Sick of it all

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Huh. I go out of my way to offend them. Whatever.
It's still an improper noun, and shouldn't be capitalized, even if the christians spell with a capped 'h'.
I once asked you to marry me Rosa, and you declined, how many proposals did you turn down on that day, do you think we all did them for fun, or because we have a deep warm respect for you as a person, that the nearest kind of love,regard, fondness you can achieve on the internet.
you are loved and respected on this forum, I know you cant see us or feel the respect we have for you, how could you. so how do you know that God does'nt have the same deep warm respect (kind of love,regard, fondness).
audible said:
I once asked you to marry me Rosa, and you declined, how many proposals did you turn down on that day, do you think we all did them for fun,

I promised to say no so that you would feel no obligation.
I had no fun turning down anyone, I just did as I promised, not burdening anyone.

or because we have a deep warm respect for you as a person, that the nearest kind of love,regard, fondness you can achieve on the internet.
you are loved and respected on this forum, I know you cant see us or feel the respect we have for you, how could you. so how do you know that God does'nt have the same deep warm respect (kind of love,regard, fondness).

The posters on this forum I can read from, talk to. There are real people behind those user names. REAL people.

I can't communicate with God.

I admire your honesty. It's times like these, when you're "done", and when you are willing to lay it all on the line for the truth, no matter what it is, that a breakthrough will occur. Sincerity and humility are catalysts in this regard. God has His own timing and way to go about it's impossible to aniticipate Him. After all, He is about perfection, as opposed to catering to our sense of urgency. The waiting can be absolutely maddening and depressing, but it also makes you stronger. Don't despair pook...things are gonna change. Just hold on, and hold on tight, cause it's a wild ride...weeeeeeeeeee! I wouldn't shit ya, cause you're my favorite turd. *smooch*
water said:
And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time

I find this forum depressing, yet it is interesting enough to draw me to it over and over again. I guess it is a spiritual beacon of some sorts.

I think it's important to have balance in our lives. Could it be that you've recently spent so much energy on one area that you've neglected others? I don't know your day to day experiences, but compared to mine, sciforums is rather strange.

Perhaps telling you to "go out and smell the flowers" doesn't land well. If so, I'm sorry.
water said:
I am sick of all this.

I wish I could sit down to my books to study, and do all my work in my day -- all with the dear knowledge that God is there, watching over me, actually listening to me. And answering.

I don't care anymore if people here are appalled by my discrepancies or inconsistencies. I don't care anymore if I am not understanding and patient and a good conversationalist. I am sick of it.
Professionalism only gets one so far, but when it hits the wall, that's it. There is a point past which you can not get with empiric thoroughness, patience and understanding.

I know God IS, but I have no idea what God is like. I used to be fond of my ex negativo approach, and it worked fine, it worked away many preconceptions and stupidities. But then it hit the wall.

And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time -- and I am sick of the futility of this all. It is disgusting, the insanity with which the *same* people go over the *same* topics OVER AND OVER again.

There is something awful and wrong here.


No offense but you have got to find a loving partner (in the flesh) who will
fuck you so hard that you cry. If you substitute your emotional and biological
needs with 'God' then you're going to continue this downward spiral.
Talking to God is difficult at times. Sometimes you have to listen very, very hard for a still, small voice.

(This assumes a belief in God, etc.)
water said:
I am sick of all this.
There is something awful and wrong here.

You may be jeapordizing your spiritual life by coming to be amongst these dark minds,
they are not scientists but sorcerers.
I am going to try to stay away as much as possible.

You soul is telling you something, theres a reason why you hate this place.
If you must come here then I recommend:
Try to take about an hour every evening for a while, walk, and just to talk to Him.
Then you will be refreshed and able to bear the burden of this place
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I've just a curse on you.


The religion forum is lame. I never understood your constant posting in here with all the sock-puppets, bible thumpers, and bible bashers.

Take a break from this whole God business.
Fuck it.

And. Yeah. Crunchy cat is probably right. A good hard fucking might do wonders. But, then again, it might not. It's not always the solution. But it usually takes your mind off of other things for a while. Avatar lives relatively close. Maybe you could talk him into servicing you. He's a boy-looking man, but the ladies seem to like him. Can't hurt for trying.

I suppose Finland isn't that far away either.
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So, since this is a public forum, I'll just give you my impression. This water person wants nothing but to wallow in self pity. "I was promised..." By who? Your mom and dad? Your priest? Your teachers? So sad. Try therapy... Try getting fucked... Try a 9mm to the head... Try love... Bla, Bla, fucking bla. I'm sick of it all too. You know god IS? Bullshit. You know for sure, like everyone else, somewhere inside, that GOD is a fantasy.

That realization is immediate in some people, who are generally well adjusted atheists. In others it's buried deep and creates the dichotomous mind disease called RELIGION. In some, like you(???), it leaves you on a razor-wire fence. Keep humping the fence and shut up, or roll of to one side or the other and shut up.

I don't know anything about water except it's made of two H atoms and one O and it's all wet.
Lawdog said:
You may be jeapordizing your spiritual life by coming to be amongst these dark minds,
they are not scientists but sorcerers.
I am going to try to stay away as much as possible.

You soul is telling you something, theres a reason why you hate this place.
If you must come here then I recommend:
Try to take about an hour every evening for a while, walk, and just to talk to Him.
Then you will be refreshed and able to bear the burden of this place

Lawdog, I think you should read this:

This is my message to all Christians, especially those who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible:

Believe not what you read from other Christians without testing it first for yourself. Do not think that you are right and that everyone else is simply misguided or (as I at times thought) demon possessed. (Might I mention, the demons of the Bible can not be true, even if they do exist.) PLEASE, DO SOME THINKING ON YOUR OWN. SEE BOTH SIDES OF THE ARGUMENT. I BEG YOU.

I wrote this a while ago - before your time I believe. Read the entire thing if you have time.

When I hear your words, I hear echoes of my former self. :(
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Is 'dick her down' a British phrase? I'm American and I've heard it often. If I was in England, I'd hop the channel and service her myself.


'Considerably older'?
She's not that old, dude.
You must be a minor then. I always thought you were older than that. For an ignorant ex-christian, you carry yourself well then. Well. Once you gave up the demon hunting anyway.
Let's just say you can't blame me for the way the elections turned out.

These days I'm busy driving stakes through the hearts of moralists and everyone who condescends nihilism.

(Thanks for the compliment by the way. Now I couldn't have been that ignorant, could I? I mean, we had people like Proud Muslim!)
Crunchy Cat said:
No offense but you have got to find a loving partner (in the flesh) who will fuck you so hard that you cry. If you substitute your emotional and biological
needs with 'God' then you're going to continue this downward spiral.

invert_nexus said:
And. Yeah. Crunchy cat is probably right. A good hard fucking might do wonders. But, then again, it might not. It's not always the solution. But it usually takes your mind off of other things for a while. Avatar lives relatively close. Maybe you could talk him into servicing you. He's a boy-looking man, but the ladies seem to like him. Can't hurt for trying.

I suppose Finland isn't that far away either.

I wish your face would be butchered by the side-effects of the pill. With the most disgusting acne there is, and then leaving you scars that never heal, scars like third degree burns. That you would get trombosis, get fat, lose hair, get blind -- all the possible side-effects. And on top of it, still get pregnant. And then have abortions, one after another. And then your "partner" would leave you of course, ugly and worn that you would be.
I wish you that.

You should have been aborted.

Serene mind, yes.
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