(split) Cryogenically freezing Michael Jackson

ElectricFetus i think you will find a large collection of people who will testify to out of body experiences which would tend to negate what you propose because of the basic premise of the soul being no longer present.
IF you refer to a somewhat anamatronic type of human embodiment then i think there is possible hope, however there would be no personality.

I'm well aware of peoples accounts of the visions they experience though oxygen deprivation of the brain, the tunneling of vision as a classic response of the retina and visual cortex, experiments of replicating near death experiences with g-force centrifuges and huffing inert gases.

I'm a materialist: All things are real and work withing the physical realm, until proven otherwise, their is no proof or even evidence beyond circumstance of a supernatural function as of yet. The brain is real and all its functions work within the physical realm, there is no proof of a soul or functions of a the human psyche beyond the physical reality of the brain. Since all things are real they can be simulated with varying degrees of fidelity. If a bird can fly we can simulate it flight, if an plant can undergo photosynthesis we can understand and replicate it process, if life can evolve and defeat challenges far beyond the mental capabilities of it subjects, evolutionary programs can and have been developed that can do the same, if the human brain can think it can be understood and emulated. The brain holding all memory and personality within it real neural network can be simulated (personality an all) in theory if the computing capabilities and the analysis of the brain are advanced enough.

And I already explained how to scan the human brain.
I'm well aware of peoples accounts of the visions they experience though oxygen deprivation of the brain, the tunneling of vision as a classic response of the retina and visual cortex, experiments of replicating near death experiences with g-force centrifuges and huffing inert gases.

I'm a materialist: All things are real and work withing the physical realm, until proven otherwise, their is no proof or even evidence beyond circumstance of a supernatural function as of yet. The brain is real and all its functions work within the physical realm, there is no proof of a soul or functions of a the human psyche beyond the physical reality of the brain. Since all things are real they can be simulated with varying degrees of fidelity. If a bird can fly we can simulate it flight, if an plant can undergo photosynthesis we can understand and replicate it process, if life can evolve and defeat challenges far beyond the mental capabilities of it subjects, evolutionary programs can and have been developed that can do the same, if the human brain can think it can be understood and emulated. The brain holding all memory and personality within it real neural network can be simulated (personality an all) in theory if the computing capabilities and the analysis of the brain are advanced enough.

And I already explained how to scan the human brain.

i look forward to your thread and hopefully the mod will be kind enough to move all the posts over so we can really get into the discussion.

personally i think michael jackson is an amazing artist and very talented and his death seems like such a waste of such great talent.
could this talent be copied and reprogrammed into a computer ?
i am not sure i want to make individuality obsolete.
Well, Jdawg

If you read a little bit more of what i wrote, you will see that animals have been woke from a cryogenic freeze.

But you do not have to be Cryogenically frozen, there are other ways of presevering the human body in statis. chooseing the best way to be preserved, that which produces the best success rate in revitalization of the body in the future.

Why because in the future regardless of how you are preserved you can be rewaken.


First, I don't know that to be true. From everything I've heard, the technology does not yet exist to awaken someone from a cryogenic freeze.

Second, if YOU had read a little bit more of what I wrote, then you'd see that I also mentioned that there is a natural order to things. You do not address this issue in your post. What happens to the food supply when people start living indefinitely? There is a reason we die, Dwayne. It's not simply a failure of nature.
First, I don't know that to be true. From everything I've heard, the technology does not yet exist to awaken someone from a cryogenic freeze.
Second, if YOU had read a little bit more of what I wrote, then you'd see that I also mentioned that there is a natural order to things. You do not address this issue in your post. What happens to the food supply when people start living indefinitely? There is a reason we die, Dwayne. It's not simply a failure of nature.

It's Dwayne: don't expect any actual connection to reality.
Are you being funny ?

i think he is possibly quite young.
maybe 18 ?

fair enough question for someone of late teens to ask.

not everyone has parents and teachers that go the extra mile to help facilitate an inquiring mind.
more to the point the majority do the complete opposite.
How should I know what kind of scanner? That's why I asked with what kind of scanner you could scan a brain.

Well, Tuberculatious
The best that can be done for a Brain Scan type of application to restore a persons memory, is that of brain wave simulation.
Where in the brain waves of a person are recorded and the reproduce in a simular pattern. The result is not actual memories such as a memory of a person, but is more of a sensation, Biorhythm that causes sensation. Such devices can invoke memories, but not program actual memories.

