Ramadan and women

mostly, arab countries are hospital, have hospitality, everyone like you on how you are, we like, the different, and the new things and stuff.

It is Eastern culture. People are expected to speak their own language, wear their customary clothes and live according to their own customs and traditions. In Western society, every one has to be the same. That is called freedom of expression.:p

In Charlie Wilson's War there is a funny dialogue by a Pakistani where he says "we have never objected to your underdressed women, it is you who complain about our women being overdressed"

Thats a good way to put it

It is Eastern culture. People are expected to speak their own language, wear their customary clothes and live according to their own customs and traditions. In Western society, every one has to be the same. That is called freedom of expression.:p

as for the maghreb, maghreb in arabic, means, west, the maghreb;, is the arab west, so it's a mixe of the west and east(maybe little more east), you still can smell the eastern in it, idk, but, when i see some places, i can tell you if it smell eastern or not, not by smell, but, people can just, feel it, like, sense it, am i right?
majority is muslim, but i know some christians, and there are many jews in djerba, we can make the difference, between hating jews, or israeili zionists, i mean, we don't hate jews, or their relegion, but we hate israeilians zionists, anyway, you are free to practice anything, no one is against you. and no there's no pressure.. why do you always think, when some one say, a muslim country, you all think as, extremists people, intolerant, can't accept other relegions, etc etc.. ruined education, brain washing and brain washed people, etc etc...?

you don't know "what i always think". yet you seem very comfortable speaking for others. :bugeye:

i live in a "christian nation". in god we trust. well, god and our arsenal of nuclear weapons.

and we have this...
extremists people, intolerant, can't accept other relegions, etc etc.. ruined education, brain washing and brain washed people, etc etc

and we have those who aren't so stupid. and we have those of other religions, and those of no religion (atheist).

i know from living here, that there is pressure to conform to christianity, just due to the sheer number of christians living here. there's religious discrimination too, and one of our two primary political parties identifies itself with christianity, and these people make our laws.
one of our two primary political parties identifies itself with christianity

Only one? If Obama were a Muslim, would he be a Democrat candidate? :p

and we have this...
extremists people, intolerant, can't accept other relegions, etc etc.. ruined education, brain washing and brain washed people, etc etc

and we have those who aren't so stupid. and we have those of other religions, and those of no religion (atheist).

well, that's everywhere, not just u.s.a. ;)


shadow, how do you think it might make non-muslim tunisians feel to hear you say that tunisia is a "muslim country"?

the majority is muslims, there are tunisian christians, and tunisian, well, other relegions, tunisian jews, not the idiots israeili zionists who go to djerba each year to do, kinda a pray or something, (we don't hate their relegion or beleifs, but we do hate zionoists, the reason we don't hate the jews or their relegion but we hate the israeilians, is that we have tunisians jews, and since, well, since a loong time ago) . and if the majority is christian, then it is a christian nation, etxc.., non-muslims feel nothing for saying that, what? like they hate their friends because they are muslims or others? , we are all tunisians after all. i mean, what do you expect them to think?
also muslims with all other relegions were living together in a coherant way since, hundred years, i mean, many houses and places todya, that had christian or jews marks, and muslims lived in it, and didnt delet any, marks or anything.

actually your question sounds really weird, and bizzare, idk, maybe you have some idea about muslims or arabs.
You don't live in a Christian nation, and neither do I.

dunno where you grew up spider..but america has alway been considered a christian nation, sure america is getting away from that..but as of yet it is still a christian nation..
Bass: meet ackwards

It is Eastern culture. People are expected to speak their own language, wear their customary clothes and live according to their own customs and traditions.

Except when those ordinary customs and traditions clash with the norm in some philosophical way, and someone starts a riot.

In Western society, every one has to be the same. That is called freedom of expression.:p

Well, that certainly explains the wider variety of dress over here. Or not.

In Charlie Wilson's War there is a funny dialogue by a Pakistani where he says "we have never objected to your underdressed women, it is you who complain about our women being overdressed"

Thats a good way to put it

If "good way to put it" really means "disingenous nonsense", then I suppose it is.
America is much more Christian now than when we were founded. A lot of people were escaping Christianity in Europe when they went to the USA and 200 years ago many Americans were deists. If we were a Christian Nation then I doubt you'd see other non-monotheistic religions in the USA, newer religions like Islam and Mormonism would probably be banned as well, women wouldn't be able to drive or leave their house without a male guardian, honor killing and stoning homosexuals would be common place, and we'd all be marveling at the magic moving pictures, yet worried they was all the work of the devil.... :p
it was mentioned about seperation of church and state earlier in this thread..

i bring this up because i had just read in discover about seperation of science and state..

so there is;

and there is..

church is definatly believe.
science would be know
state,would that be feel or think?
then what is for the left over one?

i have found that everything can be broken down into these four concepts..
truth can be found when all line up..
it was mentioned about seperation of church and state earlier in this thread..

i bring this up because i had just read in discover about seperation of science and state..

so there is;

and there is..

church is definatly believe.
science would be know
state,would that be feel or think?
then what is for the left over one?

i have found that everything can be broken down into these four concepts..
truth can be found when all line up..

imo god is left over for the other one.