prophecy revelation for jpappl

Human society and humans themselves have "flaws" that are not shared with other animals due to our rapid evolution and the rise of intelligence. We are only about 10,000 years from a hunter-gatherer existence, and we have not biologically adapted to the new conditions. We may never adapt, since it changes so fast. This is what gives rise to the idea of a fall.
why don't you believe that?
why don't we live in a perfect world then?
According to what ideology ?
The world just is what it is. One could say it's perfect in that sense.

why is there sickness, suffering, and death?
Because of pathogens, circumstances and people. And overpopulation.

why is there abuse?
Because of people, both directly and indirectly. And overpopulation.

why is there so much loneliness in an over populated world?
Because of the nature of people and their artificial environment. And overpopulation.

why don't you believe in the possibility of change? of something better?
I believe there can be changes made, but I also believe that because of the nature of humanity that will either never happen or it will happen too late.

of something perfect?
Perfect ? According to what ideology ?

do you believe that one day we could genetically get rid of breast cancer?
Perhaps. I don't see the relevance.

you know scientists are working on this very thing right now don't you?
yeah, i said science.
So ? You're still talking about breast-cancer, right ?

i don't know about other animals. but i sure as hell know about myself. and i've got the balls to admit it.
Wait a minute... You make something up and then proceed to say that at least you have the balls to admit what you just made up yourself ?
Thereby insinuating that anyone that doesn't agree with you must have no balls.. ? Wtf?
why don't we live in a perfect world then?
why is there sickness, suffering, and death?
why is there abuse?
why is there so much loneliness in an over populated world?

Your god created this world, ask him.

why don't you believe in the possibility of change? of something better?
of something perfect?

Too many people still believe in god for any of that to happen.

do you believe that one day we could genetically get rid of breast cancer?

Wouldn't that be going against gods creations?

you know scientists are working on this very thing right now don't you?
yeah, i said science.

Those scientists will burn for an eternity for their blasphemous insolence.

Ok, firstly you are now asking that we believe in aliens as well as god.

So, I guess my first question would be didn't god create the aliens ?

Secondly, the revelation and what it means is filled with so much interpretation from you it's I dare say purposely vague. I am not saying your making it up, but if god came to anyone and revealed these things. I would imagine it would be pretty damn clear. It's not.

You are left to interpret almost everything and therefore it's just a matter of time before you can fit enough of the pieces together to make it appear real.

Your reason for this is that you are to search for the answers, but it is more likely that there are no answers, only pieces of a puzzle that has no meaning.

If it were truly from god, and the whole of humankind depended on getting it right it would be so perfected and complete and precise so that you don't screw it up.

Here from Spider:

That is a phenomenon known as selective attention. Once you adopt a faith that this wild predictive fantasy is true, everything that contradicts it will be ignored, and anything can be interpreted as aligning with it gets your attention, even when it requires a high degree of creative interpretation. This is actually a pretty common logical error in science and other fields.

The same thing happens to baseball players. One time they rub their hat in some way and hit a homerun. Thereafter, they always rub their hat and when they don't hit a home run, they ignore it or rationalize it, when they do, it becomes confirmation of their erroneous assumption.

Is what I feel is happening and it is not that your making it up, it's that you have delved into all of these areas and maybe had some kind of epiphany by putting this and that together and now you feel you know. And now you are just looking for the pieces that fit, ignoring any that don't.

my point is, that if and when i relate these experiences and revelations to religious people, they are either led to want to pray for me, or burn me at the stake, or possibly pray for me as they burn me at the stake (you know how they can be).

Yes they would. They have done that in the past for merely suggesting that there may be life outside of earth.

my point is jpappl, that i in no way shape or form, read these scriptures, and deducted interpretations the likes of these intellectually. and that should be rather obvious. i couldn't have made some shit up like this in a million years.

Well you could the question is did you and why. And I am not suggesting you are lying or being deceitful, I asked awhile back if there was anything else that this could be and I still believe that there is.

You have accepted this and the belief is now engrained and it is very difficult to get yourself out of it and disengage from it.

For years I was convinced we were being visited by ET's, the more I delved into it the more I questioned it the more I found that we just don't know. I feel far less confident about it now than years ago.

Doesn't mean that it hasn't happened or is happening, but there is not the type of evidence to say yes it is for sure.

