(split) Cryogenically freezing Michael Jackson

Well Since the announcement of Michael Jacksons Death it has been about 22days, Generally speaking the Cells of Michael Jacksons bodie will be alive for about 160 days, 72 days of that time will have organized cell fucntion. Therefor we should consider to determine Michael Jacksons body cells to be alive untill September 5th ,2009 .
With each passing day however specialized groups of cells are lost, becoming non restorable in a meathod to cause active regrowth/ function.
So get a calander out and put a sticker on the 25th of September.

As 22 days have passed we can exspect that connective tissue has begone already to, metabolized wounds closed, this has cause the Plasma to be thined, and so this would be a good time for a weak bicarbonate electrolite or just a electrolite such as Gataorade to be applied. Simply 16 ounces of eletrolite would sustain cell function considerablly. Oscillating tempiture and pressure could be used in the apllication of electrolite, or in difficult circumsatnces turning the bodie every 4 minutes (15 min.) over a period of 120 minutes during the adminstering of electrolite. 15 degress Celsius would be a tempiture at which to start the application of electrolite. 21 degrees Celsius at maxium ideal tempiture. the low tempiture in this case slows the metabolic reactions so a through apllication of electrolite may take some time to applied. The change in tempiture alone will cause weak palapation.
other concerns arrive such as fluid discharge, exchange of plasma. (swelling may occur which must be drain).

Well Oli there is my meathod of cryogenic storage and there is yours and others who have a cryogenic meathod. My meathod does not invovle the deep freeze cryogenic tempitures that you insist on in your techique. Regardless of technique or meathod the tempiture of the internal body should not different form the exsternal region of the body or chamber in excess of 17degrees.
Also I should say as a reminder that ice crystals damage the membranes of cells, as well as hormones and other chemicals secreated by the body such as tersterone that become crystlized at low tempitures. so the deep freeze meathod can become complicated done randomly, if there are variations in tempiture over periods of time, during storage, and when sound is transmitted through the cryo genic chamber, as crystals deform. in any case you do not want to get as low as 3 degrees kelvins. generally in deep freeze it is easy for atoms to be come fragmented.

Well Since the blah blah blah blah kelvins. generally in deep freeze it is easy for atoms to be come fragmented.

One more time: you're talking (as usual) pure unadulterated shit.
Go away and stay away you barely-literate half wit.
Just want to say that I read these posts and I do not think this DwayneD.L.Rabon poster should be made fun of. Cryonics technology is something that many people think in the future will be an option for life extension. See link: alcor.org
Unfortunately you haven't actually read the posts: DDLR is being "made fun of" because his "knowledge" of cryogenics is made up nonsense, not because the idea itself is wrong or laughable.

There is really no limit to what humans will achieve in the future.
That's a supposition, wishful thinking.

Just like people mocked a man who thought the world was round
No they didn't, mainly because he could how that he was correct, by using science.
or a guy who thought we could fly one day
That would be why so many people were putting time, effort and money into the attempt then? Because they were mocking the idea?
or a president who said we could go to the moon
How many people laughed when Kennedy announced it?
I got the general feeling the attitude was "Wow! That's something to try for."
All this talk on Cryogenics and not even a mention of a "Triple point". I definitely suggest someones' not been doing their homework.

Incidentally Cryogenics for the most part hasn't been a complete success in complex organisms, mainly because of the damage that occurs between cells due to crystallisation. In fact Phlog and I had a discussion on Cryogenics some years back, we ended up arguing over how much damage was caused by Ice Crystal's forming. Although we both meant the same thing, I think I just said it differently and well we couldn't agree back then.

Obviously the main ones for revival have been worms which incidentally have the largest number of genes in their DNA. In fact it can be stated that Humans and worms have "Similar Gene's", however the main reason for this is worms are of course bottom feeders, they are at the bottom of the foodchain and any rotting, decaying corpse that returns to soil tends to end up as nutrients brought into the soil by worm casts. (I guess you can say it's a case of, "You are what you eat", so unless humans eat a majority of the time worms, it would suggest it was the other way around.)

In this instance of worms it means that they contain far more genetic material than one it takes to create a worm, so any damage to the DNA doesn't necessarily inhibit cellular replication.