Like a child that humms and rocks to the sound of their own voice traveling through their body, so they can learn the sensation of thier body.

You can by such devices on the public market place.

The Technology will most likly prove very usefull in cyrogenics.

First, I don't know that to be true. From everything I've heard, the technology does not yet exist to awaken someone from a cryogenic freeze.

Second, if YOU had read a little bit more of what I wrote, then you'd see that I also mentioned that there is a natural order to things. You do not address this issue in your post. What happens to the food supply when people start living indefinitely? There is a reason we die, Dwayne. It's not simply a failure of nature.

Well, JDawg
You can wake some person from cryogenic freeze, but you cot exspect to get much function out of them, as of current application.
If you look around in the cryogenic departmernt you will find that animals have been reawaken, but only for breif periods of time, after which function breaks down, which occurs because of a lack of palapation cycles and Lipid Oscillation.
These things have to be worked on, and are being worked on.

It is Clear that cryogenics is going to be a high developed science in the future, Given this if you wanted to be restored in the future from death cryogenics would be the best current meathod. So Cryogenic burial and storage of Michael Jacksons body would be best if he wanted to live for ever, or to see another tommorow.

Well Michael Jackson was a genius or a skilled talent, in which case i would say that most genius and the like should be presevered if it is possible. Even if some people think that the common people should not be presevered.
In behalf of the people of the world i would say, there should be a program designed to restore all of the worlds dead when possible. The subject of overpopulation is cleary and factually the biggest lie and propaganda contemplated by people. A product of special intreset groups.

Also JDawg i work on issues that invovle delivering large populations from earth during world disasters, so for me i would exspect to consider issues such as a 20 square miles of human beings in statis, on the moon.

Well, JDawg
You can wake some person from cryogenic freeze, but you cot exspect to get much function out of them, as of current application.
If you look around in the cryogenic departmernt you will find that animals have been reawaken, but only for breif periods of time, after which function breaks down, which occurs because of a lack of palapation cycles and Lipid Oscillation.
These things have to be worked on, and are being worked on.

It is Clear that cryogenics is going to be a high developed science in the future, Given this if you wanted to be restored in the future from death cryogenics would be the best current meathod. So Cryogenic burial and storage of Michael Jacksons body would be best if he wanted to live for ever, or to see another tommorow.

Well Michael Jackson was a genius or a skilled talent, in which case i would say that most genius and the like should be presevered if it is possible. Even if some people think that the common people should not be presevered.
In behalf of the people of the world i would say, there should be a program designed to restore all of the worlds dead when possible. The subject of overpopulation is cleary and factually the biggest lie and propaganda contemplated by people. A product of special intreset groups.

Also JDawg i work on issues that invovle delivering large populations from earth during world disasters, so for me i would exspect to consider issues such as a 20 square miles of human beings in statis, on the moon.


why are you using michael jacksons death to push your own agenda on cryogenics ?
Well, Ripple of Death
I am not using Michael Jacksons Death as a means to push Cryogenics. At any rate Cryogenics and such preservation practices alllow the possiblity of exstened life, or a future life.
As i Remember it was Michael Jackson that said in interview that he would like to live forever rather than be buried.
Cryogenics allows the wish of long life a means of establishement. Simply put if you give two genius a chance the likly hood of success are exstremly good. So Mentioned the role that cryogenics will play in the future of the human race, as humans must step out onto space in the future,and near future in large numbers and the state(enviroment) of space is one that is cryogenic, there is no way around that. Because of this condition for humans as a way of life a large amount of time,money,and expertise will be placed in cryogenics, all of the major agenices of the world that recieve multi billion dollar bugets from goverments will be invovled or are already invovled ( that includes miltary). As this fact remains without doubt, it would be in the intrest of some one that want to live for a exstended period of time to invest in cryogenics or be placed in cryogenic hibernation/ statis under the event of a untimely and premature death. Such as in Michael Jacksons death.

My agenda on the issue of cryogenic, and such designs for earth disaters is just a side issue, a state of who I am as a person.

I do not think that Ms. Jackson would even think to ponder my meathod of cryogenic presevation, if she thought of her son she would contact some one from NASA for a refference or some other motruary that advertises Cryogenics.

