it may be release.
Sheer unmitigated nonsense.
2 things I would be interested in your website address,should you want to provide it.

Also about what you said of body's that have been known to have moved in the grave.
Would you know of online articles,stories etc of this event.This is very interesting stuff.

2 things I would be interested in your website address,should you want to provide it.

Also about what you said of body's that have been known to have moved in the grave.
Would you know of online articles,stories etc of this event.This is very interesting stuff.


true measured scientific death has only just been established in the last few decades.

everything prior to that is pretty much folk law and fables when it comes to defining actual death.
trends on fears of being buried alive were very real and became cottage industry at some points in history.

these days the idea is still muddled in the subconscious as an innate claustrophobia and played upon by movie writers.

also you might find customs of morning the body for a few days is also a way around the issue of burring someone alive in the absence of technology.
quite possibly (assuming you have an interest in the whole death gig) this might be possible to cross link from the other side of the feild data.
Micheal Jackson Made it in to the Guinness book of world records for contributions to Charity, Some make will and so don’t.

With today 45 days have past, 27 days remain in the 72 day period for restoration and preservation of the Michael Jackson body.

In the well known story of the Trojan war, there is the story of Achilles. In which Achilles a great warrior who Disfigures the body of another great warrior named Hektor.
The outrageous act of desecration of the body angers the gods, and so the gods of the story bring about the death of Achilles for his mutilation of the dead.

The advent of cold storage preservation, should bring about the end to the butcher that occurs at the coroner office or medical examiners office of humans in society.
In cases where organs are removed from the deceased, special consideration should be given to body that are not mutilated, of contaminated with diseases or viruses, mainly because bodies that contain disease are subject to the reoccurrence of death within a short time after revival as a result that there is no cure for the dieses causing death. In contrast other less volatile deaths are easily recovered, such as heart attacks, peripheral wounded bodies that have simply bleed to death from artery failure or suffocated excetra.

In the Michael Jackson case, Michael Jackson died of a heart Attack that is among the conditions for success at revival and treatment for cold storage. However once a bodily is taken to the coroners office it remains unclear as to what can bee done for the body as the coroners office may have given no consideration to cold storage preservation or Cryogenics that might take place, or may be planned by the deceased via a cryogenic facility, and or has no such policy. So Butchery of the body may have taken place under the practice of the Coroners office.

If cold storage and revival practice existed as a condition of the coroner and medical examiners office questions regarding the death or other questions could have been obtained from the deceased. In a 72 hour revival period At least 55 days would be expect for overall performance achievement in function. Simply put all memory is not lost in the condition of death and revival, but memory shock does exist to accurate memory recall, timely events the sequence of events in memory, however good senses give rise to the nature of the object or person when a question exist, people with acute development in the senses will have good and accurate memory recall. (Lower mental function verse higher brain mental function.)
A lack of policy exist it appears through out the world among domestic governments, such as municipalities, counties or providence, prefectures type governments, As well a lack of facilities. Assumable such a program would be ideally a state government facility, but the lack of guidance wide spread within a country and the countries of the world, the establishment of direction and or order should be a federal organization and administration in all countries at this time. (Administrative government Jurisdiction)
Administrate government would allow major facilities to be built in the most suitable places within a country.
In the immediate local domestic governments require basic procedures, and simple equipment additions, where in a intuiting transition of equipment is of simple construction and engineering. More complicated and specialized equipments would as normal be made in addition at later time in the advancement of such a program.
A Manual and Technical designs for equipment have priority in the direct immediate action of cold storage and treatment for domestic government. (Most coroners have sufficient education to carry out procedures). Generally the average number of bodies that can be handled in a day is dependant on the ability to establish electrolyte balance in each cadaver (body). Generally two times exist in a 24 hour day where in electrolyte is applied in large sufficient quantities to establish a complete electrolyte balance across and through out the body. So daily preparations would begin twice a day. In a city of 1,000,000 you might receive 19 bodies per day or one body per hour. So in each time period 12 bodies would have to be prepared. Resulting in a facility with a staff of 24 to 50 staff workers.
Where on average the management criteria is of only 7,000 bodies for preparation and storage per year for a city of 1,000,000 (1 million) people.

