prophecy revelation for jpappl

that is what happens. i had this my whole life and it isnt supernatural but at one time i did believe it was and that is usually what people do think because it is very traumatic. first is occurs strongest wjen a person is under stress, this can be anything but for me it was when i was moving to another state and leaving my family and when a relationship ended.

what happens when people feel they are leaving their body is just an extension of the paralysis. you start to shiver or shake like you wouldnt under normal circrumstances, it is hard to explain what happens exactly and it really feels like you are having OBE but that is only what it feels like. many people experience this though.

the only way that i knew that it was all just a physical thing is when i was able to have these experiences just by thinking about them before i went to bed. iow's if i concentrated on it then i knew for sure it would happoen within a few minutes of sleep. and people couild have told me it was normal but i would never believe them until i was able to psych myself into having them. then i knew it was normal.

did your experiences have meaning at all?

i worked with a girl once who told me that sometimes she was paralyzed while in bed, and she was being raped by something. she said it was so real she could smell it's breath. she would try and try to get away and couldn't move. when it finally broke, she said she even threw herself out of the bed and onto the floor once, with the force of her trying to escape that was let go. she was crying the whole time she told me. she was completely sane. she's a successful business woman, educated, very socially active and nice.
stop bossing me around. god damn! i posted this thread to talk about the messages i've received about prophecy. i didn't receive anything regarding the number 666. if you want to know so badly, then you get an answer.

I could cuss back but choose not to do so. Without the answer to my question this thread is as dead as your beliefs.

Edit: I get what I say, how about you?
Yes, he did. He made us.

Uh.. what?

Well, who's fault is that then ?

enmos, all of this is supposed to happen ok? we are supposed to be learning something from life. are you learning that there is something very wrong with people? inherently? all of us? can you reduce it down to things like greed, and pride, and gluttony, and envy, and sloth, and wrath. i'm forgetting one.

if offered, would you ever want to live in this flesh, and in this kind of world forever?
I could cuss back but choose not to do so. Without the answer to my question this thread is as dead as your beliefs.


i'm certainly not going to make some shit up to make you happy. :rolleyes:
enmos, all of this is supposed to happen ok? we are supposed to be learning something from life. are you learning that there is something very wrong with people? inherently? all of us? can you reduce it down to things like greed, and pride, and gluttony, and envy, and sloth, and wrath. i'm forgetting one.
It is supposed to happen ?? What..?! So God didn't fuck up but is instead a giant asshole ?
Why are we supposed to learn something ? Says who ?

if offered, would you ever want to live in this flesh, and in this kind of world forever?
No, but that has got nothing to do with your beliefs.
It is supposed to happen ?? What..?! So God didn't fuck up but is instead a giant asshole ?
Why are we supposed to learn something ? Says who ?

No, but that has got nothing to do with your beliefs.


and i already told you god's an asshole. you don't believe anything i say do you? lol
No, it has got nothing to do with your beliefs. And I can prove that to you as well, if you want. I've been saying that since long before I knew you.

and i already told you god's an asshole. you don't believe anything i say do you? lol
I believe precious little of what you say about God.. ;)
did your experiences have meaning at all?

i worked with a girl once who told me that sometimes she was paralyzed while in bed, and she was being raped by something. she said it was so real she could smell it's breath. she would try and try to get away and couldn't move. when it finally broke, she said she even threw herself out of the bed and onto the floor once, with the force of her trying to escape that was let go. she was crying the whole time she told me. she was completely sane. she's a successful business woman, educated, very socially active and nice.

i could feel things on my chest, feel things walking around me, hear things rattling like window blinds being moved cack and forth. it is scary when you feel the breeze like someone walking around you. the strangest thing happened one time though but it is best if i dont mention it. the good thing is that they no longer happen. what i think is that it really occurs when people are in their late teens to early twenties when the imagination is most active. although one time i was sleeping with my gf and she woke up and asked me if i felt people walking around us....and the answer was? OH YEAH.
even still, i attribute it to over active imagination. predisposition to experience these things, psyching yourself out, unfamiliar surroundings etc.
all this time and now Lori spills the beans :bugeye:

in another thread, jpappl inquired about revelation i've received regarding biblical prophecy. it was off topic in the thread, and i'm sure it will open up a whole new can of worms, so here goes...

about 10 years ago, i received revelation regarding the alien abduction phenomenon. that's actually why i registered here at sciforums back then. at the time, there were people out here who discussed the topic, and i felt that i needed to tell people. you can imagine how it was received. science minded and new agers alike did not not want to hear a thing about jesus.
so which is it; the prophecy, an alien abduction or to talk about jesus?

