(split) Cryogenically freezing Michael Jackson

Then explain your point again.
That the singularity is essentially a science fictional speculation and that the Omega Point is the scientific one.

Well that a false dilemma, the first in scientific speculation the second is theology, "inevitable" in a hypothesis like that is religion, not science.
no it quite relevant, it can't call it scientific speculation.
Except that Tipler does have the science to explain his theory (and the maths).
It may turn out that he's miscalculated...
That's what I thought, you had nothing to offer and your opinion is worthless. Why waste your time on this thread? Find something more productive and relevant to do. Crazy I'm not but you're looking like a weasel.

Hahahha. Thank you. I love it when people make fools of themselves over me.
That the singularity is essentially a science fictional speculation and that the Omega Point is the scientific one.

complete bullshit, because the Omega Point is theology and the technological singularity is scispec.

Except that Tipler does have the science to explain his theory (and the maths).
It may turn out that he's miscalculated...

Maybe you have not been though much cosmology, they have the math and the theories still turn to bullshit in light of evidence, Tiplers theories are cosmology based and fall in the same group: a lot of ideal theorizing with very little evidence. There are physicist that "have the math" that show there is no time, or that dark matter is non-existent and instead inertial fluctuates, who to be believed? More so Tiplers theories are based on transhumanism (and thus singularity) happening first, thus to say that the singularity is scifi means Tiplers is as well. It like your saying "I have two theories: one which says fish can talk, another that says that fish can talk about sports, the first theory is crap but the second one I believe is true!"
I've thought this over and come to the unerring conclusion that, in fact, Dwayne is completely correct. One could certainly freeze down Michael Jackson's corpse.

I thereby offer up my own freezer for the indefinite storage of his body. My per annum storage price is approximately $1000 for electricity, and $1.1M shipping and handling charges.

Representatives of Michael Jackson's estate can contact me here via PM.

Please note that this one-time offer makes no reference to later revival of Mr. Jackson.
As of current there remain 20 days within the normal time line for which to establishes a electrolite balance for the body cells of the Michael Jackson body. Attention should be paid to the fact that which each day the circumstances of the electrolite balance continues to get worse.
It also appears that the Michael Jackson body was treated for preservation by the embalming meathod which invovles the use of formaldhyde or formalin.
Such a chemical application acts as a insecticed,in the proccess of drying causing cementing, gluing of molecules to form barriers and in the proccess harding membranes.
Formalin is widly used in the embalming proccess, formalin is 30 to 40 percent formaldehyde and 70 to 60 percent water, the strength of the formalin applied is dependant on the practicing embalmer, not all emblamers make large applications of the formalin fluid to the deceased.
What kind of effect the formalin has is dependant on the practioner of embalming as well.
Knowing these facts greatly helps in undoing the application of formalin.

In any event the proccess for cleaning up require large amounts of water, mainly because formaldehyde is a small chemical molecule that travels throughout the body including in to the cell nucleous with the aid of water. The general cementing or gluing that occurs with formaldehyde occurs as a result of evaporation of water, overtime and when the body is possiblally heated by the practicing embalmer. The cell nucleous may remain with out signifcant damage or formaldehyde adherence to the DNA molecule as the cell nucleous of cells is maintenced by water. hence the application of formaldehyde has the largest adherence to molecules of the cytoplasma and in other regions.
Removing the Formaldehyde requires repeated application of water and drainage to remove the major portions of the chemical from the bodies system.
In many cases the embalmer applies a additional amount of fluid, and the body is sown up in various locations to prevent seepage. in addition the mouth is wired shut.
these nip and tucks made by the embalmer will have to be reversed, and the excess fluid immeaditly drained from the abdomen(middle body cavity) and the digestive track such as the intestines. any cavity may potentially be filled with the fluid such as the lungs and so on these areas must be located and drained.
Use of a rotating table to create consentrations in peripheral areas of large surface area such as the skin should wait unitll the body has been drained, and watered several times, to remove the large concentrations of formaldehyde.

The event of embalming has created several conditions one it has acted as a insecticed and semi germicide, and has prevent some decay in that molecules have now been glued togeather where in the prior they where more likly to decay more rapidly, and or be infected by insects or germs.

It can be assumed that the body was treated with Formalin at about room tempiture and so many of the cells should remain intacked having only small amount of formaldehyde to removed, in contrast the extracelluar fluid will have to be exstensively cleaned.

I've thought this over and come to the unerring conclusion that, in fact, Dwayne is completely correct. One could certainly freeze down Michael Jackson's corpse.

I thereby offer up my own freezer for the indefinite storage of his body. My per annum storage price is approximately $1000 for electricity, and $1.1M shipping and handling charges.

Representatives of Michael Jackson's estate can contact me here via PM.

Please note that this one-time offer makes no reference to later revival of Mr. Jackson.

