prophecy revelation for jpappl

i really don't see where you get off making demands of me. i don't give a shit about that, and i know that god gives me the info i need and doesn't give me the info i don't need. i told you before and i'll repeat myself once more, but that's it...if god wanted to give me a message regarding 666 he would have.

"ill give you three days" ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...that's funny.

I doubt God wanted you to do anything. You posted the Prophecy and a question has come up. I recognize you're weaseling.
Aren't there rules about an OP posting a thread and having to answer questions pertaining to the threads content?
aren't there rules about an op posting a thread and having to answer questions pertaining to the threads content?

not if i don't know the answer you fucking idiot. "i don't know" is the answer. Now get off my nuts!
not if i don't know the answer you fucking idiot. "i don't know" is the answer. Now get off my nuts!

If you're in communications with this God then get an answer. You swear at me one more time Lori and I'm going to complain to admin.
You are being rude.

Thats your opinion. Who is it that wants everybody here to believe she's got some unique relationship that no other person has with a deity.

The rules for this forum are real and anybody can pin another person down when in violation of the rules.

To you rude is insisting a rule be upheld.
not if i don't know the answer you fucking idiot. "i don't know" is the answer. Now get off my nuts!

hey wench (or are you a man? (got nuts?))

you are the fool who posted this

the mark of the beast being a genetic manipulation, similar to the fall of man in the garden, that would bring about the eternal life of the flesh (in the fallen state that it exists now), and at the same time, cut off all communion with god via the holy spirit. as the fall of man (when sin entered the flesh) hindered or veiled this communion, the mark would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak, completely severing it. thereby trapping the individual in an inescapable hell (their body), caught up in cataclysmic, apocalyptic earth changes. these changes being one of the arguements in favor of taking the mark.. .to be able to survive and enter a new age.

that is why, these people are returning to that idea

you claimed GOD told you about the MARK (which is supposedly the 666)

the reason you cannot deal with the inquiry is you don't care about the people, nor what you 'witness'.

all you care about is people believing YOU!

can i post "FU lori"?

You have no right to impose such (crap) to existence for the needs/desires of your SELF!

If your god cannot enable each truth and the knowledge of; then you lost in space (of your own mind).

You are the third women in less than a year that has told me they know about the 666, the end times and it was from CoTA, Thoth and now 'the hammer' by you (all god type contacts)
Thats your opinion. Who is it that wants everybody here to believe she's got some unique relationship that no other person has with a deity.

The rules for this forum are real and anybody can pin another person down when in violation of the rules.

To you rude is insisting a rule be upheld.

She said she didn't recieve any information about that specific aspect of the Bible. Your implication is that if she doesn't know everything, she knows nothing. This is the same fallacy that religious people use with regard to evolution. They say, "Oh yeah, you think evolution is correct? Then where is the fossil that shows X?".
hey wench (or are you a man? (got nuts?))

you are the fool who posted this

the mark of the beast being a genetic manipulation, similar to the fall of man in the garden, that would bring about the eternal life of the flesh (in the fallen state that it exists now), and at the same time, cut off all communion with god via the holy spirit. as the fall of man (when sin entered the flesh) hindered or veiled this communion, the mark would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak, completely severing it. thereby trapping the individual in an inescapable hell (their body), caught up in cataclysmic, apocalyptic earth changes. these changes being one of the arguements in favor of taking the mark.. .to be able to survive and enter a new age.

that is why, these people are returning to that idea

you claimed GOD told you about the MARK (which is supposedly the 666)

the reason you cannot deal with the inquiry is you don't care about the people, nor what you 'witness'.

all you care about is people believing YOU!

can i post "FU lori"?

You have no right to impose such (crap) to existence for the needs/desires of your SELF!

If your god cannot enable each truth and the knowledge of; then you lost in space (of your own mind).

You are the third women in less than a year that has told me they know about the 666, the end times and it was from CoTA, Thoth and now 'the hammer' by you (all god type contacts)

i posted what i WAS told, and not what i WAS NOT told. i'm not going to pull some answer out of my ass that i don't have, and i don't have it. regardless of the font of your quotes, or repetitive, harrassing, and rude brow-beatings.
She said she didn't recieve any information about that specific aspect of the Bible. Your implication is that if she doesn't know everything, she knows nothing. This is the same fallacy that religious people use with regard to evolution. They say, "Oh yeah, you think evolution is correct? Then where is the fossil that shows X?".

A lot of Lori's Prophecy can't be found in the bible and came from her own mind. She claiming God told her. Lori claims she talks to God and God talks to her. It isn't to much to expect that when she is conversing with God to get an answer to my question. Also, I'm insisting she answer my question or take back her claims.
as a side are we going to solve all the world's problems? well, if we all would learn what bishadi knows, and talk the way he talks, then we could all be assholes! lol...
A lot of Lori's Prophecy can't be found in the bible and came from her own mind. She claiming God told her. Lori claims she talks to God and God talks to her. It isn't to much to expect that when she is conversing with God to get an answer to my question. Also, I'm insisting she answer my question or take back her claims.

the fact that you're insisting anything is either hilarious or very disturbing. i do know that the repetition of insisting after i've already answered you many times, IS in fact very disturbing.
those numbers are letters. names are letters, NOT numbers. who is lying to you?

The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, relating to the figure of "The Beast". The number is 666 in most manuscripts of the New Testament, and in modern translations and critical editions of the Greek text. Although Irenaeus (second century) reported several scribal errors of the number, there is still doubt by some theologians about the original reading, as some recently discovered third century early manuscripts of Revelation read 616. This topic is a source of contention for many church groups and theologians.[1] Most scholars contend that the number 666 is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero.