(split) Cryogenically freezing Michael Jackson

Well, Oil

If your looking for a refference to the rewaking of the dead, there is this famous story in the bible that is believe by millions of people, it is called the testimony of Jesus. if you want another reference you could search the internet, or the records of graveyards mainly those that are above the 40th latitude to help you narrow your search.

As for your Mention of the term cryogenic, you are welcome to draw a dissasociation of the term, but you will find that cryogenics covers the full range.

Well, Oil
If your looking for a refference to the rewaking of the dead, there is this famous story in the bible that is believe by millions of people
Unfortunately, Dweeb, that's unsubstantiated.

if you want another reference you could search the internet, or the records of graveyards mainly those that are above the 40th latitude to help you narrow your search.
Actually , since you're the one that made the claim then it's up to you to provide the information. Unless, wait let me guess: it's another of your fabricated idiocies.

As for your Mention of the term cryogenic, you are welcome to draw a dissasociation of the term, but you will find that cryogenics covers the full range.
You brought the term "cryogenic" into it. And the word has a specific meaning. Which does NOT include temperatures above zero Celsius.
Ok. Oil

Since you think that Cryogenic is limited to Tempiture Below 0 degrees Celsius, how do you plan to prepare the body of the deceased. I suppose you think to just put them in a container and freeze them, and thats the end.
Your ignorance is complete Oil, and demonstably so.
Should provide for you also the education of cryogenics, in the last topic we had discussion you failed to even understand the polar sensitivty of the atomic elements at cryogenic ranges, ( Carbon at 37 degrees Kelvin) and so know you make trumpet that you understand the defins of cryogenics. What a laugh you are!
Would you like to begin conversdation about Michael Jackson being stored in deep space, or discuss accidents made by astronauts in space and the types of treatment they will need to recover.

Ceratinly Oil I can give you several name of people that have been revived from cold tempitures as low as - 31 degrees Celsius, but what good would that do, when your dressed so fine in stupidity. In other words if you want to know you will put forth your own effort to gain a understanding. Clearly I have given you the ranges of which success maintains in cryogenic while on earth ( read my former post).

Certainly I have my own meathod of cryogenics I am sure you understand that just from reading my post with reference to atomic polar sensitivty in Kelvins,( I got two peices of chiken in the fridge right now at different tempitures:D)

You might want to try some Co-Enzyme Q10, you can by it at the local market, it might help you revive you dead relatives if you take up the practice of cryogenic preservation, its a new chemical that might be useful in cryogenics.

Ok. Oil Since you think that Cryogenic is limited to Tempiture Below 0 degrees Celsius, how do you plan to prepare the body of the deceased. I suppose you think to just put them in a container and freeze them, and thats the end.
Well Duhwayne, I think you'll find that for cryogenic storage of bodies the recommended method is liquid nitrogen. That tends to be slightly cooler than your figure (i.e. -196 C), but I suppose the guys that actually do it for real may not know what they're talking about.

Your ignorance is complete Oil, and demonstably so.
That's entirely possible, but it certainly won't be you doing the demonstrating.

Should provide for you also the education of cryogenics, in the last topic we had discussion you failed to even understand the polar sensitivty of the atomic elements at cryogenic ranges, ( Carbon at 37 degrees Kelvin) and so know you make trumpet that you understand the defins of cryogenics.
I can quite easily explain my failure to understand that particular topic/ post.
It was another example of your personal fantasies about you doing science. What you do is not science, it's the equivalent of a chimpanzee with a set of coloured crayons.

Would you like to begin conversdation about Michael Jackson being stored in deep space, or discuss accidents made by astronauts in space and the types of treatment they will need to recover.
That depends.
Would it be a discussion using actual science, or will you be getting your crayons out again?

Ceratinly Oil I can give you several name of people that have been revived from cold tempitures as low as - 31 degrees Celsius
But you won't...

but what good would that do
Oops I was right.

Certainly I have my own meathod of cryogenics I am sure you understand that just from reading my post with reference to atomic polar sensitivty in Kelvins,( I got two peices of chiken in the fridge right now at different tempitures:D)
No Dwayne, as usual you're talking specious unfounded crap that has no verifiable reality outside of your fevered little mind.