If you want to discuss that possibility I could show you some stuff that at first you would say there is only one thing that could be, but upon greater scrutiny it falls apart.

Ultimately you come to realize that even if they were visiting us, they would do everything they could to make sure we are not made aware of them.

I will read it again and let you know if I might have some more questions. Still a little busy.

And again thanks for sharing I know you opened up yourself to everyone and that takes guts.
jpappl, - sorry wrong guy,

to Enmos
I received your PM and sent you an answer. Did you get my reply? Check out post #51
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Ok, so lets just look at this part.

this is what the spirit told me...

that i was the woman in the story of the woman and the dragon.
that i was also the chosen lady in 2 john.
that i was the tree of life written in the last section of the book of revelation.
that the aliens were the locusts that are discussed in the book of revelation.

The first three are you placing yourself in a position of great power, yet everything is so vague that you can only interpret but not really know. They are also using a religious text to verify or again interpret the meaning which is vague itself, so how can you find any meaning from it.

And I want to point out that it or god is picking a religion to connect with you via the bible, you claimed god wasn't religious and I would expect it not to be, but it is using it as a reference. That is very odd indeed and it appears either it is or you are. If it is not and if it knows how to connect with you and it's using the bible then either way this is your faith.

The fourth one however is by far the most interesting and telling that this is not a meeting with god.

People have been claiming they have met with god for thousands of years and the connection is always most relevant to the knowledge of the times. Aliens are in a sense a new myth that is current. As people start losing their belief in gods because of the absence of personal experience and facts that contradict the texts, they move on to new mythical representatives. Aliens are perfect because we suspect there are thousands or millions of species out there but they are elusive and evaded us thus far and therefore mysterious.

This connection in your mind is only available because of the time you are in, if you where contemplating all these things 100 years ago it would become something different yet similar.

And would not include aliens.

The aliens are the locusts sounds like your envisioning them like in the movie alien. What makes you think that an alien species that could travel here also made by god apparently would look like us at all, have hair etc. They could be a million years more advanced than we are, they might have already been here and realized they should not intrude.

The funny thing is that you seem quite sure they have visited before, so then are they the same as the locusts you envision ? Where was the mass landing, or any landing for that matter.

first, regarding the aliens, i don't have a bible in front of me here at work, but they are described as being unleashed from the earth (the inside of it perhaps), and they have hair like that of a woman, and are allowed to injure mankind with the sting like that of a scorpion. i believe it says they are not allowed to injure a man's body. but if you look up the scorpion sting, it is paralyzing and disorienting, sometimes euphoric. it's actually sold as a recreational drug in western states.

this sting is the mark of the beast. it says in the bible that in the last days, men will seek death and not find it. this is why.

on a personal note, it is my opinion that there is absolutely nothing, short of a mass landing, that would or could ever bring about a worldwide loss of sovereignty, and the establishment of a worldwide government and religion.

So this is your armeggedon. Aliens mass landing and turning us into robots for the government and religion.

A religion that would worship what ? or Whom ?

So look back at what you are putting in the puzzle and see if it makes sense and whether you find pieces that fit and don't forget to also consider the pieces that don't fit. It should be perfect, I mean we are talking about erasing our sin, it should be without error. IMO.

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I get what I say Lori. Without an answer to my question this thread is dead along with your beliefs.

because i didn't receive a message about the meaning of 666, then the thread is dead?

excuse me, but the thread happens to pertain to all of the messages i DID receive.

if you want to start a thread about 666, then go right ahead.
because i didn't receive a message about the meaning of 666, then the thread is dead?

excuse me, but the thread happens to pertain to all of the messages i DID receive.

if you want to start a thread about 666, then go right ahead.

I'll give you three days. Supposedly, God raised Jesus from the dead in three days. Seems God could do less for you within three days. If you have been communicating to a deity then surely you can get an answer to a question about the Prophecy you received. Otherwise you made up some stuff about it.
I'll give you three days. Supposedly, God raised Jesus from the dead in three days. Seems God could do less for you within three days. If you have been communicating to a deity then surely you can get an answer to a question about the Prophecy you received. Otherwise you made up some stuff about it.

i really don't see where you get off making demands of me. i don't give a shit about that, and i know that god gives me the info i need and doesn't give me the info i don't need. i told you before and i'll repeat myself once more, but that's it...if god wanted to give me a message regarding 666 he would have.

"ill give you three days" ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...that's funny.