The freezing of animals like dogs has been widely disputed upon the internet, there is claims of a cryogenically frozen dog being re-woken without any serious side effects, however this is just a popular internet meme. There isn't any scientific evidence supporting such an experiment other than the freezing of component pieces.

In fact previous occurrences of cryogenics has usually meant that the human body has various parts removed and frozen seperately. (Like the removing of the head). Currently it should be known that science hasn't quite got to the point of re-hooking up nerve tissue, so removing the head is pretty fatal, in the case of bringing people back.

In regards to Jackson, he's dead, what would be the point other than to have a bunch of people wanting to stare at his dead body. (Creepy people) Why not just have a wax representation of him and save the money of freezing (okay a little dry ice to give the visual effect)

Incidentally biologicals are meant to age and decay, that's what we do. There should never be a cure for it, since we are on a finite planet with finite resources, to try and exist biologically longer than we should we will cause a greater strain on the resources. Thats why I'm more inclined to go with the creation of an Artificial universe to be "uploaded" to. (For limit space/resource constraints)
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Well, let me clarify my position, I do not recommend cryogenic deep freeze for humans while they exist on earth,(habitaition), however in certain circumstances and in conditions of space cryogenics may serve for storage, cryogenics also will be a requirement of medical care in space where astronauts have had accidents in space.

My meathod of cryogenics is at different tempitures than deep freeze cryogenics, being between 0 degrees and 15 degrees, but many other tempiture effects are use including cryogenic tempiture but just not in the main stage of storage and direct application to the human body.
Lenin the communist has had great care over the years, and is a testiment to the level of preservation that can exist.

Deep freeze cryogenics host a variety of difficulties.

Today is the 23rd day after Michael Jacksons death, as of yesterday his body should have recived a weak electrolite, today being the following day treatmeant should continue in serveral ways. Generally future treatment remains a argument in each case, if Michael Jackson had been treated in the first 72 hours there would be no other major treatments, mainly because changing the water of the body will cause difficulty in the revivial procees, where in rna and other particles determine the state of the cell in function, and removal of these componets make revial difficult.
Since this is the 23rd day other treatments would have to take place to re-establish the plamsa, such as addition treatment with a electro lite, and calciumwash ect...

Well, Carcano

Virtification may be a name by which it is called, even so the practice will be found in the proccess of cryogenics; Wherein there is a difference between terminology and actual working proccess of treating the deceased in cryogenics. Mainly because the body must be prepared before freezing and must be revitalized from the freezeing point.
The meathod that would preferre for humans while they are on earth (you call it virtification) is the best way to store humans with a high rate of success in revitalization / reanimation.
The chamber designs are the same as would be applied to a cryogenic deep freeze chamber; For eaxmple I look at circumstance that exist in the strorage of a large population during a world disaster, storing them on the moon, in carverns or upon the lunar surface, the facility would be subject to any number of circumstance, For instance a power failure may result in the Virtification chambers undergoing a cryogenic freezeing of the bodies in storage.
So the proccess even then compounded, it is still cryogenics.

Even in the treatment of astronauts who have had accidents in space, the body must be revived from a Cryogenic condition.

In the Micheal Jackson case, this is the 24th day, and today a decision would have to be made as to the condtion of the body and how furtue to procceed after the previous 2 days of electrolite, calcium wash...
The calcium wash will have reset lipid senstivitly, for signaling, and a massage of the deceased body would allow the distubtion of such electrolite through the body ( condition of the body) so by such mean allowing a rest of lipid barriers signaling mainly of the mucels. (a major organ of the body.)

It is after the calcium wash that decisions have to be made on what should tended to next, wounds, or furtue conditioning by electrolites, and the final storage of choice,cryogenic of viritification. furthur threatment of electrolites would require a change of electrolites from Gatorade. to electrolites such as SO4, Cl, HPO. and a rotation regime every 4 minutes an drain.
If the bodie is considered to be in good standing condtion, a treatmeant with Vitamin B, B complex, or a new chemical Co Enzymes Q10 would be applied before the final cool down and stoarge mainly to support the revival proccess.

Treatment of the bodies skins is also required to protect from direct shock and damage of the cold tempitures, Vitamin E may be used.