You might want to try some Co-Enzyme Q10, you can by it at the local market, it might help you revive you dead relatives if you take up the practice of cryogenic preservation, its a new chemical that might be useful in cryogenics.
Also untrue.
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Have "they" tried alien technology?

Well ,Bebelina I certainly doubt that they have access to Alien Tech.

But I would say that some of the people that have been Cryogenically stored in deep freeze have had only their Heads or upper torso Presevered because it was cheaper, and because of the advice they where given at the time about cryogenic storage. In such cases, those people stored in such a manner have to rely on Cloning technology in the future. Mainly cloning in the United States is illegal, But in other countries they have practices of cloning, so the tech is improving in those counties. But that will not help those people in the U.S.A. that have been Cryogenic Stored in that manner.

In Michael Jacksons Case, His whole body could be presevered, Mainly Michael Jackson was a skilled Dancer and singer, Genius in conduction of Orchastraed Prefomance so you would not want to lose the body or brain.
Given that Michael Jackson Only died of a heart attack, his body should be in perfect condition. Which is why I said in a earlier post that you might see Him again in about a Year. assuming that he had the proper care in line.

The problem with this whole case about the condition of his body is, what was done to his body at the Coroners office, because if those guys start butchering your body there might be very little that can be done for you after you leave their office, even if you have A cryogenic plan in place. if the coroners office gets to your body before the cryogenic specialist. which is usually the case. It hard to imagine that the Coroner had much to look for since his death was a Heart Attack. So Miacheal Jacksons Body should be in good condition.
If his body was butchered I would suspect organized foul play, when in the cororner was misguided by another as to the cause of death. Because cause of death would be appearnt. None the less it would require a MRI scan which would leave the body in perfect condition. So the Body of Micheal Jackson should be in good condition.

It is strange, that Michael Jackson was on sleeping pills, and discovered with a low pulse, and yet no one knew, that sleeping pills actually do that to you when you take them. which is why they are called sleeping pills.

I would actually suggest the use of Helium, in the deep freeze section of the study fo cryogenics. but other cases appear to have other effects that may prove more promising at different phases and conditions of cryogenics.

Nitorgen could be used however in prepareing the body of the deceased but not as a deep freeze gas.

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I would actually suggest the use of Helium
In which case your "suggestion" is wrong.

Nitorgen could be used however in prepareing the body of the deceased but not as a deep freeze gas.
You do realise that we're talking about cryogenics here?
It's not a gas at those temperatures, it's a liquid.
I gave you a teensy clue when I wrote;
Oli said:
I think you'll find that for cryogenic storage of bodies the recommended method is liquid nitrogen.
this will be interesting

i have reported you 2 w_nkers for sh_tting and puking all over this thread.
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this will be interesting

i have reported you 2 w_nkers for sh_tting and puking all over this thread.

How very clever of you. Not.
Like you've never gone off-topic?
Like the thread was actually saying something any more (or at all)?

Reason: how many warnings does it take to be a moderator ?
I don't think Sci willever sink so low as to appoint you as a mod.
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To start let me say that I would not recommend the deep freeze meathod in Miacheal Jacksons case given what I have come to know about the circumstances (and in most cases I would not think of a deep freeze as appliable since they are on the surface of the earth).
The fact remains that the body and its cells are still alive long after what doctors in current time call dead. So Michael Jacksons body was alive many days after he left the coroners office, and there are still probally cells that are still alive today.(three weeks after he was annocunce dead). As said earlier the body can be kept alive for conditioning, where in such things as broken bones are healed and wounds healed closed. A time where repairs to parts of the body can be made when they can be. ( in some cases gross damage may have occured to certain organs which make repair unlikly or not possible at the current time.) After this stage the bodie is then cooled down for storage. Going directly into a deep freeze would make this impossible and leave a great deal of work for the revival technician.

When it comes to regrowth and formation 112 pounds is not bad at all, 106 pounds would be optimal. 47 pounds the most responsive hence children are easier to revive than adults without sideeffects or damage.

In the case of the Cracked or broken ribs of Michael Jackson, what would happen is that small screws would be placed in the bone holding them in place, and being hooked to a small wire which allowed a trickle of direct current to be applied to the borken region of the bone, and by this meathod increase the mending the of the broken ribs.

