Should women be allowed to nurse their baby on airplanes?

Bells, the moment we begin to disobey the police is the moment that we're taking the law into our own hands, and that's simply not the way it can be in a nation of laws and rules and courts. The police can be wrong ...of course! But it's for the courts to decide, NOT you as an individual! Therein lies the problem, Bells. You're suggesting that a citizen has the right to fight, to argue, to resist arrest, etc. ...which is, I might add, exactly the reverse of your idiotic "shoot the kids in the schoolbus" statement!

I can't actually believe, Bells, that as an attorney, you're suggesting that citizens fight with the cops and refuse to obey them?! Interesting.
Ah but you stated yourself you would attempt to show the officer the permit and state your rights, which is exactly what Gillette had done. When the ticketing agent approached them and asked them to exit the plane, they did so without argument and went quietly. That's what you failed to understand. You demand that she meekly cover her child's head with a blanket when she knew she had a right to breastfeed her child. She told the attendant so, just as you'd attempt to show your licence to the police officer to show them you have a right to carry the gun. When asked to leave, she left the plane and took it up with the airlines concerned and with the equal opportunity board. Much like you have stated you would do.

My question in regards to shooting the kids in the school bus was meant to point to you how silly and dangerous it is to simply do everything you are told to do, just because someone in authority told you to do it. If you know what the 'cop' told you to do was wrong, do not do it. People in wars attempted to use that excuse when tried for genocide and crimes against humanity and it is a pitiful excuse.

You're damn right if a police officer asked me to do something that I knew was wrong, that I would not do it and fight not to do it. What kind of an idiot would do everything they are ordered to do by a police officer if they know what they are being ordered to do was wrong? Hence why I asked you, if a police officer asked you to shoot a busload of children because he thought a terrorist might have been on board, you'd not do it and you'd fight not to do it.

As you can see, I didn't go through your post point by point because it was so loooooonnnnnnnng, that I was afraid of dying of old age before I got through it. ...and I didn't want my dog to die of starvation just because I died without feeding him!
You asked for the long post you prat. But if you can't read it because it is too difficult for you to understand, that's your problem and not mine. But that's ok, we all know you have certain difficulties in many areas.:)
There are few things I hate more in the world than police..

(Grandpa's an exception.)

Anyways, what is so frightening about nipples? Makes no sense that baby should go hungry so as not to offend a bunch of prudes.
..., which is exactly what Gillette had done. When the ticketing agent approached them and asked them to exit the plane, they did so without argument and went quietly. That's what you failed to understand.

Hmm, I did misunderstand that! I thought she raised a big stink on the airplane. If not, and if she obeyed the attendant and left the plane willingly and obediently, then I ain't got no complaints about it all. It's exactly what should have happened.

Sorry, I just missed that part of the issue.

Hence why I asked you, if a police officer asked you to shoot a busload of children....

It was just so ridiculous that I didn't even continue reading it ...and didn't read it again this time! Some things are just too ridiculous to bother with, ya' know?

Baron Max
Hmm, I did misunderstand that! I thought she raised a big stink on the airplane. If not, and if she obeyed the attendant and left the plane willingly and obediently, then I ain't got no complaints about it all. It's exactly what should have happened.

Sorry, I just missed that part of the issue.

It was just so ridiculous that I didn't even continue reading it ...and didn't read it again this time! Some things are just too ridiculous to bother with, ya' know?
There there.. dont stress your brain out :p..
Should women be allowed to nurse their baby on airplanes

First, a distinction should be made between 'Work Places' and 'Public places'.

'Work places' have theirs own 'dress code' and 'behaviour code'.

In 'Public places' the notion is little fuzzy. You cannot deny an infant it's food. That is barbaric. This was never an issue in old societies hundreds of years ago. Woman feeding her baby was considered natural. In fact most of the old societies and primitive socities 300 years ago, most people were semi-nude. Full clothes were an luxury.
Title: An increasingly populous world, is all the more reason, why mothers should be welcome to breastfeed in public.

Ok, I see your stance as being completely unreasonable.
I would have thought there were 2 conflicting groups on this issue - those who feel it is inappropriate for mothers and babies to put on pornographic displays for men in public, and those who feel like "who cares" if some men get boners, the baby wants it's milk. Let all the babies have their bottle.

