Sick of it all

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I'm hideous.

(It was just an idea. Like I said, it's not always the answer, but it's usually distracting and fun. Couldn't hurt, could it?)
water said:
I wish your face would be butchered by the side-effects of the pill. With the most disgusting acne there is, and then leaving you scars that never heal, scars like third degree burns. That you would get trombosis, get fat, lose hair, get blind -- all the possible side-effects. And on top of it, still get pregnant. And then have abortions, one after another. And then your "partner" would leave you of course, ugly and worn that you would be.
I wish you that.

You should have been aborted.

Serene mind, yes.

My 'God' woman... get a boyfriend (or girlfriend) who cares, some contraception, and stop the crazy substitution frenzy already.
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`K water,

Je vous entends. I did not know for sure. I wish we could have a cup of coffee. A mindhug to you.
water said:
I wish your face would be butchered by the side-effects of the pill. With the most disgusting acne there is, and then leaving you scars that never heal, scars like third degree burns. That you would get trombosis, get fat, lose hair, get blind -- all the possible side-effects. And on top of it, still get pregnant. And then have abortions, one after another. And then your "partner" would leave you of course, ugly and worn that you would be.
I wish you that.

You should have been aborted.

Serene mind, yes.

Girl, you've got way too much spunk to give up. ;)
And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time -- and I am sick of the futility of this all.


You cherish the condition that is influence. And when this fucks up, you call it disgusting.
Bear in mind who clicks open the threads, you're like so disgusting.

You know, this is the disease for the escapism practicing 'intellectuals' who augment tenuous worth into this medium trough condemning various topics.

Suggestible throngs are what you need.

First - steam off about why the surroundings are withering
Second - condemn topics
Third - bitch bitch and bitch - be the problem

Argh, the throbbing!

Well... I don't recall you pissing away interests, but some do.

Professionalism only gets one so far, but when it hits the wall, that's it.

So... 'tis part of the excuse into turning profane?
Muahaha, go on punk, but you need more.

I wish I could sit down to my books to study, and do all my work in my day -- all with the dear knowledge that God is there, watching over me, actually listening to me. And answering.

Ah, so you're searching for a trophy husband - from the divine.

Like crunchy implied.

Medicine Woman
M*W: I like your forthrightness and style... and also your logic.

I can't understand the atheists vs. christians ripple because the elements that mold the conflict are pretty much absent in me.

What is it.. fear? detestation? greeeeed?
Or the good old Treznor style animosity?

Yadi yada god is dead, who gives a flying fuck.

Atheist warriors who are angry at themselves for believing, none of them are 'pure', which ticks them off.
And tolerance is getting further and further.

Bloody urban warriors..

You are a Finnish cock in a cheap frock on a slippery rock.
Thank you.

And you're stuck - in your fairyland - you genial fuck

With the trees and the flowers
the apostate fiend cowers

*jerks off*

I suppose Finland isn't that far away either.

I only fornicate to opprobriate

So bend the fuck over

Water do you know why your being savaged by the pack of wolves in here?

They are afraid of you. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Water, hey girl take a break. No one wants to see you get hurt, it's no thrill watching a person suffer. Take a break from sci-forums all together, i've done it often, it does wonders, no peeking.


Adstar: Water do you know why your being savaged by the pack of wolves in here?

They are afraid of you. :)
M*W: Hardly. water plays the viscious circle jerk head game of Persecutor-Rescuer-Victim. In doing so, she attempts to dominate the forum with her posts, quoting within quotes within quotes, arguing for the sake of argument, and tediously drags her posts out using unnecessary spacing between her meaningless lines. No one here is 'afraid' of her! I would venture to guess that most of us find her repugnant. She even admits that she's ugly to the point of being hideous. Her words, not mine.

Have you ever known anyone to contradict EVERYTHING anyone else says? That's one of water's nasty habits. At first, she will befriend you (rescue you), and it's almost always a xian. But that's who her first victim is. They think they have found an ally... but, just wait! Then, she starts to persecute you. Again, she drags out her nonsense circular reasoning, and the only reason she does this is for ATTENTION! She argues for the sake of argument. Then, when the time is right, and the posts have been bantered, she plays the victim as the ugly, hideous water who cannot be saved from her own desperation. water's viscious circle game goes on forever.

I see no point in becoming an object of her game -- it's futile. For everyone who might get caught-up in this viscious circle of water's egomanical trip, the object of the game for you is to pick-up your toys and go home. In other words, stop her game in its tracks.
Water, whatever God is like, It is definitely in you. I honestly thought you were too smart for the religion section. Look into buddhism, meditate for a while. He, who seeks, always finds.

