prophecy revelation for jpappl

look at it like this:

0= disbelief

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

my position is 5. i dont know what you mean by deities though, i am Agnostic.
but i am not saying anything negative except to point out that you, jpapple and Bishadi are badgering.

Excuse me. How in the hell do you read my posts to Lori as badgering. I am asking legitimate questions and making appropriate comments. And it is not my intent to embarrass or demean her in anyway.

The reality is that I have spent the energy trying to see if what she is experiencing is more prosaic in nature.

So please provide an instance where I did what you claim.
look at it like this:

0= disbelief

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

my position is 5. i don't know what you mean by deities though, i am Agnostic.

Do you mean by " agnostic " you are neither convinced there is a god nor you are not convinced ?. Different people see this word in different ways.

Ok, firstly you are now asking that we believe in aliens as well as god.

So, I guess my first question would be didn't god create the aliens ?

If god is indeed to be god, then yes.

Secondly, the revelation and what it means is filled with so much interpretation from you it's I dare say purposely vague. I am not saying your making it up, but if god came to anyone and revealed these things. I would imagine it would be pretty damn clear. It's not.

You are left to interpret almost everything and therefore it's just a matter of time before you can fit enough of the pieces together to make it appear real.

Your reason for this is that you are to search for the answers, but it is more likely that there are no answers, only pieces of a puzzle that has no meaning.

I did offer up some interpretation and speculation, but the messages themselves were very specific and clear.

I've come to realize through experience that its not up to interpretation, but up to fruition, and god will make it clear that way.

I was explaining to enmos in another thread that people think I had these experiences because I was crazy, but the truth is I was quite sane when I had them, it was trying to figure out what it all meant that drove me insane. So I've learned the hard way not to try to do that anymore.

If it were truly from god, and the whole of humankind depended on getting it right it would be so perfected and complete and precise so that you don't screw it up.

God doesn't screw anything up. All will be revealed in time through fruition. This is not something I'm doing. God is doing this. I am just a vehicle. My experience is just a piece of a puzzle that god will solve, and it will be clear to those who look.

Here from Spider:

Is what I feel is happening and it is not that your making it up, it's that you have delved into all of these areas and maybe had some kind of epiphany by putting this and that together and now you feel you know. And now you are just looking for the pieces that fit, ignoring any that don't.

These messages were very specific and clear. Any interpretation I have of them is probably wrong or at least incomplete. To think that I somehow deducted this?! Its impossible. I wasn't looking to. When god told me to put the letter down and read my bible that was the first time I opened it up in years. The chosen lady? I don't even think I had ever read that scripture before. And since found out nobody even knows who she is! Never heard a sermon about it, nothing. A tree? Me? I never even thought of the tree of life in terms of birth, or humanity. This shit made my head explode! I've given up believing that its up to me to figure it out. At first it seemed like life or death that I did. Trying to reconcile this with my life, intellectually, damn near destroyed me.

God will continue to use me just as he has, because I've offered my life to him. God will lead all of us down a path unforseen, and his will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Now, I don't have a care in the world.

Yes they would. They have done that in the past for merely suggesting that there may be life outside of earth.

Well you could the question is did you and why. And I am not suggesting you are lying or being deceitful, I asked awhile back if there was anything else that this could be and I still believe that there is.

You have accepted this and the belief is now engrained and it is very difficult to get yourself out of it and disengage from it.

For years I was convinced we were being visited by ET's, the more I delved into it the more I questioned it the more I found that we just don't know. I feel far less confident about it now than years ago.

Doesn't mean that it hasn't happened or is happening, but there is not the type of evidence to say yes it is for sure.

If you want to discuss that possibility I could show you some stuff that at first you would say there is only one thing that could be, but upon greater scrutiny it falls apart.

Ultimately you come to realize that even if they were visiting us, they would do everything they could to make sure we are not made aware of them.

I will read it again and let you know if I might have some more questions. Still a little busy.

And again thanks for sharing I know you opened up yourself to everyone and that takes guts.

If someone woulf have told me right before this happened, that it was going to happen, I could have never imagined it could be true. Even with answered prayers, even with hearing gods voice, even with ensuing epiphanies that changed me and my life forever, there is no way in hell I could have expected this. This revelation and the experiences surrounding it blew my brain and my life apart and it has taken me years to put them back together. But I swear that those experiences are as real and as meaningful today as they were back then. Even moreso now as I have learned a lot about myself and life while putting them back together, and a lot about god too.
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“ Originally Posted by jpappl

Ok, firstly you are now asking that we believe in aliens as well as god.

So, I guess my first question would be didn't god create the aliens ? ”

If god is indeed to be god, then yes.

Ok, so if god created the aliens he can destroy them, problem solved.

I did offer up some interpretation and speculation, but the messages themselves were very specific and clear.

The messages were very specific but they had no meaning and so they are not clear, this is why you tried so hard to interpret them, like you said, almost guaranteed to be wrong or at least not correct.