The Main Commodity Resource used to operate a facility or treatment is electrolytes and sterile water. About 22.5 gallons of in the possible course of treatment, for a large city that would be 427.5 gallons per day, or 156,375 gallons per year. Several companies within the world are skilled in the manufacture of large quantities of electrolytes, and there effective rate of application, companies such as Gatorade world wide distribution.
Establishing viable resources that are abundant serves the community of the world, making treatments obtainable in remote places and third world countries. Natural resources such as sea water and useful agriculture products which produce filtered moles volumes for distillation establish a means of permanent a world practice and culture that can not be moved or disturbed in practice by wayward occurrences of social domestic economics.

The state of the world apparently at this current time in world history is a state of neglect of Human Society by governments claiming territorial ruler ship on earth.
Certainly The revival of the dead and preservation of effected bodies is not covered by the new Obama health care coverage plan for the U.S.A. nor was it considered by Congress, in the mean time archaic state laws abandon the issue and have restrictions that would make such a effort by the individual who cared for his people a unlikely achievement. Given the current blind care of industrialized nations and political social environment it appears that the greatest success rate securing a system of practice would be a third world nation with a low death rate (or a country with a small population to serve as a example to the world stage).
It seem also that the Generals of war have no plan to restore and revive life that they have taken in war for political social reasons after they have gained their objective and the environment is under condition for peace. Currently the USA has made a effort at war in parts of the world but yet will not or has not implemented a program to revive the soldiers that have died in the process for the political belief of rulers in directing world regions to a perceived better state of life (Other countries seem to follow the same trend).
Which illustrates that government is at a state of depotinism (waste) on a world scale given the lack of adjustment to technology and acquired knowledge of current society.
Many rulers within the governments appear to have a lack of vision in gauging human society and advancement in state of life, even though the actions of the general people spell out before them the desired areas for improvements, please observe the memorials established to the dead, the prayers and meditations upon the grave site, the tear filled eye, and the mental disparity at the loss of our companions. This existing should serve as a warning to the common man that government is at true failure. It is not only the past that is before the rulers of nations and governments but the future, where it can not be denied that humans must adhere to the technologies of cold storage and cryogenics as a way of life in the future as the environment of which must navigate in the future is one that is cryogenic in state (condition of environment). Understanding this fact the governments of the world are with out reason to deny the mass population the option, and functional system of storage and revival of the dead. Given the advancement in technology and learned knowledge a responsive government would not delay.