*sniff sniff*
anyway, what i was told was that the alien abduction phenomenon was actually a spiritual phenomenon, and that the alien presence would one day perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and false prophet to power, and the mark of the beast.
so you came to share, but learned something completely new and different?


the mark of the beast being a genetic manipulation, similar to the fall of man in the garden, that would bring about the eternal life of the flesh

many have asked you about this and you haven't put it together yet?

carbon 12: most all life (genetically based) is bound to this element (and 12 is the most predominant isotope) C-12 chemically defined; is of
6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons; so you're all branded now!

the birth: how about one of.... june 1966.... 6/66
perhaps 'currently' living in the desert (valley of the sun)

the mark of the beast being a genetic manipulation, similar to the fall of man in the garden, that would bring about the eternal life of the flesh
the fall of men?????

how about reading

Genesis 3:22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

perhaps it was the day (metaphorically represented) as the day consciousness began and as far as i can tell; mankind is still alive and mankind can comprehend G & E

this is what the spirit told me...

that i was the woman in the story of the woman and the dragon.
you've been talkin to the horny one Dan 7:8

that i was also the chosen lady in 2 john.
best take up the cross (understanding of light)

2 john 1:9 every one who is transgressing, and is not remaining in the teaching of the Christ, hath not God; he who is remaining in the teaching of the Christ, this one hath both the Father and the Son;

and since Jesus said Matt 16: 20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

and that John 14: 16 and I will ask the Father, and another Comforter He will give to you, that he may remain with you -- to the age;

17the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it doth not behold him, nor know him, and ye know him, because he doth remain with you, and shall be in you

that i was the tree of life written in the last section of the book of revelation.

Darwin assisted greatly in enabling the 'tree of life' to be understood which also combines with genesis .......

on the other hand, 'the book of life', could be the evolved 'truth' and all who make the book live in their gifts.

that the aliens were the locusts that are discussed in the book of revelation.
that is out of my league
No, it has got nothing to do with your beliefs. And I can prove that to you as well, if you want. I've been saying that since long before I knew you.

I believe precious little of what you say about God.. ;)

that there is sin inherent in our flesh. the equivalent of a birth defect. that can't be fixed without a cleansing. a purified sinless blood, you know like the kind jesus had. if the wages of sin is death. the riddance of it is eternal life.
If the computer comes back with the wrong answer. It will answer to me. I'm the boss and the computer knows it.

why would you bother asking when you've already said it's a nonsensical liar?
i could feel things on my chest, feel things walking around me, hear things rattling like window blinds being moved cack and forth. it is scary when you feel the breeze like someone walking around you. the strangest thing happened one time though but it is best if i dont mention it. the good thing is that they no longer happen. what i think is that it really occurs when people are in their late teens to early twenties when the imagination is most active. although one time i was sleeping with my gf and she woke up and asked me if i felt people walking around us....and the answer was? OH YEAH.

and you reduce this all down to imagination and coincedence?

see, that's the kind of shit that i think is nuts. no offense man, but really...
that there is sin inherent in our flesh. the equivalent of a birth defect. that can't be fixed without a cleansing. a purified sinless blood, you know like the kind jesus had. if the wages of sin is death. the riddance of it is eternal life.

I don't believe that.
What about the other animals ? Do they all have these birth defects ?
I don't believe that.
What about the other animals ? Do they all have these birth defects ?

why don't you believe that?
why don't we live in a perfect world then?
why is there sickness, suffering, and death?
why is there abuse?
why is there so much loneliness in an over populated world?
why don't you believe in the possibility of change? of something better?
of something perfect?
do you believe that one day we could genetically get rid of breast cancer?
you know scientists are working on this very thing right now don't you?
yeah, i said science.

i don't know about other animals. but i sure as hell know about myself. and i've got the balls to admit it.