Opposing breastfeeding in public, is completely unreasonable. People eat in public, so why can't babies feed in public too?

They say that breastfeeding is nonsexual, and nonpornographic. Pretty much correct. Of course there's likely a few men, who consider most anything "suggestive" of something, to be sexual. A bulging breast discreetly covered in clothing, a nice shaped butt, a sexual thought, most anything might turn them on, or maybe give them an erection. So how is it right to pin the blame on a breastfeeding mother? In polite society, we have the decency, especially if it might be an issue to us in some way, to turn away and not gaze or stare. Some guys supposedly have large penises, that might at times show a bit of a bulge. So what? Don't gaze if it be an issue.

Let all the babies have their bottle? Is that but another name for breasts, in that usage? Bottles are unnatural. Breast milk is natural. Proponents of breastfeeding have a fairly impressive list of reasons, better for baby and all that. What is the alternative? Ban babies as non-humans? Everybody have to endure a baby crying through almost the entire flight?

But your stance is "I'm going to get my fat titties out and have my baby suckle on them like a little deviant and if you get a boner YOU are the bad guy, nay a sick individual".
You sound like a woman who doesn't want men oggling her tattas and thinking erotic thoughts while she is feeding her baby, I don't blame you at all. My advice to you then would be to keep your voluptuous breasts inside your blouse when in the company of red blooded males.

There might be a few "in your face" feminists about the issue, but it really isn't their issue, since they don't have enough babies anyway. It's a mother's rights issue. Humans weren't designed to use any means of "birth control," and so a properly pronatalist society should make every reasonable effort to welcome families to grow naturally, possibly large and "unplanned." Parents have a responsibility and duty to provide for their children, which includes obviously, breastfeeding babies, and do I need to make a list of reasons why mothers might understandably, not "cover up" sufficiently to supposedly not "offend" a few prudes' delicate sensibilities?

  • Baby pulls off the blanket.
  • Too hot outside.
  • What blanket? Forgot and left it at home.
  • Thought it was discreet enough back in this corner or whatever.
  • Just started, not finished adjusting.
  • Didn't wear a nursing bra.
  • Didn't think there was a need to cover up.
Need I go on?

I am no advocate of excessive nudity, so I see it as quite simple. No baby around to explain it, and it's "obscenity." If a baby is feeding, then it's merely breastfeeding. (Sorry Janet Jackson, no excuse for you.)

I advocate large families worldwide, so that far more people may live. For the greater good of the many. So by all means, if mothers find some need to breastfeed in public, go right on ahead. I also obviously have no problem with some of these mothers who for whatever reason, don't get the right maternity clothes and their "exposed" belly poofs out of their shirt. I have seen that in public places a few times, at least one was a Hispanic, the Hispanics supposedly tend to breed like rabbits. Natural human population growth is beautiful as it then benefits all the more people, so I am all for it.

Besides, in a burgeoning world of over 6.6 billion people, I would raise the obvious question of just how much privacy and discreetness can there really be, especially in some cramped places like airplanes, where the economic model requires that they "pack" the plane with nearly as many people as possible, to keep the fuel costs of operating the plane, affordable on a per-ticket basis. Could be a practical reason why private nursing rooms are more common in Churches than on airplanes.

And women who naturally have all the babies their bodies want to produce, might tend to feel more comfortable about such matters, as breastfeeding their precious darling babies, even if in a public place. My sister breastfed right there in the living room, with family present.

Absurd maybe, so is aurora borealis, tell it to quit flashing why don't you.

Almost had a point there, did you? Telling a mother not to breastfeed in public, might as well be saying, "Don't bulge your breasts so much in public." Like a woman can help that her breasts make a noticable bulge? Like it's not natural?

You complete lunatic.
The bottom line is tits cause boners, full moist suckled tits even more so.
That's a fact you need to take into consideration, from there you need to decide whether you want to give men boners while engaging in the wholesome activity of feeding your baby (forcing your baby to be an erotic performer without it's consent), or try to avoid that disturbing situation.

No, tits do not cause boners. Sexual thoughts, or having a penis causes boners, which I would then blame on nature or on the man with the boner. But then people ought not to gaze or stare upon a guy's boner either, but respect his privacy too by looking away or at the very least, don't be caught looking.