It is because the government is without clear vision that it is likely that difficulties exist in the Michael Jackson case, wherein he was a number one candidate for revival and cold storage, but due to events after his heart attack, his body was complicated from good condition to worse under investigative discovery for a cause of death, when other means of death that would be relevant where discernable by blood analysis, the coroner having received the body in less than 12 hours.
The actual current condition of the Michael Jackson body remains elusive at this point, but it can be assumed that several organs have been removed or damaged in the course of the autopsy. Such a event existing for the body of Michael Jackson predetermines that the cold storage would be the end result of treatment as opposed to a immediate or transition time period for revival. In this circumstance it would become a priority to obtain sperm cells of Micheal Jackson so that organs of similar chemistry can be developed in the future, specifically germ cells in this case at 45 days, as well tissue samples of the organs that have been removed so that comparisons of germ cells genetics can be made to find a matching genetic frequency (somatic cell comparison to germ cells. The remaining organs those that are still within the body of Michael Jackson will have to be treated for Carbon Monoxide poisoning and other volatiles and cleaned of such material along with the rest of the body
As this is the 45 day since the stopping of vital fluid circulation, water and electrolyte are main priorities in treatment. This would be less of a urgency had the body been treated within 72 hours where in a balance of electrolyte fluid is more easily obtained in early on set of death. At 45 days electrolyte has fallen in distributive balance and as a result cells have died, how many cells have died depends on the level of disturbance in the bodies electrolyte balance. The cell death rate rapidly increases with electrolyte imbalance and water evaporation.
Over the last 46 days 56.4 grams of cells have become unrecoverable, this may seem like a small percentage but it equates to about 1 pound of tissue. The loss of tissue changes the operational condition (or character) of the organ or tissue, organs are markedly effected as small changes would result in chemical imbalances through out the organ, here are some organ weights for comparison Kidney 150 grams, heart 300 grams, pancreas 70 grams; A loss of 1 or two grams of cells in any organ creates difficulties and requires time in reconditioning and regrowth of the primary membranes (layers) within the organ.
The lifetime of cells ranges from 6 days to 90 days when a electrolyte balance exist. It is within this time that they are restored by the growth of new cells which take their place. In the body of the deceased there is very little growth and gradually over time the body shrinks and decays. In the practice of preserving the body the main objective is to stop decay and damage as in cold storage there is no growth to replace those cells. Damaged cells have to be repaired over time. (Or replaced by controlled growth).
The generally state of the Michael Jackson body would be termed cell sick, meaning that the electrolyte balance is disturbed in such a manner that the cells are only partially functional, and starving to death. The number of living cells within the body is better than 1 in 50,000 at current date. There are a wide range of conditions that may either accelerate cell death or prolong cell death. The cells of the body have individual life times, at about 19 to 27 days the cells have little nutrient to maintain function, and do start there individual shut down exhausting the cytoplasm reserves, and being to die off
at a rate depending on electrolyte balance. If the electrolyte balance is not disturbed the cells become neutral or stagnant and so can be revived given nourishment.

Some Days ago, The cycle of application of electrolytes was scheduled, where the moon began its positive cycle. The application of electrolytes is in negative cycle, that by which to illicit a specific response in organs and tissues. Because of the unknown conditions of Michael Jackson’s body, it is highly likely that positive electrolyte has been applied, and so positive electrolytes must be applied before solicitation of bodily responses by negative electrolytes. Initially before any electrolytes fluids can be completely restored to the body the body must be aligned on its molecular level, wherein over the last 43 days the Michael Jackson body has been through various stages in environment causing a change in molecular orientation, such as various uncontrolled temperature changes, and physical handling. Because of these conditions and the unknown possibility of recoding them the molecular orientation must be reset, resetting the system for treatment requires warming the body to 30.5 degrees Celsius or above and then cooling to 23.5 degrees Celsius. If the body has been stored at low temperatures such as 6.6 degrees Celsius the rate of increase in temperature is limited in its rate of advancement to 17 degrees of increase or decease per interval, so from 6.6 degree the temperature can only increase to 23.6 degrees, the remaining increase in temperature to be gain must occur in another interval of time, being about 5 minutes to 15 minutes latter. After the interval stop time has been accomplished the remaining 6.9 to 13.9 degrees Celsius can be obtained to bring about the molecular reorientation at 30.5 degrees for 5 to 15 minutes (if no fluidity exist in the body this will have to be done during the electrolyte applications). The 17 degree limit pertains to all variation of temperature during treatment of the body.

Lock times listed below are times within the day that the body is not handled for treatments.
Lock out Schedule for this week
3:30 am and pm (2:30 to 4:30, total time 2hours)
4:20 am and pm Monday (3:20 to 5:20 = 2 hours)
5:10 am and pm Tuesday (4:10 to 6:10)
6:00 am and pm Wensday (5:00 to 7:00)
6:50 am and pm Thursday (5:50 to 7:50)
7:40 am and pm Friday (6:40 to 8:40)
8:30 am and pm Saturday (7:30 to 9:30)

Including 12 pm (noon) as a lock out time.

