Ramadan and women

Instead of on myths of former unity, myths of racial identity, and myths of common religion?

Is that the reasoning behind American solidarity with the Europeans and the Australians/Canadians/Kiwis?
When the Western imperial lines are erased, and they will be, what will follow is likely to resemble the creation of Pakistan and then Bangladesh, Israel and foreshadowing the new Kurdistan to be, if it follows from such myths as Shadow invokes.

Because of course, we can all forsee a future without western intervention
But my comment was smaller in focus: I simply noted that Shadow does not feel cultural unity with other hospitable and tolerant cultures, but with other Arabs. And that makes perfect sense to me.

I doubt you have any clue what Shadow feels solidarity with, you seem to lack the perspective to even comprehend what he writes - of course considering that he is better able to communicate in your language than you in his could be a reason for such communication gaps. But then, you don't come from a very hospitable culture yourself, so how would you know?
SAM said:
Is that the reasoning behind American solidarity with the Europeans and the Australians/Canadians/Kiwis?
Best check that with the French, Danes, and Swiss - and the Canadians. Or try the Russians - same race, same religion, etc. But the reasoning seems to be different.
SAM said:
Because of course, we can all forsee a future without western intervention
Shadow's topic - just noting.
SAM said:
I doubt you have any clue what Shadow feels solidarity with,
I'm just taking his word for stuff. As you note, he is reasonably clear on that topic - here, say:
we are here arabs,
we are not black
we are causasians, just like the middle east arabs
we speak arabic, and we have an arabic culture
we also share the same relegion
and we once were all united
that's why we(arabs) wish that day come again
i don't expect you can understand it, like, when for example, someone from tunisia or other arab country, hates israeil, and you say, why do you hate it? it didnt invade your country or something, yet, it didn it invaded palastine, that's also my ountry, any arab country is my country, this just an example, don't open a discussion about it
in which he appears to have no clue as to my attitudes and so forth, but is plainspoken about his own.
Best check that with the French, Danes, and Swiss - and the Canadians. Or try the Russians - same race, same religion, etc. But the reasoning seems to be different.

Security council? NATO? EU? So tell us, since you know it, what is it that binds Americans to Europe, Canada, Australia? Rather than Mexico, Brazil, Cuba?

Shadow's topic - just noting.

Noting what? That he thinks most Arab countries would have a better future with a union? Shock and awe indeed.

I'm just taking his word for stuff. As you note, he is reasonably clear on that topic - here, say: in which he appears to have no clue as to my attitudes and so forth, but is plainspoken about his own.

Yes he is entirely plainspoken and very clear. All he lacks is people with a clue about where he comes from.
SAM said:
Security council? NATO? EU? So tell us, since you know it, what is it that binds Americans to Europe, Canada, Australia?
We have fought full scale wars against half of Europe, minor wars with Canada; you have overlooked Russia again, and so forth.
SAM said:
That he thinks most Arab countries would have a better future with a union? Shock and awe indeed.
That's not his expressed reasoning. Like you he is not bound by the Western lines on the map. Refer.
SAM said:
Yes he is entirely plainspoken and very clear. All he lacks is people with a clue about where he comes from.
People who identify with others of their self-identified and semi-mythical race and religion, regardless of character, "hospitality", tolerance, or even basic decency in certain obvious instances, are not mysterious. Where they are coming from is not some strange and alien viewpoint.

Neither is, to bring it around, the treatment of women meted out by so many of those "Arabs" with their "common religion" whose union will be of so great a benefit to - to whom, exactly? Tunisians? The non-black Tunisians? The non-black male Arab Tunisians?

i think you didnt really get me, i meant, the priority for me, is a union,with arabs, then, the union with others.
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It is simply better for the heart and soul. We get much more good out of the prayer the way it is: men and women segregated. If you have never felt God's presence then I pray that He guides you to His path and to His light.

God's not real. You're wasting your life worshipping air. :cool:
Noting what? That he thinks most Arab countries would have a better future with a union? Shock and awe indeed.

well, without union most of us would have a good future, but defferently not all, some are heading into desaster, like egypte, it's heading into a disaster, inless it start to fix it's situation from now, by 2017, it will run out of oil and gas, and it will have an economic collaspe. anyway, by an arab union, that may not happen, and by an arab union, and with the good exprisences of many arab countries in the education and health domains, and others, like tunisia for example, and others too, all the union country would have a very very good future, but, no union, i'm affraid some countries will have big problems, but, who knows, you can't really predict all,because as you know, things happens all the time and you don't predict it :p
It is Eastern culture. People are expected to speak their own language, wear their customary clothes and live according to their own customs and traditions. In Western society, every one has to be the same. That is called freedom of expression.:p

In Charlie Wilson's War there is a funny dialogue by a Pakistani where he says "we have never objected to your underdressed women, it is you who complain about our women being overdressed"

Thats a good way to put it

This is where the east is very positive and the west very negative.
People who identify with others of their self-identified and semi-mythical race and religion, regardless of character, "hospitality", tolerance, or even basic decency in certain obvious instances, are not mysterious. Where they are coming from is not some strange and alien viewpoint.