I am suggesting that these are not messages from god, but within you based on you thinking so hard about the world and trying to make sense of it all. That is when I had my anxiety attack, we talked about this before, but maybe you had something similar to an attack that felt out of body and these messages started coming out of nowhere.

I've come to realize through experience that its not up to interpretation, but up to fruition, and god will make it clear that way.

I was explaining to enmos in another thread that people think I had these experiences because I was crazy, but the truth is I was quite sane when I had them, it was trying to figure out what it all meant that drove me insane. So I've learned the hard way not to try to do that anymore.

Right, becuase it apparently doesn't matter if you figure it out. If it's gods will, it's going to happen with you or without you.

So, why does he bother you ? Why use you ? why make your life complicated over something god and only god has control over ?

God doesn't screw anything up. All will be revealed in time through fruition. This is not something I'm doing. God is doing this. I am just a vehicle. My experience is just a piece of a puzzle that god will solve, and it will be clear to those who look.

God doesn't. But you could, if you misinterpret what he said. That is why I said.

"If it were truly from god, and the whole of humankind depended on getting it right it would be so perfected and complete and precise so that you don't screw it up"

We don't need to look, we don't need to do anything because apparently there is nothing to do, it will come to fruition with or with you or me. Correct ?

By the way, once when I was really digging into the whole alien and ufo world and I was thinking about why or why not they would ever come to visit us. I was looking at all this artwork from the past that had interesting images and it hit me like a ton of bricks and I had this overwhelming feeling.

They have been here before, they will be back, not to harm us but to save us.

All created in my mind, with no evidence to support the idea, including no evidence that I would bet my life on to say they have ever been here.

Check these out.

It could be happening because you just care so much that you punished yourself, putting the weight of the world on your shoulders.
They have been here before, they will be back, not to harm us but to save us.

All created in my mind, with no evidence to support the idea, including no evidence that I would bet my life on to say they have ever been here.

we are the aliens here :)
IMO, this thread is an attempt to use scare tactics. I don’t care for scare tactics but I can apply. :eek:

A lot of Lori’s prophecy is adding to the things written in revelations.
Concerning this thread and for those that believe. This is what the book of revelations says.

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. :mufc:

Revelation 22:18-19 (New International Version)

Since I don't believe, I have no problem. But for those that do believe the curse becomes a problem.
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They have been here before, they will be back, not to harm us but to save us.

All created in my mind, with no evidence to support the idea, including no evidence that I would bet my life on to say they have ever been here.

we are the aliens here :)

"All this has happened before, and it will happen again."

and you reduce this all down to imagination and coincedence?

see, that's the kind of shit that i think is nuts. no offense man, but really...

well it could be subconscious. one other thing that did happen was as they were pulling me down the kept chanting AMY...AMY...AMY. actually sounded like aim-eee to me at the time but now i suppose it was just Amy going after me. And as ome may know amy is #58.
well it could be subconscious. one other thing that did happen was as they were pulling me down the kept chanting AMY...AMY...AMY. actually sounded like aim-eee to me at the time but now i suppose it was just Amy going after me. And as ome may know amy is #58.

what does #58 mean?
i am sorry, that part i made up. but when i had an episode of sleep paralysis i felt hands on my leg and pulling me. after tht i woke up and was thinking about it and the name amy popped into my head. but that was just one of those things. purely coincidental.

i really think it is normal and no supernatural relevance. but this is something that is still being studied so there is only so much i can explain. i read other peoples experiences on the internet and that confirmed it for me. it is still pretty interesting. i think we enhance these things by stuff we read about or movies we see and there is the subconscious ascpect of it.
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. :mufc:

Revelation 22:18-19 (New International Version)

Since I don't believe, I have no problem. But for those that do believe the curse becomes a problem.

I was waiting until someone said this, kudos to you.


You have been through the mill by the sounds of it, and you have showed great courage opening up like this.

If you believe in God then you should know that he has everything under control in anyway, no worries.

I would concentrate on your life with your dream guy and live happily ever after before this drives you insane again.

Just my opinion.
I was waiting until someone said this, kudos to you.


You have been through the mill by the sounds of it, and you have showed great courage opening up like this.

If you believe in God then you should know that he has everything under control in anyway, no worries.

I would concentrate on your life with your dream guy and live happily ever after before this drives you insane again.

Just my opinion.

thank you for the well wishes, and that is what i'm planning to do. i don't really expect that i'll be immune to strange experiences going forward, but i do know that i'll never be driven batty by them again. like i said, i learned a lot about myself going through this, and i'm glad i did. it actually developed me personally quite a bit. like a crash course in me. now i feel invincible no matter what i might have to face in the future. i feel peace and strength i never had before. i feel like all my fear was beaten out of me, and i had to learn to stand up for myself, and to love myself, and to trust god completely.
Lori, I copied this from another website.

"God did not talk to you last night

You can kid yourself and your choir all you like. We both know it didn't happen." :D