During lock out times the body is keep at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, where a ideal temperature would be 10 degrees Celsius reducing any possible metabolic enzymes reactions, reducing to a temperature of 10 degrees would require a stop time. Additionally the ideal setting at these temperatures would be to have the body resting and buoyantly floating on stagnant water surface during lock out times. (A task for design)

Treatment Schedule for each Day
To set a schedule of the city of Los Angels, California located at 118 degrees West Long by 34 degrees West Lat. Positive electrolytes such as Calcium, water washes and electrolyte should be applied at about 1:00 pm, and be complete by 5:30 pm, in the positive electrolytes, after 7:30 pm drainage is done to decrease molecular pressure on the membrane structure of cells.
Positive electrolytes can also be applied in the morning at 6:00 am and be complete by 8:30 am, drainage is done at 1:00 pm. (calcium wash is not applied in the morning cycle)

In the application of electrolytes (water) the body must be rotated every four minutes, and must be continually rotated the entire time from the first application and throughout the treatment, even in the body is stored in cold storage the body must be rotated every four minutes. Rotation means the body is turned 45 degrees every 4 minutes (back, side, front, side). Four positions in one complete rotation of the body, taking 16 minutes total).
During cold storage of the body rotation of the body may occur up to once per second, (1 Hertz) or one cycle per second, when not handling the body or applying electrolytes this is a good cycle of rotation to maintain.
Maintaining a rotation prevents settling of cellular materials at cold temperatures, and allows circulation and seepage of electrolytes through the body.

Electrolytes and water are always applied due to the event of acidosis and hydration that occurs in the process of death, in sever cases the body will metabolically cement (Pepperoni) Overtime membranes and cell groups contract and adhere to each other causing deformation of tissues and blocking normal pathways of body fluids to those areas. Water and electrolyte restore fluids to these areas by providing a medium by which obstructive material can be removed. The body being permeable to water allows treatment to the entire body, water remains important as water serves the nucleolus of cells which contain the human genetic material, where in electrolyte substances such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine excetra have little transit within the cell nucleolus during operation of the living cell, when these cations and anions actually enter the cell nucleus in any abundance cell death occurs, generally these electrolyte components maintain within the cytoplasm (intracellular fluid) and extra cellular fluid creating a osmotic cycle which induces flow across the cell membranes called the sodium-potassium pump. The applications of water allows a immediate stabilization of the cell nucleus, a important event in restoring the condition of the cell before cold storage and or revival. When applying the electrolyte water solution for the first time as it is a priority to secure the genetic material, the water electrolyte should be applied to the body at 23.5 degrees Celsius (retaining to the 17 degree limit) and turned every 4 minutes, 4 minutes on the back, 4 minutes on the side, 4 minutes frontal, 4 minutes side, having a total of 16 minutes in a total rotation, applying 1 gallon (4 portions and additional stomach fill) and then rotated at one cycle per second for one minute occurring within the schedule at 1 pm and being complete by 5:30pm (for Los Angles) wherein that time of 4.5 hours several reapplications can be applied allowing water saturation and or distribution through the body, generally elasticity will allow a percentage of former body to be regain in the second application, the four minute turn interval is eliminated in the second application and is rotated at one cycle per second for 30 seconds. Because excessive edema is damaging caution should be used in the latter events of water application and rotation, rotation may be eliminated in the last of applications as a precaution, larger volumes fluid are used in the first applications and lesser volumes in the proceeding applications as additional precaution. After the applications and rotations the temperature is increased to 30.5 degrees Celsius for 16 minutes at during which time massage occurs the body is then cooled down to 23 degrees Celsius, once the temperature has been gained (A time lapse of 5 minutes) the body is positioned in a upright manner for 16 minutes allowing internal drainage into the extremities and valves creating pressure for drainage, the body is then drained. The amount of fluid that is accumulated in the drain off is then replaced with clean additional fluids and allowed to settle through the body. (Total time duration of application 50 minutes plus temperature time lapses at 15 minutes account for 65 minutes; not including drain time and replacing fluid time). In end the body is cooled down to 15 degrees Celsius to prevent a stop time (17 degree limit) during work. At temperatures below 15 degrees there is no handling of the body. As much as 2.5 gallons (9.4625 liters) may be spun into the body sustaining a body weight increase of about 16.5 pounds over the course of the three applications. Massages are carried out as a rule at warmer temperature. It may serve best to massage briefly after each application and rotation at a temperature of 30 Degrees Celsius.

Messaging the body and rotating the body during preparation or the application of electrolytes and fluids remains essential as the body is without circulation and pressure palpation and so they must be induced by motion. Messaging the body is just as important as rotation of the body. The body must first be massaged after the application of water and brief rotation at temperature of above than 23.5 degrees Celsius this allows the reconstitution of the normal circulatory system, of veins and arteries, capillaries vessels and lymph system and retention of the cell membrane. After a electrolyte and water balance have been achieved as a condition massage is generally carried out at 23 degrees Celsius.
Massaging the body allows the many small vessels that actually deliver circulatory fluids such as electrolytes and plasma to the cellular environment (extracellular fluid). Because small vessels do the work in delivery it is essential they be cleared from blockage of dead blood cells and plasma particles that will have settled at the time of death. Achieving this can only be done by massaging the body. The body contains about 8 liters of blood and plasma at least half of this will have settled in the small vessel system of the body even after arterial blood has been removed. Once water has been applied and distributed by slow rotation (4minutes per side) and the body massaged a second smaller application of water occurs; including application of fluid to the digestive track (stomach and intestines) to take up that water that has been absorbed by the small vessel / capillary system, a second rotation then occurs at 1 cycle per second, in which the rotation by centrifugal force completes circulation.
The centrifugal rotation causes the water and or electrolyte to spread out ward through the capillaries in to the wider surface area of the organs, muscle tissue and peripheral organs, such as the skin which holds a large percentage (%) of blood. Speed of rotation allows the assimilation of palpation (Fluid pulse) in the body. Rotation is set for 1 cycle per second a increase from 1 side per 4 minutes , Having a alternating cycle per rotation of 0 cycles per second (Zero cycle) this means that for one second the body will spin and the next preceding second will have no spin for one second, this pattern of spin is repeated continually for about two minutes wherein the body will actually turn 60 times. And then be drained to remove particles washed from the capillaries and veins at cooler temperatures.
The amount of water and or electrolyte applied is important, increased stress caused by bloating or saturations when too much fluids are applied will increase molecular force and cause damage to tissue, which is unwanted. So the total amount of fluid applied should be no more than the persons recorded body weight at the time of death. Generally you must replace the volume of lost blood and plasma about 4 liters, wherein it is just about 4 liters of vascular material that you must cause to move from the network of vessels. 8 liters of fluid will in end have to be applied to complete the volume requirements of the circulatory system. A minimum application of 0.132 gallons or 0.5 liters of fluid would be applied before the possible expectation of a biological release of fluids from the bladder, additional fluids may be released from the large intestines. The majority of fluids are expected to enter the extracellular fluid, and more so after capillaries are cleared form particle blockage.
Balances across tissues should take about 120 minutes so you can expect to have rotated the body for at least that time (About 3,600 times), and applied 15 to 18 gallons of fluids (60 liters) before a clean and new fluid balance and condition will occur in the tissues of entire body of the deceased.
Water can be use full because the body is uniformly preamble to its passage through the system and weak molecular palpation can be induced with water by temperature variation form cold temperatures, when temperature is increased and reduced sharply at low temperatures being across several degrees Celsius such as from 10 degrees to 12 degrees Celsius (Infrared lasers would be applied in a advanced facility to create weak palpation in select regions of the body).

Make Note that drainage of the system is necessary to clear the system of blockage by various particles, both vascular and extracellular, Drainage at lower temperatures reduces volume pressure causing condensation of water molecules but uniform flow. Drainage is induced by uniform pressure application and massage.

