Should prostitution be legalised? yes or no!!

All pedophiles harm children? What about the ones who just like to look at naked little girls, or pictures of naked little girls, and jack off?
If it could be guaranteed that such a person would never actually harm a child or encourage someone else to harm a child (eg by paying for child porn) then yes, I would say that it should be legal even though I personally find it disgusting. A person masturbating alone doesn't harm anyone. Child porn is outlawed because it increases the likelihood that pedophiles will commit crimes, not because it's dangerous in and of itself. Similarly, I wouldn't think that it should be illegal to drive drunk if it could be guaranteed that the person wouldn't crash their car.

So it's okay to ban something, some acts, which ...MIGHT... cause a problem and harm someone?
Yes, it's okay to ban an act if the act creates a serious danger of someone being harmed. Or do you suppose that you should be allowed to fire a machine gun randomly on a crowded street and not get in trouble simply because you happened to not hit anyone?

How is that any more or less harmful than a man jacking off while watching the little girls play in the park or at the beach?
You seriously don't see the difference? :rolleyes:

Ok, here's a clue for you; one act dramatically increases the risk that a child will be abused, while the other does not.
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But does it get it off the streets???? I've asked you that twice now, but you haven't answered. Just because there's a brothel down the street is no sign that prostitutes won't still work the streets!!

And many men might not want to be seen going into a brothel, but they might well take advantage of an anonymous street prostitute and a nearby hotel room.

The reason for that is that men can't get sex whenever they want it!! So in that regard, it isn't "just sex". If women fucked men whenever the men wanted sex, then perhaps there'd be no such thing as prostitution in the first place!

Baron Max

yes i answered it actually, and i said yes where i worked the street walkers were considerably reduced.

also "just sex" what i meant was people look to much into, perhaps if prostitution was legal and regulated like for example licenced brothels there will be less rape, of course there will always be the odd asshole who likes to have rape someone because he get's of on the fear, but licecenced brothels will have tight security and the girls will be protected and of course so will the customers aswell and that surely has got to be a good thing,

You seem confused.

How odd that you, of all people, want to control other people, the sex lives between consenting adults, and somehow not call it infringing on the rights and freedoms of others? Prostitutes, street walkers, are adults, the customers are adults, both consent to having sex, yet you think that's bad, so you want to control their actions?

I never said anything about controlling their actions.

How in hell do you see it that way? If the two consenting adults want to have sex, why are you trying to force them to do it where YOU choose?

I'm not.
Baron: You seem confused.

I would readily agree with that.

I never said anything about controlling their actions.

You want to force the prostitutes to have sex with their clients in special houses run by the state. And you don't call that control???

Would you agree if the state forced gays to have casual sex in special houses run by the state?

Baron Max
No I don't. I never said that.

Then what did you say? You want to legalize prostitution and get them off the streets, but you don't want prostitution to be confined to legal brothels and be tested for diseases all the time?

What's this thread about, anyway????

Baron Max
Baron Max:

I support legalised prostitution, because it makes life better for sex workers who will be around anyway. It also potentially improves things for their clients.

I don't see a down side. You obviously do. So, what's your objection?
I don't see a down side. You obviously do. So, what's your objection?

Oh, come one...why do you even ask? You already know his objection. He objects because he believes that people should be able to arbitrarily restrict the freedoms of other people to prevent them from doing things that the majority finds personally distasteful, even if it isn't harming anyone. He thinks that the people have a "right" to be potected from things that they find offensive, and he thinks that this right to be free from distasteful things is more important than the right of individuals to be free. You're acting as though you expect him to make some sort of reasoned argument about how legal prostitution would harm society, but he's clearly not going to provide such an argument - if he had such an argument, he would have provided it by now. To him the mere fact that two people find a third person's behavior bizarre or offensive is sufficient moral justification for the two to band together against the third and use force to take away his freedom, even if the third person's behavior does no harm to the original two beyond the "harm" of their knowledge that someone else is engaging in behaviors that they would not choose to engage in themselves.
Baron Max: I support legalised prostitution, because it makes life better for sex workers who will be around anyway. It also potentially improves things for their clients.

I don't see a down side. You obviously do. So, what's your objection?

