Ramadan and women

I think shadow was pretty clear about his expression. He said "most Arabs" which to his mind is those who invest in education and technology [from his posting history]. Thats hardly racist - its the principle on which the EU was formed.
Aesthetics one fine. Someone may say: I think Africans are sexy and be referring to Africans with extremely dark skin. Yes, ok, that's fine. But don't try to make African a race, when it's clearly a culture. Like Arab.

Sure, be proud of your culture. But, don't start confusing race with culture. That's my point.

I feel like you're just arguing to argue.
Yes, Shadow is speaking in language not his mother tongue, but, I think I knew exactly what he was thinking and it was a natural inclination to think Arab means race when that just isn't the case.
I doubt you are an authority on what Shadow may be thinking. Wanting your own society to be better is hardly racism. On the other hand implying that some people don't deserve aid during floods because of their religion or race or colour or stupidity definitely is.

Stuff like this:

We can't look after all of them. They need to look after themselves.

Classic us vs them.
We, ie Americans are tapped out and 14 trillion dollars in debt (yeah, 13 clicked to 14 pretty scarily fast). I personally think US Citizens should look after poor inner city US Citizens with their donations. Not only is it cheaper and more productive with less over head, it's close to home and can be personally rewarding.
Them, is Pakistan, can start selling their 100+ nukes they wasted their money on but was only so happy to do so instead of spending those billions on rations, reserves and preparing for a commonly reoccurring flood.

We, squandered our taxes not fixing NO and They certainly shouldn't pay for our misuse of our tax money.

If you do send money, support a fund for women's literacy and education. Women will teach their kids.

Lastly, this is a great opportunity for India to pony up.
Not only is it cheaper and more productive with less over head, it's close to home and can be personally rewarding.

Why is it more "personally rewarding" to help Americans who are broke rather than Pakistanis who are flood victims?
SAM said:
His culture is obviously hospitable towards others and does not demand that others comply with him.
That's not at all obvious.

It seems to be false, actually, from the examples here. And his wish to unite with other Arabs rather than with other hospitable and tolerant cultures, along with his inability to recognize the existence of a State religion as a political matter, clarifies his own stance within it.

That's not at all obvious.

It seems to be false, actually, from the examples here. And his wish to unite with other Arabs rather than with other hospitable and tolerant cultures, along with his inability to recognize the existence of a State religion as a political matter, clarifies his own stance within it.

uuuh, seems false ? now you are studying me ? lol
we are here arabs,
we are not black
we are causasians, just like the middle east arabs
we speak arabic, and we have an arabic culture
we also share the same relegion
and we once were all united
that's why we(arabs) wish that day come again
i don't expect you can understand it, like, when for example, someone from tunisia or other arab country, hates israeil, and you say, why do you hate it? it didnt invade your country or something, yet, it didn it invaded palastine, that's also my ountry, any arab country is my country, this just an example, don't open a discussion about it ;)

I think shadow was pretty clear about his expression. He said "most Arabs" which to his mind is those who invest in education and technology [from his posting history]. Thats hardly racist - its the principle on which the EU was formed.

yupe, exactly

to recognize the existence of a State religion as a political matter, clarifies his own stance within it.

...bullshits, why are you always crying about it, i know ho things around here, and it's no difference that western rules, anyway, why do you have a complexe about us, arabs ?
ramadan and women turned into donations to pakistan..:D
donations to female-based education, Pakistan or inner city USA, wherever.

You DO donate a large chunk of your disposable income during the holiday seasons? Just think scifes, you could go to the bank, take a large loan and save a life, Allah would really thank you for that.

Do it.

Oh, but you're instead going to let Muslims die because you don't want to take on that much loan. Oh well, I'm sure Allah understands you needed broadband instead....
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Why is it more "personally rewarding" to help Americans who are broke rather than Pakistanis who are flood victims?
Personally rewarding as in you "personally" get off your arse and do something - as opposed to clicking the button your PC and feeling good about yourself.

I thought that was made quite clear.

Can you imagine - Pakistanis are actually threatening to murder aid workers?!? Let me guess, that's all the fault of the "West" too?

