Prove I am not the Son of God

Am I the Son of God?

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I'm reserving judgment at this point. I need more evidence before I can decide either way.

First, let's be clear about your claim. You are saying that you're the brother of Jesus, with the same God as father of you both?

I never understood the whole trinity thing. Can you explain exactly how you and Jesus stand in relation to God the father?

Were there any independent witnesses to these miracles? If so, could you get them to come and testify here on your behalf?

If not, what else have you got? I'd prefer some verified physical evidence, or at least testimonies from a reasonable number of reliable witnesses.

I'm actually from the same bloodline as Jesus, certain genetic markers make communication with God easier.

The trinity eludes to the basic structure of the universe. We often think that particles come in pairs, positive and negative, but actually they come in threes. The third particle isn't apparent in this dimension, but it is quantum entangled with the others and forms God's "brain". So everything that happens he experiences directly, but smaller. In order to walk among the people and experience life as a person, he has to temporarily create an extension of himself, like a tiny probe in a microscope that allows you to manipulate cells or other small objects with your fingers. This probe we call Jesus. Or Spidergoat in this case. The whole resurrection thing is no big deal, just a change in form, sending things back to the memory bank, as it were.

I'm sure you would like some physical evidence, but in modern times, people don't seem to need that. I prefer not to repeat the last performance and get lynched again, so I'm playing it anonymous. You may take me for my word or not.

No, I believe you. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
I would bless you my dear, but I already did.

Spider, do You now, that You have become a cult sensation, get lots of texts, telegrams, and e-mails from people requesting benefits? And do You grant them, giving this outside help?

P.S. Spider, next time I get near a car accident-to-be, I want Your "God's Will" to let me through, killing the poor sap behind me instead.
Such things are not important in the scheme of things, only intention. The purpose is to create an ethical culture which can last in the heavenly dimension forever. Individual tragedy is just part of the growing pain. We should not worry about our lot in life, if you are a good person, reunion with the father will be your reward. Actually, everyone goes to heaven, it's just that some people need to be shown the error of their ways. If this is accomplished on Earth, it's far less energy intensive. You might not think God concerns himself with energy usage, but the third dimension does have a kind of ecology. After all, we have to accommodate other alien species and there are a limited number of black holes to go around.

Well then they are stupid. He re-animates the bird (although he is lying) after it starts to decompose and only because it was getting uncomfortable for him. He would never posses these powers with an attitude like that.
I do minor miracles around the house just to keep in practice. I know it's ultimately futile, but it makes me happy.

probably the best evidence is your posts so far on this thread

IOW clamoring after a miracles as the sole qualification (whether they are real or imagined) is a bit of a give away
I find it's easier for people to take me seriously when I do these things. They are simple parlor tricks compared to the creativity of the infinite human mind.

Those who wish further guidance from me are instructed to purchase a talking bobble-head doll, nothing special, just the kind they make in China that says a few phrases when it's head waggles. I like the Spock one, but suit yourself. Then put it on your refrigerator and wait.
Right on with the right on! I knew a guy that would chew his own arm . It was the strangest thing. When he would get frustrated he would right in front of you chew his arm. He had sores and scares from doing this so much and no it was not Ricky Smith either. The arm chewers brother was a child molester that would keep getting off due to technicality. He finally got his just do though. For one of the girls got hold of videos he had taken while molesting the young girls and whamo to prison he went . Still there I think and that was many years ago

Well when he's dead send his soul down to me and uncle Satan, and we'll roast his eyes with red-hot pennies.
Satan is also a son of God, he is a teacher. His use of pain has been highly exaggerated in the press, it's not quite like that.
Satan is also a son of God, he is a teacher. His use of pain has been highly exaggerated in the press, it's not quite like that.

Nah Spidey, Uncle Satan is the beast alright, His mum calls him Belzebub - ain't that sweet. I'm Lucifer, the angel of light, till your dad, God accused me of a coup and sent me down here without my bloody wings. You just wait 'till the apocolypse. Death is really fired up and raring to go..
If God abhors evil, then how come Satan is allowed to exist? Hard to break a family bond?

And I do believe that Bebelina is an angel, because I want to.
I find it's easier for people to take me seriously when I do these things.
probably explains why merely being able to perform some miracle (either real or imagined) is not a credible platform for advocating one's divinity

They are simple parlor tricks compared to the creativity of the infinite human mind.
I'll say ...

Those who wish further guidance from me are instructed to purchase a talking bobble-head doll, nothing special, just the kind they make in China that says a few phrases when it's head waggles. I like the Spock one, but suit yourself. Then put it on your refrigerator and wait.
I'm not sure you understand.

If you haven't properly established your divinity, your personal instruction is no more valid than my green grocer (although even my green grocer is capable of giving better advice)
God needs Uncle Stan to keep and torment all the defective souls he sends us.
I claim to be only the second son of God after Jesus. Please explain why you don't believe me.

First you need to tell us what you can promise us. What can we hope to get by believing you are the second son of God?
What consequences await us if we don't believe you are the second son of God?
I claim to be only the second son of God after Jesus. Please explain why you don't believe me.

And secondly, I don't know of anyone who was (considered) divine who would start off with "Please explain why you don't believe me" - which makes you appear spurious.

IOW, you are letting others know that you are playing a part, and then you are asking why you're not to be taken seriously.

Of course, in an a bit perverted manner, this still makes sense, because there is a known history of examples where teachers have played similar tricks on their students in order to teach them something. However, in those known cases, there existed relationships of already existing trust between teachers and students. While you are trying to pull this off in an absence of such relationships. So why should we grant you such trust anyway?
I claim to be only the second son of God after Jesus. Please explain why you don't believe me.
Can you pinpoint the exact moment during your life that you knew in your human nature that you are a son of God. If not, it would be okay. The most important thing here is that there's a Father.
God never got married, and so He can't have a son. There's no possible Miss Perfect for Mr. Right, anyway.

Unless there was paternity and maternity for all eternity.

marry never had sex yet had jesus.. this proves even abstinence isnt 100% effective
Defective? Meaning poor craftsmanship? God is a bungler and a bumbler?

Yet another paradox.

I've always thought God was a bungler, that's why we were gonna take over heaven. If the souls weren't defective God would want them, leaving none for me and uncle Stan. Imagine giving people free will. Biggest mistake ever...
I've always thought God was a bungler
Ever considered that's because I want you to think that?

Imagine giving people free will. Biggest mistake ever...
Or maybe I just gave them the belief that they have free will with no way to prove it.

Watching the arguments rage over that is better than any episode of Eastenders. ;)
Aren't we all God's children? :D
I disowned some of you.
That's already written into my will and has been checked by some really good lawyers*.

* Of course, I had to borrow these lawyers from (you know) downstairs.
I disowned some of you.
That's already written into my will and has been checked by some really good lawyers*.

* Of course, I had to borrow these lawyers from (you know) downstairs.
Yes but, disowned or not, we are still all his children.
Right? :(