Sick of it all

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Since you have stated what you think of me

Firts of all. Fuck you water. You are a selfrighteous bitch, and a hypocrite.

how am I to expect you that you will listen to me?

If you look at what prompted it, you'll understand. You may veil your insults, but I tend to just say what I mean. It wasn't directed at me, but I too "stuff" myself full of psychotropic drugs to help with a seratonin imbalance. Does this make me weak also?

I will listen to reason. And I am not delusional. I don't expect a scientifically rigorous statement of your faith. As I said, I would like a better understanding of this "belief" predisposition that theists have.

So that I might have a better time of smiting them when the time comes.

That was smartass humor. I use it sometimes to lighten the mood. Sometimes it dosen't work.
SouthStar;(Godless have you taken a look at the IIDB? )

yes! I'm a member, don't post much but learn plenty. It's very educational they are somewhat in a different level in debating skills, flaming and too much ad hominem is not tolerated though, but overall it's a very good site to read some serious debates from authorative figures from both side of the theist/atheist debate. I go by the Same name.


Feel better sweetie? You hurt me so, with your self-absorbed prattle. :)

P.S. Sorry I haven't responded sooner, but it is great to be back. Took a little break from the seriousness of the forums. GREAT TO SEE YOU ALL STILL HERE!!!!
water said:

You don't even know what Jan Ardena's religion is.
Doesn't matter.

How would you know?
If you treat God as if He were a lie, you will only be able to think Him a lie.
Because it makes sense.

And what is your expertise, where have you studied?

School of life, among others.
Like you ...
Oh, no, wait, you are so strong that you have to stuff yourself with Prozac because otherwise, you can't make it through the day.

Oh, wait, is that water? The water that God loves? Watch it girlie, or you will cut yourself off from God and Kalomiros.
So all this is really about you, who is weak, and "innocent" and have been spiritually "raped" by someone smarter than you?
Come on water; you haven't been raped, spiritually? :eek:

"Intellectual, logical and rational" -- as good as an ex-druggie and legally disabled due to depression has it ...
At least this depressed, ex-druggie is being honest with himself for a change, unlike some I know.
You are the one prancing about with what you have done in your past and what your present is like now. If you can't deal with it when people address you for what you are presenting yourself, then you're not able to live in your present, with yourself.
Why do you insist on being a moron? Why do you think I am prancing around with what I have done? Because I come here looking for help someplace outside of my own experience, of not finding it? Are you saying you are better than the rest of us? Are you being a smug, hypocritical religious zealot now? Is that your current hat of the day?

*Your* truth?
You, who goes out and say in public that you are afraid to go among people and keep yourself isolated because you are afraid you will hurt someone?
Exactly. What's your point? I know my track record and my tendencies.

You have come out of your hole seeking compassion, help and understanding. You've got all of it. But now, we suddenly aren't good enough for you.
Not because you aren't "good enough" for me, but because you are simply trying to take me somewhere I've already been, multiple times, and you are too dense to listen to my side of the story. You are trying to feed me another line of religious bullshit, especially you water, with your "You don't know the real God. You better look a little harder." But hey, if delusion works for you, and it will for a while, I promise you, then more power to you.

You deserve every bit of pain that you feel, you ungrateful, self-abosrbed twit.
Ungrateful? What am I ungrateful for, you snobby little Slovenian twat? :)

P.S. What does the title of this thread say about you, if anything?
water said:
I am sick of all this.
I wish I could sit down to my books to study, and do all my work in my day --

I don't care anymore if people here are appalled by my discrepancies or inconsistencies. I don't care anymore if I am not understanding and patient and a good conversationalist. I am sick of it.

Professionalism only gets one so far, but when it hits the wall, that's it. There is a point past which you can not get with empiric thoroughness, patience and understanding.

And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time -- and I am sick of the futility of this all. It is disgusting, the insanity with which the *same* people go over the *same* topics OVER AND OVER again.

There is something awful and wrong here.

So you knew this then, but now,
255 days later ...


What for?

Water: I have been promised it

And who whispered that promise in your ear?
You believe in a promise made by people who wrote it in a book, if like Joan of Arc you experienced God speaking to you in vision or heard his bellowing voice keep it to yourself because they'll lock you up and fill you with meds but I doubt you hallucinated the said 'promise', you simply believed what was given to you one lost, searching, striving human to another.
Faith is a fucking choice.

