Prove I am not the Son of God

Am I the Son of God?

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If Jesus could read minds or at least know when people are lying, how could he have been betrayed by Judas?

he did not read his mind . He commanded Judas to turn him in. The story is plain and clear for the reader. Only the read that believes in magical telepathy would believe he could see the future. Judas called Jesus his master and like a good little slave when Jesus said " Whose ever cup I put this piece of bead in will be the guy to turn Me in. I don't know how Jesus freaks read dat, but I know how I read it . He could of said " Slave go turn Me in Now" and Judas would say "Yes Master" Why anybody would want to be Jesus is beyond Me . You would be better off wanting to be like Me , or spidy although I think you would have more fun being Like Me . I play guitar and that my friends is more fun than even I am entitled to. Play guitar because we like to.

I know when people are lying when I look in there face. Yeah buddy people reveal the damnedest things . Can't tell you why exactly. It is like they just want to confess. Maybe they can sense I won't hold them to the fire . Na at least not for a lot of people. I can see fear on some of there faces when they tell Me intimate things about them selves. like I stomp there foot and then the squealing starts . Except I don't have to stomp there foot . Involuntary confessions of vampires. When Messiahs are like vampires . Yeah little Buddy
Clever. So for you I would need to perform miracles, such as mind reading.

Well for Me you being more like a demiurge type personality is enough for Me, but you don't seem to be a Guitar God Like Me . Yet your drawings are very impressive so you qualify . You are a craftsman in your own rite , but can you stand up to the rigor of being a millwright.
If Jesus could read minds or at least know when people are lying, how could he have been betrayed by Judas?

To fulfill God's plan, obviously.
It was not Jesus' intention to live the life of a mere man.
A mere man would try to avoid falling into the traps set by other men.
But Jesus was the Son of God, and he had aims far greater than mere men do.

(This is standard mainstream Christian doctrine.)
Originally Posted by spidergoat
If Jesus could read minds or at least know when people are lying, how could he have been betrayed by Judas?

He knew Judas was going to betray him.
