Should women be allowed to nurse their baby on airplanes?

They cry and wake everyone up, they can't use seatbelts, their immune systems are weak, and the strollers are awkward to use and store in a plane.
They cry and wake everyone up, they can't use seatbelts, their immune systems are weak, and the strollers are awkward to use and store in a plane.
The same could be said for a very elderly person or someone who was disabled. Should they be banned as well? Should air travel now only be available to a certain group of people?

Kind of brings back the days of banning blacks from sitting at the front of the bus, no? And you bitch about others and their religion because it restricts a person's movements or freedoms but you're for banning people from planes because they aren't able to use their own seatbelts, have weak immune systems or have strollers that can be hard to store on a plane. The term hypocritical doesn't even come close to describing you at the moment spider.

You do realise that most send their strollers down in the luggage compartments, don't you?
We should have separate planes for everyone! No one should have to ride on a plane with someone else ....they might not like them for some reason. A few more planes in the air ain't no big deal.

Baron Max
We should have separate planes for everyone! No one should have to ride on a plane with someone else ....they might not like them for some reason. A few more planes in the air ain't no big deal.

Baron Max

Oh Baron, sometimes you're awesome!
Ain't it funny, strange, how on one thread we pretend to celebrate our differences, making that out to be a wonderful thing. Yet on this and other threads, we do nothing but complain about our differences? Is there something wrong, bad wrong, or am I just an ol' fart who can't grasp the simplest concepts?

Baron Max
So long as a woman isn't wihpping her tits out with reckless abandon, I see no reason why a woman cannot breast feed in all places. That is to say, she ought to be discrete, but that is simply common courtesy.
No, just babies. They can smuggle drugs in their diapers.
Are you mad?

So could an elderly person or disabled person who has to wear a nappy. Hell so could anyone, with or without nappy. You could smuggle drugs onto a plane by inserting it in your rectum. So should everyone be banned on planes? Hell, lets get rid of planes altogether. Bring back the ships!!
So long as a woman isn't wihpping her tits out with reckless abandon, I see no reason why a woman cannot breast feed in all places. That is to say, she ought to be discrete, but that is simply common courtesy.
Yes PJ, because every woman who breastfeeds puts tassles on her nipples, stands up, swirls them around for all to see before feeding her child.:rolleyes:
Yes PJ, because every woman who breastfeeds puts tassles on her nipples, stands up, swirls them around for all to see before feeding her child.:rolleyes:

What color tassles? And is it a nursing bra ?

Light gold of course. Not too flashy like shiny red would be.;)

After all, we must be discreet when 'whipping our tits out with reckless abandon'.:rolleyes:

I sort of favor a hot pink myself. Too flashy? :D
wait, wouldn't the tassels pose a choking risk to the feeding baby? that's unacceptable. only attractive, childless, women should be made to wear tassels... for safety reasons, of course ;)
Are men allowed to masturbate on airplanes?

2 problems:

1. It is not a necessity, even if that man is you.
2. They can do it as long as they are in the toilette. Nobody objected nursing mothers using the WC for the action...
2. Just use the supplied blanket as a cover while starting at the tumescent boobage of the nubile mommy in the next isle.
I sort of favor a hot pink myself. Too flashy? :D
Not at all. However be warned it shows through one's clothing. Light gold works for me as it kind of blends in with my skin tone and when I start swizzing them around for all and sundry to see, the gold tones in the tassle catches the light and gives it that slight sparkle, making it stylish and demure all at the same time.:D

cato said:
wait, wouldn't the tassels pose a choking risk to the feeding baby? that's unacceptable. only attractive, childless, women should be made to wear tassels... for safety reasons, of course
Indeed. Remove them just as baby is about to attach.:) This is of course after the woman starts "whipping her tits out with reckless abandon".

What PJ does not realise that even if a woman wanted to 'whip' them out, they simply wouldn't 'whip' out as he may seem to think. Not only could doing so result in someone being squirted, but when a woman's breasts are full with milk, they aren't exactly flexible to allow them to be 'whipped' about. Usually when a woman breastfeeds, she will place the baby in front of her breast before moving her top to one side and placing the child to the nipple. The only people who could possibly get a view of the breast is the child and the woman herself and possibly anyone leaning over her shoulder to 'cop a perv'. I've breastfed my son and no one even knew I'd done so until he was burped afterwards. For all anyone knew, I was simply holding my son against me.

spidergoat said:
Just use the supplied blanket as a cover while starting at the tumescent boobage of the nubile mommy in the next isle.

It's astounding how some can equate the act of feeding a baby with masturbation. Disturbing really.

This whole breastfeeding frenzy is getting ridiculous. The hospital I'd originally planned to have my second child in has advised me that I need to bring a 'breastfeeding shawl' to cover my breast lest anyone gets offended if they look into my room or through the window in the door to my room as I am breastfeeding my child, while I am staying in the maternity ward. I've since booked into another hospital. People who say 'it's natural to masturbate' simply do not understand that breastfeeding is in no way sexual, nor is it done to pleasure one's self in a sexual manner.

I mean honestly, what kind of sick individual can look at a baby breastfeeding and view it as being somehow sexual or pornographic? A baby is not a sexual object and just because it is breastfeeding does not automatically make it sexual.