At any rate it seems that cryogenic tech is not for Americans, given the laws that are in place in many of the state goverments. The general policy is cremation in most of the states. so you will exspect a greater deal of advancement in the subject of cryogenics in other Countries such as Japan and Russia. For example a genius in the united states would be cremated but in japan the goverment would cryogenically store the person or the sperm cell. maybe if Ms. jackson knew that she would hire a tech from Japan or russia.
I still do not know the specifics of Michael Jacksons burial, really who does but his family. Even if badly preserved he still might be restored if for some reason their are great wave in technology that some how allowed it as a trend in society, or his mother saw that it was possible.

If Michael Jackson was buried in a way with out preservation, then we have seen the end of the body of Michael Jackson, and those things taken to the sprite are of the sprite. The statue of his body has fallen and he has taken to his house in the heaven.

At this point I may just have to say a closing prayer in my next post. rather than have a discussion about Michael Jacksons Revival.

Still waiting to see what they do with Michael at this point.:shrug:

Got to see whats on the TV TUBE.


he has been dead for a week now.
unles they have had him plugged in to battery charged all the electrical activity in his brain is gone not to mention it being starved of oxygen for several days thus rendering him in the medical term of "brain dead" as far as i am aware.

have any doctors been able to revive a human brain to functionality after it has had no oxygen or electricity for more than a few minutes ?
he has been dead for a week now.
unles they have had him plugged in to battery charged all the electrical activity in his brain is gone not to mention it being starved of oxygen for several days thus rendering him in the medical term of "brain dead" as far as i am aware.

have any doctors been able to revive a human brain to functionality after it has had no oxygen or electricity for more than a few minutes ?

Well, Riple of Death

People/ Human Being have been known to awake from death as long as several weeks later. This occurs because the cells of the human bodie are still alive even after offcial death, and burial (meaning after the movement stops, or the heart stops beating). Mainly what happens is the liver,white blood cells and enzymes finish converting toxic build up, in the proccess liberating oxygen, and carring out other reactions that happen intracelluarlly, causing other changes that give weak palapation in the extracellular fuild. other reactions also may occur resulting in the revival of the person depending on various conditions such as tempiture,atmopheric pressure and so on.

So in end yes their are people that awake from the death as long as a week after death, even without medical assitance from a doctor. This is one reason that some cities have regulations on how long the body remains in the morge, and some grave yards design coffins with draw strings attached to the coffin so that if the person should awake from death they can ring a bell and some one can help them out of the grave.

Micahel Jackson is most likly being stored at a specific tempiture at the funeral home untill his family decide what to do with his body. I do not knnow the specific state of the condition of his body, but more then likly his bodies cells are still alive, given the right treatment they would contiune to live.
Eventually you have a once again living body in a state of coma, good examples would be the longest state of coma which would be 37 years and 111 days.
The body can be maintain with a pulse or artifical pulse as low as 12 beats per minute.

As for the brain, most brains of infants have no developed brain cells (neurons) when born, the must develop them. The cerebelum is the hard wire governing mortor functions. So new brain cells can be formed in most cases except where scar tissue exist, which is the major blocker of healing from brain damage.

As long as Miacheal Jackson Bodie has been keep at approipate tempiture it is possible to cryogenic store his body, with a effective success rate for revial, whatever the case it should not be colder than 2 degrees Celsius.
Revival of the human body from cyrogenic stroage should start at about 15 degrees Celsius. Where the actual cyrogenic storage is at about 6.6 degrees Celsius. Understanding the water content of the intracellual system is inportant when in the cryogenic phase. so that you know what is the proper tempiture to maintain, generally you would remove at least 15 % of the water from the intracelluar system, this must be done in uniform across the system. so the revival of the system is possible.

I am sure that each cryogenic facility and reseacher, or technicain has their own meathod of storage to yeild a successful revial

People/ Human Being have been known to awake from death as long as several weeks later.

As long as Miacheal Jackson Bodie has been keep at approipate tempiture it is possible to cryogenic store his body, with a effective success rate for revial, whatever the case it should not be colder than 2 degrees Celsius.
Revival of the human body from cyrogenic stroage should start at about 15 degrees Celsius. Where the actual cyrogenic storage is at about 6.6 degrees Celsius.
You do realise you're talking nonsense (as usual), don't you?
The word "cryogenic" has a specific meaning: below -150 deg. C.