Well, James, let's see'll be forcing the free prostitutes to work in a state-operated facility(if they want to work), you'll be forcing those "employees" to be tested constantly for STDs of all kinds, you'll be forcing clients to use only the state-supported/controlled brothels(so location might be a problem for some clients/workers), you'll be instituting one more government agency that will probably be rift with corruption (for special favors?), and through no fault of her own(the client lied!), if one of the girls contracts an STD, you'll kick her ass out so she can't earn any money.

I don't know, James, would you approve such conditions for any other type of worker in the nation? If I'm not mistaken, in any other worker situation, you even object to random drug tests, yet here, in the brothels, the girls would have to be tested for STDs every freakin' day ...and you don't object to that?

No, James, if you don't see a problem with any of that, then I guess there ain't none, huh?

Baron Max
He objects because he believes that people should be able to arbitrarily restrict the freedoms of other people to prevent them from doing things that the majority finds personally distasteful, even if it isn't harming anyone.

I think that's part of the definition of "society", ain't it?

He thinks that the people have a "right" to be potected from things that they find offensive, ...

More definition of "society"? Yeah, I think so.

...and he thinks that this right to be free from distasteful things is more important than the right of individuals to be free.

In some societies, sure, why not? That's the very definition of "society". You're confusing "freedom" and "society" somehow. Is it "freedom" to be constantly disgusted and offended by the acts of other members of the society?

To him the mere fact that two people find a third person's behavior bizarre or offensive is sufficient moral justification for the two to band together against the third and use force to take away his freedom, ...

No, not take away his freedom, but not permit him to preform those acts in their society. Just like any other crime or misdemeanor in our society. We don't allow people to shit on the sidewalk, do we? We don't allow people to park their cars in the middle of the street, do we? In neither of those two cases is anyone actually "harmed" according to your definition, so...?

I don't know, I think your idea of freedom isn't the same as mine. And likewise, your idea of a free soceity isn't the same as mine, either. And apparently most societies in the world agree more with me than you, because there are tons of legal rules and laws in most societies about, say, shitting on the sidewalks and parking in the streets. Hmm?

How far should your freedom infringe on the freedom of others not to witness some of your ideas of freedom?

Baron Max
prostitution has been around for many years, we have in fact public toilets where a woman used to go and help the prostitutes here about 60 years ago,

now the girls were safer and they had "some" medical care, and how bad can it be if people open legal brothels and keep the women and men safe? surely its good if they are regulated and managed in a decent and proper manner??
now the girls were safer and they had "some" medical care, and how bad can it be if people open legal brothels and keep the women and men safe? surely its good if they are regulated and managed in a decent and proper manner??

Yeah, and I suppose that we could say the same for companies to use random drug testing to make sure of the health and wellbeing of their workers, huh?

I don't know, but somehow forcing prostitutes to work in special, state-operated facilities just seems wrong to me ....know what I mean? Like, how would you like to be, say, a computer engineer and be forced to work at only a few, state-operated facillities ...and be tested daily for diesease?

Baron Max
Yeah, and I suppose that we could say the same for companies to use random drug testing to make sure of the health and wellbeing of their workers, huh?

I don't know, but somehow forcing prostitutes to work in special, state-operated facilities just seems wrong to me ....know what I mean? Like, how would you like to be, say, a computer engineer and be forced to work at only a few, state-operated facillities ...and be tested daily for diesease?

Baron Max

yes i do know what you mean, but if they are in licenced brothels then they will be safe and so would the punters, and i am not saying they should have test every day the women i know get tested every month, while they are having they're periods to make things easier for woman and work, what would you prefer Baron in licenced places or on the sreet?
..., and i am not saying they should have test every day the women i know get tested every month, ...

AIDS, as well as several other STDs, can take weeks to actually appear. If a woman contracts the virus from on customer, she can pass that virus on to many more clients even if she tests negative for it! So, in essence, a prostitute at the state-operated house could only have sex once a month or so in order to be reasonably sure that she's not a carried. Once a month? That's probably worse than most marriages!!! ...LOL!

..., what would you prefer Baron in licenced places or on the sreet?

I don't know ...what's wrong with it right now? It's all illegal, of course, but it happens a gazillion times a day and no one is arrested. In Dallas, they even have a system in place where the cops announce where they're going to set up the sting operations! Works quite well ....the doo-gooders think the cops are doing a good job, and the prostitutes just go over one street and nothing changes for them!

the other thing that's interesting .....why should a girl go to one of those houses when she can work the streets or the Internet on her own? More money, less control.

