Objects moving inside of my house

It was more than likely Virgil Chase's Mother . I summoned her when I spoke Virgil's name on another thread. Yeah Way. When I said
"Virgil the turtle's Greathouse. That would make a Kachina move. His mother could lift objects 4 men could not move. She would say some words and pick stuff up when she needed to. More like clicks instead of words. Virgil has it in him too, he is just not quite sure how to do it yet. I a gonna go see what tribe Virgil was from again
Why would someone come into your home and move one small item.

So he would know that Saquasohuh kichina dances when Him starts to take off the mask. Virgil Chase tribe is Mandan Hidatsa Sioux and his family has the power of prayer as there gift. Red Bear was his Grandmother
Alright, we'll play this game.

What supernatural force then? Jesus? Poltergeists? Mayan spirits? Loki?

How about a temporal rip in space-time? Not spooky enough probably.

i don't really like the term supernatural. or i don't get it perhaps. if something exists then it's natural. we just don't understand everything that's natural is all.

i don't know what moved his doll, but after what i've seen happen in my own living room, vs what i've heard regarding cosmic's possible (?) explanation, i'm inclined to think that it's probably not a human messing with cosmic, at least not in any conventional way known to people like us.

i don't know what was manipulating that stationary on my coffee table that day. all i know is that i sat there and watched it happen, and i wasn't doing it. there was no one else there, that i could see anyway. there was no wind or heat or moisture or light or any force i could identify that was causing it to happen. but something was obviously causing it to happen. :shrug:
i'd love to know what cosmic would do if he was to actually witness his little doll getting turned around "all by itself". what would you do then cosmic?
Hopefully take a video.

And Lori, you're right...if it affects the natural world, then it can't be supernatural. Which would lead one to believe that all things that happen do for some explainable, natural reason.

We just don't have enough info here.
Hopefully take a video.

And Lori, you're right...if it affects the natural world, then it can't be supernatural. Which would lead one to believe that all things that happen do for some explainable, natural reason.

We just don't have enough info here.

yes. not like most people have a camera handy to anticipate something like that. i certainly did not anticipate it. and i don't own a video camera. also, at the time i'm assuming that the show was for me. it didn't cross my mind to record it for anyone else to see or even for myself. i had other things on my mind at that time like "why is this happening? how is this happening? what does it mean?", and focusing on it visually; observing it. it was amazing. i wouldn't have stopped watching it to get a video camera. no way.

so cosmic, you should set up a video camera too, in addition to the motion sensors. you may want to invest in a dime bag to stash somewhere too, in case you end up seeing something you're not entirely prepared for. it might help calm you down. ;)
so cosmic, you should set up a video camera too, in addition to the motion sensors. you may want to invest in a dime bag to stash somewhere too, in case you end up seeing something you're not entirely prepared for. it might help calm you down

As I have said, I have taken steps to make certain that whoever comes in again will be more surprised than I am. I don't get excited over little stuff, but they will most certainly get very excited when they return again. No where have I said anything about worrying about this strange thing going on , only discussing what went on in a rational way to ask if there might be another answer to what happened, but alas no one here has come up with anything new that would direct me into believing that a supernatural occurrence happened but instead only bolstered my suspicions about someone entering my house without permission.
Hopefully take a video.

And Lori, you're right...if it affects the natural world, then it can't be supernatural. Which would lead one to believe that all things that happen do for some explainable, natural reason.

We just don't have enough info here.

Vibrational resonance . It starts with movement with your finger. You send a thought down to your finger and sent it off with a kiss. The next people that picks up the thought transmission adds vibration to it. The original idea has to be viable though . So you start with a single viable thought . Convey that thought and the thought is conveyed to many if viable and that many covey to many more and exponentially the resonance occurs. Hypnoses don't hurt either . People that agree with the act will run hard with the suggestion . Yeah way . They will make it happen. That is what people do. They make things happen. I call it " Extra Natural" or natural plus natural. It is the circle of life. Dependency !!!
Well, I wish they would have come in last night. Just opening the door seems very chicken of them. I speculate they saw the device I put in and they did not want to venture in any farther. I wish they would have, they wouldn't have been here today! ;)
Well, I wish they would have come in last night. Just opening the door seems very chicken of them. I speculate they saw the device I put in and they did not want to venture in any farther. I wish they would have, they wouldn't have been here today! ;)

so you came home last night and your door was open? is the device apparent from the door?
so you came home last night and your door was open? is the device apparent from the door?

No, I woke up this AM and found the door unlocked. They didn't come in because the device would have gone off I've set up. A little strange they didn't just step into the room, just a little ways. :mad:
No, I woke up this AM and found the door unlocked. They didn't come in because the device would have gone off I've set up. A little strange they didn't just step into the room, just a little ways. :mad:

how did they see the device? if they had opened the door would the device have gone off, even if they hadn't stepped in yet?

btw, you don't have some horror movie style booby trap set up do you? nobody's going to get decapitated or impaled if they do come in are they?
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I was following this thread while I was banned, first of all you have some wierd voodoo dolls in your house which I find strange. secondly if you want to get rid of any spirits then I can remove them for you if you like and teach you how.

Master of the Jinns

I was following this thread while I was banned, first of all you have some wierd voodoo dolls in your house which I find strange. secondly if you want to get rid of any spirits then I can remove them for you if you like and teach you how.

Master of the Jinns


if you've followed the thread you know that he doesn't believe in "such things", and instead believes that some apparently masterful yet psycho neighbor is fucking with his head.

i think that sounds a little far out, like a james bond movie. i mean, unless cosmic's in the cia or a spy or something himself, i'm just not buying it.
if you've followed the thread you know that he doesn't believe in "such things", and instead believes that some apparently masterful yet psycho neighbor is fucking with his head.

i think that sounds a little far out, like a james bond movie.

Nay he just doesn't want to admit infront of the Atheists that he thinks spirits are real, one simple observation confirms this, he posted this thread in the pseudoscience sub forum ^_^. this indicates he believes it to be something of the super-natural and not of the conventional realm of "goings on".

Maybe somebody who has mastered ninpo and the art of ninjutsu broke in and changed the position of a single doll then left, we all know Shinobi love to do stuff like that :eek:

Peace be with you person of the book ^^