prophecy revelation for jpappl

i am fairly certain that people who actually believe they were abducted by aliens is the result of vivd dreaming ans sleep paralysis. IF they are not made up that is.
Jesus Christ, this is the same kind of random association that typifies the schizophrenic. There is a good reason why crazy people love revelations, it's much easier to look forward to this world falling apart than to actually love your neighbor.

i love my neighbor spidergoat. don't get beligerent.
well, there's a lot of crazy talk going around these days. do you know how vast and documented the abduction phenomenon is? it's hardly ignorable. and if you research it you will find that it does often turn into some spiritually enlightening experience. which makes absolutely no sense. why would aliens have all the answers to the questions of the universe just because they are from another planet? why would they put themselves in a position of being a savior to mankind? and if this does happen, doesn't a one world government and religion seem like a likely result?

There is no verifiable physical evidence regarding these abductions. There is a good reason they are experienced by people who have been abused. During times of extreme stress the mind can generate it's own hallucinogens (DMT). Perhaps there is a latent effect that happens long after the abuse ends. In any case, there is no evidence that this happens in real life, only in people's head.
i love my neighbor spidergoat. don't get beligerent.

I'm not saying you don't, but revelations is more interesting to alot of people than the things Jesus said. Jesus didn't write it or preach anything like it.
i am fairly certain that people who actually believe they were abducted by aliens is the result of vivd dreaming ans sleep paralysis.

really? is that because you have experience with this phenomenon?

actually, my friend does attest to experiencing sleep paralysis and having vivid dreams. but she insists that her body is actually going somewhere when she's abducted. i have a real hard time believing that. shit, if all the people who claim to be abducted were actually being physically moved, we would need air traffic control to keep out of their way. i think it's a spiritual phenomenon. something happens to them spiritually while their body remains asleep or paralyzed. that's my best guess.
There is no verifiable physical evidence regarding these abductions. There is a good reason they are experienced by people who have been abused. During times of extreme stress the mind can generate it's own hallucinogens (DMT). Perhaps there is a latent effect that happens long after the abuse ends. In any case, there is no evidence that this happens in real life, only in people's head.

what about all of the documented ufo sightings that have been witnessed by masses of people at the same time, and very credible people, like the military?
Don't be modest:
"it is my belief that somehow my experience will be verified to the extent that it persuades some people to turn to christ. i think these are the children who will be born into the new kingdom"

enmos, i didn't do this to myself. i volunteered to help people and was a willing participant. that's it.

And it would all be Gods fault eventually.

yes, everything is.
anyway, what i was told was that the alien abduction phenomenon was actually a spiritual phenomenon, and that the alien presence would one day perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and false prophet to power, and the mark of the beast.

the mark of the beast being a genetic manipulation, similar to the fall of man in the garden, that would bring about the eternal life of the flesh (in the fallen state that it exists now), and at the same time, cut off all communion with god via the holy spirit. as the fall of man (when sin entered the flesh) hindered or veiled this communion, the mark would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak, completely severing it. thereby trapping the individual in an inescapable hell (their body), caught up in cataclysmic, apocalyptic earth changes. these changes being one of the arguements in favor of taking the be able to survive and enter a new age.

You're the originator of this thread and they are your words. Do you know what your talking about or not?

Again, what does the number 666 mean or represent? Get an answer, find out. Post the answer in this thread.
enmos, i didn't do this to myself. i volunteered to help people and was a willing participant. that's it.
I didn't say you did this to yourself. I'm just quoting the part where you state that because of you people are going to be born into the New Kingdom (whatever that may be).

yes, everything is.
Yes, so why should good people suffer because God fucked up ?
You're the originator of this thread and they are your words. Do you know what your talking about or not?

Again, what does the number 666 mean or represent? Get an answer, find out. Post the answer in this thread.

stop bossing me around. god damn! i posted this thread to talk about the messages i've received about prophecy. i didn't receive anything regarding the number 666. if you want to know so badly, then you get an answer.
what about all of the documented ufo sightings that have been witnessed by masses of people at the same time, and very credible people, like the military?

The "U" in ufo means unidentified. There are also numerous cases of mass hysteria. No credible evidence of aliens visiting Earth has ever been produced.
I didn't say you did this to yourself. I'm just quoting the part where you state that because of you people are going to be born into the New Kingdom (whatever that may be).

Yes, so why should good people suffer because God fucked up ?

god didn't fuck up. if people would choose to want to make the life of this fucked up flesh immortal, because they don't see anything wrong with it and nothing wrong with humanity that a few new rules and a new religion and government won't fix...if people want to put a fate like that into the hands of an alien or a man who will enslave them, then that is their choice to make.

it is extremely clear to me that there is something very wrong with all of us that a religion and a government and a rule and a lifestyle won't fix. it's sin.
really? is that because you have experience with this phenomenon?

actually, my friend does attest to experiencing sleep paralysis and having vivid dreams. but she insists that her body is actually going somewhere when she's abducted. i have a real hard time believing that. shit, if all the people who claim to be abducted were actually being physically moved, we would need air traffic control to keep out of their way. i think it's a spiritual phenomenon. something happens to them spiritually while their body remains asleep or paralyzed. that's my best guess.

that is what happens. i had this my whole life and it isnt supernatural but at one time i did believe it was and that is usually what people do think because it is very traumatic. first is occurs strongest wjen a person is under stress, this can be anything but for me it was when i was moving to another state and leaving my family and when a relationship ended.

what happens when people feel they are leaving their body is just an extension of the paralysis. you start to shiver or shake like you wouldnt under normal circrumstances, it is hard to explain what happens exactly and it really feels like you are having OBE but that is only what it feels like. many people experience this though.

the only way that i knew that it was all just a physical thing is when i was able to have these experiences just by thinking about them before i went to bed. iow's if i concentrated on it then i knew for sure it would happoen within a few minutes of sleep. and people couild have told me it was normal but i would never believe them until i was able to psych myself into having them. then i knew it was normal.
The "U" in ufo means unidentified. There are also numerous cases of mass hysteria. No credible evidence of aliens visiting Earth has ever been produced.

wow. you're assuming ALOT. and ignoring ALOT. that seems crazy to me.
god didn't fuck up.
Yes, he did. He made us.

if people would choose to want to make the life of this fucked up flesh immortal, because they don't see anything wrong with it and nothing wrong with humanity that a few new rules and a new religion and government won't fix...if people want to put a fate like that into the hands of an alien or a man who will enslave them, then that is their choice to make.
Uh.. what?

it is extremely clear to me that there is something very wrong with all of us that a religion and a government and a rule and a lifestyle won't fix. it's sin.
Well, who's fault is that then ?
wow. you're assuming ALOT. and ignoring ALOT. that seems crazy to me.

You are the one making unsupported assumptions. I'm withholding judgement until reliable evidence is produced, not a blurry video or fuzzy pic of colored lights. There are some phenomenon in the upper atmosphere that also create light.