Seems to me you're dicking around with it as if it's a toy.

You either believe, don't....

or dick around and drive yourself insane with lack of commitment.

If you believe in god, do so, and as such there's nothing to doubt.

If you do doubt... you're doing it wrong and shouldn't bother believing, or should learn to believe right.

IMO, believing right is pretty simple....

The belief is proof enough. It doesn't lead to questions.

If it does you're not believing.

That's my boolean interpretation anyway.

Oh, or you could just realize how ridiculous it is and get a chuckle out of it, rather than taking it so seriously as to give you emotional issues.

(didn't realize the huge gap in time, pardon)
perplexity said:
So you knew this then, but now,
255 days later ...


What for?


They say a lesson presents itself until it is learned.

The question is,
What is the lesson here?
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Lucysnow said:
Water: I have been promised it

And who whispered that promise in your ear?
You believe in a promise made by people who wrote it in a book, if like Joan of Arc you experienced God speaking to you in vision or heard his bellowing voice keep it to yourself because they'll lock you up and fill you with meds but I doubt you hallucinated the said 'promise', you simply believed what was given to you one lost, searching, striving human to another.

That was 255 days ago, Lucy.

255 days is a lot of time.
wesmorris said:
Faith is a fucking choice.

Seems to me you're dicking around with it as if it's a toy.

You either believe, don't....

or dick around and drive yourself insane with lack of commitment.

If you believe in god, do so, and as such there's nothing to doubt.

If you do doubt... you're doing it wrong and shouldn't bother believing, or should learn to believe right.

IMO, believing right is pretty simple....

The belief is proof enough. It doesn't lead to questions.

If it does you're not believing.

That's my boolean interpretation anyway.

Oh, or you could just realize how ridiculous it is and get a chuckle out of it, rather than taking it so seriously as to give you emotional issues.

(didn't realize the huge gap in time, pardon)

Whom are you talking to, Wes?

And do you think I am the same as I was 255 days ago?
Hey I said I didn't see the date thing and asked for your pardon.

Now pardon me damnit.
Thou art pardoned!

I only saw that comment about the time gap later, upon editing.
I feel relieved. Thank you.

Of course you're not the same you as then, but parts of the you then exist now in you.

You were the you you were but aren't that you now, excepting of course the part of you that you survived the moments you've had between the then you and the now you.


I don't have the strength to make that stupid thing any longer and more ridiculous at the moment, but it was fun while it lasted.
This brings back some good memories, and some bad. Thanks for bringing it all forward to the present. Damn, I'm a pompous fool.
water said:
They say a lesson presents itself until it is learned.
The question is,
What is the lesson here?

lesson number one:

ask an idiot a silly question, expect a silly answer.

Just how long should it take to get beyond that?

water said:
Whom are you talking to, Wes?
And do you think I am the same as I was 255 days ago?

I do. That was my point.

Still the same superficially clever responses while what the hell they really mean or what for is anybody's guess.

Eventually, inevitably, it gets to be a habit,
with everything you do,
superficially clever but why, what for?

A matter of content rather than the style,
water that flows as if to find the lowest level.

Where is the manifesto?

--- Ron
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perplexity said:
And do you think I am the same as I was 255 days ago?

I do. That was my point.

You didn't know me then.

Still the same superficially clever responses while what the hell they really mean or what for is anybody's guess.

The content is different. At least that.

Eventually, inevitably, it gets to be a habit,
with everything you do,
superficially clever but why, what for?

I am just human.

A matter of content rather than the style,
water that flows as if to find the lowest level.

Yes. One has to get down into the mud and the rocks, if one is to make one's proper fundation.

Where is the manifesto?

Things take time.
water said:
You didn't know me then.

Did anybody know you then?

I mean, if this is not too personal, when you ask Wes "And do you think I am the same as I was 255 days ago?" did he have some kind of inside information that I would not have now, by reading through the old threads?

Just trying to make sense,
to see it objectively.

The backdrop may have changed but the tendency to dick around with it as if it is a toy,
is that so different?

How does one hope to assess oneself in that respect?

"dick around with it as if it is a toy" appeals to me as a description of much of what goes on at another place we both know.

--- Ron.
perplexity said:
The backdrop may have changed but the tendency to dick around with it as if it is a toy,
is that so different?

Do you think that if I could do better than that,
that I wouldn't do it?
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