As well before cool down at least 15 % of the water content of the intercellual fliud must be removed.

One thing about cryogenic freezing and milder tempitures of cryogenics(Virification) the conents of the cell are pushed into the cell membrane, Nucltides,rna,mrna protiens ectra.... exspecially so in deep freeze cryogenics making the fromation of crystal a entaglement. this occurs much less at lower tempitures wher such seperations are more controlled.

Also in Deep freeze cryogenic you have to place a filiament through the intestine and the stomach where it then exits the mouth, by this means it is easier to controll the variation of tempiture, external verses internal as they can not vary by more that 17 degrees through the entire deep freeze.

Thanks Carcano for the name refference

Well, I suspect you mean that I am serious about survial in space, and the future of space travel, in that case the awnser would be yes, I would like to see my child have the ablility to be independant,(self suffcient) in traveling the solar system, regardless if the world goverments chose to hold back human advancements in to space. I would like to see the human race advance to space habitat and sloar system travel as well, as a activity and way of life.
To secure that postion requires such devices as cryogenic chambers and techniques, spacessuits , ectra... dealing with earth disasters on a grand scale requires planning and meathods of response, key turn points that the entire scheme of human survial rely on.

It is without doubt that humans will be stored in such a manner in volving statis chambers. exspecially because there are millions of people to deal with in a earth emergency, for example in the proccess of transporting and handling humans from the surface of the earth to any station a certain percentage will die, those bodies will have to be stored and revitalized at a later time, so storage chambers for the human body become nessacary. we certainly can not just throw the bodies in to the deep space, as we would need every human in the effort to survive a earth disaster.

Here is a key point in the prepareing of the body, one blood must be stored, or the bodie kept alive long enough to develop blood cells and plasma, which are stored and then if possible used to revive the deceased from storage.

Another problem that will be obvious is the settling of blood and plasma in one part of the body, wherein you will find red or purple spots usally on the underside of the body(or side of the body facing the ground). the main problem with blood settleing is that vessels ruptures casuing leaks into the extracellular fluid, and also blood clots in these areas blocking the area from treatments during prepration of the body. Also this becomes a problem when the deceased has been laid on his back causing settling in the spinal region where nerve cells span the body makeing response for the body, in which case CO2 and carbon monoxide may cause blockage in the ability of the body to respond, this region will have to be tended to.

Well, Today is the 27th day since the announcement of Michael Jacksons Death, however it remains that without Vitrification treatment (cryogenics) and storage the body of Micheal Jackson will remain alive at the celluar level untill September 5th. Intervention at any time before the 5th provides the establishment of quality preservation of his body, which in end would result in the eventual revival of his body and life.

In the Michael Jackson case, he remain a very excellent candidate for revival to the very moment of his death, and the failure in medical practice to make a effort is malicous negelect of institutional practice within the United States of America.

In review of several facts of Michaels Death it seems that the elements that cause the most difficulty in revival of a decease person are missing, and those elements would not incease untill latter after the time of death. mainly those issues of CO2 formation and Carbon Monoxide formation. Which in the Michael Jackson appear to be miniumal at the time of death. the overall conditions of these elements could only be worsened over the time after death and the mishandling of the body after death, mainly the lack of exercise in the preservation of the body.

At any event this is the 27th day and things are still managable for stroage of the body for preservation. Currently the bodie has needed a electrolite restoration to provide a balance state for normalization, and a reset of ability of cellular membranes so that specific treatments can take place, in addition the removal of chemical elements that pose problems as they are toxics to normal operation, mainly CO2 and Carbon Monoxide.
These issues where addressed in earlier posts in part, with the application of weak electrolites and that of calcium wash. much of this is done by the means of the vascular system (veins) of the body. As long tempitures during treatment and application are done below 15 Degrees Celsius CO2 is continuously removed from the body. Rotation of the body every 4 minutes remains a nessacary element to distribute electorlites, as well massage of the muscels.( consider that the meatbolic rate has been decreased causeing more time requirement for distribution of electroites).