Is it the mother's fault, to live in a society so prudish, and not nearly pronatalist enough, that people aren't already used to seeing people nurse in public, as they commonly do in developing countries often more pronatalist than us? In countries where it's more common to just let the babies push out without ever the use of anti-child "birth control," it's going to seem more natural, that people of course have to feed their babies wherever they happen to be. Especially in societies with large, youthful populations.

You want to talk about a sick individual, that would classify as a sick individual to me. The guy with the boner is a simple animal who had no say in his state of arousal.
But you are deciding to have a little duo erotic performance with your newborn child for an audience, that is really disturbing.
Whilst wanting the men to be ashamed of themself, angrily accosting them, drops of milk from your exposed breasts flicking over their stunned faces as you work yourself into a right state, jiggling, shaking and berating.
You have some nerve.

But just like how people point out, that the mother doesn't just whip out her breasts and swirl around for everybody to see, and announce that she is now going to breastfeed, neither should the poor guy with a boner, for some unknown reason, parade it around either. He can perhaps cover it up, with his briefcase, laptop computer, coat or whatever, if he has one.

It's entirely up to you, you can puzzle and ponder over the absurdity of men all you like, they are what they are, the ball's in your court and you need to take the responsibility. You will be the cause of these unpleasant scenarios where men are becoming aroused at the sight of you feeding your baby.

So babies aren't hungry, just because there be men around?

When I was in the military, and we went to field, we had a big co-ed tent. Did women have a problem with guys in their big tent? Not at all. When they wanted some privacy, they just kicked us out for a few minutes. I imagine in some settings, of human overcrowding, people would just change their clothes, co-ed and all. That's sort of how it was at a place I once worked. People changed into their workclothes, behind where customers couldn't see, but not caring that opposite sex employees were around. Not that we could see anything, with them facing the wall and wearing underwear. But the restroom, was like a tiny "water closet," with scarcely enough room inside to change one's mind, let along clothes. To my knowledge, nobody ever complained or had any issue with it.

Women should be allowed to do it wherever they want, but self respecting women who find the idea of turning guys on while breastfeeding to be distasteful (ie all moderately decent human beings of the female persuasion) would naturally avoid doing it in public.
I can imagine a pornstar woman, who goes bare-tits and bare-assed in public for fun all the time, could still find it immoral to breastfeed in public, because the baby is involved.
She would not be inconsistent in her views.

I don't see any relevance of including porn stars in the discussion. Apples and oranges comparison error.

Don't be fooled by guys who say "it's natural and beautifull", they are the sickest perverts of all.

Not at all. You think it's easy for us guys, to have women taking out their boobs in public? We get the worst end of the deal. Don't we dare get caught looking, or we will be the ones in trouble?

I saw some mother breastfeed outside, with people all around, right at the Church picnic. I am glad she could. Surely I wasn't the only person to notice, but apparently, among sensible people, nobody cares or makes any issue of it.

We're all turned on by it, I just have the decency to let you in on the secret.
I'm the guy who pulls your boob tube up after the wadrobe malfunction you're oblivious to, they snicker and stare and put their hands in their pockets, acting like everything is fine.

Well maybe it's hot and all. But don't dare get caught looking. And with around 4 or more babies being born a second somewhere throughout the world, I would naturally expect and hope, that women can continue to breastfeed in public, as it is nature's way and all that. And since we were all once babies, we should naturally welcome the babies to just go on pushing out naturally, without ever people being expected to use any sort of means of awkward, unnatural, anti-life "birth control."
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Title: What anti-child, anti-mother prudes we be?

I've seen men often taking a piss in public. No one complained. Though it is supposed to be an offence.

Not using a toilet, violates reasonable public sanitation standards. However along a hiking trail, where there is an obvious lack of "toilet facilities," to take a pee standing off the trail far enough, even with mixed company nearby but not right there, is understandable and to be expected.

I have had sex in one complained ;) though it is supposed to be an offence.

I am fine with people having sex in public, in a few situations of understandable human "overcrowding." I've heard that babies were conceived on the Mayflower. Back then, ships were quite crowded, with no place of privacy for things like sex. I imagine that people may need sex with their mates, in overcrowded refugee camps? How many nights can they sleep together and not have their normal married sex? And when an entire family lives in a room or two, or shares a motel room, it's understandable that the children might not really be asleep after all, when their parents go at it to make more babies.

