Should women be allowed to nurse their baby on airplanes?

I've had it with these motherfucking babies on this motherfucking plane!

Also, women should be allowed (even forced) to nurse me anytime, anywhere.
I travelled and even went on holidays with my baby... *gasp*.. .. I continued to live life as normally as I could after my child was born.. how dare I!!
I don't understand on what grounds you say that sarcastically.
Yes, how dare you indeed. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Perhaps you should drop the baby off at your mothers if you still have some "partying" to get out of your system, maybe go down to schoolies and flash your tits at schoolboys, enter a wet t-shirt contest and lactate all over the crowd as your big finale. That should be right up your alley.

We're all really impressed how you can drag your new born baby around like a handbag and still have a good time. It's oh so important that you continue to "live la vida loca" as your personal anthem dictates, don't let a little thing like a baby stop you.
That little chauvanist has a lesson to learn about the modern woman and how hard she rocks *finger click triangle*.
I don't understand on what grounds you say that sarcastically.
Yes, how dare you indeed. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Oh yes, I forgot that there were uneducated boors such as yourself who expect women to be docile, placating and prisoners in their own homes. How silly of me to forget that some such as yourself cannot conceive that a woman can travel with her child. I even went overseas with my child. Now either I left my child behind and stretch my nipples across the ocean to feed him, or I took him with me. Hmmmm decision decisions..

How dare I even think of leaving the home with a baby in tow. Indeed!

Perhaps you should drop the baby off at your mothers if you still have some "partying" to get out of your system, maybe go down to schoolies and flash your tits at schoolboys, enter a wet t-shirt contest and lactate all over the crowd as your big finale. That should be right up your alley.
What in the hell are you on? So I can't travel with a child? I'm not allowed to leave the home? Doing so instantly makes me a 'slut'? You perverted little turd. If going down to schoolies and perving at the little girls is your idea of a good time, again that's your issue. After all, you seem to view a newborn breastfeeding as a sexual object, so you obviously have some problems to sort out.

We're all really impressed how you can drag your new born baby around like a handbag and still have a good time. It's oh so important that you continue to "live la vida loca" as your personal anthem dictates, don't let a little thing like a baby stop you.
That little chauvanist has a lesson to learn about the modern woman and how hard she rocks *finger click triangle*.
Dragged around like a handbag? Hardly. He probably travelled in better comfort than we as his parents did. Again, my apologies that you still exist in the dark ages where children were seen and not heard and anyone with a baby daring to show their noses outside the home could end up getting stoned. Hell I know, maybe you should move to the countries where women are stoned for daring to show their faces. You'd fit right in.:D

I didn't just have a good time when I travelled with my son Lou, I had the best time. We're planning on going to Europe next year after our second is born and taking both with us. My husband took our 1 year old down to Melbourne last week to take him to the zoo and he had a ball.

Just to let you in on a little secret.. women with children even go back to work after they've had their children!:eek: Now I know you're probably faint from the shock of it all, but it's true..

And it's interesting to know you are probably a Ricky Martin fan. It explains a lot.. especially with the "finger click triangle" that you do. Ugh you probably even say "bling"..

After all, how absurd is it to view breastfeeding as being somehow sexual or pornographic or likening it to masturbation.

I agree, this is quite absurd.

How absurd is it to say that women somehow 'rip their clothes off in public and announce they're about to breastfeed before jamming down the baby's throat'..

Are you blind or are you just mind-numbingly stupid?

I was making a point about discretion. There are some women in this society that probably don't understand the meaning of the term. For them, I quantified "don't just whip your tits out".
So ....what have we all decided?

Are we going to force people who don't want to see women breast-feed their babies to ride in the same airplane with women who breast-feed their babies?

Or are we going to force women who breast-feed to not do it on airplanes where there might be some people who object?

I mean, as I see it, one group or the other is going to have to be forced to do something that they don't want to do. What'd we do ...flip a coin?

Living in a society with large groups of humans means that we all can't agree on everything ...therefore, someone has to be forced to do what they don't want to do (or see). So .....who gets forced this time?

Baron Max

Nobody. If someone is scared of breasts they can always cut out their eyes.
When I fed my son, I made sure I had stripper music playing in the background, just to make sure that those who may have been around me saw that I found it to be sooooo erotic that I wanted them to get off on it. And I ensured their arousal by wearing tassles and ripping my top off and swinging and jiggling my 'tattas' so that the milk squirted everyone in range, ripping off the rest of my clothes and dancing with a pole with the baby in my arms..
I was really getting into that and then, right at the end, she brings the kid into it. Next time why not just whack me in the nads with a golf club?
Did you know that women are infertile when lactating?

Not true.

Source:McNeilly, A. S. 1997. Lactation and fertility. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 2:291-298 PMID 10882312

What wikipedia cannot tell you is that this effect is rather variable. Some women don't have their cycle rebooted as long as they breastfeed. Some have their cycles starting after a few months. Some a few months more.

Therefore, you can in fact get pregant while breastfeeding and hence your statement was false.
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Women in cultures (except tribal ones where theya re all naked all the time anyway) where they breast feed as the 'norm' generally do not do it in public. Why ?

