Prove I am not the Son of God

Am I the Son of God?

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I disowned some of you.
That's already written into my will and has been checked by some really good lawyers*.

* Of course, I had to borrow these lawyers from (you know) downstairs.

Of course me and Uncle Stan let Dwy borrow our lawyers. We (don't tell anyone this, but..) get on fine really. Can you imagine the fireworks if we had a proper row? I know I'm evil and all, but it's a dirty job, and somebody has to do it..What would be heaven be without hell, nobody would appreciate it, and God (Dwy) would be sad. Now you wouldn't want God to be sad now would you? My evil makes God happy..
Answer No. 3:
I already found my God, thank you very much, your services are not required.
I know. You are not my concern.

First you need to tell us what you can promise us. What can we hope to get by believing you are the second son of God?
What consequences await us if we don't believe you are the second son of God?
Everlasting life with no nasty remedial action to teach you where you went wrong.

And secondly, I don't know of anyone who was (considered) divine who would start off with "Please explain why you don't believe me" - which makes you appear spurious.

IOW, you are letting others know that you are playing a part, and then you are asking why you're not to be taken seriously.

Of course, in an a bit perverted manner, this still makes sense, because there is a known history of examples where teachers have played similar tricks on their students in order to teach them something. However, in those known cases, there existed relationships of already existing trust between teachers and students. While you are trying to pull this off in an absence of such relationships. So why should we grant you such trust anyway?
My purpose is to find out what makes a messenger from God credible.

Can you pinpoint the exact moment during your life that you knew in your human nature that you are a son of God. If not, it would be okay. The most important thing here is that there's a Father.
I never figured out how come there aren't lots of little lucifers running around here in hell..We certainly have plenty of harlots. Hey God, are you and uncle Stan related? I wondered if me and Spidey might be cousins..?
OK, I won't keep you guys in suspense any longer. I'm an actually not the Son of God in the sense that Christians understand it. But if God represents a pantheistic conception of the universe as a whole and it's tendency to form coherent patterns, then we are all sons and daughters of that process.

Anyway, what have we learned here about how the religious determine legitimacy or truth?
Anyway, what have we learned here about how the religious determine legitimacy or truth?

I've learned you haven't got a clue, which is why are atheist.
I've learned that you don't have a choice but to be atheist.
I';ve learned that even if you were to call yourself theist, you'd still be atheist.
I've learned that to be a theist, one has to be a theist.

I wonder how (and why) Jan thinks that he has a choice and Spidergoat doesn't?
Some double-think going on there, possibly.
Any explanation of this strange dichotomy would be appreciated.
I've learned you haven't got a clue, which is why are atheist.
I've learned that you don't have a choice but to be atheist.
I';ve learned that even if you were to call yourself theist, you'd still be atheist.
I've learned that to be a theist, one has to be a theist.


My bad, replace ''atheist'' with ''anti-Godists

I wonder how (and why) Jan thinks that he has a choice and Spidergoat doesn't?
Some double-think going on there, possibly.
Any explanation of this strange dichotomy would be appreciated.

If, as he claims, Jan has a choice he doesn't really believe. He's just pretending to believe because he wants to.