Sick of it all

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From the first page... all I sence is there is a problem. You do seem really happy though. That's the only thing that matters
Cottontop3000 said:
Your place or mine? :) (Sorry, I lost my connection today for several hours.) Just got reconnected. Damned sand-storms.
do you have those giant sand worms the natives travel on where you live?

WATER - people fuck with you because they are haters. They need something to hate to direct their negative energy away from themselves, where it could actually do some good.

EDIT - the freedom of consciousness regarding God is a great gift, although it may sometimes seem like a curse when we make ourselves responsible for too much.
cole grey said:
do you have those giant sand worms the natives travel on where you live?
Yes, actually. Tusk, my favorite, only comes around once or twice a year, but when he is around, we fly baby, we fly.
cole grey said:
WATER - people fuck with you because they are haters. They need something to hate to direct their negative energy away from themselves, where it could actually do some good.

Yet, I sometimes feel like an ocean.

People hate and they swear and they are vicious, and my heart just grows bigger, encompassing and neutralizing all that.

EDIT - the freedom of consciousness regarding God is a great gift, although it may sometimes seem like a curse when we make ourselves responsible for too much.

It is definitely hard to find the right measure.
cole grey said:
WATER - people fuck with you because they are haters. They need something to hate to direct their negative energy away from themselves, where it could actually do some good.

It takes two to fuck,
and it says a lot about those who use the word,
to use it in such a derogatory sense anyway.

Not the sort of thing that a lady or a gentleman does.

perplexity said:
It takes two to fuck,
and it says a lot about those who use the word,
to use it in such a derogatory sense anyway.

Not the sort of thing that a lady or a gentleman does.

it's 2006 baby, not 1906. It only becomes nasty when someone nasty attaches the original meaning to it, which isn't necessary.
It doesn't say much about the people that use it, unless they use it in every sentence, like some do.

EDIT - fucking with people is the kind of thing a lady or gentleman doesn't do.

water said:

As if anybody is free to fuck with Nejka?

Or do you prefer the company of a gentleman?

Please beware not to send ambiguous, misleading messages.

That is may main concern here.

--- Ron.
cole grey said:
it's 2006 baby, not 1906. It only becomes nasty when someone nasty attaches the original meaning to it, which isn't necessary.
It doesn't say much about the people that use it, unless they use it in every sentence, like some do.
EDIT - fucking with people is the kind of thing a lady or gentleman doesn't do.

It must be difficult to be afflicted with so much by way of nastiness and negativity.

Does this perhaps arise more because of where we live and what we do with ourselves, cole grey?

I'd thought of it more in terms of adolescent carelessness,
bored fools with nothing better to do and scarcely an awareness of why or what for.


--- Ron.
water said:
I am sick of all this.

I wish I could sit down to my books to study, and do all my work in my day -- all with the dear knowledge that God is there, watching over me, actually listening to me. And answering.

I don't care anymore if people here are appalled by my discrepancies or inconsistencies. I don't care anymore if I am not understanding and patient and a good conversationalist. I am sick of it.
Professionalism only gets one so far, but when it hits the wall, that's it. There is a point past which you can not get with empiric thoroughness, patience and understanding.

I know God IS, but I have no idea what God is like. I used to be fond of my ex negativo approach, and it worked fine, it worked away many preconceptions and stupidities. But then it hit the wall.

And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time -- and I am sick of the futility of this all. It is disgusting, the insanity with which the *same* people go over the *same* topics OVER AND OVER again.

There is something awful and wrong here.
perplexity said:
As if anybody is free to fuck with Nejka?

Or do you prefer the company of a gentleman?

Please beware not to send ambiguous, misleading messages.

That is may main concern here.

Maybe I'm just too poetic. But Dragon here understood it as I meant it!

The paradox of freedom: In order to have a sense of freedom, we must be limited.

* * *

But as to your post: People do whatever they do. If they decide to fuck with me, I can't prevent that intention. But I have some choice in my response to their actions.

And please, update your dictionary:

"To fuck with someone":
Literally: to have sexual intercourse.
Figuratively: to manipulate, trick someone, with ill will against the person.

When I use the phrase "to fuck with someone", I mean it figuratively.
water said:
Maybe I'm just too poetic. But Dragon here understood it as I meant it!

The paradox of freedom: In order to have a sense of freedom, we must be limited.

Which continues to mean nothing to me.
Is it supposed to relate to something in particular?

Did we need to know this?

Is it supposed to betoken something about yourself?

I have really no idea of what to make of it.

Hinting doesn't work for me.

But as to your post: People do whatever they do. If they decide to fuck with me, I can't prevent that intention. But I have some choice in my response to their actions.

Why then, I wonder, do I feel no need to complain that anybody fucks with me?

And please, update your dictionary:

"To fuck with someone":
Literally: to have sexual intercourse.
Figuratively: to manipulate, trick someone, with ill will against the person.

When I use the phrase "to fuck with someone", I mean it figuratively.

As for instance you might say that your father fucks with you,
if you are not so fond of the way that he treats you?

I'd thought that my comment applied in either sense:

It takes two anyway,

and in which sense is it not what a lady or a gentleman does?

Do ladies and gentlemen openly accuse each other of manipulating and tricking with ill will?

on edit:

Do you think that it says something about me or nothing about me that I would rather refrain from employing the phrase "to fuck with someone" in the derogatory sense?

If you mean to assume that it betokens nothing more than a poor dictionary that then strikes me as being gratuitously disingenuous.

Peace be with you.

--- Ron.
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Water: That was 255 days ago, Lucy. 255 days is a lot of time.

Oh so you no longer believe in the 'promise'? What difference does it make how long ago when the thread still breathes? Anyway I don't have time to read this crap every day of my life when I have one too live and not simply your faith.
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