In Treating the body a rotating table is required, such tables are easily constructed more advanced tables would contain at least a one horse power motor (740 watt) engine, but a hand crank (mechanical gear system of leverage) can be attached making rotation light work, if necessary it is completely possible to hand turn the body on table manually. In mass production a World Government program would require 124,658 tables having a standard height of 3 feet and 2.5 feet wide. The structure of the table requires a material that is not intrusive on the preparations and stabilize the environment in which the work is carried out, variations in the magnetic field become intrusive and a material that promotes the blockage of the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves is desires for the environment of facilities design of treating and preparing the bodies of the deceased, one such material is a Cooper-Nickel alloy being 963 parts copper and 37 parts nickel, Tin is as well favorable, Tin is affordable and can be afforded by most nations. Tin also in sheet form can be easily applied to fit wall and flooring of rooms that have been built of other materials for structural support.
A country such as the U.S.A would require 5,500 such tables. It seems also that portable or compartmental rotating tables would be useful in ambulance vehicles (emergency aid cars) allowing immediate preparations of the decreased before arrival at the coroner or medical examiners office, as well in the treatment of other casualties, such as heart attacks, drug overdoses, respiratory problems and the administration of emergency drugs expected to be responsive in very short periods of time, when aid car personnel first encounter the injured person or cadaver. Such a application as a government regulation would save lives in first responses and allow immediate treatment of the deceased. Certainly creating a higher demand for the production of the table in various designs.

The Lymph System of the human body, is treated after the body has gained its former water weight and approximation of electrolyte balance at the time of death. It is treated second to venous and arterial circulatory system, as fluid volume is required to flush the lymph system of its large particles. Hence water and electrolytes need be applied to obtain retention fluid for required flushing of the lymph system. The lymph system is one of veins type structure and small bead like bodies called nodes, fluid does not travel in a continuous flow as would be found in vessels, and arteries as a result of the nodes. Addition pressures and fluid have to be gained at each node until the nodes vein empties in to terminal vein for drainage. To achieve this flow in the lymph system, the body is massaged, and then can be wrapped in saran wrap, or placed in nylon stocking (known as panty hose) several sizes small, massaged and then tightly wound in a ace bandage this creates a compression of extracellular fluid, where by pressure the electrolyte is pushed through the lymph system (Similar to wearing tight sock on the feet). The existing saline water content of the body after achieving a reasonable balance electrolyte should be sufficient to clear the system. The extremities such as the legs and arms are worked from the end (fingers and toes) to their normal adjoining points of the main body. The Lymph system makes discard of fluids into the main veins and intestines; generally saturated fats and complexed carbohydrates are within the lymph system. The body is not rotated during treatment of the lymph, excepted in the reapplication of electrolyte and water volume in the effort to flush the lymph system a second or third time. Generally the Lymph flow volume drains about 1 gallon per day (2-4liters) into the vein or about 0.1 liter per hour increasing rate of flow with pressure depending on the amount of blockage that exist in the system, the rate of flow is based on daily activity of the living, a increased rate of flow would be expected under direct assistance of pressure by a attendant, in the case of the lymph a large amount of material that has fallen apart within the body will be removed by the lymph, and it may become time consuming when lower temperature is required to control metabolic reactions.

Excessive washing of the body internally or externally is not recommended, as nucleotide particles, such Mrna, T and S rna particles and organelles structure within cells is required to operated the cell, and excessive washing will deplete there number within the cell and change structural orientation. Even so the body should be free of rampid bacteria and blockage and have established electrolyte balance. Before proceeding to other more specific treatments of organs, such as Carbon Monoxide removal and specific treatments to solicit by negative electrolytes. When excessive washing has occurred or there is reason to suspect a large permeability of cell membranes, processed proteins or lipids replacement (medium chain length Triglycerides C6 to C10) is required to provide cell structural integrity. Proteins are the easiest to apply in weak solutions as they may given by the means of the venous circulatory system as well electrolyte uses the same system (proteins are applied at warm temperatures and are warmed before application, massage must also occur). Cold environment works to the advantage in the issue of structural integrity of the body and its cell membranes where in the cold causes the membranes to contract, and become slightly rigid closing holes that form within the cell membranes as a result of washing, it is there for recommended that the temperature be lower after each wash and application. Testing the cells for excessive permeability or weak membrane structure is a process done when the body is warmed to higher temperatures after drainage and massages occur, and cab observed if fluid drainage remains contiuous after warming, (assessing just when run off starts could potentially define the average of cell membrane premablity and or structural integrity).