As the blood has clotted within the body, In Michael Jacksons case along the spinal cord and back this region must be tended to, which requires electrolite, and Calcium washes, or water washes at low tempitures to reduce the CO2 concentrations in that region. the difficult part of this meathod is the removal of the actuall blood clots, as to effectively remove the blood clots requires warming of the body above 15 degrees Celsius, wherein a increase in the production of CO2 will increase. before warming of the body a anticoagulant such as Dextran is applied in low quanity, and at warming addition amounts are applied. it may serve to in crease the acid PH activity of the wash fluid, by increaseing the H ion concentration,to soften difficult regions, water overtime would have a yeilding effect, but is less direct in the treatment proccess because of time. it can be exspected that water concenteration during time of storage will also soften these difficult regions. the main purpose of taking on clotting treatmeant is to address regions of organs and muscel tissue so they can recive treatment, general seepage within a organ or tissue needs only access to a part of the organ or tissues to allow apllications of electrolites. during the treatment of blood clots it is best to work timely to decrease the develpomet of CO2 formation.
After the treatment of Blood clots, the tempiture will be reduce once again and the next day, or some time after stablization of cool temps (6Degree Celsius) the body will be retreated for CO2 formation with a wash of water or weak calcium electrolites or both.

Once this is complete, specific treatments can be carried out, with different electrolites,Anions or Cations to repair or gain certain states of function for different organs. generally at which point consideration to motion of the moon help in the time of the state of chemistry, it is best to achieve chemical reactions and exchanges prior to the direct effect of the moon for your location of the treatment of the body, new treatments can begin again after this time untill the weak point of the lunar effect for your region, both of these times last several days (the apogee and pedigree should be condisdered). (There remains two cycles within the 72 days )

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Well, it does not seem that there is much conversation going as of recent, showing a intrest in cryogenics (Virtification) of a appearantly perfect candidate.

So for know on the 28th day, Here are a few ideas.

The cleaning of the body remains a important issue, (Cleaning of the body surface and body opeanings such as ears, nose,mouth, gential opens and skin pores ). Cleaning should be one of the first steps taken in preparation of the body of the decease to prevent the inset of infect by bactrium. Attention should be paid to bactria that are air born , having reprodction rates in water. A Ionizer, air filtration systemed designed to collect particles dust and bactria would be the recommend means for treatment of the air in room where the body is prepared (Such devices can de bought at a store).

I would suggest the use of aerosol, such as Ethanol as a cleaner that is quickly applied, (Lysol is sold in some stores and countries). Ethanol is generally a metal cleaner(Clorine is not recommend as a cleaning agent as it premotes the formation of CO2), Ethanol and for that matter most all cleaners leave behind a residue. The residue must be washed with sterile water as know as distilled water.
Drying of the body surface after washing helps reduce bacteria germination.

After the body has been cleaned, it is best to cover the body with a protective coating that prevents oxidation, damage, and site for bactria to settle and germinate. theis may be accomplished by applying a coat of glycerol, suchs Vitamin E a product that is also available in may stores.

This allows the body to be suface washed again later if containmation occurs at any time, eleminating the bactrium contact directly to the body as it is caught in the glyceol barrier.

Most death is the result of the failure of membrane, causing chemically adverse distruption of a region of the body. so generally in many cases much of the body may be in very good to moderate condition. Where the actually cause of death is a chemical and membrane distruption of about 1.2 grams.(critical point of distruption in a organ of tissue).

To get a idea of the types of disfuction that have resulted for each organ, or a single organ, Stop by the Bank and pick up 5 Dollars (US currency) worth of pennies/ 1 cent coins, there should be about 500 coins in. After you have got the coins stand over a table and drop 100 coins from two feet above the table, try this with 50 coins, 200 coins, 350 coins and so on in group. the generall patterns that exist are simular to the effect of diiferent organs in the body on different parts of the body. if provides a refference to the type of repairs in location that need assitance, or adjust ment dirung repair of the body.