Neither is, to bring it around, the treatment of women meted out by so many of those "Arabs" with their "common religion" whose union will be of so great a benefit to - to whom, exactly? Tunisians? The non-black Tunisians? The non-black male Arab Tunisians?

you still can't get it, we are all arabs, but before i'm an arab, i'm a tunisian, i'm a tunisian first, then i'm an arab, and yes i'm very pround of being muslim, just a ps: we're not black here.. anyway,
as for a maghreb union, it's a certin thing for a stronger economy to compet the worldwide, and it's a fact, and happening, the maghreb union, is coming sooner or later, go search google about that, and check this link: http://sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=103623
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God's not real. You're wasting your life worshipping air. :cool:

a question
can you accept divercity?
can you accept the freedome of beleif and thinking?
i mean, what's your problem anyway, god to you don't exist, god to me, exist, end of discussion, nothing complexed about it...
i don't really think you accept on democracy and freedom of thinking and etc.. you really want to force your thoghts and ideas, so that all people don't beleive in god, for many people, beleiving in god, is what keep pushing them to live and try to live better and make things better, anyway, it's a freedome of beleif and thinking and etc... why do you keep complaining and crying about it all the time?

(oh damn, i'm so sorry willnever, you're on my ignore list, i shouldnt even answer you, since you are on my ignore list, means that it's useless and a waste of time to talk and discuss with some one like you, i'm so sorry again, forget that i said anything)
sorry i didnt get this one :p

"people with a clue about where he comes from"

It means that the people arguing with you know little about Arab politics or culture or even current events. Even less about Tunisia, if that is possible.

Just because they are obsessed with Islam, they feel every Arab nation and every Arab must be.

"people with a clue about where he comes from"

It means that the people arguing with you know little about Arab politics or culture or even current events. Even less about Tunisia, if that is possible.

well, i'm not interrested in politics i don't know much;, but i know facts.
anyway i don't take them seriously about this.
and i'm very sure if they come to tunisia, and try to live in it and know how people are, i'm sure they're going to change AAll their thinking, and start thinking again :p

Just because they are obsessed with Islam, they feel every Arab nation and every Arab must be.

yeah, true, but, not everyone are like that you know, i mean, this is just on sciforums, and as for europeans, mostly medeterrenian europeans, are femeliar with the maghreb, and know more about us more than americans.
If We are not Black doesn't sound like a bad infection of the race meme then I don't know what is???

Black skinned people ARE ALSO ARABS Shadow1. Geeesh, Arab is a culture not a "race".

RE: my ass
My focus is on female education. By education I mean, science. Politics, Religion, whatever, I don't care about that when it comes to educating poor less well educated people who grew up in the slums. I "personally" spent what little time I have tutoring an aboriginal woman, as an example. She's now a practicing GP and probably makes 2x what I do! I have a "faith" of my own SAM: In women to make the world a better place if given ample life opportunities. THEY will make the change, in the way they raise their children to value education, not me.
If We are not Black doesn't sound like a bad infection of the race meme then I don't know what is???

Black skinned people ARE ALSO ARABS Shadow1. Geeesh, Arab is a culture not a "race".

did i said black skinned people are not arabs? i just said, not all north africans are black, and magrebians and egyptians aren't black, but effcorse i mean mostly , anyway, i don't really think the colour maters, the mind is what matters.

RE: my ass
My focus is on female education. By education I mean, science. Politics, Religion, whatever, I don't care about that when it comes to educating poor less well educated people who grew up in the slums. I "personally" spent what little time I have tutoring an aboriginal woman, as an example. She's now a practicing GP and probably makes 2x what I do! I have a "faith" of my own SAM: In women to make the world a better place if given ample life opportunities. THEY will make the change, in the way they raise their children to value education, not me.
uuuh, well, i'm not going to start another old discussion all over again, just 3 words," women...tunisia...rights...etc.."... you make the search ;)
So you're now saying some Black Africans are indeed Arabic?

Tunisia is a big step above it's neighbors that's for sure. But don't rest on your laurels, Conservative religious men who think polygamy should return and women should know their place as 1/4 a man must ever be guarded against - especially in a patriarchal religious society (where even women can be brainwashed into thinking polygamy and wearing a tent is good for them).

So you're now saying some Black Africans are indeed Arabic?

Tunisia is a big step above it's neighbors that's for sure. But don't rest on your laurels, Conservative religious men who think polygamy should return and women should know their place as 1/4 a man must ever be guarded against - especially in a patriarchal religious society (where even women can be brainwashed into thinking polygamy and wearing a tent is good for them).


yeah you're right s.a.m.
they don't know anything about it, they don't even have a clue about it ;)
well, who cares?

and i'm proud of being arab, and being muslim, and being tunisian, ok? and i'm very proud of my country, you liked it or not, and it's heading to become a developed country, so get over it dude...
SAM said:
It means that the people arguing with you know little about Arab politics or culture or even current events. Even less about Tunisia, if that is possible.

Just because they are obsessed with Islam, they feel every Arab nation and every Arab must be.
I'm just taking Shadow's word for everything he would know about, based on his self-description - i.e. I'm not assuming the kind of ignorance he displays about me represents his general state of knowledge or accuracy of expression, but instead accepting his assertions as written.

They don't seem strange at all.

For example: His claim that Church and State are separated, in a country with a State religion. The same claim, in the same language, is common among Abrahamic fundies planet wide.

Or here:
we are here arabs,
we are not black
we are causasians, just like the middle east arabs
we speak arabic, and we have an arabic culture
we also share the same relegion
and we once were all united
that's why we(arabs) wish that day come again

Why would you think such views and expressions would be strange and incomprehensible to people who don't know anything about Tunisia?
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I'm just taking Shadow's word for everything he would know about, based on his self-description - i.e. I'm not assuming the kind of ignorance he displays about me represents his general state of knowledge or accuracy of expression, but instead accepting his assertions as written.

They don't seem strange at all.

well, can you explain it more to me pleas? hehehehe
well, since it is about me, :p :D