Well, it can ceratinly be done for cheaper than that, you would be surprised at how inexspensive state of the art can be when someone has a mind

Well, it can ceratinly be done for cheaper than that, you would be surprised at how inexspensive state of the art can be when someone has a mind
Of course it's even cheaper when someone simply spouts nonsense.
Well, it can ceratinly be done for cheaper than that, you would be surprised at how inexspensive state of the art can be when someone has a mind


Well, who do we contact? I have a freezer. You have an investor. Contact their family and explain that there's a potential freezing investor in the wings. But tell them I wish to remain anonymous. I'm only in this to help Michael.

I will not charge admission. You can tell them that. My word of honour.

It would nice to see Michael Jackson preserved in a manner that allows him to be revived and restored to life. it would equally nice to see that happen for the general world population. The past and current circumstances and orientaion of goverment is wayward, they really lack vision and knowledge of technology gained. the future will suffer and the present will suffer and to be quite honest the existance of the human race. Where in the goverments have failed to put in place any major foundation or strut to support the human race in the future but continue to hold out to the public that they represent the best intrest of the public.
As I wrote in one of the earlier post, ture failure of goverment now exist world wide.

Well, Geffory Peabody
I am without the means to contact them,or I would exsplain to them how close technology is to the point of revival for humans. and that such is a predetermined coruse for human society as a practice now and in the future that will continue to gain in refined skill, and successful prefomance.

Stem cells are of to day, as well other technology, comming are other majors such solar chemistry formulas that allow seperation and exact knowlegde of chemical preformance and controll, even chemical application to a specific organ for treatment is know becoming a exact science. as well electronic muscel stimulation and growth. so it becomes quite a large group of advancements that are made and being made that permeante the revivial and reconstruction of the those that are deceased.

Exactly why I say that the goverment is at failure, exspecially when they take about 50% of a persons lifetime,and legislate the rest of a persons life

(a reason for the goverment to be responsive in building a establishement before the general practice begins on a mass scale, it requires a operating system, gain in life is made for citizens prior to implication of practice and meathodly must be gained to secure the worlds future).

I should mention Geroffery Peabody that i would not recommend cryogenic deep freezeing for Michael Jackson.


But you just said they could do it! Look, are we going ahead with this project or not?
Well, Today is August 21st, which is 57 days after the announcement of the death of Michael Jackson. 15 days remain within the deadline of September 5th set for the restoration and preparation of the body for cold storage.

Currently it appears that Michael Jackson’s body was embalmed and placed tomb, no action it appears was taken to prepare the body for cold storage or cryogenic storage that would lead to an eventual revival of the body. Although it is unknown it appears that the body was abused during examination by the medical examiner and embalming. It appears also that a lack of information about preservation and later revival offered by cold storage or cryogenic facilities as a option is the reason that Michael Jackson’s body was not prepared for eventual revival.
The current situation would require an action brought on behalf of the parent of Michael Jackson, to remove the body from its current place and have him treated and prepared for cold storage and placed at a new resting place until revival technology is sufficient to revive his body.
Generally is such a case a judge would consider this unusually to current social customs, even so the advancements in technology define that social customs are in process of change. The Judge in this case would require that a predetermined resting place be defined and that an acting facility in such practice be handling and or receiving the body.
In short the plan and equipment would have to be already in place, things such as the container for the body, preparation facility, and storage location. Wherein the location could be changed at any time to allow management of security.
The Jacksons could purchase a small mortuary facility, and bring in their own technician as a specialist. The best location for cold storage and cryogenic storage facility is above the 40th latitude and not prone to earthquakes; of which the State of California is neither. In such a case the body would have to be transported across state government lines, and would have to be embalmed, so the current circumstance of Michael Jacksons body where it has been embalmed would meet the governments requirements for such transports (the body requiring no further handling until arriving at the facility). To define a minimum requirement for a facility, the location would have to have three rooms, one for treatment of the body having necessary equipment, the second room for storage of solutions and materials, and third room for the refrigeration and holding of capsule chambers.
(If you live in a third world nation you just need a large freezer, electricity, and a place to put the freezer, cave or underground structure)
The Jacksons might also contact a more experience Cryogenic Facility, that has the skill in various types of cold storage, or that can meet the required and determined plan for treatment and storage, that is required for the Michael Jackson body.

If you where a common person i would suggest that after the doctors, goverment and morticians finish abusing your relatives and have buried them,that you get things set up for repairing the damage they have done,refresh your memory on how to prepare your relatives body and go out there and dig them up and prepare the body for cold storage, placing it in a safe location where it will be secure for about 20 years.

So what is the price ranges for having your head/body preserved?

If you had the money would you do it? I mean at worst it would't work but if down the road it did work,wala back in action.

Very interesting stuff,irregardless.
Currently it appears that Michael Jackson’s body was embalmed and placed tomb, no action it appears was taken to prepare the body for cold storage or cryogenic storage that would lead to an eventual revival of the body. Although it is unknown it appears that the body was abused during examination by the medical examiner and embalming.

Good lord! They didn't skull-fuck him, did they?