To day is the 29th day since the announcement of Michael Jacksons death . Over the coruse of this time one lunar cycle has occurred, as the moon completes a cycle evey 29 days. The second cycle has now begun , within the second cycle we would like to reduce any chances of a accident during the treatment as to prevent setbacks to the developing condition of preserevation. (Given the prolonged time frame from the time of death)
In the first cycle there was a full phase cycle of ion variations (metabolic contraction) with the chemistry of the body. In the 29th day we are beginning the second cycle metabolic chemistry within the body. Therefore the treatment by use of electrolytes and chemical reactions that are induced are those of negative ionic nature. The use of negative ions results in the increase of acid formation (acidic) as a result of increased H ion concentration. In turn only weak solutions are used at low temptiture to reduce the formation of CO2 , carbon Monoxides, and damage to Membrane Structure.
If today is the first treatment positive electrolytes will be used now and later in the week negative electrolytes.
Generally there are 4 metabolic contractions per day, 2 neagative and 2 postive, however there are other sub variations throughout the day. And so both postive and negative ions can be used effectively on any one given day. For a period of about 6 hours.
At the end of each period no application of electrolyte, chemical should be applied to the body. So four times (3) a day for at least one hour there is no activity such as handling occurs with the body.
Understanding the motion of the moon and its position are very helpful, generally the period of no handling of the body changes by 50 minutes every day, as the moon comes direct 50 minutes earlier every day.

I would recommend the use of HPO electrolyte as the first Negative electrolite to be used after postive electrolytes have been applied.

Note: generally the speed of most reacts occurs two to three times fast with each 10 degrees Celsius increase. In the treatment of the decease the temptiure will never exceed 21 Degrees Celsius, below 10 degrees is the average temipture of operation. (stay above 6.6 degrees C) so times above 10 degrees are timely and brief reducing the rate of activity of many reactions)

Fighting germs and bacterium can be quite a chore, once the exterior or surface of the body has been cleaned and covered for protection, there remains the interior of the body, mainly the stomach and intestines (digestive tract) contain bacteria and germs the bring about infects as mucus membranes dry and are washed away by solutions during treatment, bacteria find a means to make access to the rest of the body. Generally in the living body Vitamin A would prevent to deteriation of the mucus of membranes and aids in the prevent of infectious growth. This type of reaction with vitamin A would induced later in the preparation of the body to guard against advancement of germs during storage of the body. Even so germs and bacterium have to eliminated during the preparation of the body, this can be done within the digestive tract by the use of PH activity variation, where in washes are repeated with high PH activity and then later low ph activity, generally germs that are elemintated by high PH gestate in low PH solution, the change in Ph renders them inmobile and they can be washed out, later germs that like high ph become predominate, with the change in Ph activity, and are then eliminated by the use of low PH activity solution.(removal of the normal hydrocloric acid of the stomach is required (Sterile water wash)).
Repeated Oscillations of Ph over several days cleans the digestive tract, and eliminates germs and bacteria from advancing in to the rest of the body.

Having a difficult time finding a Ph Activity solution, Tables salt can be bought at most common stores as well as Jalopeno Peppers. Jalopeno Pepper seems to very effective.

In addition the body does retain a memory, of sensation through out the treatment of the body. So being careful is important. Generally some sensation and retone will have to occur, as patients will have Phantom sensations of the exsperience.

If you read a little bit more of what i wrote, you will see that animals have been woke from a cryogenic freeze.
I call bullshit. No complex animal has ever been revived after having been completely frozen solid. The closest anything has come to that is a species of very tiny worm that can completely dehydrate itself when it gets cold enough, so there's actually no water in it to freeze.
Well, Nasor as I remember the longest span of a life form thawed from deep cryogenic freeze was 15 minutes. ( the report may have been limited to brain function, or simple animation such as eye movement). In the deep end of cryogenics it appears that flash freezing is the better, as opposed to gradual temipture reduction. which is good in the case of astronauts that have accidents in space. how the subect is frozen, the speed, the controll of crystal formation become important. One difficulty is that in deep freeze cryogenics a tempiture variation of no greater than 17 degress must be maintained from interior to exterior. That causes problems for the flash freeze meathod.

Also I should say I am not recommending the deep freeze end of cryogenics for the storage of Michael Jackson, or for humans while they are on the earths surface.