Because men are aroused at the sight of breasts. Maybe they do not want to be aroused while eating their lunch. Anyway, if women are discreet, it should never be a problem. None of us would be here if we were not babies at some point, so it's about time mothers with chidlren of any age were not treated like second class citizens and facilities should be provided for feeding and changing SEPERATELY. I have had to change my kids on hallway floors of restaurants due to lack of facilities and that in a modern world is just unacceptable. Breast feeding, I managed not to do in public. It wasn't a problem thus for me. I wasn't breast feeding for years so the short period of expressing for public outings or staying home except for family or mother accepted trips was really no big deal. Rather that than be gauped at or sneered at.

We don't live in an ideal world and it ain't changing any time soon.
It's all very well desiring attitudes to change and saying how 'things ought to be' but human nature is what it is, mens bioloogical response to seeing breasts is unlikely to change regardless of any raised awareness issues. What is sad is when other women object to breast feeding in public. As that is pure ignorance.
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Women in cultures (except tribal ones where theya re all naked all the time anyway) where they breast feed as the 'norm' generally do not do it in public. Why ?

Because men are aroused at the sight of breasts. Maybe they do not want to be aroused while eating their lunch.
Oh dear lord. The fun just never stops with you now does it?:rolleyes:

Men are aoused by the sight of breasts. Even from a non-breastfeeding woman and one who was fully clothed and covered. So does that mean she simply should not leave the house or have them removed? Men get aroused at anything. Some men are breast men and others might be backside inclined. Does that mean we should not wear anything that might show we have a backside? Now that means we'd have to stop wearing pants, shorts, bathing suits, etc. Hell, because men can be aroused by anything on a woman, women should just start wearing bhurka's and never leaving home! For someone who claims to have a high IQ, you sure don't act like it. But then IQ does not really say much in regards to one's true intelligence or common sense. Ugh why do I even bother. You make yourself such an easy target that you are boring.

Breast feeding, I managed not to do in public. It wasn't a problem thus for me. I wasn't breast feeding for years so the short period of expressing for public outings or staying home except for family or mother accepted trips was really no big deal. Rather that than be gauped at or sneered at.
In short, you never left the house for very long at all? Good grief, how.. dull.. and yet typical.. You should meet up with Lou! You sound perfect for each other.:D

How do you know you'd be gauped or sneered at if you'd never done it in public?

We don't live in an ideal world and it ain't changing any time soon.
Indeed. In an ideal world, there would be no idiots or puritanical prats.

It's all very well desiring attitudes to change and saying how 'things ought to be' but human nature is what it is, mens bioloogical response to seeing breasts is unlikely to change regardless of any raised awareness issues.
And babies still need to be fed. Now not every woman has the option of simply staying home or only leaving the house for brief periods, which allows them to express for those brief outings. And I agree with you. Some men do view children as sexual objects and if a breast is involved, they can get aroused. But so what? Men can and do get aroused by anything and short of never leaving home, we can't prevent or stop it. If a man is aroused by the sight of a breast, then he can be just as aroused if the woman is not breastfeeding.

The funny thing is, during the time I breastfed my son, it was women who seemed to have a problem with it. As I said half the time most didn't seem to even know I was breastfeeding because I was discreet and nothing ever showed unless someone was leaning over my shoulder for some weird reason. But if someone had been watching me for a long period of time, then they might notice it and usually it was the women who were watching the baby who realised that the way I had picked him up and was holding him that I might just be breastfeeding and would approach me and attempt to abuse me for "my actions". They were few and far between and as I'd said before, the worst incident was with the elderly lady, but I've even had women knock on my car window when I'd gone to sit in my car to feed my son and tell me that what I was doing was 'disgusting'. Now I have tinted windows and the only way to see in is if they plastered their faces to the window, but some did and complained to me about it. Men usually just either never notice or if they did notice would simply carry on and not pay any attention. Women however were the ones who were vocal and you're right. It is pathetic.
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It's all very cultural. In Finland it is standard to breastfeed. Everyone starts with breastfeeding, and of course some can't keep up with it because of medical reasons, but the majority does. Breastfeeding in public is therefore rather common. My wife will breastfeed basically anywhere; train, park bench, middle of shopping center, at friends, at public buildings. Nobody that ever minds.

When there is a nursing room women will of course prefer to use that. And they are actually quite common in for instance major department stores, shopping malls etc.

What women will NOT do is breastfeed in the toilet. Because let's be honest, do you like eating your lunch on the toilet?

All objections to breastfeeding are cultural. It's obvious that the original cultural state regarding breastfeeding was acceptance and public display. In this respect.

I must repeat again, any objections against breastfeeding merely show how fucked up you likeminded people have become after thousands of years of cultural evolution. In the modern era, however, we have the opportunity to educate ourselves and analyze our own behavioural patterns recognizing irrational behaviour whenever possible. This would be an excellent case to apply self-analysis.

Climb back in to the tree you deluded monkeys and see what you are.

A mammal.

