Should prostitution be legalised? yes or no!!

"Harm" does not have the same definition as "offend", but you seem to constantly mix them up. You want to prohibit prostitution because it offends you. But if you want to justify a ban on prostitution, you have to come up with some examples of how it harms you.

Offending a person can be called a kind of harm, because it makes tham unhappy and lowers the quality of life if its allowed all the time. Offendign people can surely LEAD to harm if it starts violence.'s perfectly legal in the USA to create pornography, publish racist hate literature, or declare that you don't think god exists.

Those are what a lot of peole call "harmful IDEAS"... if you think race hate literature should be legal, just pray I never catch you, white buggahman! :mad: Godfearing types who believe everyone should know the word of the Lord do definitly think that denying His existance is harmful, to everyone.

That said, I do think prostitution should be legal. Its only unsafe and dirty because the law keeps it under ground. If hookers were a legit trade and could seel their punaany legally, thered be no violent pimps or punters getting away with beating them up, theyd get better funded protection against VDs and pregnancy, and less crime bosses getting rich off whorehouse profits. Like Pjdude said.
... I do think prostitution should be legal. Its only unsafe and dirty because the law keeps it under ground. If hookers were a legit trade and could seel their punaany legally, thered be no violent pimps or punters getting away with beating them up, theyd get better funded protection against VDs and pregnancy...

I disagree. It's unsafe and dirty because it violates a person's body/soul/spirit. It is a filthy, disgusting, vile behavior. There will always be violent pimps. They just wouldn't have stupid women to kick around. They'd find something else. Why should anyone fund their VD and pregnancy protection? They could do that themselves by behaving and not using thier bodies as garbage cans.:(
sandy way to keep open mind. just because you veiw it as amoral doesn't mean its unsafe and dirty. thats the problem with the religous zealots that control society they have turned the human body a beautiful and sacred thing into an object of disgust

best quote i have heard on this subject comes from comedian george carlin "selling is legal fucking is legal so why isn't selling fucking legal"
People that are against prostitution, are the ones that want to pay for sex the most, but don´t do it because of their beliefs and/or morals.

It is like a priest saying sex is evil, they are the ones who finish fantasising with little boys. Sexual repression is not good.

Prostitution is not good for me, because I wouldn´t pay for sex, I believe in loving the girl before having sex. But I don´t condemn those who want to pay for sex, go ahead do it, is not my problem, and it surely doesn´t affect us who aren´t involved.

If someone pays for sex, and it affects him/her in a negative way, then he/she would learn from that experience. I see that as a good thing, learning is good.
People that are against prostitution, are the ones that want to pay for sex the most, but don´t do it because of their beliefs and/or morals.

Where did you get that interesting piece of information?

It is like a priest saying sex is evil, they are the ones who finish fantasising with little boys.

Only a very, very few priest have ever done so. So don't try to paint the entire group by the actions of only few ...that's not nice.

Sexual repression is not good.

Who said? And where is your source of scientific studies proving that?

Prostitution is not good for me, because I wouldn´t pay for sex, I believe in loving the girl before having sex. But I don´t condemn those who want to pay for sex, go ahead do it, is not my problem, and it surely doesn´t affect us who aren´t involved.

Then why did you even post on this thread?

Baron Max
Where did you get that interesting piece of information?
Only a very, very few priest have ever done so. So don't try to paint the entire group by the actions of only few ...that's not nice.
Who said? And where is your source of scientific studies proving that?
Then why did you even post on this thread?
Baron Max

I post my thoughts, in order for you to discuss. I´ve learned plenty on the process, not from you thought (=

Legality is a society's moral code. Legalizing prostitution is the equivalent of society saying, "it's o.k." I don't want to live in a society that tells my daughter it's o.k. to be a prostitute. Let the hookers stay in the dark alleys.
Legality is a society's moral code. Legalizing prostitution is the equivalent of society saying, "it's o.k." I don't want to live in a society that tells my daughter it's o.k. to be a prostitute. Let the hookers stay in the dark alleys.

That is the main problem in society, goverment got you to believe that so much, you think that is the truth.
Do you honestly think your daughter will become a prostitute if it were legal? If that is the case, then she is already a prostitute, only for free (=
The law implicitly promotes behavior that is legalized. I do not want to live in a society that promotes prostitution. That would be a very poor example for our daughters. True, the example doesn't mandate that my daughter become a prostitute, but it sure doesn't help. Is it not better to avoid temptation?
I'd say no, seeing as nobody should have to be a prostitute in the first place, but I couldn't bare to agree with sandy.
The law implicitly promotes behavior that is legalized. I do not want to live in a society that promotes prostitution. That would be a very poor example for our daughters.

And a major part of the problem that I see in the world today is that we, as members of a society, can't decide what we want and what we don't want! We're forced by the very freedoms that our forefathers fought for to allow all of the dregs of humanity into our society the very name of "freedom".

Now tell me that that don't suck giant donkey dicks!

The world, and at least the USA, is heading for segragation ....where people CAN determine who and what they want to live with. And that just might mean civil war, too.

Baron Max
Legality is a society's moral code. Legalizing prostitution is the equivalent of society saying, "it's o.k." I don't want to live in a society that tells my daughter it's o.k. to be a prostitute. Let the hookers stay in the dark alleys.

If you found out your daughter was a prostitute, that would affect the way you look at your daughter, rather than the way you look at prostitutes?

You'd rather judge your own child, than challenge your preconcieved ideas?
If you found out your daughter was a prostitute, that would affect the way you look at your daughter, rather than the way you look at prostitutes? You'd rather judge your own child, than challenge your preconcieved ideas?

Why not both? You seem to think those actions are mutually exclusive.

Baron Max
Why not both? You seem to think those actions are mutually exclusive.

Baron Max

What I think (and I don't think they are exclusive at all) doesn't matter. It's what John Bannan thinks that is more salient.

Would he see prostitutes in a different light, maybe demonise them and their profession less, if he realised he knew one?
Would he see prostitutes in a different light, maybe demonise them and their profession less, if he realised he knew one?

I know several prostitutes (escorts) and I still feel that legalizing prostitution is wrong ...and much the same reasons that John does. I like the girls, they're nice kids, they're in it for the money, but that doesn't make it something that I think a society should so readily accept as you seem to want us to do.

Baron Max
Prostitution is sex for money. It's bad public policy to promote sex for money. By promoting sex for money, legalization would place prostitution as an acceptable alternative to marriage and child bearing. A stable growing society is better served by marriage and child bearing, than by prostitutes.
Prostitution is sex for money. It's bad public policy to promote sex for money. By promoting sex for money, legalization would place prostitution as an acceptable alternative to marriage and child bearing. A stable growing society is better served by marriage and child bearing, than by prostitutes.

We are eating the planet into nothingness. A few less babies wouldn't hurt anyone. They can incarnate later on.
People that are against prostitution, are the ones that want to pay for sex the most, but don´t do it because of their beliefs and/or morals.

Bull. I have no desire to pay for sex. That is just pathetic.:(

You realize you just let slip that you are a man. (sure, a woman 'could' have answered that way, but it was just the last straw clue)

Why did you feel the need to present your views as a member of the opposite sex?

Very slimy.