In the course of inset of death settling of the body’s fluids occurs, this is true for the blood, body fluids and the components of the cells. Settling will occur through out the procedure of treatment occurring more rapidly in cold, but particles within many cells remain in the cells and are contained within the cell but are imbalanced in distribution in contrast the extracellular fluid which becomes increasingly unbalanced causing edema and cells to progressively become sick and die. Settling is deterred by rotating the body at a specific rate during treatment and during storage (similar to a bird or dinosaur that roles its eggs). The event of settling is not all bad as cold settling within the body allows toxins, to be removed by cold distillation where in many toxins become soluble in water allowing the body to be cleansed during treatment and over the duration of cold storage.
Issues of rotating cycle during storage are a main concern for the holding facility, or final location for storage. Electric power is required, it may be solar, landline or battery in some unique cases a mechanical gear system may incorporated powered by a stream. Frictionless magnetic pendulums may be used in inventive facilities greatly reducing energy cost. As well in more precipitous climates ground batteries could be employed. In projects extending to the moon very little energy is required due to the moons low gravity.
Each cold storage container for the deceased would require at least a 1.5 horse power engine, room for storage of the body and individual section for the storage of samples and records that travel with the container at all times. The average storage container could be made of Tin and Silicon would have a weight of about 100 pounds free from water or gases and the body of the deceased. After additions of water or other medium used to insolate or cushion the body a expected weight for the container would be 480 pounds water plus container weight for about 580 pounds with addition of body approximately 780 pounds. Additional weights of records and or body suits are nominal. A room for which to house the total apparatus for rotation and temperature control is about 10 feet by 10 feet (100 square ft). Because of periodic treatments additional space is required being of the same dimensions.
The best conditions for preparation of the body is to have both rotating devices, a table and storage container ready and available.

Here is a little color to end todays post.

The Legend of Death,
Death in his beginning was a man, a man that worked in the field all his life, bringing the harvest of the field daily and with season, throughout the harvest time he swung a cycle and gather up to make bushels, it was a simple life and hardworking, and so with his worked he gain a wax of strong soul, one that gave him command over the wheat of the field in his labors. Death enjoyed his work as he saw the gain in his body from the labors and the plenty of his harvest, the sun and the open sky where pleasant in the spanning fields and in his works his soul could expand to reach them, the sun and the sky became his tools by which to time and measure the planting and growth of his crops. Instinctively death knew his place was on earth and that life and death came and whent repeatedly from the same rootstock and dirt of earth. And so he love life and his creation.
Death while working was slain in the field while working, being surprised, who killed the man death is still unknown. Even so death laid in the field for some time, without life in the body but his sprit which loved its life returned by its soul to the body it had left and the wake of soul restored the life unto death, causing the body to walk about, death in that time had lost the flesh from parts of his body to animals, and open air and so his skeleton was exposed, death walked about the fields in wonder and over time lost more of his flesh, exposing more skeleton and bones, finding his way from village to village seeking companionship, he continued to frighten each village with the appearance of his bones, he learned that he could take what he wanted from village homes by scaring the inhabitants from their homes when he appeared. Some people where frighten to death, dying upon sight of him or soon after, it has been said that in his early days it was the smell of death that killed people several days after his arrival, as it was the diseases in his rotten flesh that created the foul smell. Even so death would not have flesh for long and so soon he had no flesh to cover his bones, realizing this and the event that he could make no acquaintance death took a long black cape covered his bones with the cape, and the cape was full of his soul appearing as that of a man with flesh. By this means death could pass through villages in the night and at dusk to have brief words with villagers as long as he kept covered and his face hidden. Even so the wake of his soul could be felt except when at dusk and in the early hours of the morning when the wind of the day picked up covering the wake of his soul from the senses of the villagers that he would speak to.
Death was like any other person in that he liked companionship, to trade and talk and laugh after all death loved his life and his work in the earth. Because death could not always dwell with the villages as normal people would do, death would spend much of his time in the fields, the idea came upon death that he could still be useful, as he watched old people, widows, and children laborer in the field. So when harvest time came death would come early in the morning with the suns wake increasing his soul and harvest the fields with his cycle leaving the bushels for the weak and infirm. By this way death became known to the old and infirm, and death knowing the measures of the sun and sky and the seasons of growth also offered to tend the bodies of the dead and ill for a few coins of silver, gold or fine trinkets when one of them would became ill and be near death or die, where soul of death with the swing of his arm could at times take life or push life into the dead and then nurture them to life returning them to there loved ones.
In end death wonder about doing what he saw fit to do for the living flesh, and there is no end to his story because most of his deeds are unknown and for him to cherish wherever he may be.