But in other situations, society reasonable expects people to find a place of more privacy, such as maybe where they sleep in their bed at night. I have heard that (married) people can't go without sex, for more than 4 days. What does that mean then in terms of public policy? Either provide a place of privacy then, or I expect there just may be some "sex in public" going on. The urge to reproduce is a very important primal need of humans.

It is absurd really that people complain about feeding baby. I'd have to respond with a complaint about their offensive tie.

Yeah, how is it appropriate, for stupid people to make up nonsense about how the other person supposedly "offends" them? Was the other person forcing them to listen to Rap-is-crap? Ba-Boom-Ba-Boom-Boom-stupid rhythms, incomprehensable lyrics, rebellion, Ba-Boom-Boom! Last time I heard, breastfeeding is a very quiet activity. If a person doesn't want to see, can't they use one of those thin airline blankets, and cover up their own eyes and take a nap? Maybe the sunset outside "offends" that person too, or maybe the person's light on, a few seats away, just to read his magazine "offends" too? I think not.
It's none of other people's fucking business. If they don't like the sight they should just avert their eyes.
Are men allowed to masturbate on airplanes? Don't you realize that an airplane filled with women breastfeeding could open the door to all sorts of over behavior?

I say, let women do this, and let then use a curtain so they can have privacy.

I have never once seen or heard of women breastfeeding leading to much anything, other than a fed, happy baby.

An airplane filled with women breastfeeding?

How often does that happen?

Perhaps they are all going to the same lactating conference?

And no, they don't need a curtain. Airplanes don't have room for a "nursing room." Airports maybe, but not airplanes. But then, who wants to miss their flight, while nursing her baby? A mother can nurse, even while boarding the plane.
This whole breastfeeding frenzy is getting ridiculous. The hospital I'd originally planned to have my second child in has advised me that I need to bring a 'breastfeeding shawl' to cover my breast lest anyone gets offended if they look into my room or through the window in the door to my room as I am breastfeeding my child, while I am staying in the maternity ward. I've since booked into another hospital.
Oh, Bells you have got to be kidding. It's a hospital for gods sake. How horribly puritanical. For years the hospitals here have an anytime anywhere policy for breastfeeding and they will not allow baby formula merchants into the hospital to give free samples.
I breastfed both my kids where ever I happened to be and I never noticed anyone give me a dirty look or oogle. I occasionally got nods of approval.
You are making some great points here. Keep up the good work.:thankyou:
Well it depends on how long the flight it, and if I remember correctly babies get hungry like every 30 minutes, but I thought we had enhanced baby formulars by now.
Title: In a more properly pronatalist country, it wouldn't even be an issue.

Oh, Bells you have got to be kidding. It's a hospital for gods sake. How horribly puritanical. For years the hospitals here have an anytime anywhere policy for breastfeeding and they will not allow baby formula merchants into the hospital to give free samples.
I breastfed both my kids where ever I happened to be and I never noticed anyone give me a dirty look or oogle. I occasionally got nods of approval.
You are making some great points here. Keep up the good work.:thankyou:

I would love to give nods of approval for women breastfeeding in a public place, being noticably pregnant, or having an "unusually" large family apparently, but how? How should guys give such compliments to encourage the natural pronatalist flow of human life, without it being taken the wrong way?

Human population growth is beautiful, and because it allows all the more people to enjoy live, should always be encouraged, worldwide.
Of course women should be allowed to breast feed. But let's go one better. To make women who need to breast feed feel more comfortable and not stand out so much, let's require that all women of childbearing age be topless on planes.
Title: In order that nursing mothers not stand out so much, let's just ban all the nasty contraceptives, so that it will become all the more common to see.

Of course women should be allowed to breast feed. But let's go one better. To make women who need to breast feed feel more comfortable and not stand out so much, let's require that all women of childbearing age be topless on planes.

No, we don't need that sort of excessive nudism.

My point is that, due to the great importance and necessity of naturally enlarging the human race, for the greater good of all, mothers needing to feed babies, get to bare their breasts, but only for that purpose. It's an understandable, moral, cultural exception to what might otherwise be called "obscenity." Also meant to be among the many pronatalist rewards, for reproducing.
Of course women should be allowed to breast feed. But let's go one better. To make women who need to breast feed feel more comfortable and not stand out so much, let's require that all women of childbearing age be topless on planes.