prophecy revelation for jpappl

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
How do you know they know. You haven't made contact with them. ”

because it happened to me j. how else? i need one of them to tell me about what they did to me???? i was there man!!

You know what happened to you, but you don't know they did it. Only that you think they were doing this to you.

“ Well, I would think you would want to verify. ”


Why indeed. To confirm they were involved. To make sure you are not mistaken.

they predicted what would happen to me and it did. what they would do to me and how i would react, and they did, and i did.

So in fact you did have contact with them before this happened to you. If they predicted this then you must have heard the music or seen the vids beforehand correct. Do you not see that as planting a seed.

and what that interaction would mean for them, and it has. i can see it in them.

So again, we should ask for specifics and then verify any of them with the band.

“ So basically, you have convinced yourself of these things to a point that even if they told you no, your wrong about all of it, you would just make them liars to continue the belief.

That is very interesting. ”

"convinced myself"?? lol...hon, realize that i have never needed convincing of this. it actually happened to me. there's no convincing about it. it was completely overwhelming.

I'm not referring to what has happened to you, I am referring to these others being involved. You are convinced they are involved. We can find that out.

Do you want to ?
You know what happened to you, but you don't know they did it. Only that you think they were doing this to you.

i know they did it.

Why indeed. To confirm they were involved. To make sure you are not mistaken.

hm...that never occurred to me. ;)

So in fact you did have contact with them before this happened to you. If they predicted this then you must have heard the music or seen the vids beforehand correct. Do you not see that as planting a seed.

you would consider hearing music or seeing a video contact? that's not the kind of contact i'm talking about. that stuff is interpretational. i didn't listen to any of these bands before this happened. the first time i heard afi was when this all started. i heard nin on the radio but didn't like them. they disturbed me. i didn't get it. i had never heard of 30 seconds to mars, shinedown, or him. i had heard a couple of singles by mcr, and even saw them live at warped tour, but i didn't get it. nothing made sense to me until after this happened to me. just like it doesn't make sense to you because it hasn't happened to you.

So again, we should ask for specifics and then verify any of them with the band.

hey, if you're willing to do the work...

I'm not referring to what has happened to you, I am referring to these others being involved. You are convinced they are involved. We can find that out.

Do you want to ?

go for it.

Here from the band leader.

Q-3: Have you ever received any feedback from your fans saying that they've had their own life-changing experiences at one of your shows?

That's what's really powerful about music -- people latch onto it in such an emotional way. Of course, we've had everyone from soldiers returning from Iraq saying how much the music meant to them when they were stuck in the middle of the desert and, you know, had nothing but music to escape that nightmare. When you make music, you're in really direct contact with your fans out there, so you hear all kinds of stories.

Q-8: Because of the symbolism you use in your songs, they are really open to interpretation. In doing that, are you ever afraid that your original meaning might get masked or distorted?

It doesn't really matter, I mean, it's the thing about music: Music is subjective to everyone's unique experience. You know, like, my bassist, Matt, said before, "'Stairway to Heaven' -- you tell me what that song is about and I'll tell you what it's about." It's something that I think, you know, people put their own lives into and make their own adjustments where needed and I think the incredibly beautiful thing about music is the opportunity that you have for making the soundtrack to your life with an infinite number of possibilities.

Have you ever had the chance to hear a fan's interpretation of one of your songs that touched you or impressed you?

Oh yeah. We have a very, very involved fan base; it's like a cross between Grateful Dead without the patchouli and a much, much cleaner smelling group of people, and, uh, David Bowie-esque without the transgender spandex outfit. We have a very, very passionate, dedicated fan base that really is a defining element of who 30 Seconds to Mars is. We have a giant, dysfunctional family out there that is very involved, and we've gotten all kinds of creative interpretations and all kinds of exciting artistic input from those people.

That's the beautiful thing about it. Music is the perfect voice. Its free. I've known people to say that music, or a particlar artist saved their lives. I've also known artists who say they feel inspired by god. I know that god has used art of various forms to communicate with me and the artist being inspired by who knows what.

But there are some artists that know a secret. And its ok to tell the secret because its just art.
That's the beautiful thing about it. Music is the perfect voice. Its free. I've known people to say that music, or a particlar artist saved their lives. I've also known artists who say they feel inspired by god. I know that god has used art of various forms to communicate with me and the artist being inspired by who knows what.

But there are some artists that know a secret. And its ok to tell the secret because its just art.

Ok. so lets say that god is communicating to you through them. Not sure why god would have to do that anyway, but let's say that is what is happening.

Why would they the musicians have to know. You are claiming they do. But doesn't appear that they are claiming any specific message.

So couldn't god just communicate through them without them even knowing. In other words. Just put the ideas into their head so that you get the message.

Isn't that possible ?
Interesting read the OP.

I have read things similar to this on two other occasions. That the "aliens" are not really aliens but demons masquerading in a form that modern man will find more acceptable. Also the reference to the scripture below:

Revelation 9
3 Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

That these would be aliens/demons who do not come from worlds far away but have been on earth existing under the surface of earth for many years.

I got this from two different posters in other Christian forums.

Now i do not say that i believe the interpretation but i have no doubt that Lori has been visited by intelligences that are not human in nature.

I have been pretty much totally focused on Lori's posts here for the last couple of months and i have been talking to God about Lori. Some of the things Lori has written have revealed a person after Gods own heart. I get the feeling that God has intervened in her life but that there are still things in her past that are still influencing her.

I believe she is similar to Paul in a way. That she needs the time in the wilderness after the intervention of God to come to know the difference between the messages of God and the messages that come from the other source. She has to find the borderline, to drop the deceiving input and to embrace the true input of God.

Lori to me is a work in progress.

I am looking forward to hearing more from you Lori. You are without doubt the most fascinating person i have ever seen on this forum. It is also very exciting to think that i may be for the first time seeing another follower of Jesus on this forum. I had the feeling i would never see another follower of Jesus in this place.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ok. so lets say that god is communicating to you through them. Not sure why god would have to do that anyway, but let's say that is what is happening.

Why would they the musicians have to know. You are claiming they do. But doesn't appear that they are claiming any specific message.

So couldn't god just communicate through them without them even knowing. In other words. Just put the ideas into their head so that you get the message.

Isn't that possible ?

Yes, that's what I was saying. Because its subject to interpretation, music is a great voice. Art in general is. You had your experience with it, that you chaulked up to coincedence. I had that experience 100 fold, so I couldn't.

I cried like a baby through that movie "lady in the water" because at the time I identified with her so strongly, but I don't think shamalan (what's his name?) had me in mind when he created the character.

But there are certain people who know a revelation. They are living it. And they're being brought together by their own individual spiritual experiences so they KNOW. Like a puzzle being put together. A family actually.

These men went through something (that doesn't sound pleasant) that brought them together, and somehow were led to me. I think they were with me (in spirit) to witness what I experienced, and somehow that helped them, personally, and to accomplish something good. Now I'm a piece of the puzzle too.