Well Oli, I know you proablly have no idea of how to build a cryogenic storage chamber for a human being, (low temp or deep tempiture chamber). So I lets talk about some basics sinces you want to go deep freeze, as you said you would prepare the body of the deceased with Liquid Nitrogen,(not a good idea).
When you deep freeze a human being to cyrogenic temps, you hav to keep a record of actions and conditions.

1) Date and Time of Death
2) Location of Death (latitude and longituide)
3) Area of tempiture over the course of 7 days (city or regional tempiture low/ high)
4) types of treatment Recorded in order (such as chemical agents used, types of exsposer, use of electrolites, ectra..)
5) The Time of Exsposer, such as time of the freezing proccess are important.
Their remain other conditions to make record of such as the condition of the bodie, damaged or undamage. medical history ect.

Various treatments exist in the condtioning of the body prior to freeze so that crytals form in a certain fashion.

Helium and Hydrogen appear to be the best, in the final stages. but nitrogen is usefull in treating the body by inducing palapation in the body while in a chamber.(it is enert)

Micael Jackson is not a astronaut in space that has had a accident, he is on earth and so the appropiate treatment for storage is different. Cryogenics can be complicated, going into a cryogenic freeze is different that comming out of cryogenic freeze, and as different meathods exist it is going to take a comprehenive progam to restore many of the humans that have been stroed at different facilities under different tecniques.

The fact remains that the body and its cells are still alive long after what doctors in current time call dead.
Doctors "in the current time"? :wtf:
Any evidence?

As said earlier the body can be kept alive for conditioning, where in such things as broken bones are healed and wounds healed closed.
And have they kept his body alive?
Long enough to heal broken bones?

When it comes to regrowth and formation 112 pounds is not bad at all, 106 pounds would be optimal.
Now you're simply talking nonsense.

47 pounds the most responsive hence children are easier to revive than adults without sideeffects or damage.
And more nonsense.

Well Oli, I know you proablly have no idea of how to build a cryogenic storage chamber for a human being, (low temp or deep tempiture chamber).
No, you're assuming that.
And it's an incorrect assumption.

as you said you would prepare the body of the deceased with Liquid Nitrogen,(not a good idea).

When you deep freeze a human being to cyrogenic temps, you hav to keep a record of actions and conditions.
Is this a cryogenic temperature that's actually cryogenic or your ridiculous idea of slightly above zero C?

1) Date and Time of Death
Date and time?
Only for the purposes of preventing too much decay.

2) Location of Death (latitude and longituide)
Only for the purposes of getting from location of death to location freezing facility.

3) Area of tempiture over the course of 7 days (city or regional tempiture low/ high)
Only if the body is left outside while waiting to be frozen.

4) types of treatment Recorded in order (such as chemical agents used, types of exsposer, use of electrolites, ectra..)

5) The Time of Exsposer, such as time of the freezing proccess are important.
The rate of freezing may be important.

Helium and Hydrogen appear to be the best, in the final stages. but nitrogen is usefull in treating the body by inducing palapation in the body while in a chamber.(it is enert)
There's not going to be any "palapation" (palpitation?) in the body at those temperatures: it's as solid and brittle as ice.

Micael Jackson is not a astronaut in space that has had a accident, he is on earth and so the appropiate treatment for storage is different.
No it isn't.
Duh! A scanner of course..

a cat scan ?
Michael Jackson and Cryonics

Just want to say that I read these posts and I do not think this DwayneD.L.Rabon poster should be made fun of. Cryonics technology is something that many people think in the future will be an option for life extension. See link: alcor.org
There is really no limit to what humans will achieve in the future. I for one wish that the family would consider this. Here is a link that someone started who feels the same way as this poster. See link: freezemichael.com
Just like people mocked a man who thought the world was round or a guy who thought we could fly one day or a president who said we could go to the moon, people also make fun of the potential for human technology to advance to such a stage that we will be able to cure all disease and bring people back. Just something to consider. I don't know if it will ever work, but it is a possibility and that is enough for me. And apparently, Michael Jackson considered it also. The family should try to preserve the body in tact, as best they can and do it soon.