September 4th, Full Harvest Moon

Here are a few controls.

1.) Apply water electrolytes and or fluids at the same temperature as the body or working temperature

2.) Maintain all stop times, both in changes covering 17 degrees, and in temperature achievement of working temperature (both require a 5 to 15 minute lock out time).

3.) When massaging apply, a vegetable oil which is more fluid oil than oils such as vitamin E triglercoles, also before dressing the body in spandex, nylons, saran warp, for pressure gains in lymph flow.
Care must be taken when handling the body during massage of moving, as sharp tugs and pulls may tear membranes that are weakly attached in layers, a light oil applied generously aids in prevention of sharp tugs and pulls

4.) The body must be cleaned, mouth, stomach and intestines, rectum outlet, ears, nose and nasal cavity, navel, exterior skin including fingernails and feet. Wash body with sterile water after using a cleaning solution to remove residues, apply a protective coating that can be easily removed such as Vitamin E triglycerol so that airborne bacteria can not fall on to the body and so that other bacteria that may remain in small crevasses and pores are drawn out and caught to be later washed way.

5.) The Air where the body is to be treated must be cleaned of bacteria, dust and chemicals this can be achieve with the use of several ion air filters, sealing cracks and openings, and cleaning the rooms walls and floors. Aerosols such as LYSOL can be used to clean the air from bacteria in addition to air filters. Lysol may be used on walls, floors and surfaces as well as the air. The entry to the room where the body is treated must also be cleaned, and a aerosol sprayed for several minutes each time before entry to the room occurs.

6.) Clean your own body as well.

7.) When accumulating a drain of the body in a upright position for a final drainage release the arms should be positioned upward, as if to each the ceiling.

8.) It is always best to keep the body cool as opposed to warm, cold temperatures greatly reduce metabolic reactions that cause unwanted conditions such as decay, and enzyme activity. As a rule most metabolic and chemical reactions are reduced in activity 2 or 3 times with each 10 degrees decease, Example from 30.5 degrees to 15 degrees chemical activity would be reduce near 6 times. At 10 degrees it would take several millennium to form a millimeter of calcite in theory.

9.) To successfully achieve cold temperature in application to the human body where treatments and work occur, electrolyte and water balance must be first gained as a condition of the body, therefore there is no handling of the body at low temperatures. Example if at 15 degrees the body is handled damage is restricted to the body surface, skin and or muscles at lower temperature the damage spikes to deep levels within the tissue (consider the event of a bruise). Treatment and Distillation of volatile chemicals occurs at low temperatures below 15 degrees but first the electrolyte and water balance need to be gained.

10.) Rotating of the body must occur throughout the process due to settling slow rotations work find where in fast rotations create pressure that may be unwanted, the more electrolyte and water in the body the less the rotation speed, during intermediate rotation (stand by) when no treatment is in process.

11.) Avoid the use of strong lights, electrical discharges or static charge buildups in the enviroment.

For those interested in a body storage design and some technology that can be used, you might take a look at the construction of the DEAD ROOM, at Bell Labortories.... it is a unique sound proof room. sound is not desirable in cryogenic chambers or cold sotragr chambers
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