Sick of it all

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Lapdog: Strange. God is still calling you to embrace the RCC.
M*W: He may be calling you, sweetheart, but there's no one calling me.
invert_nexus: Oh. And Medicine Woman.

Shut the fuck up.
Water has already talked about her ex negativo approach or whatever. You know. The thing about contradicting everything you say?
And as to her stretching out her posts...
You should realize that what she's doing is trying to make them readable. Unlike your 'unique' formatting style which is a nightmare to try to wade through.
M*W: I choose to be different. Put me on IGNORE, you sorry bastard.
Jan Ardena said:
It is called suppression. The idea is to destroy God in the minds of men. Few know what they are doing, but lots jump on the bandwagon because of various reasons.

Take a good look at the world we live in today, and see how things are changing, and what they are changing to.

I couldn't agree more, well put :)

Lapdog: Can ye not be cordial to one another?
M*W: If you want cordial, mother fucker, have a tea party.

This is the biggest cop-out for religions there is.

That doesn't even make sense.

Blaming God's lack of interest and involvement in our lives on us.

Please show me these religions.

Then, once you start trying to get ready you get all confused (because it is a lie) and then you blame yourself some more and are utterly lost.

What's a lie?

See what religions do?
They make you doubt yourself.

Oh. So you're an expert on religion now?

By the time you wake up, you realize that all your money is gone (God so needs that 10% {or more} to further confuse and dismay),

So 'all your money' = 10% of your money?
I see why you are confused.

Yet, there is a silver lining. When you do wake up, you realize that you have a brain and that other humans (like in this forum) do as well.

So religious people don't know they have a brain?

You need some support after those arrogant, smug ("you're not ready"), condescending a-holes get through with you.

You can't even have a conversation with me without flaming can you? Looks like 'cool skill' is right after all.

Believe me, they will toss you aside, too, once they realize they can't either convert you or bring you "back into the fold."

And you will always be there, no matter what.
Ahhh, aint that sweet.

You got this one exactly right, though, Jan. God is a debilitating, paralyzing influence upon our true selves. He is a divider and a hate-monger. I plan to Destroy Him, utterly and irrevocably.

Check this out 'water'.
This is the real deal. Behind the (so-called) intellectual discussions, appeals to logic and rationality, this the true picture.

I challenge you to THINK about it, and find one thing that is really different. Oh, sorry, besides the fact that more and more people are becoming convinced of religion's inherent flaws.

To enter into any discussion with you would be a complete waste of time.

Love, Cottontop3000.

P.S. Was all that too hateful? I'm sorry if I offended anybody.

What good is your apology?

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:
Please show me these religions.
What's a lie?

Oh. So you're an expert on religion now?
Nuff to know it's a croc of shit fed to the weak.
So 'all your money' = 10% of your money?
I see why you are confused.
didn't say they got more than 10% of my money. a lot of the confused and deluded do give it all though, and still they don't get anything in return. Idiots like you just raping the innocent and smiling about it amongst yourselves.

So religious people don't know they have a brain?
What do you want me to say?
You can't even have a conversation with me without flaming can you? Looks like 'cool skill' is right after all.
You are using "cool skill" as a reference? Feel so sorry for you.
And you will always be there, no matter what.
Ahhh, aint that sweet.
sweet for me.

Check this out 'water'.
This is the real deal. Behind the (so-called) intellectual discussions, appeals to logic and rationality, this the true picture.
Coming from an intellectual, logical and rational position, as opposed to some, I wouldn't expect you to understand me yet, maybe never. So sad. :rolleyes:

To enter into any discussion with you would be a complete waste of time.
then leave me alone, unless you are interested in truth.

What good is your apology?

Jan Ardena.
Understsand the word sarcasm?
Lawdog said:
Strange. God is still calling you to embrace the RCC.
I wish I had a machine that allowed me to reach through the internet and strangle people....
Lapdong, as I will be calling you for now on, you are just...:bugeye: .
Hapsburg said:
There is no god. Think rationally and you will be free of your problem.

People who use a "god" as an excuse for living cannot reconcile the fact that there is no such being. They become confused and lost, then question the value of their own existence. The invention of "god" came at a time when ignorance needed an answer, divine creation provided the answer. Even today insurance companies refer to "acts of god" but know full well it does not exist, thereby conning the punter. Its a convenient get out clause.

We know better nowadays, but still old prejudices hang on in there. I strongly suspect that many clergy only do their job as a means to an end, a cushy little number etc.

Please show me these religions.


You don't even know what Jan Ardena's religion is.

How would you know?
If you treat God as if He were a lie, you will only be able to think Him a lie.

Oh. So you're an expert on religion now?

Nuff to know it's a croc of shit fed to

And what is your expertise, where have you studied?

the weak.

Like you ...
Oh, no, wait, you are so strong that you have to stuff yourself with Prozac because otherwise, you can't make it through the day.

didn't say they got more than 10% of my money. a lot of the confused and deluded do give it all though, and still they don't get anything in return. Idiots like you just raping the innocent and smiling about it amongst yourselves.

So all this is really about you, who is weak, and "innocent" and have been spiritually "raped" by someone smarter than you?

So religious people don't know they have a brain?

What do you want me to say?

What would you like to say?

sweet for me.

Why sweet for you? So you can get your anger satiated?

Coming from an intellectual, logical and rational position, as opposed to some, I wouldn't expect you to understand me yet, maybe never. So sad.

"Intellectual, logical and rational" -- as good as an ex-druggie and legally disabled due to depression has it ...

You are the one prancing about with what you have done in your past and what your present is like now. If you can't deal with it when people address you for what you are presenting yourself, then you're not able to live in your present, with yourself.

then leave me alone, unless you are interested in truth.

*Your* truth?
You, who goes out and say in public that you are afraid to go among people and keep yourself isolated because you are afraid you will hurt someone?

You have come out of your hole seeking compassion, help and understanding. You've got all of it. But now, we suddenly aren't good enough for you.

Understsand the word sarcasm?

You deserve every bit of pain that you feel, you ungrateful, self-abosrbed twit.

Like you ...
Oh, no, wait, you are so strong that you have to stuff yourself with Prozac because otherwise, you can't make it through the day.


You deserve every bit of pain that you feel...

Firts of all. Fuck you water. You are a selfrighteous bitch, and a hypocrite.


Now, in this ocean of words, I've lost something. Could you please, water, reiterate why you do believe in god? Can you keep it simple for us atheists please?
Tensions are at a fever pitch again at sciforums and this place smells like home.

Yea and the fun part is that moderators are a bit more liberal about the flaming wars :D

Firts of all. Fuck you water. You are a selfrighteous bitch, and a hypocrite.

Now this is the home I was missing!. ;)

In the (science forum) there would be moderators dictating our bad behavior, and asking us to calm it down. Fuck that!! Let the flaming begin. Burn baby burn!!.


It's fun to see Sci back. ;)

Excuse me I've just been seriously debating with out flaming!.

Yea and the fun part is that moderators are a bit more liberal about the flaming wars

With the Goofy one possibly/hopefully gone, and with the uncertainty of things, I'd say we better get drunk and get down to revelry! The science forum is impossibly anal. Ack!

Godless have you taken a look at the IIDB?
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