Look, doesn't matter. I still have a chest freezer and I have time. Let's close this deal. Tell them "no morality clauses". That should exempt us from indemnity post-revival, where I assume he would wander around deadish, buggering children and eating their brains.
A small sidetrack,on the way over here I seen a news header(didn't read article) said Michael Jacksons death ruled homicide.Now we really need to preserve Michael.Why? So when they re-awaken hime later he can tell us who killed him.
I have not been to focused on the cause of death, as I am more intrested in the preparation for cold storage, and looking at when revival date could be expsected.
Also I can not say that I see this as a buisness deal as I research the issue of cold storage and cryogenics as a means to address a world emergency and evacuation (Mass population system).
Generally the Jackson will have to figure out the best way to care for Michael Jackson at least in the intail decision, I could have a perfect means of granting success at preservation condtion for a future revival date but the Jackson would still have to know about it and want that kind of service.
Even so I am sure that money is how things are bartered for in obtaining some service in treatment of the Michael Jackson body. And surly money is required in the USA where speciallized equipment is desired for in carring out ones wishes. In the Third world some people do not have money and so need guidence in how they can achieve the same kinds of treatment and preservation. In space when dealing with millions of bodies at any time you must be inventive and adapted to make service and treatment of those bodies in space on a seeming barren landscape of the moon or simular bodie.
The Jacksons being surrounded by a wave of media and intrested people actually may find it diffcult to make a decsion on certain issues, and time constraints on dealing with the dead may lead to pressure when it has been complicated by other issues such as a homicide investigation or a second body investgation. but MR and MRS Jackson seem to have some idea what they are doing as they ordered a second investigation and body search. they know have to sort through which meathod is best in the final treatment of the body. the best treatment condsidering the body is in fair condition and not mutulated is cold storage not deep cryogenic freezeing, even so if cryogenic freezeing has been chosen as i have now heard might be the case, the future hold a very large pathway of advancement in that feild of cryogenic deep freeze as it is a condition of space a enviroment that humans must master in end to survive as a living species.
Even though people such as Lenin have been in preserved in cold storage, (and Lenin is a outstanding testiment to preservation at time frames longer than 60 years) not may people are aware of the proccess and how it could carry (preserve)them to a time frame when revival and treatment is common place for many aliments and dieases or even organ failure given the current state of technology and gain knowledge.

So really the jacksons just need to know about for it to be a option considering they have lots of money, and money is acceptable to the person providing the service.

As for the cause of death, to create a circustance to assimulate a heart attack, such would require the withdrawal of blood from Michael Jackson body while he was asleep, and then covering it up with drugs, suffocation is the other means by which the act would have concealed by a doctor.
Never the less there exist several other circumstance in the time range of death preformed by others that could have caused death, a doctor could have counted on some of these actions and incorporated them into the act of murder.
The number one way that a doctor would kill would be by Withdrawal of blood.
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Fascinating, but it doesn't help our business venture. Geoff needs cash now.
Also I can not say that I see this as a buisness deal as I research the issue of cold storage and cryogenics as a means to address a world emergency and evacuation (Mass population system).
Cryogenics would be totally and utterly useless under such circumstances.

Even though people such as Lenin have been in preserved in cold storage, (and Lenin is a outstanding testiment to preservation at time frames longer than 60 years)
What nonsense: Lenin is mostly wax and plastic now, there's very little of him left that's real.

The number one way that a doctor would kill would be by Withdrawal of blood.
That is total rubbish.
Fascinating, but it doesn't help our business venture. Geoff needs cash now.

Well Geoffory
There are plently of other opprotunities, considering that 45,000,000 people will die this year.
Have you considered developing a storage facility for your relatives and for handling other people when they need to be presevered for later revival.
You have to spend some time in developing your own meathod. you could look at the work,and meathods of others untill you have a viable system (I have posted in a early post the meathod for treating the body). overall it is quite exstensive in the workmanship invovled, building the capsule chambers, preparing the body and so on with every other thing that has to be done. to do things in a state of the art manner. but you could get by with improvisation untill you have time to handel things the way that you would like to in the completion stage.

Michael Jackson would require more time in just negotiating to handle the body than treating the body condisering the dead line for handeling the body which is September 5th,of 2009 making for just about 9 more days. in other words you would have to recieve a call or notice form the Jackson today or the next day. In short you just need to start work before the end of the dead line. which would call for some inventive adapation at this point in getting the equipment. you could find your self trying to work with resources from the local hardware store rather than speciallized tools. for example you would have to make a table and a holding capsule for the body, which requires blacksmithing knowledge.

In end it is not very difficult to put a body on ice for 20 years you just need a refrigerator that can hold the body so that a technician in the future can handle it, or i should say he will have to handel all of the difficulties that occur when a body has not been prepared before freezeing or cold storage.
even proper cold storage tempitures require preparation of the body regardless of how easy it is to store the body at the proper tempitrure.

So the Michael Jackson body could be preserved at proper tempiture in just a matter of hours and stored.

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