Avatar lives relatively close.[etc]
And you live close enough for me to come over and wash the floor with your balls. He's a monk anyways.
§outh§tar said:
Lawdog, I think you should read this:

I wrote this a while ago - before your time I believe. Read the entire thing if you have time.

When I hear your words, I hear echoes of my former self. :(

Southstar, you put to much importance on scripture. The great thing about Catholicism is that we can use the science of theology to gain proper perpective. The contradictions of Scripture do not disturb us. Scripture is a true authority, but so is Tradition and Doctrinal Authority.
The Universal Roman Catholic Church established by Christ and recognized by most Christians as God's authority on Earth.
Lawdog said:
The Universal Roman Catholic Church established by Christ and recognized by most Christians as God's authority on Earth.

No, not even close.
Lapdog: The Universal Roman Catholic Church established by Christ and recognized by most Christians as God's authority on Earth.
M*W: Yeah, and that's what I used to believe, too. But since then, I've learned the truth about the RCC, and it was NOT established by Jesus. In fact, Christianity was NOT even established by Jesus but by Paul.

Further, the RCC was NOT established until the 4th century by the early church fathers. Neither were the divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, nor the resurrection and salvation. These things came nearly 400 years after Jesus was long gone from the scene.

I remember the doctrine that the Day of Pentecost was the birthday of the RCC when, in fact, its establishment came after the Council of Nicaea (325 AD) when most of the dogma was voted on and established closer to 400 AD.

The RCC simply didn't tell the truth. Jesus' mythological character was a combination of earlier pagan gods. Before Jesus appeared in the literature, there were some 16 previous dying demigod saviors, who were born of virgins, suffered, died and were buried, who rose again!

Technically, there really is no such thing as "Christianity." It should be more correctly called "Paulianity." Paul was a liar and a lunatic who got both himself and his former friend, Peter, whom he turned on, beheaded and crucified, respectively.

Everything that Paul wrote is suspect. Paul created a myth that would appeal to pagan Gentiles. The holy days of the RCC were taken from pagan holidays and turned into Christian holy days. Many of the Catholic holy sites were built over pagan sites, including St. Peter's.

The RCC has a dark history including the destruction of the matriarchal societies, the Crusades, the Inquisition which trickled down from Catholicism in the 1400s into Protestantism in the 1700s America! Protestants are just a chip off the old evil block.

If you research the history of the RCC, you will find that it is based on the pagan sun worship of Sol Invictus. Believe me, you have come to the right place to learn the truth! I'm glad you're here!
Lawdog said:
The Universal Roman Catholic Church established by Christ and recognized by most Christians as God's authority on Earth.

Hello Lawdog,

Permit me to call this reason a cop-out. Let me explain:

a) You are appealing to majority opinion as if this constitutes any sound basis.
b) You are assuming without evidence that the Catholic Church was established by Jesus. Now as I remember the stories in the Gospels, I do not remember Jesus doing any such thing. (I expect you will probably refer to the 'rock' statement attributed to Jesus)
Lawdog said:
Southstar, you put to much importance on scripture. The great thing about Catholicism is that we can use the science of theology to gain proper perpective. The contradictions of Scripture do not disturb us. Scripture is a true authority, but so is Tradition and Doctrinal Authority.
I couldn't agree more. The Canon.
Hello MarcAC,

As I expected, the site attributes canonization of certain books to tradition. Do you agree with this?

(All the rest, such as doctrinal harmony, rest on this first requirement. By tradition I mean the tradition which maintains that the author was (related to) an Apostle, and/or that the book was already recognized predominantly in churches)
§outh§tar said:
a) You are appealing to majority opinion as if this constitutes any sound basis.
I know I'm not Lawdog or Lapdog (it just keeps getting better)... but what else do we have §tar? We must trust our fellow man if we are to have any worthy trust in God.
b) You are assuming without evidence that the Catholic Church was established by Jesus. Now as I remember the stories in the Gospels, I do not remember Jesus doing any such thing.
The least we can state is that we follow His teaching. It may be restated as the Universal Catholic Church was established upon Jesus.
§outh§tar said:
Hello MarcAC,

As I expected, the site attributes canonization of certain books to tradition. Do you agree with this?
The author explores several different approaches to the explanation of Canonization.

I agree with His final conclusions on the matter - very very much so - there is no single methodology; the "finality" of the Canon is a veritable subject of debate.

I urge all to read it critically in its entirety - while I was planning to start a thread relevant to the topic I decided not to, lest the wrong message be sent.
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