prophecy revelation for jpappl

No, when you made an oath at me. That's a sure sign one is ready to go farther. Unless your bluffing. Were you dodging?

"go farther"...
you know, i would ask you what the hell you're talking about, but it's obvious that you're completely wacko, so just keep it to yourself. you're on ignore.
not if i don't know the answer you fucking idiot. "i don't know" is the answer. Now get off my nuts!

Here it is Lori. That oath or swear word or cuss word along with the additon of Idiot is "Ad Hominem" and clearly in violation of the forum rules. Ban is the consequences for remarks like that.
Lori, can't answer my question: what does the number 666 mean or represent? Because she is playing games with people and making fools out of anybody who believes her. God is not going to answer that question because God didn't give her the so called prophecy for jpappl in first place.

there have been other things that have happened to me that substantiate it, including other spiritual experiences, and confirmation in many forms, some of it from other human beings (whom i do not have any contact with), but they are involved in what happened to me, and understand more about it than i do.

Here is some more.

Other things that have happened that substantiate it. See these are not specifics. Substantiate what, what exactly was it substantiating and what was it that substantiated it.

This is where you can just fit pieces in to make it sound more complete. Those pieces are being sought out and not the pieces that don't seem to fit.

For example. You say that we are all tainted, that our blood is full of sin is that correct ? Please answer this so that I can move to the next one without it getting confused.

I good way of knowing whether they ( the humans whom you do not have contact with, but apparently know more about it than you do ) would be to contact them. However, what do you think are the chances that they won't know what your talking about. Are you aware that might be a possibility. If so then what ?

So then contact them and see what they say.

i know that because they are musicians and their music explains it somewhat.

Again more vague information that means nothing to anyone including yourself.

You say. " I know "

then say "because they are musicians" what does that have to do with anything.

and then "their music explains it SOMEWHAT"

Somewhat could mean anything, if is only somewhat then why are you putting so much faith in it.

So if some of the information are pieces that fit, what about all of the rest of the information that doesn't fit. What did you do with that ?

Do you see what I am saying and suggesting ?
you wanna meet up somewhere? fuck the verbal brow beating bullshit. let's go...

cool down.......

The emotion is you know he has a right to question. If anyone you Loved said something that contradicted your understanding, you would also "expect" answers to your inquiries.

What you are asking others to do is 'believe' and 'we the people' are not that kind. (and why you are on this forum too)

just like 'adam giving up a rib to make an eve'................... Lori, you need to comprehend the metaphor of the 'vision' and you are too constipated to let it all squeeze out.

let the sphincter go
but i am not saying anything negative except to point out that you, jpapple and Bishadi are badgering.

Okay, I'll take off my badgering mask. You see my posts as negative because your on the other side. I have never seen a more negative statement than the content of the OP's opening post starting this thread.