Ramadan and women

imo god is left over for the other one.

thats just it..
i have always associated god with believe..

but there is pressure to view god with feel..


of them emotional is the most temporary..feelings change from moment to moment, does god care how i feel? i think he is more interested in what i choose. there is more to choosing than how i feel about it.
thats just it..
i have always associated god with believe..

but there is pressure to view god with feel..


of them emotional is the most temporary..feelings change from moment to moment, does god care how i feel? i think he is more interested in what i choose. there is more to choosing than how i feel about it.

i associate god with know. and i would agree with you about feelings. i think they serve a purpose. i think you can learn from them, but that doesn't mean you should be led by them.
America is much more Christian now than when we were founded. A lot of people were escaping Christianity in Europe when they went to the USA and 200 years ago many Americans were deists. If we were a Christian Nation then I doubt you'd see other non-monotheistic religions in the USA, newer religions like Islam and Mormonism would probably be banned as well, women wouldn't be able to drive or leave their house without a male guardian, honor killing and stoning homosexuals would be common place, and we'd all be marveling at the magic moving pictures, yet worried they was all the work of the devil.... :p

Yes, America is more Christian now than ever which is why I am going to support the atheists of this country. :D
SAM said:
It is Eastern culture. People are expected to speak their own language, wear their customary clothes and live according to their own customs and traditions.
In no Muslim country can people of my wife's culture do that.
SAM said:
In Charlie Wilson's War there is a funny dialogue by a Pakistani where he says "we have never objected to your underdressed women, it is you who complain about our women being overdressed"

Thats a good way to put it
It's a false way to put it. It's not true.
SAM said:
Is there any country more intolerant of differences than the US?
Every Muslim country.
SAM said:
I found much more pressure to conform in the US than I did in Saudi Arabia.
You fit in there. No surprise.
SAM said:
One of the major conclusions I drew from my stay in Saudi Arabia and the US is that in Saudi Arabia you only need to conform outwardly, ie follow the law - what you do otherwise is of no account,
And you are perfectly comfortable following that kind of law - it hardly constrains you at all.

You share the religion on which the State is based. In places where church and state are separated you feel put upon and "corrected" and pushed around.
shadow said:
tunisia is a muslim country, and? relegion is seperated from politics,
Is not.
shadow said:
we don't have churches in islam, we have mosques, and mosques, have no authoritties, just pople pray in it.
It's the word in English. Lots of Christian churches have no "authorities".
I am quite certain that Yosef believes the Qur'an states such and such, its easy enough to verify if it does or does not. All you have to do, is read it. And its a good month for spending some time on the scriptures too.

I know he's lying, just wanted to see if you knew it too or if you supported him.
RE: Ramadan and Women.

I'd just like to note that at least in KSA, there's a HUGE intake of women into University. Much more than men. That's a VERY VERY good sign for the future awaiting KSA.
RE: Ramadan and Women.

I'd just like to note that at least in KSA, there's a HUGE intake of women into University. Much more than men. That's a VERY VERY good sign for the future awaiting KSA.

yes, KSA would have a great future
RE: Ramadan and Women.

I'd just like to note that at least in KSA, there's a HUGE intake of women into University. Much more than men. That's a VERY VERY good sign for the future awaiting KSA.

yes, KSA would have a great future and not just ksa, and also most arab countries ;)

Tunisia has a state religion, specified by its Constitution.


The single major accomplishment of the separation of Church and State is the elimination of State religions. That's the main goal. If you have a State religion, you have not separated religion from politics - you have joined them.

i see sharia laws in that articles, since i'm leaving in tunisia, i tell you there's no sharia laws, and i kno my country more
i see sharia laws in that articles, since i'm leaving in tunisia, i tell you there's no sharia laws, and i kno my country more

You're confusing sharia with religious. Sharia laws are simply legal systems. They incorporate all legal systems, whether western or eastern, Muslim or non-Muslim. Sharia is just a fancy way of saying legal systems of Muslims. Its an example of using a non-English word to delineate a common concept. Like saying Allah for God.

I know he's lying, just wanted to see if you knew it too or if you supported him.

I checked his post, he quite clearly stated Quran and tradition, so its hardly a lie. Selectively reading a post and then implying the other person is disingenuous is lying.
yes, KSA would have a great future and not just ksa, and also most arab countries ;)
Switching from Islam to female intuition is a great move. One that will happen without anyone knowing. Three generations tops I guess. Then, bye bye conservative Islam.

As an aside, Shadow1, come or gone, your sentences appear somewhat racist. "Most Arab Countries" :bugeye:

As an aside, Shadow1, come or gone, your sentences appear somewhat racist. "Most Arab Countries" :bugeye:

well,well kinda racist i don't know, because, i hate saying all, because i don't have a good knoledge about that, so, i just said, most, and idk, i think you're right, all, and i'm more hoping for a union. :D well, we(arabs) are all hoping for a union.
I'm glad we don't refer to Europeans or Americans or Australians as Caucasians. Imagine someone saying: I hope we Caucasians can unit in the USA.... that's how "we Arabs" rings in my ears - as racist.
I don't think it is racist to say one group has a bright future. It does not imply that other groups do not. A Pan Arabia is as racist as NATO or EU

. that's how "we Arabs" rings in my ears - as racist.

Thats your problem. Shadow is communicating in his third language, after Arabic and French, he also intends to learn two more. His culture is obviously hospitable towards others and does not demand that others comply with him. How many languages can you communicate in? What would be your third language?
I don't think it is racist to say one group has a bright future. It does not imply that other groups do not. A Pan Arabia is as racist as NATO or EU

Thats your problem. Shadow is communicating in his third language, after Arabic and French, he also intends to learn two more. His culture is obviously hospitable towards others and does not demand that others comply with him. How many languages can you communicate in? What would be your third language?
OMG, it's THAT time again. Every end of the month like clock work.

Fine, Shadow is expressing his opinion for a pan-Arab what? Race? Country? Will it include Persia? He lives in Africa, will it include Black African Arabs as well? It sounds racist because I know a lot of Arabs who have racist ideas. Like Jews who think Jew is a race.

I don't like racism. Not even the concept.