Donate to female-support organizations, yeah, change comes in 3 generations but at least it will one day come.
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uuuh, seems false ? now you are studying me ? lol
we are here arabs,
we are not black
we are causasians, just like the middle east arabs
we speak arabic, and we have an arabic culture
we also share the same relegion
and we once were all united
that's why we(arabs) wish that day come again
i don't expect you can understand it, like, when for example, someone from tunisia or other arab country, hates israeil, and you say, why do you hate it? it didnt invade your country or something, yet, it didn it invaded palastine, that's also my ountry, any arab country is my country, this just an example, don't open a discussion about it ;)
One would think that as an African Nation you'd support a united Africa.

Imagine if modern day Caucasian S. Africans wanted to unite with EU - you know, because of their colonial past. Like the descendant Arabs living in modern day N. Africa.
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Can you imagine - Pakistanis are actually threatening to murder aid workers?!? Let me guess, that's all the fault of the "West" too?

really??? :O

p.s: don't talk on the name of all muslims or all arab and muslim countries.

One would think that as an African Nation you'd support a united Africa.

Imagine if modern day Caucasian S. Africans wanted to unite with EU - you know, because of their colonial past. Like the descendant Arabs living in modern day N. Africa.

as for us, an arab union first, then go go africa, :p
Personally rewarding as in you "personally" get off your arse and do something - as opposed to clicking the button your PC and feeling good about yourself.

I thought that was made quite clear.

Can you imagine - Pakistanis are actually threatening to murder aid workers?!? Let me guess, that's all the fault of the "West" too?

Donate to female-support organizations, yeah, change comes in 3 generations but at least it will one day come.

How do you "personally" get off your ass in Australia to help fellow Americans? Shouldn't Pakistan be en route?
One would think that as an African Nation you'd support a united Africa.

Imagine if modern day Caucasian S. Africans wanted to unite with EU - you know, because of their colonial past. Like the descendant Arabs living in modern day N. Africa.

Because of course, people should not follow their own cultural inclinations but lines on the map drawn by westerners who tell them where their loyalties and feeling of unity should lie. All while the westerners themselves run military organisations like NATO and economic groups like EU. Strange how Americans form groups with Canada and Australia and Europe and not with Americans in the American continent. Why even you, sitting in Australia find it more "personally rewarding" to help fellow Americans rather than Pakistanis.

c'é une realitée, les péys ouéstérn,ont peur d'un uni-on araب, car ca va crée une péy f0rt, et etc...

tu peu comprndr cmme ca nn? car je n veu pa d'autr perso a comprdr ;)
ca va fair une duscussion nfinit é...ca ne sera pa bi1 :p
c'é une realitée, les péys ouéstérn,ont peur d'un uni-on araب, car ca va crée une péy f0rt, et etc...

tu peu comprndr cmme ca nn? car je n veu pa d'autr perso a comprdr ;)
ca va fair une duscussion nfinit é...ca ne sera pa bi1 :p

I think at this point in time, westerners would fear an Arab union more than anything else in the world, except perhaps the possibility of a global caliphate. Of course their own military adventures are just "birth pangs" for whatever it is they think everyone else must need, even if its thrust down their throats by force and violence. Like an unnecessary caesarian for those birth pangs perhaps.

Just read about this Ground Zero synagogue. Strange how the Lebanese don't shatter at the thought of a synagogue even after 18 years of Israeli occupation and "birth pangs" of a New Middle East.

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SAM said:
Because of course, people should not follow their own cultural inclinations but lines on the map drawn by westerners who tell them where their loyalties and feeling of unity should lie.
Instead of on myths of former unity, myths of racial identity, and myths of common religion?

When the Western imperial lines are erased, and they will be, what will follow is likely to resemble the creation of Pakistan and then Bangladesh, Israel and foreshadowing the new Kurdistan to be, if it follows from such myths as Shadow invokes.

But my comment was smaller in focus: I simply noted that Shadow does not feel cultural unity with other hospitable and tolerant cultures, but with other Arabs. And that makes perfect sense to me.
But my comment was smaller in focus: I simply noted that Shadow does not feel cultural unity with other hospitable and tolerant cultures, but with other Arabs. And that makes perfect sense to me.

i think you didnt really get me, i meant, the priority for me, is a union,with arabs, then, the union with others.
for example, u.s.a. divided into 6 or 7 states, or 7 countries i better say, what would you wish first, to unite all the u.s.a. again, or to go and unite your country or state, with others?