Today is the 30th day,
After the body has been cleaned, the surface and the digestional tract cleaned, they should be covered with a vitamin E and triglycerol. the digestional tract can be treated with Vitamin E, by means of inserting a tube into the mouth and down the throat into the stomach where the Vitamin E is then pumped, the tube is then inserted in to anus and through the digestive tract to the stromach (this requires 12 to 9 feet of tube). and the Vitamin E is then pumped in to the system, as the tube is retacted.
Treating the digestive tract prevents the advancement of microorganisms, and possible contaiminations. however treatment of the lower digestive tract, the intestine would cause difficulty in the removal of water and other solvants that would be exscreated during veins infusions. so this part of the treatment in the lower tract could wait untill most electrolite treatments are complete, the upper tract that of the stomach can be coated with Vitaimn E.
Generally the digestive tract will not be used for the absorpbtion of electrolites with the exception of the first applications of electrolites, mainly because many cells lining the stomach have very short life times.

When Fighting the onset of bactria and microrganisms in the body of the deceased, the lungs pose a hazard as many airbourne organisms enter the lungs, such as canadis. The lungs are a special issue as they are actually thin membrained, fragile cell structure. so just about every thing that would be done to treat the lungs for parasites and bactrium will cause some damage. different areosols exist to fight infects and antibiotics ectra.. but nothing that is a immediate clean up of organisms.
So what to do with the lungs of Michael Jackson will have to be decided in the next day, as we would like to keep the lungs intact as possible because he was a great singer. which also tells us that he has a great pair of lungs that will be able to handle what ever treatment is determined. For now we will just block the opeaning to prevent contamination.

After all the washing and handling of the body, it should kept in mind that with more washing and handleing, protiens and lipids of the cells have been removed and the structure of cells needs some repair to maintain the body from falling apart and losing all of chemical development that has taken place.
to do this lipids and protiens must be added to the system.

Well, Nasor as I remember the longest span of a life form thawed from deep cryogenic freeze was 15 minutes. ( the report may have been limited to brain function, or simple animation such as eye movement).
Sorry, but nothing with a brain has ever been revived from a cryogenic freeze. There have been plenty of examples of animals revived after being "dead" for a long time that were kept chilled (usually to around 10 C or so), but never completely frozen.
Well , Nasor I would say that revival could be done from as low as 31 degrees Celsius. ( and that cryogenic deep freeze should be less that 37 degrees Kelvins). right know i have been working on the preperation of Micheal Jacksons body for cold storage simular to Lenin. cryoogenic let me see?

