Instead of on myths of former unity, myths of racial identity, and myths of common religion?
Is that the reasoning behind American solidarity with the Europeans and the Australians/Canadians/Kiwis?
When the Western imperial lines are erased, and they will be, what will follow is likely to resemble the creation of Pakistan and then Bangladesh, Israel and foreshadowing the new Kurdistan to be, if it follows from such myths as Shadow invokes.
Because of course, we can all forsee a future without western intervention
But my comment was smaller in focus: I simply noted that Shadow does not feel cultural unity with other hospitable and tolerant cultures, but with other Arabs. And that makes perfect sense to me.
I doubt you have any clue what Shadow feels solidarity with, you seem to lack the perspective to even comprehend what he writes - of course considering that he is better able to communicate in your language than you in his could be a reason for such communication gaps. But then, you don't come from a very hospitable culture yourself, so how would you know?