Prove I am not the Son of God

Am I the Son of God?

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Meh, there's always some meshugenah prepared to blame me because they don't have the balls (Hitler - balls: geddit? Huh? Huh? Go on - laugh) to accept their just deserts.

I'll invite him to my new Bar and Grill. See if he's got the *Ball* to ask you himself. He'll think he is gonna be forgiven. Imagine the look on his face when uncle Stan comes back for him..Priceless. There's nothing like no hope!!
I claim to be only the second son of God after Jesus. Please explain why you don't believe me.
probably the best evidence is your posts so far on this thread

IOW clamoring after a miracles as the sole qualification (whether they are real or imagined) is a bit of a give away
I claim to be only the second son of God after Jesus. Please explain why you don't believe me.

All you fakers know I am God . The second son of god is Satan and that would be Me. Yet Pharaohs black heart was ripped from me by a Black Foot man from Browning. I gave my Black heart to a Haitian Doctor . Yeah Man he left a white rock in New York for a girl that is a writer . Now that completed the cross . Oh she is a virgin too. So there you have it . A parallel story to the Horace , Mithra, Gilgamesh, Jesus . That makes Me god , but if you want to be the son you can Spidy . It is a O.K. with God . Me. O.K. her is more proof you are not god and I am. God said to Moses " You can call Me I am" so I am is the same as saying you can call Me Me. O.K. still not convinced. Jesus said " If any one desires to come after "Me" let him deny him self and take up his cross daily and follow Me. Which Me do you think he was talking about ? There is only one Me . O.K. Jesus talks about Me a lot . Get those Bibles out and you can see for your self. Hear is another one . Who touched Me. O.K. more proof Acts 24 God who made the world and every thing in it, since he is lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made with hands. Ah Greathouse. O.K. 2 Timothy end of verse 19 and the beginning of verse 20 Let every one who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity but in a Greathouse there not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. So you see That would be Me or Mekigal the beginning of Agriculture and the end you are at right now . The end of an age
Somebody drag the pretender off stage please.
He's using up my air.
She must have been an irresistible Goddess, or else another teen-age virgin, but where would God find one of those these days?

New York City . Her Name is Lauren Tursellino and she goes by Gerty McDowell on my space . She is a virgin and not a professional virgin like a Nun either. I was born from her. Yeah man I was just an illiterate carpenter until I was born again by her. She instantaneously transformed Me into and information age dude. She is a real beauty.
One point though, God. Were the Nephilim ours or yours? Uncle Stan says he hasn't seen them around for a few milennia..have you got them?
Somebody drag the pretender off stage please.
He's using up my air.

You should listen to the song Pretender by Jackson Brown . As he sings " Say a Prayer for the pretender. Who is he singing about? Ah Me !! Mainly because I pretend you all live so you do. The one who gives life
You should listen to the song Pretender by Jackson Brown . As he sings " Say a Prayer for the pretender. Who is he singing about? Ah Me !! Mainly because I pretend you all live so you do. The one who gives life

Hi, Loucifer again. I'm recruiting for false messiahs just now. I can promise you big crowds and lots of nubiles..
One point though, God. Were the Nephilim ours or yours? Uncle Stan says he hasn't seen them around for a few milennia..have you got them?
I'm keeping that answer in my back pocket for the time being.
Ineffability, and all that. Usually expressed as "Now where did I leave those 'in(g) effable Nephilim?"

You should listen to the song Pretender by Jackson Brown . As he sings " Say a Prayer for the pretender. Who is he singing about? Ah Me !! Mainly because I pretend you all live so you do. The one who gives life
Why should I listen to it?
Where do you think he got his talent? The inspiration for the song?
Tch. Some people... :rolleyes:
O.K. I guess I will have to wash some more dead fish on to shore. Puff puff my smoke from hell . Diddly dangbe do. All for you. Woo Hoo
I'm keeping that answer in my back pocket for the time being.
Ineffability, and all that. Usually expressed as "Now where did I leave those 'in(g) effable Nephilim?"

Uncle Stan says if you give me my wings back, He'll hold back on his new plague he's been working on. Pestillence has really come out trumps on this one. We're looking for someone worthy to try it on. How are you feeling about the Zionists? They're always sucking up - but they dont really mean it. They're just scared of you..
Great, then I can forsake that other God, Dwy. I think he stole my Nephilim. Then Uncle Satan can eat my dust..I'm tired of cleaning up after him, half chewed arms and legs all over the place. He's so untidy...
Great, then I can forsake that other God, Dwy. I think he stole my Nephilim. Then Uncle Satan can eat my dust..I'm tired of cleaning up after him, half chewed arms and legs all over the place. He's so untidy...
Right on with the right on! I knew a guy that would chew his own arm . It was the strangest thing. When he would get frustrated he would right in front of you chew his arm. He had sores and scares from doing this so much and no it was not Ricky Smith either. The arm chewers brother was a child molester that would keep getting off due to technicality. He finally got his just do though. For one of the girls got hold of videos he had taken while molesting the young girls and whamo to prison he went . Still there I think and that was many years ago