(split) Cryogenically freezing Michael Jackson

Look, I get the gist of it but clearly I'm not the technical expert. I'm just offering to provide the hardware. Couldn't you call Jackson's estate?
Cryogenics would be totally and utterly useless under such circumstances.

What nonsense: Lenin is mostly wax and plastic now, there's very little of him left that's real.

That is total rubbish.

Well, Dywyddyr

The condition of Lenins body is due to the poor handling circumstances that occured for his body. Orginally back in 1924 some 80 years ago, his body was attacked by bacteria that damaged some of his tissues and spread, this was due to poor cleaning of the body,also later infections occured because of poor storage conditions. So the real reason that Lenins body suffered and lost material and hence for was accomdated by wax support was due to poor cleaning and handleing. The Lenin testimony is a very good testimony to preservation of the body over some 80years, and has very good documentation, if you would like a full report for study, refference to practice and study you might spend some time to get a report from the Kremlin of Russia, you have to make a request.

In a world emergency the bodies of millions would have to be cleaned, and properly prepared, unless those bodies where to be revived very soon after, such as 15 to 30 days after.
It would require 600,000,000 tons of water to process the entire world population. that amounts to about 1 cubic mile of water, a equal amount of electrolite solution such as gatorade would also be required. With reserves about 5 cubic miles of fluid to run a facility that could process the world population for cold storage. Considering a world emergency and a evacuation of the world population to the moon of other location off planet surface.

Also cryogenics is a condition of humans future as the enviroemnt of space is one that is cryogenic and encompassing most bodies in space.

Dwayne D.L. Rabon
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Well, Geoffory

To make a buissness deal with the Jacksons for handeling the Michael Jackson Body or just convincing them that preservation is in the best intrest of the the Micheal Jackson body requires social contact and conversation.
At this point the Jacksons must already have a focus on what they want to do with the body. but if you could gain a lobby with the jacksons that focus might change to better way of preservation in a matter of hours.

As for me I really have no direct contact with the jackson family to provide a means of suggestion for cold storage preservation of the body.

Could I handle the body if it became nessacary? well yes of course why do you think i am writing in this forum.

At any rate i would suggest that if they do chose a cold storage meathod that they make it clear to the proccessing facility that they would like cold storage preformed in a manner simular to the Lenin body.

Certainly many people have put little thought into what to do for those of their family or freinds that have died.

Well, Geoffory
To make a buissness deal with the Jacksons for handeling the Michael Jackson Body or just convincing them that preservation is in the best intrest of the the Micheal Jackson body requires social contact and conversation.
Well while you're at it could you give Janet my phone number and tell her to call me?
Well, Geoffory if your looking to make money,the rotating table used to treat bodies of the deceased needs manufacture and adaption to fit into medical practice and treatment of the deceased, tables are need for facilities and ambulances (aid cars). Ceratinly you would have to work hard to raise the standard proceedure and regulation of the medical community world wide, given wayward focus of the feild, but it is just the eaxct support strut that is needed in the medical feild when order is unfocused in that community.

Really this kind of advancment in standard equipment and proceedure should be adminstered by a national goverment.

Here is a passage from a larger post, that makes refference to table parameters: if you read the link you will find preformance and application of table use which allows a better understanding of what you could invest in to create a marketable product.

In Treating the body a rotating table is required, such tables are easily constructed more advanced tables would contain at least a one horse power motor (740 watt) engine, but a hand crank (mechanical gear system of leverage) can be attached making rotation light work, if necessary it is completely possible to hand turn the body on table manually. In mass production a World Government program would require 124,658 tables having a standard height of 3 feet and 2.5 feet wide. The structure of the table requires a material that is not intrusive on the preparations and stabilize the environment in which the work is carried out, variations in the magnetic field become intrusive and a material that promotes the blockage of the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves is desires for the environment of facilities design of treating and preparing the bodies of the deceased, one such material is a Cooper-Nickel alloy being 963 parts copper and 37 parts nickel, Tin is as well favorable, Tin is affordable and can be afforded by most nations. Tin also in sheet form can be easily applied to fit wall and flooring of rooms that have been built of other materials for structural support.
A country such as the U.S.A would require 5,500 such tables. It seems also that portable or compartmental rotating tables would be useful in ambulance vehicles (emergency aid cars) allowing immediate preparations of the decreased before arrival at the coroner or medical examiners office, as well in the treatment of other casualties, such as heart attacks, drug overdoses, respiratory problems and the administration of emergency drugs expected to be responsive in very short periods of time, when aid car personnel first encounter the injured person or cadaver. Such a application as a government regulation would save lives in first responses and allow immediate treatment of the deceased. Certainly creating a higher demand for the production of the table in various designs.


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Well, Geoffory

To make a buissness deal with the Jacksons for handeling the Michael Jackson Body or just convincing them that preservation is in the best intrest of the the Micheal Jackson body requires social contact and conversation.
At this point the Jacksons must already have a focus on what they want to do with the body. but if you could gain a lobby with the jacksons that focus might change to better way of preservation in a matter of hours.

As for me I really have no direct contact with the jackson family to provide a means of suggestion for cold storage preservation of the body.

Could I handle the body if it became nessacary? well yes of course why do you think i am writing in this forum.

Dwayne, you're being a tease. Why can't we start negotiations? You're the expert and I gather you're in the area. I'm willing to provide some of the starter capital, and the freezer.
Well, Geoffery

Having the knowledge,money,resources and personell and so on is one thing altogeather in comparison to the acknowledgement or agreement of the jacksons to have the body placed in cold storage.
At this point how would you exspect me to handel the body with out their approval, perhaps a Black Ops Operation where we sneek in under the cover of darkness covered in our long black hooded capes, and with cycles in hand unbury and carry Michael Jackson body away for some high tech treatment and storage.

Point is i have no way of making contact with the jacksons, exccept if buy a ticket to a concert:) and so there is the blocker to the plan.

well you could pay some TV company, to advertise that you have a special treatment for the presevation of the body they might get that message.

Well, today is September 2nd, of 2009, leaving 3 days left unitll the dead line for treatment of the Michael Jackson Body. September 5th being the dead line date. After this time the body still can be preserved for treatment in the future with exstenive treatments by a future technician, who who puts a deadicated intrest in to the treatment of one body. with increaseing time after the dead line remaint traces of individuality preformance and traits fade, even though neurons have a long life exspectancy.
The event that the body of Micahel Jackson appears to have been embalmed with formaldhyde may preserve various different tissues for a exstended time in form, such a job would have to be treated by a dedicated technician. I would assume at this point that a window of 6 months exist under a embalmed state for a exstensive treatment proccess. that would allow some easy for a future revival technician to bring about revival.even so the embalming practice is seldom 100 percent effective, in which various other parts of the body are not quite treated with formaldhyde as blockage exist in those parts of the body. even so placing the body in cold stroage still allows a future technician to attempt to gain a successful revival.

Additional a window exist wherein the body of Michael Jackson may have been keep at certain conditions which allow additional time for normal treatment and preparations. wherein the arrival of the body for examination was prompt and therefore allowing proper storage at tempitures that decrease metabolic activity and the adjoing decompostion that occurs with other cadavers.

As of recently I have heard of no planned treatment of the Michael Jackson body that would set the stage for a future revival date.

Lastly I would say that it seems kind of sad, that human society does not secure the preservation of those that have fallen just before advanced knowledge takes hold in tending the bodies of the ill before they will meet death. it seems that most people just say I gald to be alive, not thinking that those that died could have second chance at life, and all the time they exspect a second chance a finaces. second chances do not come by dreams but by work.