No mammal shows shame for breastfeeding except some fucked up specimens of the human species. This should make you think. But it doesn't.
Ain't it funny, strange, how on one thread we pretend to celebrate our differences, making that out to be a wonderful thing. Yet on this and other threads, we do nothing but complain about our differences? Is there something wrong, bad wrong, or am I just an ol' fart who can't grasp the simplest concepts?

Baron Max

Celebrate our differences you gotta be kidding? Here?

Haven't you noticed how when the less intelligent run out of useful things to say they resort to name calling and adhom? Hardly a mark of tolerance and respect for diverse views is it?

It is ironic and amusing that.....

This is a thread largely discussing womens rights to feed their baby in public.

What is amusing is that those SAME people who demand tolerance based on some higher moral ground then consider they are standing on, cannot show members with opposing views any tolerance. Thus they are exactly the same as and no better than the ignorant people who create the situation they are complaining about. They are part of the problem. Intolerance is the basis of this argument and this thread perfectly demosntrates intolerance in action.

These people should be able to realise that if THEIR own human nature is massively intolerant of an adverse opinion then it is quite likely this is the reason why other people are intolerant of theirs. Human nature.

THUS, your right to express your dislike for what you may define as 'public nudity' results in name calling and adhom, and those women who try to breast feed in public are similarly subjected (sometimes...I have never seen it happen personally) to name calling and critisism.

This is human nature, people ARE intolerant. it is just very funny to see those people that request 'tolerance' displaying the MOST intolerant attitudes on the board. very amusing.

Tolerance works or it does not. You cannot DEMAND tolerance and yet give none. Those people live in cloud cuckoo land and good luck to them.
It's all very cultural. In Finland it is standard to breastfeed. Everyone starts with breastfeeding, and of course some can't keep up with it because of medical reasons, but the majority does. Breastfeeding in public is therefore rather common. My wife will breastfeed basically anywhere; train, park bench, middle of shopping center, at friends, at public buildings. Nobody that ever minds.

When there is a nursing room women will of course prefer to use that. And they are actually quite common in for instance major department stores, shopping malls etc.

What women will NOT do is breastfeed in the toilet. Because let's be honest, do you like eating your lunch on the toilet?

All objections to breastfeeding are cultural. It's obvious that the original cultural state regarding breastfeeding was acceptance and public display. In this respect.

I must repeat again, any objections against breastfeeding merely show how fucked up you likeminded people have become after thousands of years of cultural evolution. In the modern era, however, we have the opportunity to educate ourselves and analyze our own behavioural patterns recognizing irrational behaviour whenever possible. This would be an excellent case to apply self-analysis.

Climb back in to the tree you deluded monkeys and see what you are.

A mammal.

No mammal shows shame for breastfeeding except some fucked up specimens of the human species. This should make you think. But it doesn't.

I agree with all this, but how can you alter mens basic nature? Arousal is biologically driven not 'attitude' related. I saw a documentary about breast feeding (see first post) and the guy who went with his wife to a breast feeding convention, was visibly delighted and he commented on how marvelous it was to be in a room with a hundred women with their breasts out. He was genuinely perving. (This same guy also used to 'hook himself up' while the woman fed baby on the other beast..........bleh)

Anyway, it's good that in Finland things are more tolerant. Perhaps then men can be educated to not react to the sight of a moist wet nipple and ripe wholesome breast.

Though, I have never witnessed a problem in the Uk with women breast feeding in public, but that's probably becuase it can easily be managed privately. Unless you are breast feeding till they are 8 (as in this documentary) what age do you think is good to stop breast feeding?
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Hmm, taking a shit or piss is a perfectly natural human function. I wonder how many of y'all who are arguing for the woman's right to breastfeed in public would back my right to take a shit in public??

Baron Max
Hmm, taking a shit or piss is a perfectly natural human function. I wonder how many of y'all who are arguing for the woman's right to breastfeed in public would back my right to take a shit in public??

Baron Max

First prove that taking a shit in public is normal.
First prove that taking a shit in public is normal.

I've seen men often taking a piss in public. No one complained. Though it is supposed to be an offence.

I have had sex in one complained ;) though it is supposed to be an offence.

It is absurd really that people complain about feeding baby. I'd have to respond with a complaint about their offensive tie.
First prove that taking a shit in public is normal.

So you can somehow prove that breastfeeding in public is "normal"?
Or do you simply mean, "commonly done"?
Then, speeding is "normal", cheating on taxes is "normal", political corruption is "normal"...
So you can somehow prove that breastfeeding in public is "normal"?
Or do you simply mean, "commonly done"?
Then, speeding is "normal", cheating on taxes is "normal", political corruption is "normal"...

indeed they are, doesn't make them 'right' though ;)

meanwhile I actually rarely see women feeding baby with bottle or breast (unless at toddler group/baby orientated play area etc) in public. I guess most UK mums schedule themselves around feeds ?
Hmm, taking a shit or piss is a perfectly natural human function. I wonder how many of y'all who are arguing for the woman's right to breastfeed in public would back my right to take a shit in public??

Baron Max

It is all about beauty. Looking at a full female breast is celebrating motherhood, looking at your hairy ass is sick sexual deviaton. :)