Baron Max
AIDS, as well as several other STDs, can take weeks to actually appear. If a woman contracts the virus from on customer, she can pass that virus on to many more clients even if she tests negative for it! So, in essence, a prostitute at the state-operated house could only have sex once a month or so in order to be reasonably sure that she's not a carried. Once a month? That's probably worse than most marriages!!! ...LOL!

I don't know ...what's wrong with it right now? It's all illegal, of course, but it happens a gazillion times a day and no one is arrested. In Dallas, they even have a system in place where the cops announce where they're going to set up the sting operations! Works quite well ....the doo-gooders think the cops are doing a good job, and the prostitutes just go over one street and nothing changes for them!

the other thing that's interesting .....why should a girl go to one of those houses when she can work the streets or the Internet on her own? More money, less control.

Baron Max

the women here get the emn to wear condoms and so far where i worked we hadnt had a single case of an STD!

and has for the woman working on her own, its dangerous they get attack on a regular basis and in licenced brothels they have security alarms.
I think that's part of the definition of "society", ain't it?
More definition of "society"? Yeah, I think so.
No, and I challenge you to find any sort of reference that defines society in this manner. As has already been explained to you, a society is simply a group of people who live and work together in order to accomplish things that they could no do on their own. "Accomplish things that they could not do on their own" does not have the same meaning as "restrict people's freedom to perform acts that do not harm anyone." I don't know how you keep getting those two mixed up.
In some societies, sure, why not? That's the very definition of "society". You're confusing "freedom" and "society" somehow. Is it "freedom" to be constantly disgusted and offended by the acts of other members of the society?
No, it's not "the very definition of society". That's an artificial definition that you just made up to fit your argument.
No, not take away his freedom, but not permit him to preform those acts in their society. Just like any other crime or misdemeanor in our society. We don't allow people to shit on the sidewalk, do we? We don't allow people to park their cars in the middle of the street, do we? In neither of those two cases is anyone actually "harmed" according to your definition, so...?
As has already been explained to you, society is justified in prohibiting an act that harms its members. Shitting on the sidewalk is a public health hazard. Parking your car in the middle of he street impedes the flow of traffic and creates a safety hazard. That's why society is justified in prohibiting those actions - because those actions harm people, not because they offend people. "Harm" does not have the same definition as "offend", but you seem to constantly mix them up. You want to prohibit prostitution because it offends you. But if you want to justify a ban on prostitution, you have to come up with some examples of how it harms you (or someone else who doesn't deliberately decide to become involved in it). So far you have not done that.
I don't know, I think your idea of freedom isn't the same as mine. And likewise, your idea of a free soceity isn't the same as mine, either. And apparently most societies in the world agree more with me than you, because there are tons of legal rules and laws in most societies about, say, shitting on the sidewalks and parking in the streets.
Again, you are confusing the prohibition of things that harm people with the prohibition of things that merely offend people. The USA agrees with me far more than it agrees with you. Many things that harm other people are prohibited in the USA, like shitting on sidewalks or parking in the street. There is also a strong tradition in the USA that the government can not prohibit something simply because some people (or even almost all people) find it offensive. That's why it's perfectly legal in the USA to create pornography, publish racist hate literature, or declare that you don't think god exists.

You are perfectly correct that there are some countries that ban things simply because the majority finds them offensive, rather than because they harm anyone, but for examples of those you would have to turn to places like Iran or China.

How far should your freedom infringe on the freedom of others not to witness some of your ideas of freedom?
You are perfectly free to not witness anything that you don't want to witness. If you are in a public place and you start to witness something that you don't like, you are free to leave. If you start to witness something that you don't like occurring on your property, you can tell whoever is doing it to stop and call the police if they refuse. What you seem to want is a guarantee that you will never be exposed to anything that you find objectionable, which is not at all the same thing as a “freedom”.
Really try going and getting your mail in the nude every day for a week if you do not believe that behavior particularly sexual behavior which harms no one is not regulated in America. Why should I and my neighbors not be able to set standards of behavior and publish them so that you have the choice to accept them or not move into our neighborhood. If everyone who is there at the time agrees? Why should we be forced to put up with your so called freedom to offend if we were there first and there are other choices available to you?
well legalizing it means it would regulated and would probably be safe for those who a members of the profession so i'm for it