To day is the 31st day, and normally due to the cycle of the moon the treatment of negative electrolytes would begin. (given that the body has been previously washed with positive electrolies such as potassium and sodium, water, and calcium. Gatorade a common refreshement drink is quite effective.)
In a recap, the application of positive electrolytes is applied to established a balanced electrolyte, and eliminate cellular shock and death which would have been excessive and on going. The cells can maintain form or structural constituton given a electrolyte balance for sometime.(A balance of the sodium-potassium membrane pump ).
Knowing the orginal body weight of the person allows a determination of just how much Postive electrolyte and water needs to be replaced. If Michael Jackson had a body weight at the coronors office of 160 pounds, and at the day of application of postive electrolyte he weight of 125 pounds then 4 gallons of electrolyte are required to establish a balance. Generally there has been decomposition of cells and many of the cells have released there cell contents in to the surrounding area, enviroment of other cells. water and drainage is required to remove these concentrations. Swelling (endema) occurs with the application of water and electrolyte as cell particals such as lipids block passage ways, it is these particles that need to be removed because not only do they change the electrolyte balance of the cells enviroment but lipids begin to produce acids which further the destruction of other cells. As the water and electrolytes are applied to the body to regain a balance,the body must be drained of fluid in order to remove the unwanted particles of the dead cells which cause the imbalance. In the early application the electrolyte and water caused additional swelling because of the blockage by these unwanted particles, latter as these particles are removed a softening of tissue will appear and a increase in drainage as well, the body may appear to sweat (look excessively watery) and unable to hold water or even the electolite which was applied. In which case the amount of and rate of electrolyte and water must be reduced and drainage increased.
What has happened is that the body has reached a point of saturation and can not hold the additional fluid, certainly this should have been expected as some of the cells have died, changing the number of cells in any one give organ or tissue and therefore retaining less water and electrolyte. As there is a loss of cells due to cell death, the organ or tissue may appear as normal in size while saturated with fluids, but once brought in to balance they will appear slightly contorted (wrinked or unsmoothed). This is the appeance that you will want, or the condition to obtain if you have visable ability to access the organs and tissues. As a rule,Over Saturation with fluids in not desirable as molecular attractions
Of water and electrolyte tear at the structure of the cell membranes while they are in soft condition , and much of the disfunction of cells in operation will be due to the impairment of the cell membrane structure ( Lipids of cell membranes). Cold tempitures reduce the on going impairment of the cell membranes by limiting the reactivity of enymes, being most effect in reduction of damage at temptiures below 10 degress Celsius.
The Disfunction of cell membrane is a result enzyme action and a increase in acid formation, wherein the hydrogen atoms are either strip from lipids or added to lipids in repeated fashion causing distortion, (the lipid may become a solvent or a ridigid solid)
Enzmyes catabolize the lipid into several pieces .
Cold tempitures allow the slowing of the metabolic rate, meaning the rate at which chemistry causes a reaction , Cold temipitures also allow the removal of hydrocarbons that result in acidic formation within the body, volatile hydocrabons such as CO2 and carbon monoxide become dissolvable in water, meaning that they may be adhered to by weak molecular force and remove from the system, as they congeal at lower tempiture. CO2 begins to congeal at 15 degrees Celsius, the point where it can begin to be removed by water. (similar to tempiture distillation of hydrocarbons) most hydrocarbons within the body can be removed this way at lower tempitures including bicarbonates such as sugars and carbohydrates.
The person in case is deceased and bicarbonates for buffers of CO2 and energie requirements are not nessacary, but will cause various difficulties. The object of appling postive electrolytes and water is to gain a state of condition that is continuously stable, hydrocarbons are the main support for transtion of hydrogen and chemical reactions.
The use of water provides a stable and consitant flux of hydrogen, one in balance with positive electrolytes. Where in when a imbalance does occur a simple exchange of water
And the appropiate electrolite is all that need be applied as the cell membranes throughout the body are preamble to water transtion. The gradual transition of hydrogen and the formation of oxides allows cell membranes to regain a limited recovery in structure over time, where in the oxides must be periodically removed. A small amount of negative HPO can act as a control buffer after much of the excess phosphate chemicals or particles have been removed with the lipids, bicarbonates and particles of dead cells. A negative Electrolite is required as most negative electrolytes such as Clorine, HCO3, Protiens and Sulfur (SO4) have been drained and removed. (Small amounts will still reamin within the cell). Even so, as the membranes must be given additional replenishment to restore structure, proteins and lipids especially that of phospholipids which are need in the process can act as a negative electrolite.
Generally the formation of salts,oxides and hydrates that would occur are reduced to a minium of formation as a result of lower tempitures and a 10 to 15 % reduction of water in the final stage . The rate of formation can be calculated once ideal conditions are established and easily treated for thr subtil changes that might occur.

When the Negative eletrolites come in to use, they will be used to bring about refelex and metabolic transiton of chemicals across organ tissues.

EXERCISE: drink a pot of coffee, and then 30 minutes latter drink water or a postive electrolite such as Gatorade, this will provide you with a real time sense of how long it takes for eletrolite balance to happen at normal tempiture, you can compare the time to that of lower tempitures by decreaseing the effect 2 times for each 10 degrees celsius.

Note In some Cases, veins and artery must be sown back together (so you will need a skilled hand) if the body has been examined at the cornors office some repairs will have to be done, if you find missing organs or organs out of place, laying the chest cavity you must sow the organs back in place focusing on the proper placement of the circulatory system of veins and arterys. If conditions are bad for the organ or placemtn of the organ due to hydration ect.. close the end of artieys and veins as to prevent seepage of eletrolites. The organ will be treated seperatly and refitted to the body latter.


Do you have a website somewhere where you write further about cryogenics further? If so can you please send it.Thanks Mon....
"postive electrolite such as Gatorade"? You realize that all electrolyte solutions are neutral, right?
The only things Dwayne "realises" are his own delusions.
Everything he posts is nonsense or fantasy. (Or both).