Should women be allowed to nurse their baby on airplanes?

Well it depends on how long the flight it, and if I remember correctly babies get hungry like every 30 minutes, but I thought we had enhanced baby formulars by now.
Formula is not much more than colored water which has been enriched with some vitamins. Not an option for a mother who wants to give her child proper nourishment and immunity.

You can't just give a breast fed baby a bottle many won't take a bottle and will continue to cry until they are offered the breast. Also when breast feeding is delayed the nursing mother becomes painfully engorged with milk. The only way to relieve the engorgement is to feed the baby or express the milk which requires equipment that would expose more of the breast than breastfeeding. Not everyone can express milk with breast pumps. I could pump for an hour and get maybe an ounce.
Title: Even nature tells us to breastfeed in public, or wherever mothers and babies may be found.

Formula is not much more than colored water which has been enriched with some vitamins. Not an option for a mother who wants to give her child proper nourishment and immunity.

You can't just give a breast fed baby a bottle many won't take a bottle and will continue to cry until they are offered the breast. Also when breast feeding is delayed the nursing mother becomes painfully engorged with milk. The only way to relieve the engorgement is to feed the baby or express the milk which requires equipment that would expose more of the breast than breastfeeding. Not everyone can express milk with breast pumps. I could pump for an hour and get maybe an ounce.

See there people? Not only is natural increase quite natural for humanity, but if nature could have its say, nature would say to breastfeed in public as well. Babies get hungry as breasts become painfully engorged with milk. This happens regardless if other people are around or not.

Breastfeeding in public should be seen as natural and normal as being visibly pregnant in public. We all know what causes that, now don't we? And yet being "great with child" is supposed to be a great honor, because of how more and more people would be glad to come to life, it's a great thing to bring another precious human being into the world.
I Dont See What The Big Deal Is. Women Should Be Allowed To Nurse Whomever Whenever. As For Me, The More Nursing The Better! I Dont Think We Have Enough Nursing In The World Today! Kids Need To Get Fed The Food God Intended That They Have. Again, What Is The Big Deal.
Do you guys realise it is illegal to descriminate against a woman brest feeding in public in SA, its the best thing for both baby and mother. Why should planes be any different
It is also the best thing for the public, supposed the woman is good looking....
And we allow people to eat in public?

It is also the best thing for the public, supposed the woman is good looking....

It's also good for the public, in that it could encourage more mothers to breastfeed, it could encourage more people to have more babies, and it encourages people to relax and feel good about naturally growing their families.
Breastfeeding a child can hardly be construed as being the same as 'public nudity' or 'masturbation'. It's called 'breastfeeding' for a reason. Breastmilk is designed for the child and for your child in particular. Now either the child is fed or not. If it were your child, which would you prefer it has? Milk that is specifically designed to meet all of its needs and to ensure its health now and in the future or would you rather bottlefeed (which is also designed to meet all of a baby's needs) just to please some puritanical twits?

I breastfed and did it on a plane when I travelled. If you don't like it, don't look or oggle it. People who say 'eww it's disgusting' or 'it's almost pornographic' or refer to it as 'public nudity' are usually the ones who will sit there and stare. Who's the pervert I wonder? The watcher or the woman feeding her child?


I think it's hard for many men to see breasts being used in a utilitarian fashion rather than for sexual gratification and visual pleasure. Even though from an anthropological perspective this may be a reason on why they are drawn to big breasts in the first place.
It's also good for the public, in that it could encourage more mothers to breastfeed, it could encourage more people to have more babies, and it encourages people to relax and feel good about naturally growing their families.

it could encourage people to have fewer babies. :eek: in a way, i think people are so conditioned against what's natural they find it alarming.
What say you?

Think of the airplane seating. If a woman breast feeds, her direct neighbors get to see breast - IF THEY CHOOSE TO. From there I suppose someone walking back from the toilet might also catch a glimpse of a breast. At this point these potential victims of breast sighting can

turn their heads to the side or close their eyes if they are seated.
How about during the evening news? :D

The French know how to pick a News Reporter that's for damn sure! I'm wanting to watch and even don't speak French!

How about during the evening news? :D


Then we'd have no excuse not to know the news? Oh wait, was it the news we were supposed to pay attention to?

Gee, isn't that pushing it? But then if that's what they do in France or wherever? France defiantly could use some more babies. Upon what basis to not allow it? No other news anchors were available that day, to cover while she needed to nurse her baby?

I noticed just the other day, the weather lady was visibly pregnant. That certainly is cool.

I think it's hard for many men to see breasts being used in a utilitarian fashion rather than for sexual gratification and visual pleasure. Even though from an anthropological perspective this may be a reason on why they are drawn to big breasts in the first place.

Are People The Problem?

A CT Institute Essay On World Population

Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.

We ought to be wary, then, of statistical targets, and any program that begins with the assumption that government knows best.

Human beings have, each one, an irreducible value. We cannot in any way view humanity as a pest species.

When I lived in Kenya, which had at that time the highest birth rate in the world, I had a conversation with a university- educated friend of mine about children. My wife and I had just had our first child, and we wanted to know whether breast- feeding in public would offend people.

"No," our friend said. "In fact, it would be good. People would be surprised that you want to be so close to the baby."

"Why would that surprise them?" I asked.

"Well, you know, we tend to think that white people don't like children."

"But why would you think that?"

He thought a while. "Maybe because you people brought birth control, and since you don't want to have children, you probably don't like them."

This excerpt that I clipped, 7 years ago, I found very convincing anecdotal story as to why mothers should be allowed to breastfeed in public.

I hear in developing countries, breasts aren't considered sexual. Well in the United States, perhaps breasts are sexual? But I believe people often deserve the benefit of the doubt. So rather than seeing it as sexual, we have reason to overlook and allow it, if simply there's a baby to explain for it. I mean people do eat in public, do they not?
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title: Natural family growth, is quite beautiful and natural.

it could encourage people to have fewer babies. :eek: in a way, i think people are so conditioned against what's natural they find it alarming.

Why would it encourage smaller families? A society more comfortable about babies and their needs, is more pronatalist, and encourages families to grow larger more naturally.

You speak against the unnatural, so wouldn't that include the unnatural, anti-family, "birth control?" What's most natural, is welcoming babies to push out as the come, without any means of fertility regulation, other than just trusting God for family size, having married first, providing for and loving one's children.

I believe in the natural flow of human life, as I am a pro-life activist and natural population growth advocate. That's a reason I do advocate a more pronatalist society, including such family friendly things, as welcoming mothers to breastfeed in public, as they may feel comfortable or the need to.
Then we'd have no excuse not to know the news? Oh wait, was it the news we were supposed to pay attention to?

Gee, isn't that pushing it? But then if that's what they do in France or wherever? France defiantly could use some more babies. Upon what basis to not allow it? No other news anchors were available that day, to cover while she needed to nurse her baby?

I noticed just the other day, the weather lady was visibly pregnant. That certainly is cool.

Star Trek is cool.

Captain Piccard wasn't so good around families and children, so he asked his First Officer, Riker, to help make sure he projects the proper image for his family-friendly Galaxy class spaceship.
So is there a a Star Trek, Triple Facepalm too?

Why didn't they have MORE children on the Enterprise, anyway? The future is so bright and exciting, that sex is rare anymore?

Counselor Diana Troi got pregnant and had a child, and we never got to see her nurse her child. No baby bottle, not much of anything, that I can recall. (They couldn't show such a thing anyhow, what with Star Trek being a "family" show.) Must be because her child was an alien who happened to appear as a human.